Need some athiest/religious opinions

Well Kadark, I sincerely hope for your sake you don't make that mistake again. :)

And none of my dismay actually. After all, it was your sentiments and not your advice that was taken.
Knowing how incredibly huge the universe is, I find it extremely hard to believe my soul will be transported to another realm when I die and my conciousness will still exist.

it may sound weird, but it's still true. it doesn't matter if you believe me or not, because you will still go to an afterlife when you die.

The older I get and the more knowledge that goes into my brain the more doubts I have.

i used to have many doubts too. until i started questioning things so much that i even started to doubt my own doubting. so now i believe in stuff like afterlife and atlantis.

Maybe i'm still clinging to religion because I have hopes for a better life after the present :shrug: maybe I just need to accept that i'm a simple human who is worth nothing and I won't exist in 1000 years.. yay =(

i've never understood why people fear non-existence. even if it existed.

but is a magical creator of the universe really going to rescue me when I die :shrug:

you will go to heaven after you die no matter what you believe or do in your life. after you have stayed in heaven (spirit world) a few years, you will be reincarnated back to earth.

or am I just a completely irrelevant ant dealing with existential angst ?

you said that the only thing you're sure is that you exist, but if that's true, you're certainly not a completely irrelevant ant... you are the center of the universe.

Maybe I should be pursuing Buddhism, get rid of the negative energy and suffering that exists in my life

try buddhism if it feels right. there are different religions in the world because there are so many different people, so different religions work for different people.
Well Kadark, I sincerely hope for your sake you don't make that mistake again. :)

And none of my dismay actually. After all, it was your sentiments and not your advice that was taken.

Sounds like you're jealous of my advice, ashura.

JayMoney: Ignore ashura. Everybody with experience on this forum knows that he's a good-for-nothing hater. Did you see the way he aggressively assaulted me for offering you heartfelt advice? Whoops, better keep our voices down ... I think he can hear us. What a creep.

Kadark the Exalted
Jealous? Aggressive? Someone's a little touchy. But whatever helps you sleep at night oh exalted one.
I find it hard to cope with my irrelevance in this lifetime.

Who hasn't? You know, you're not alone. Name a problem and lots of people have experienced it. We all go through bouts of depression at one time or another.

So what does that mean? It means there are knowledgeable people out there in tune with your neuroses, willing to help you at no cost. All you have to is contact them. When you do, the first question you should ask them is why they do it.
Take up A physical hobby like martial arts firstly, Stop the drugs (pills first they are easy to stop taking and the worst on your list.) Find a nice girl who is a good influence on your life and does'nt get drunk and do drugs. I would say listen to more positive music but I listen to hard rap mostly so im a hypocrite.

Don't stop searching for the truth, I know it can be hard when you think of your existence coming to a complete end, your doubts and fears are normal we all think like that at times. I was raised as an atheist and in my later teen years and into my early twenties I have been daoist, but im starting to lean towards believing in god for a few reasons. Just look around at the natural surroundings and observe nature taking place things will make more sense to you the more time you spend with nature. Also for me personaly beautiful angels keep comming into my life trying to bring me closer to god. one of them left me but it didnt take long for another to swoop in and tell me god loves me.

Does this happen to anybdy else? the most beautiful angel like girls just come to you and want to spend there time and life with you telling you god is there and he loves you, its very strange but im not complaining.

Are we really fighting for this kid's soul? Count me in.

This isn't exactly directed at Jay, but more a general statement; isn't it funny how the only one who is being so aggressive, being so urgent in their approach is the religious zealot? It's deeply disturbing to me that these religious types are so desperate to convert sinners that they will resort to insults, and claim that God is the only way out.

It simply isn't true. God is one way out. Yes, Jay, finding Jesus may help you find your way out of your troubles. If you can read the Bible for the good parts while ignoring the bigoted, racist, sexist bad stuff, then it provides a very nice guideline for living a good life.

But you could also achieve that by just getting your head on straight. Realizing that the "I don't feel like stopping now" mentality does not have an off-ramp. Once you accept that excuse, you'll never find a reason to do anything else. And obviously you're a young dude, and I'm not saying you have to stop taking recreational drugs and stop drinking like a fish right now...I'm just saying that if you really are hurting, then it is absolutely something you should consider. Like you said, bro, you can already see the light at the end of the tunnel, you said yourself that if you stopped you'd probably be happier (for whatever reasons, I won't ask you to elaborate), so...why not do it now?

I think experiencing the more dangerous parts of life are best kept in your youth, so I feel ya, man. When I was a teenager, I did my share of shit. I didn't pop pills or anything, but I knew how to drink my vodka and scotch and smoke my weed. I got it out of my system. And at the end of the day, I knew that I couldn't maintain like that. I couldn't be a drunk hero my entire life. Maybe it was easier for me because I had drug addicts and alcoholics in my family that I could watch destroy themselves so I would know better, I don't know. But if you don't, at least take our advice on it.

But if you take nothing else away from us, take this: You don't owe anyone anything. You are not born in debt, nor are you in debt now, to any god whatsoever. Your soul needs no saving. Do not let the fear mongers bully you into anything. If you want to get saved, by all means do it. But don't do it because you're afraid of the consequences. Don't do it because someone told you that you're going to hell if you don't. Do it for the reason my Mother does it--because she feels a connection with God. If you don't feel it, then there's nothing wrong with you.
lol I wouldn't go as far as to call myself a loser. I still go to parties every once in a while and get girlfriends every couple of months.. I just prefer the company of myself to others most of the time :shrug: thanks for the Luck though.. thanks for the other responses too, hopefully things will get better

Its okay to like your own company, but instead of weed and alcohol, why not use the time spent with your self to do something meaningful rather than meaningless? Why not set yourself goals, where do you want to be 5 years from now? Make a list, figure out what you need to do to get there and start working on it. Being on your own is not a bad thing if you're working for yourself. :)

Oh and ignore all the zealots, both for religion and against. Find out what you are comfortable with. ;)
Thanks again for the answers !
I'm definitely going to quit pills soon(cut down slowly) and stick to weed and the occasional drink
Do it for the reason my Mother does it--because she feels a connection with God. If you don't feel it, then there's nothing wrong with you.
That's good to know. That's definitely not what they'd tell me at school lol
I find it extremely hard to believe my soul will be transported to another realm when I die and my conciousness will still exist

Many people are quick to dismiss any thought of an afterlife. I'm curious as to why this is.

The fact that we're even alive to begin with, living on a water-filled rock hurling through space should be inconceivable, yet here we are. Is it the term 'after' life that's the problem? If a soul were to exist, then you would think that death does not.... that's it's just a transition.

So, if we can we conceive that we here today, why is the 'after' so far-fetched? Because the here and now is tangible? If we don't know if there's anything after this life, why are we so quick to dismiss it? Is hatred of organized religion blinding those who would otherwise be impartial, or least open to the possibility?
Many people are quick to dismiss any thought of an afterlife. I'm curious as to why this is.

The fact that we're even alive to begin with, living on a water-filled rock hurling through space should be inconceivable, yet here we are. Is it the term 'after' life that's the problem? If a soul were to exist, then you would think that death does not.... that's it's just a transition.

So, if we can we conceive that we here today, why is the 'after' so far-fetched? Because the here and now is tangible? If we don't know if there's anything after this life, why are we so quick to dismiss it? Is hatred of organized religion blinding those who would otherwise be impartial, or least open to the possibility?

Do yourself a favor, Jay, and dismiss this intellectually fraudulent and broken line of logic. There's no reason to believe that us being here should be inconceivable. The more we learn about how damn resourceful life is, the more we'll understand that we are an inevitability rather than an an improbability. And we are by no means "hurtling through space". We are on a predictable path, and we are SO not the only planet that has this trait. If all of this was so improbable, then why is there so fucking much of it? You know why? Because their beliefs come from a time when we didn't know we weren't the only planet out there, and we CERTAINLY didn't have any grasp whatsoever at just how f'n huge the universe is.

People like this are asking you to say "Fuck off" to your brain, and submit to the illogical idea that you, somehow, despite the fact that your body will die and rot, are an eternal being. If you want religion for the comfort of believing you'll never really die, fine. But please don't let people like this use junk philosophy to sway you.
So yeah I go to a Catholic school and i'd like to be a hopeful believer like most people there but i'm a very pessimistic/skeptical person.
Knowing how incredibly huge the universe is, I find it extremely hard to believe my soul will be transported to another realm when I die and my conciousness will still exist.

I've read about tons of religion traditions, a lot of stuff by philosophers, stuff about creationism, evolution, etc pretty much exploring the whole area

The older I get and the more knowledge that goes into my brain the more doubts I have. The only thing i'm sure of is that I exist right now.

Maybe i'm still clinging to religion because I have hopes for a better life after the present :shrug: maybe I just need to accept that i'm a simple human who is worth nothing and I won't exist in 1000 years.. yay =(
yeah I noticed that all religious people who are unable to succeed in life cling to the same after life dream haven fantasy,its a waste of time imo.

after all IF it existed and ALL lived for eternity dont you think the heavenly paradise would soon get overpopulated and became uninhabitable?:p

everyone is just a simple human,even people like Einstein and Bill Gates,
but then, I feel that anyone using their mind to the fullest can become great at something.

I think that at your age you shouldnt worry about religion or death but concentrate on improving your skool grades and geting some good education,
even if you live only average lifespan its much nicer with enough money in your pocket then being poor broken drunk or junkie,
besides that shyt will just kill you if you dont stop,just look at all those famous people with drugs or booze problems..its a slow painful death,thats why I wouldnt touch drugs no matter how depressed I was,
drugs dont cure depression, have to find a REASON for depression first to cure it...I think you already know though youre just lazy to do anything about it
I mean I agree with a lot of religious concepts like loving everyone, being polite, treat others as you wish to be treated but is a magical creator of the universe really going to rescue me when I die :shrug: or am I just a completely irrelevant ant dealing with existential angst ?

I'm not really enjoying my life on earth.. I just get drunk, take drugs and watch time fly.. maybe the drugs are affecting my views of the world. i'm a very paranoid person

On the other hand I think a Creator would fit in perfectly with the complexity of the universe and since I exist in the first place there might be a higher purpose than this world.
maybe theres no purpose,maybe our purpose is to figure out what is our purpose is...
maybe we truly have free will and god doesnt interfere,
just observes how we behave,and judges us according to our actions,that would be the only god worth being called GOD imo.

maybe we should stop dreaming and DO something about making this world a better place,you know just in case theres no haven,we could create one on Earth,but then I guess religion would first have to go,eh?
So yeah I go to a Catholic school and i'd like to be a hopeful believer like most people there but i'm a very pessimistic/skeptical person.
Knowing how incredibly huge the universe is, I find it extremely hard to believe my soul will be transported to another realm when I die and my conciousness will still exist.

I've read about tons of religion traditions, a lot of stuff by philosophers, stuff about creationism, evolution, etc pretty much exploring the whole area

The older I get and the more knowledge that goes into my brain the more doubts I have. The only thing i'm sure of is that I exist right now.

Maybe i'm still clinging to religion because I have hopes for a better life after the present :shrug: maybe I just need to accept that i'm a simple human who is worth nothing and I won't exist in 1000 years.. yay =(

I mean I agree with a lot of religious concepts like loving everyone, being polite, treat others as you wish to be treated but is a magical creator of the universe really going to rescue me when I die :shrug: or am I just a completely irrelevant ant dealing with existential angst ?

I'm not really enjoying my life on earth.. I just get drunk, take drugs and watch time fly.. maybe the drugs are affecting my views of the world. i'm a very paranoid person

On the other hand I think a Creator would fit in perfectly with the complexity of the universe and since I exist in the first place there might be a higher purpose than this world.

I'm a very confused person, someone give me their opinion please it would mean a lot.

Which do you value more... satiating your psychological needs or truth?
Jay, you are in the middle of what happens in every life to some extent.

Everyone wonders if they 'mean anything'. Everyone.

I strongly suggest the chemical antidotes you use are not ever successful in fixing the problem and very seldom does anything but barely mask the pain while introducing more problems. If you can't quit on your own - most can't - get help. The sooner the better.

Kadark is more or less right, except for one thing. God does love you. God loves you since the beginning of time. You don't have to do things to make God love you. You - and the rest of us - need to work on not offending God, but God already loves you. God made you, and has a purpose for you.

I think you can PM me, Jay. Please feel free. I'm not Roman Catholic, but I'm hardcore Baptist Christian. We can connect.
You - and the rest of us - need to work on not offending God

And that right there is the bitter poison that religion offers. Fear of an invisible, phony, fake God.

Save your conversion BS, Archie.