Need some athiest/religious opinions

JDawg, do you carry that chip hoping someone will bump into you?

Clearly, you're having serious problems with God.
Leave it to the Christian to be the most judgmental person in the room...

Anyway, I have no problems with God. It's impossible to have a problem with a fictional character. This is a religion discussion forum. I speak my mind.
At least pills are more real than God.

But if believing in god makes your life 100 times better and gives it more substance, makes you happier, gives you hope for the future and helps your suffering and pain throughout life does that not make it real?.

I mean god does not have to be some guy sitting up ontop of a cloudy heaven with white robes and long grey hair with a commanding voice. God can be different to different people, he could be the very universe itself, he could be the force behind what created existence, he could be a spiritual meaning of greatness, he could be real inside your immagination and mind alone, but the effect that god has on your life is very real and therefore too me that makes it reality.

The bible does not represent god its just a book, same goes for the quran. Is putting your mind at ease really that bad, having faith in something that helps you through life, people can call it dellusion if they wish but everyone just runs around there whole life searching for the answer to lifes questions and the origin of existence, is it reall that bad to believe and have faith that you hav actualy found the answer to lifes mystery and in return it gves you hope and lets you just get on with your life and have fun, not worrying or searching anymore?.

Many people are quick to dismiss any thought of an afterlife. I'm curious as to why this is.

Err, your brain gets eaten by worms and rotts into an indistinguishable stinking puss bag. If there was a 'soul' that carried your memory, thoughts, emotions etc etc. then we would not need a brain at all.

The fact that we're even alive to begin with, living on a water-filled rock hurling through space should be inconceivable, yet here we are. Is it the term 'after' life that's the problem?

It's the term 'fuck-all-evidence' that is the problem. In the real world, science really has made huge strides, and there is nothing that supports your humungous list of supernatural mumbojumbo.

If a soul were to exist, then you would think that death does not.... that's it's just a transition.

Everything about us can be explained by the brain, thus rendering the use of the word 'soul' completely irrelevant and just a childish explanation of our existence by people who know nothing about what makes us tick.

Our brain exists, and death exists.

So, if we can we conceive that we here today, why is the 'after' so far-fetched? Because the here and now is tangible? If we don't know if there's anything after this life, why are we so quick to dismiss it? Is hatred of organized religion blinding those who would otherwise be impartial, or least open to the possibility?

The fact that you don't know it's far-fetched is due to your obvious lack of care for the truth. I know you have no knowledge of science and mistrust of the material world, but from the perspective of the material world we are machines that are destined to fail and break apart. It's the same of all materials. When stars explode into a supernova, they don't turn up in star heaven do they? No, of course not. If a star could think, it would be accused of wishful thinking which is exactly what I'm accusing you of.

You believe in a flying zombie, so therefore I can render your musings about an afterlife as complete bullshit. I laugh at you.

Ha Ha.
So yeah I go to a Catholic school and i'd like to be a hopeful believer like most people there but i'm a very pessimistic/skeptical person.
Knowing how incredibly huge the universe is, I find it extremely hard to believe my soul will be transported to another realm when I die and my conciousness will still exist.

I've read about tons of religion traditions, a lot of stuff by philosophers, stuff about creationism, evolution, etc pretty much exploring the whole area

The older I get and the more knowledge that goes into my brain the more doubts I have. The only thing i'm sure of is that I exist right now.

Maybe i'm still clinging to religion because I have hopes for a better life after the present :shrug: maybe I just need to accept that i'm a simple human who is worth nothing and I won't exist in 1000 years.. yay =(

I mean I agree with a lot of religious concepts like loving everyone, being polite, treat others as you wish to be treated but is a magical creator of the universe really going to rescue me when I die :shrug: or am I just a completely irrelevant ant dealing with existential angst ?

I'm not really enjoying my life on earth.. I just get drunk, take drugs and watch time fly.. maybe the drugs are affecting my views of the world. i'm a very paranoid person

On the other hand I think a Creator would fit in perfectly with the complexity of the universe and since I exist in the first place there might be a higher purpose than this world.

I'm a very confused person, someone give me their opinion please it would mean a lot.

I suppose your question will be answered soon or later, i.e. after your life is over,
until then nobody knows. Meanwhile, why not make the best of it?