So yeah I go to a Catholic school and i'd like to be a hopeful believer like most people there but i'm a very pessimistic/skeptical person.
Knowing how incredibly huge the universe is, I find it extremely hard to believe my soul will be transported to another realm when I die and my conciousness will still exist.
I've read about tons of religion traditions, a lot of stuff by philosophers, stuff about creationism, evolution, etc pretty much exploring the whole area
The older I get and the more knowledge that goes into my brain the more doubts I have. The only thing i'm sure of is that I exist right now.
Maybe i'm still clinging to religion because I have hopes for a better life after the present :shrug: maybe I just need to accept that i'm a simple human who is worth nothing and I won't exist in 1000 years.. yay =(
I mean I agree with a lot of religious concepts like loving everyone, being polite, treat others as you wish to be treated but is a magical creator of the universe really going to rescue me when I die :shrug: or am I just a completely irrelevant ant dealing with existential angst ?
I'm not really enjoying my life on earth.. I just get drunk, take drugs and watch time fly.. maybe the drugs are affecting my views of the world. i'm a very paranoid person
On the other hand I think a Creator would fit in perfectly with the complexity of the universe and since I exist in the first place there might be a higher purpose than this world.
I'm a very confused person, someone give me their opinion please it would mean a lot.