
Re: Re: Re: Re: Nephilim

Originally posted by Judas
Its funny, when you describe the things you hate about Christians
the description suits you perfectly. You are both arrogant and Ignorant. You expect me to take your serious when you open
"xians dont need to reply, i want intelligent answers"

(First of all, the topic of this thread was NOT addressed to you or other Xians. You took it upon yourself to respond to something out of your league.)

So whench.......basically what you are saying that since im
Christian my brain is unable to process information?

(Since you claim to be a Xian, your belief system is already established, so there is no room to question or doubt what you already believe. That is why I did NOT want Xians to reply to this thread. I already know what you believe, and I was not seeking the redundant Xian blabbering.)

I never go to church, so i guess that leaves out the part about me
suffering from evil mind controll techniques.

(Whether or not you go to church, you claim to be Xian. Therefore, whether or not you go into a specific building, your mind-set has illogical boundaries, and you are not open to the truths that may lie outside those boundaries.)

Second of all, I mostly keep my beliefs to myself.

(As a Xian, this is the wisest thing to do. Everyone already knows the limitations of your beliefs and no one wants to here those redundant Xian programmed tape-recordings of your mind.)

But whenever im confronted with stupid questions, i give stupid answers.

(Reminder: I did NOT confront YOU with any question. Therefore, your stupid answers reflect your limited spiritual capacity.)

You ahve prooven to be intolerant, and it appers you have some sort of trauma involving religion. If so,thats unfortunate. But please, try to keep your comments that are downgrading to yourself. You mention visiting the Vatican, im not sure if you have noted but there are other "branches" of Christianity than the type you just find there.I would advice you to educate yourself. And im not meaning academicly, but allow yourself to evolve as a a human.I dont mean you need to "find God" either.You may parole with your
title as a "medic", but that dont impress me much. And thats where you could learn something from a certain someone. His message was that all man are equal. It doesnt matter if you are a priest or a doctor, thief or a publican. Something you obviously need to realise.

(I am intolerant of Xians because of their refusal to search beyond what they've been programmed to believe by their religion. Fortunately, I found out the truth about Xianity, so there was no "trauma" involved except for the emotional "trauma" I may have experienced when I realized Xianity was based on lies and I needed to completely sever my ties and disassociate with the facade of Xianity. I am well aware of the "branches" of Xianity, and I believe they are far more corrupt than the RCC because their dogmas have been filtered and refiltered through the ages. I've been there too before I became a Catholic. It was the fanatical Baptists that led me to the source of Xianity. I didn't want a weak-soup version of Xianity, I wanted the main course. I converted, I taught catechism for more years than I even care to admit. I was a strong member of my parish, and I had the opportunity to visit Lourdes, Fatima, St. Peter's and the Vatican, and some of the major cathedrals of Europe (i.e. Chartres, the Cathedral at Reims, Notre Dame in Paris, Cathedral at Koln, some Russian Orthodox chapels, some monasteries in Germany, to name a few). So I believe I have "educated" myself in Xianity. But the one thing missing in all of these places was the Spirit of the Creator God. I sensed such emptiness within these sacred places, and I set out to understand why. I was visiting all these holy shrines to become closer and have an intimate relationship with God, when right there all along, I found my Creator within me! I was searching for God in all the WRONG places! Once I realized this, I didn't need the RCC or it's Xians, and I did "evolve" spiritually. There is no middle-man. When you really find God, you won't need a middle-man either. I freed myself from the 'establishment' that came between me and my Creator.)

(I did not get my medical education to impress anyone. I got it because I love to heal people in both body and spirit. When teaching medical students, I tell them how easy medicine really is, and they look at me like I'm from another planet! But, I tell them that medicine is easy because there is really only one disease--loss of the soul. So, when they are examining their patients, sending them for lab work and a barrage of tests, to keep in mind that each patient who comes to them has only one disease--loss of the soul--and they MUST treat that first. This is the most important medicine of all. Therefore, I call myself Medicine*Woman, not because I heal the body, but because I search to heal the soul.)

(You mention that I need to "learn something from a certain someone." and I am assuming you mean X. You may be surprised to know that I am a staunch believer in what X taught. I just believe that his teachings were recorded hundreds of years after him, that they were filtered, too. Most likely, they were made up by Paul. This makes the whole facade of Xianity unbelievable to me. It wasn't X that committed any crime, it was Paul who commandeered the writing of the Gospels. My present search is to find out what X really said and go beyond what has been "taught" for 2000 years. Xians most of all don't know X or the truth of his teachings. Again, the middle-man got in the way. If we could just do away with the middle-man and his mythological book, we could come to know X in truth and intimacy. Therefore, I choose not to be Xian. But until the day middle-man of Xianity falls, and the hearts and minds of its followers are freed from their cages, we will not be equal in mind or spirit. X never wanted to be the center of a religion. Most certainly, X didn't claim to be a savior. X had some great teachings. It's unfortunate that X was turned into a mythological superhero who saves mankind. It's just a fantasy. Xianity has been the greatest story ever sold. If you really want to learn about the teachings of X, you will need to search publications beyond church records which are based on lies. Perhaps, this is what YOU and your fellow Xians need to realize. It's not too late to learn the truth.)
Me and my fellow Ixians?

You must realise that you cannot jugde people in a group.
you referr to the fundamental baptists, what about the fundamental muslims?
Are all muslims "bad" too? Then why didnt you say
that they should bother to reply either?

your opinions is something I respect, is it too much to ask that
you show some respect in return?

Btw, I still think you should realise that claiming Christians unable
to think and reason for themselves, is highly ignorant.
Re: Re: Re: Re: Nephilim

"Second of all, I mostly keep my beliefs to myself. But whenever im confronted with stupid questions, i give stupid answers."

It seems to me that you give stupid answers quite a lot - and now I finaly realise why. Its not because you want to show us your most inteligent side, but because you always seem to get studip question! Do I understand you correctly?

Let me ask you, dude...Have you contributed anything to this thread? Where is your opinion on this Nephilim matter? Oh, that's right, you haven't offered a damn thing other than incessant whining and bitching.

You are both arrogant and Ignorant. You expect me to take your serious when you open
"xians dont need to reply, i want intelligent answers"

This thread was both stimulating and fun before you jumped all over her. Now, this thread sucks. Tell me, was she wrong in her assumption that this thread would turn to shit the second one of you Xians joined the fray? The numbers don't lie, Judas.

So whench.......basically what you are saying that since im

Right. Let's get into name-calling now. Again, you do nothing but prove her correct.

you referr to the fundamental baptists, what about the fundamental muslims?
Are all muslims "bad" too? Then why didnt you say
that they should bother to reply either?

Because they don't spout (generally) the same amount of B.S. that your kind does. They don't ignore the facts here and just say "Ahh, all Satan's work." like you people do. Face it, you haven't added a single worthwhile piece of information or stimulating discussion to this thread. Not one shred.

your opinions is something I respect

No it isn't. Don't insult her intelligence by even head-faking at such a notion. You don't give two shits what she thinks, or what any of us think, and you've proven that by your mere presence in this discussion. If you did, you would have replied on-topic.

is it too much to ask that you show some respect in return?

To whom? You? For what? Dude, this was your first post in this thread:

First of all Christians like to be referred to as C-H-R-I-S-T-I-A-N-S.
Not xians. I consider myself to be a Christian. Does that make
me less intelligent than you? I speak 5 languages, 4 of them i master. I have 12 years of school, and when i finnish my education ill have 18 years in my belt. What about you

Sounds more like a diseace.

If youre interested in intelligent discussions then perhaps you should try starting one.

We should show some respect for this? Dude, you should be banned from the board for that!

Btw, I still think you should realise that claiming Christians unable

If you were as intelligent as you claim, you'd know what she meant when she said she was looking for intelligent discussion. Think about it, your faith questionable? Did you use reason in deciding that your lord and saviour was Jesus Christ? Are you willing to sit back and take an objective look at the origins of mankind and it's purported creator?

Did you even read the article linked on this thread?

Point is, Christians never seem to objectively look at a subject, nor do they view the words through anything but their tainted eyes. They have conditioned responses, they use quotes from the Bible to argue their claims, and hardly if ever do they even look at evidences against them.

Like this thread, for example.

So if you're so damn intelligent, and able to think freely and reason, please, offer your objective, un-skewed opinion on From the Ashes of Angels.

HHmm, Andrew collins. Anyone read "Uriels Machine" by Christopher Knight and Robert Lomas, which postulates that Enochs visit to god was in Ireland, and that they have a good idea of how the neolithic yard was made up. They also talk about nephilim and an advanced race, as well as a comet impact in the Mediterranean in 3000 BC.
To each his or her own.

Originally posted by Judas
Me and my fellow Ixians?

You must realise that you cannot jugde people in a group.

(I am NOT judging anyone, because I really don't care what you believe. I'd be the first to defend your right to believe whatever it is you want to believe. All I'm saying is that Xianity has been proven to me to be a lie.)

you referr to the fundamental baptists, what about the fundamental muslims?

(I've had personally nauseating experiences with the Baptists. They, like most Xians, refuse to go beyond the limitations of what they've been told is real.)

Are all muslims "bad" too? Then why didnt you say that they should bother to reply either?

(I've only had good experiences with Muslims, and I work with lots of them. They know their stuff. They don't try to stuff their religion down your throat. They are peaceful people. I believe the Qur'an is more truthful than the Bible. Jihad means 'struggles.' All Muslims have a personal 'Jihad.' It's like when Xians say they have 'a cross to bear.' In fact, I want to learn more about Islam. They have the accurate knowledge about Jesus. It's obvious to me.)

your opinions is something I respect, is it too much to ask that
you show some respect in return?

(Like I said, I don't have anything against Xians personally. On this forum, however, the Xians just keep repeating themselves over and over and over again. They just can't delve a silly millimeter beyond what they've been programmed to say by their church. It's really difficult to have an intelligent discussion with people who limit themselves to the kind of knowledge they acquire.)

Btw, I still think you should realise that claiming Christians unable
to think and reason for themselves, is highly ignorant.

(See my previous statement. Xians' reasoning abilities are within the tight boundaries and limitations of their religious programming. They really believe what they've been told! They're afraid to look beyond their programming. They're stuck in a lie, but they don't believe it. That's how strong their programming is. They don't question out of fear, and I view this as a state of hopelessness.)
Originally posted by guthrie
HHmm, Andrew collins. Anyone read "Uriels Machine" by Christopher Knight and Robert Lomas, which postulates that Enochs visit to god was in Ireland, and that they have a good idea of how the neolithic yard was made up. They also talk about nephilim and an advanced race, as well as a comet impact in the Mediterranean in 3000 BC.

I have never heard about Andew Collins before, I just happened to find one article. Is it worth reading or is it crap. I guess he seeds some quite controversial theories...

I read Sitchin's books and was fascinated by the theory but couldnt grasp all his evidences and there are some flaws there.