

the bible brings legitimacy/reality to any discussion/situation; and where there is wisdom there is the breath of life. one day u may distinguish between dead works and living works, dead words and living words.
Hey Firingseeds. Long time no see.

the bible brings legitimacy/reality to any discussion/situation;

Nonsense. What the Bible offers in discussion is a reference point for those who question it's validity to question the believers themselves. What it offers in any given situation is another matter; depending on your intentions, the Bible can offer hope and happiness or hatred and fear. It's all how you read it, and who's doing the reading.

But as far as bringing legitimacy or reality, I don't know how you draw that conclusion. It brings discussion to reality, at least. Maybe you should tone down your conditioned responses, and open your eyes.

and where there is wisdom there is the breath of life.

Now you're a philosopher, I see. You could apply that sentance to anything in life.

one day u may distinguish between dead works and living works, dead words and living words.

Ok, first of all, it's obvious your words are not origional at all. You read or heard that somewhere and now pass it along as your own. And it's utter nonsense. You would have made just as much sense if you had said "Mustoucher Nonyack Muhlinka Mukhail." becuase I have no idea what the FUNK you're talking about. Do you even know what you're talking about?

And why must all Christians speak so cryptically? Could it be becuase they don't understand their own religion?

hahahah- u made me laugh, jdawg. without the bible as a reference point, all religious talk would be just mumbo-jumbo. as least we have a point to relate to, and relate from. don't fool yourself. u are a spirit beneath those 5 senses, and living words are like compost to a garden, or water to a tree. if your soul gets fed- beneath that thick skin- then so be it.
not all bible-bashers are sons of god, nor are all pagans sons of the dark one- handles and descriptions are for human definement.
jesus is the mighty teachings:D
cheers- nice to seeya.
hahahah- u made me laugh, jdawg.

Good to know, Seeds. At least this isn't going to be a bash-fest. I like you, you like me, let's have a fun, non-heated discussion about this! :)

without the bible as a reference point, all religious talk would be just mumbo-jumbo.

Uh, wrong. Without the Bible, the religious discussions would be about some other book inspired by God or some other God. Religion, in my belief, is a very natural occurance in evolution. If another speicies anywhere on this planet or any other reaches (or has reached) our level of intelligence, I cannot imagine how they would not at least have worshiped a god at some point. It's the Alpha-Male idea at work. A lot of speicies on the planet have a dominant male in the family, and we're no different. With the obvious exception that we are of a higher intelligence level, so our Alpha Male must be The Creator.

u are a spirit beneath those 5 senses, and living words are like compost to a garden, or water to a tree.

I can't tell you how many times I've heard that in my life. Let me tell you a little about myself and my beliefs...

My parents are relgious, especially my mother. Growing up, I attended a Catholic School, and before that I attended church functions, and was an Altar Boy for a few years. The whole time I had connections with my church, I heard the stories of the Bible, and had mixed opinions on them, but never really gave the idea of God existing much concious thought.

I just never really had an opinion one way or the other.

But when I grew up a little, I realized that despite not really NOT believing in God, I never really believed. So I guess you could say that the disbelief came naturally. Despite all the Bible studies, all the Sundays at Church, all the classes, all the time spent under the supposedly watchful eye of our Lord, I never believed he existed. And the most suprising aspect of it all was that I had never heard any arguments against his existance!

So how do you explain that? I recieved the "Living Words" my entire life, yet I never found them as water to my tree, nor food for my soul. I wasn't tainted; it was quite the opposite. My parents frequented church and spend hours in front of the TV whenever Benny Hinn or some other televangelist was on. (I happen to like Creflo Dollar)

if your soul gets fed- beneath that thick skin- then so be it.

Again, my skin is not thick to the idea of a God. I was nurtured into this world under the auspicies of a God existing, and never heard otherwise until I was into my teens. And there were no bad experiences with religion, either. I didn't mind Church, and I didn't mind a Catholic School. I enjoyed studying the Bible, but never bought into it. And it's not like I gave it much thought, either.

not all bible-bashers are sons of god, nor are all pagans sons of the dark one- handles and descriptions are for human definement.

So now The Dark One has children? Man, you guys just make stuff up as you go along, don't you? I wish I could live to see the Next Testament when it's added to the Bible in a thousand years.

jesus is the mighty teachings
cheers- nice to seeya.

Ohhh, boy. You've got a lot to learn.
Good to see you too, Firingseeds.

well, dawg-boy, i suppose i may have over-juiced my discourse somewhat slightly ( 'seeing it all broken down like so' ) but it was mainly only for impact... who's perfect? i can relate to what ya' saying- tho me growing up was somewhat different, me feigning to pretend that i didn't want to believe in jesus ( i naturally believed in god); but, really, deep-down, i was deliberately disobeying a natural truth. i knew it. ( i never even had a seed of doubt- i knew! ), this admission, keeps me on my toes,
the point to my story relates to something akin to repentence. if u have no shame in your life, then u wouldn't understand....which, in a sense, is a real blessing. and this natural goodness on your part, no way makes u any less, or any more, or me any less, or any more, than one of god's creatures.
one thing i try not to do is tell people how to lead their lives. seeya


That article was simply incredible. What a great read. He doesn't take any great leaps, nor does he fail to list evidences in many circumstances. To be completely honest, that changes my view on human history completely.

:cool: I am the master of digging up articles that noone else seem to have found that completely changes the history... hehe
No doubt, Roban. That dude really knew his stuff. Can you imagine, though? What if he's right? That we're at least as old as the end of the first Ice Age?

If this dude could reach this conclusion, why can't popular science? It pisses me off, becuase it's like we're not even looking.

From the Ashes of Angels

Originally posted by Robban
:cool: I am the master of digging up articles that noone else seem to have found that completely changes the history... hehe

Robban, I am currently reading this book, and I absolutely cannot put it down! I was especially fascinated by the description of Noah at birth! Recently, I posted that Sumerian texts should be a prerequisite to reading the Bible. This book fills in the multitude of blanks in the Bible and discounts the rest of everything in it! I recommend reading this book to glean the pre-history of the Bible. It's quite obvious that the sequence of events in the Pentateuch are not in the natural order of their occurrance. That's where the lies begin!
Originally posted by Medicine*Woman
Please, no Xians need reply. I'm looking for intelligent discussion only.

First of all Christians like to be referred to as C-H-R-I-S-T-I-A-N-S.
Not xians. I consider myself to be a Christian. Does that make
me less intelligent than you? I speak 5 languages, 4 of them i master. I have 12 years of school, and when i finnish my education ill have 18 years in my belt. What about you

Sounds more like a diseace.

If youre interested in intelligent discussions then perhaps you should try starting one.

Stupid questions gives stupid answers.
Re: Re: Nephilim

Originally posted by Judas
First of all Christians like to be referred to as C-H-R-I-S-T-I-A-N-S.
Not xians. I consider myself to be a Christian. Does that make
me less intelligent than you? I speak 5 languages, 4 of them i master. I have 12 years of school, and when i finnish my education ill have 18 years in my belt. What about you

Sounds more like a diseace.

If youre interested in intelligent discussions then perhaps you should try starting one.

Stupid questions gives stupid answers.

First of all, how do you know what "all Christians" want to be called? I'll call them whatever I like. Secondly, you're pretty damned stupid. Have you never heard of Xmas? The symbol X is an acceptable symbol for Jesus Christ according to the RCC. Furthermore, I don't care what languages you speak. You can't even spell correctly. Thirdly, if you had read the entirety of this thread, you would know that I started an intelligent discussion on nephilim. I do not care to hear what Xians have to say on the subject. I want to learn the truth, not the mind-control tactics of Xianity. Fourthly, Xianity doesn't teach about the nephilim. It's briefly mentioned in the OT.

As for my name, Medicine*Woman, you can think whatever you like, because your thoughts in 10,000 languages would not impress me. But, for your information, since you are lacking in common sense and any simulation of class, I am a licensed medical practitioner for more than 20 years now. I chose my name because in Native American legend, the Medicine Woman was not only a healer of the body but a spiritual healer as well.

I was a Xian for many years under the prevaricating influence of the RCC. It was not until I visited the Vatican and other Xian sites in Europe that I became aware of the massive lies and cover-ups and mind-control tactics of Xianity. Therefore, I do not care to hear the opinions of Xians as they are boringly redundant to my ears. The truth is not to be found among Xians. Xians are limited to the unintelligent boundaries of their false beliefs, and so, they have nothing to contribute to the pursuit of truth.

As far as you're concerned, I seriously hope English is not your first language. You're young, unlearned, and a prime example of what I find disgusting about your ignorant Xian peers.
med*wom: dont care to answer lame responses

Judas is as far as i know from norway and likes to watch cnn.

Sorry Judas, I couldnt help it
Re: Re: Re: Nephilim

Originally posted by Medicine*Woman
First of all, how do you know what "all Christians" want to be called? I'll call them whatever I like. Secondly, you're pretty damned stupid. Have you never heard of Xmas? The symbol X is an acceptable symbol for Jesus Christ according to the RCC. Furthermore, I don't care what languages you speak. You can't even spell correctly. Thirdly, if you had read the entirety of this thread, you would know that I started an intelligent discussion on nephilim. I do not care to hear what Xians have to say on the subject. I want to learn the truth, not the mind-control tactics of Xianity. Fourthly, Xianity doesn't teach about the nephilim. It's briefly mentioned in the OT.

As for my name, Medicine*Woman, you can think whatever you like, because your thoughts in 10,000 languages would not impress me. But, for your information, since you are lacking in common sense and any simulation of class, I am a licensed medical practitioner for more than 20 years now. I chose my name because in Native American legend, the Medicine Woman was not only a healer of the body but a spiritual healer as well.

I was a Xian for many years under the prevaricating influence of the RCC. It was not until I visited the Vatican and other Xian sites in Europe that I became aware of the massive lies and cover-ups and mind-control tactics of Xianity. Therefore, I do not care to hear the opinions of Xians as they are boringly redundant to my ears. The truth is not to be found among Xians. Xians are limited to the unintelligent boundaries of their false beliefs, and so, they have nothing to contribute to the pursuit of truth.

As far as you're concerned, I seriously hope English is not your first language. You're young, unlearned, and a prime example of what I find disgusting about your ignorant Xian peers.

Its funny, when you describe the things you hate about Christians
the description suits you perfectly. You are both arrogant and Ignorant. You expect me to take your serious when you open
"xians dont need to reply, i want intelligent answers"


So whench.......basically what you are saying that since im
Christian my brain is unable to process information?

I never go to church, so i guess that leaves out the part about me
suffering from evil mind controll techniques. Second of all, I mostly
keep my beliefs to myself. But whenever im confronted with stupid questions, i give stupid answers.
You ahve prooven to be intolerant, and it appers you have some sort of trauma involving religion. If so,thats unfortunate.
But please, try to keep your comments that are downgrading to yourself. You mention visiting the Vatican, im not sure if you
have noted but there are other "branches" of Christianity
than the type you just find there.I would advice you to educate yourself. And im not meaning academicly, but allow yourself
to evolve as a a human.I dont mean you need to "find God" either.You may parole with your
title as a "medic", but that dont impress me much. And thats
where you could learn something from a certain someone.
His message was that all man are equal. It doesnt matter
if you are a priest or a doctor, thief or a publican.
Something you obviously need to realise.
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