New Book: The Hidden Origins of Islam

Why you don't see these things is because God didn't provide an encyclopedia about the universe rather a holy book in the context of the last prophet (pbuh) and previous holy books were sent in the context of certain other prophets.
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michael, i see you ignoring my question, well, this mean you don't have an answer, hmm, interresting, very, intteresting actually. lol
Shadow1, you ramble out some may half-baked question I'm not sure which ones are serious and which are you blabbering.

Did you have a question about the coins? About the earliest copy of the Qur'an? About the lack of contemporary evidence for Mohammad (other than as a word/title)? What exactly?
hahaha, you love non sense don't you?
If you mean do I like studying why people believe in their non-sensical belief systems such as Scientology, Islam or Christianity and Judaisms yes, I find this interesting. Even more so the History of said non-sense.
also, why do you care for what i beleive?
No ones forcing you to remain on a page about some coins. Maybe you should buy a copy of the book and educate yourself a little? But, that's up to you. Don't. Read comics about falying Supermen with X-rat vision or about flying horses, moons spiting in half and talking ants :shrug:

-- I used to think that the Islamic crusades occurred against both the Persians and the Byzantine, now it seems more likely these "Islamic Crusades" didn't exist because there was no Islam at the time. The Persians possibly suffered at the hands of hordes - much like the Chinese did with the Mongolians. It's even possible, get this, that these Islamic Crusades against the Persians were actually internal, another set of Christian Crusades. Which does seem to fit with the Xian modus operandi. So, it may be that the Islamic Crusades were actually Christians... again.

-- I used to think Mohammad was a pedo, considering his marriage to a 9 year old. Now it seems more likely that this story was simply made up along with the Mohammad myth to justify Lineage Succession and Right to Rule. The age of 9 is obviously such a ridiculously young age ... no one could reasonably suggest even a 8 year old could give birth to a rival lineage. Hence, no worries about ruling lineage.

-- and much more :)
I did not say that lack of evidence is proof of absence. Sure maybe Hercules existed. And Zeus. Ooouu and maybe Mohammad did as well. Maybe the Flying Spaghetti Monster exists.

First of all, what I was talking about was the Quran... At least read what I said and respond accordingly.

At the end of day, coins from the period exist while a Qur'an doesn't.
This is PROOF that as of today's end, we have the coins and still have no Qur'an.

See, you mentioned the existence of the Quran again, not Muhammad- I wonder why you made the above remarks about Muhammad and Zeus... I'm already hitting my head on the wall to have engaged you- I knew its a fruitless venture.. Oh why!

And are you suggesting the evidence for the Quran is 'equal' to that of 'Hercules'.. You know the difference between the existence of a text vs a personality?

Peace be unto you ;)
Ah, yes, Allah's mistress Sophia - she called the Universe into being and, being a woman, carries the Wisdom of the world. Of course those particular Christians knew Sophia didn't really cut Allah's balls off - that was an allegory.

What a misleading and unbefitting allegorical remark.
Why you don't see these things is because God didn't provide an encyclopedia about the universe rather a holy book from the context of the last prophet (pbuh) and previous holy books were sent in the context of certain other prophets.
You asked my opinion. That was it. I would expect a God giving HUMANITY a "Final Revelation" to include ALL of humanity - not just copies of the myths from the people in the area, namely Christians. Chinese, Japanese, Hindu, Aboriginal, Native Americans, Aztec, Mayas, many many MANY different people inhabit Earth.

But, that's neither here not there, I don't think Gods exist so there's no rational for what they'd want to do. In essence, when your talking about Gods, you can just say they did it like this because *make up some bullshit*.

If we did pretend there is a God(s) [or Goddesses(s)] there's absolutely no reason to base a Religion around Angelic Revelation. There's nothing IN the Qur'an morally that isn't also found in a Philosophy such as Buddhism or in Religions where Angelic Revelation doesn't even exist - such as Shintoism or Native American Faiths. That also includes more modern religions dealing with moral imperatives of the day - such as The Bahai Faith.

-- If the goal is to get people to act morally, you don't need religion at all. This can and is taught in cultures all over the planet, from monotheistic to polytheistic to atheistic to non-theistic. So, THAT obviously isn't the "goal".

-- If the goal is to get people to venerate a God, you don't need religion either because you don't need free-will. Just make little robots to sing your praise. Why waste the time growing one up and brainwashing it to praise you (even making the person fear eternal damnation). So, THAT obviously isn't the "goal".

The goal is what it's always been. People controlling other People. Now, from this frame of reference reference, Gods, Last Prophets and Final Revelation all make good sense. People have been doing that game since the time of the Pharaohs... and before.
What a misleading and unbefitting allegorical remark.
Why? You may think castrating Allah is unbefitting, but, to those Christians that may be the very reason they chose to use that allegory - to get the members of their religion to think about what was really important. It should be noted they didn't believe in an actual physical Jesus either. Jesus exited in each person.

Are there ANY moral lessons, that you know of (or would think), that are taught in the Qur'an but not taught in the other religions (polytheistic Shinto, Hindu, Native American nature religions or Christianity, Judaism, Baha'i faiths or Buddhist faith)?

I'm still waiting,
Why? You may think castrating Allah is unbefitting, but, to those Christians that may be the very reason they chose to use that allegory - to get the members of their religion to think about what was really important. It should be noted they didn't believe in an actual physical Jesus either. Jesus exited in each person.

@ Michael

Allaah isn't male, female, neuter, or a body in case you didn't know.

Each person still has a gender.
-- If the goal is to get people to venerate a God, you don't need religion either because you don't need free-will. Just make little robots to sing your praise. Why waste the time growing one up and brainwashing it to praise you (even making the person fear eternal damnation). So, THAT obviously isn't the "goal".

God did create countless entities, the stars, earth, heavens everything worships Him but He also wanted to create other entities that can disobey afterall He isn't limited in His power in any way.
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Are there ANY moral lessons, that you know of (or would think), that are taught in the Qur'an but not taught in the other religions (polytheistic Shinto, Hindu, Native American nature religions or Christianity, Judaism, Baha'i faiths or Buddhist faith)?

I'm still waiting,

So you realized your stupidity and now changed the subject.... Really nice.. as expected from you...
(by the way I've already answered this question- not to mention this question is quite stupid as are most of your questions are)

So bye, I have no reason to waste my time with you :wave:

Peace be unto you ;)
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God did create countless entities, the stars, earth, heavens everything worships Him but He also wanted to create other entities that can disobey afterall He isn't limited in His power in any way.
You said God is genderless. Is it possible you could refer to God as She instead of He? Out of curiosity, would you feel comfortable with that? Obviously God doesn't mind, It doesn't have a gender at all.

If you mean do I like studying why people believe in their non-sensical belief systems such as Scientology, Islam or Christianity and Judaisms yes, I find this interesting. Even more so the History of said non-sense.

well it is, but some times you really start to talk non sense. hehehehehe ^^"

No ones forcing you to remain on a page about some coins. Maybe you should buy a copy of the book and educate yourself a little? But, that's up to you. Don't. Read comics about falying Supermen with X-rat vision or about flying horses, moons spiting in half and talking ants :shrug:
lol, no thanks, i'll leave that to you.

-- I used to think that the Islamic crusades occurred against both the Persians and the Byzantine, now it seems more likely these "Islamic Crusades" didn't exist because there was no Islam at the time. The Persians possibly suffered at the hands of hordes - much like the Chinese did with the Mongolians. It's even possible, get this, that these Islamic Crusades against the Persians were actually internal, another set of Christian Crusades. Which does seem to fit with the Xian modus operandi. So, it may be that the Islamic Crusades were actually Christians... again.
well i'm against, sorry, my point of view, and from historty books, well if you don't beleive so, well, every one have his thoghts ;)
-- I used to think Mohammad was a pedo, considering his marriage to a 9 year old. Now it seems more likely that this story was simply made up along with the Mohammad myth to justify Lineage Succession and Right to Rule. The age of 9 is obviously such a ridiculously young age ... no one could reasonably suggest even a 8 year old could give birth to a rival lineage. Hence, no worries about ruling lineage.

-- and much more :)

it is actullay s stupidity to think that god is he or she or an object or any of those things, god is greater than everything, we don't even know everything about our own planet deeps; and what about the univerce, i can say we don't know anything about it, we have theories, but we don't know everything, so how can you know that god don't exist? if you don't even know, what's even on our planet, or if we can't even create a human mind, or creat a living thing from none(not from multuplying i mean, i mean from matters, earth materials, and non-organic materials). also, you should respect other's beleifs, also, god is greater than what we can imagine, god is the ultimate, god is greaater than us, god created everything, and we are nothing in the univerce, how can you judge like that?
God did create countless entities, the stars, earth, heavens everything worships Him but He also wanted to create other entities that can disobey afterall He isn't limited in His power in any way.

Where in your holy book does it state that your god intentionally created other entities to disobey?

Your god is limited to your deluded mind. I could kick your sorry gods ass all the way to Timbuktu and there isn't a damn thing you or he could do about it. Bring it on! LOL. :bravo:

Are there ANY moral lessons, that you know of (or would think), that are taught in the Qur'an but not taught in the other religions (polytheistic Shinto, Hindu, Native American nature religions or Christianity, Judaism, Baha'i faiths or Buddhist faith)?

I'm still waiting,

meaningless question, considering we can connect any moral to another somehow and make them "say the same thing".
Where in your holy book does it state that your god intentionally created other entities to disobey?

Your god is limited to your deluded mind. I could kick your sorry gods ass all the way to Timbuktu and there isn't a damn thing you or he could do about it. Bring it on! LOL. :bravo:

I'm 100% sure it's somewhere in there but the rest of your post is irrelevant.
You said God is genderless. Is it possible you could refer to God as She instead of He? Out of curiosity, would you feel comfortable with that? Obviously God doesn't mind, It doesn't have a gender at all.

Yes, He's not only genderless, also not physical in any sense, He's not even in a location but exists. He's literally in zero dimension. Whether I feel comfortable or not isn't the point here the point is human characteristics and linguistics.
meaningless question, considering we can connect any moral to another somehow and make them "say the same thing".
Nice example of Poison The Well Fallacy.

No, it's not meaningless, although your answer is nearly so. You've just answered with a lukewarm YES.

Your answer suggests you want the Qur'an to contain a moral lesson or two not taught in the other religions BUT deep down you know that's probably not true. So better to just poison the well and not think too much about the whole thing. Thinking Critically about the Qur'an and God is Dangerous isn't it? You wouldn't want to accidentally discover the Qur'an is not morally superior and is actually pretty much no different than any other religious book. What does Perfect mean then? Better to just keep thinking it's Perfect - just to be on the safe side of delusion.