Need some athiest/religious opinions


Registered Member
So yeah I go to a Catholic school and i'd like to be a hopeful believer like most people there but i'm a very pessimistic/skeptical person.
Knowing how incredibly huge the universe is, I find it extremely hard to believe my soul will be transported to another realm when I die and my conciousness will still exist.

I've read about tons of religion traditions, a lot of stuff by philosophers, stuff about creationism, evolution, etc pretty much exploring the whole area

The older I get and the more knowledge that goes into my brain the more doubts I have. The only thing i'm sure of is that I exist right now.

Maybe i'm still clinging to religion because I have hopes for a better life after the present :shrug: maybe I just need to accept that i'm a simple human who is worth nothing and I won't exist in 1000 years.. yay =(

I mean I agree with a lot of religious concepts like loving everyone, being polite, treat others as you wish to be treated but is a magical creator of the universe really going to rescue me when I die :shrug: or am I just a completely irrelevant ant dealing with existential angst ?

I'm not really enjoying my life on earth.. I just get drunk, take drugs and watch time fly.. maybe the drugs are affecting my views of the world. i'm a very paranoid person

On the other hand I think a Creator would fit in perfectly with the complexity of the universe and since I exist in the first place there might be a higher purpose than this world.

I'm a very confused person, someone give me their opinion please it would mean a lot.
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I just get drunk, take drugs and watch time fly.. maybe the drugs are affecting my views of the world

Sounds normal to me! :D

Really though, we all need to get by in this lifetime so we choose a path that we like to follow. Sometimes we deviate from that path and find a new way of looking at things as time goes by, today a Catholic tomorrow a Buddhist who knows. The main thing is to keep yourself happy and content without hurting anyone else along the way if possible. Find those that think like you do also to get the kind of friendships that will coexist with you. ;)
Don't worry about it too much, just be yourself and keep an open mind to all possibilities. The joy of living is in the journey, not the destination. And religion is to make the journey easier, not more difficult. If you find yourself in doubt, thats fine. Whatever makes sense to you, is the right way. :)
Maybe i'm still clinging to religion because I have hopes for a better life after the present maybe I just need to accept that i'm a simple human who is worth nothing and I won't exist in 1000 years.. yay =(

I have found that weighing myself down with the stuff I can't control just leads to a miserable existence. When you focus on the things that matter--your family, your friends, your experiences--that's where you find the joy in life.

If you struggle with faith...then struggle! It's your right to question. You don't owe anyone anything in that department. Ask yourself the questions until you have the answers that make sense to you. Whichever way you end up going, know that it is your truth, and it doesn't matter who believes you.
So yeah I go to a Catholic school and i'd like to be a hopeful believer like most people there but i'm a very pessimistic/skeptical person.
Knowing how incredibly huge the universe is, I find it extremely hard to believe my soul will be transported to another realm when I die and my conciousness will still exist.

I've read about tons of religion traditions, a lot of stuff by philosophers, stuff about creationism, evolution, etc pretty much exploring the whole area

The older I get and the more knowledge that goes into my brain the more doubts I have. The only thing i'm sure of is that I exist right now.

Maybe i'm still clinging to religion because I have hopes for a better life after the present :shrug: maybe I just need to accept that i'm a simple human who is worth nothing and I won't exist in 1000 years.. yay =(

I mean I agree with a lot of religious concepts like loving everyone, being polite, treat others as you wish to be treated but is a magical creator of the universe really going to rescue me when I die :shrug: or am I just a completely irrelevant ant dealing with existential angst ?

I'm not really enjoying my life on earth.. I just get drunk, take drugs and watch time fly.. maybe the drugs are affecting my views of the world. i'm a very paranoid person

On the other hand I think a Creator would fit in perfectly with the complexity of the universe and since I exist in the first place there might be a higher purpose than this world.

I'm a very confused person, someone give me their opinion please it would mean a lot.

life isn't that easy sweetheart...that's why it's a journey. my advice...don't look for anyone else to figure it out for you, and don't take anyone else's word for it. not religion, not a book. this is YOUR life, and it was given to you for a reason. YOU figure it out. communicating, and observing are part of it, but living is the only way to experience. the law is that if you seek you will if you want to know, then seek. if you don't want to know then don't. lots of people don't. and don't limit yourself and don't be afraid. god uses as many different ways to show himself to people as there are people to show. don't sweat it. life sucks so try to have some fun and be good to you and those around you. don't worry about the rules. it's not about the rules.
Thanks for the advice everyone it helps.

I have found that weighing myself down with the stuff I can't control just leads to a miserable existence.
I agree completely. The problems for me are drug addiction,depression,paranoia, existential angst, etc problems i'm currently drowning in. I find it hard to cope with my irrelevance in this lifetime. Sometimes I feel ok with friends/drugs but other than that I like to numb my existence. I guess what I should really be doing is sorting out my life lol
Maybe I should be pursuing Buddhism, get rid of the negative energy and suffering that exists in my life
Thanks for the advice everyone it helps.

I agree completely. The problems for me are drug addiction,depression,paranoia, existential angst, etc problems i'm currently drowning in. I find it hard to cope with my irrelevance in this lifetime. Sometimes I feel ok with friends/drugs but other than that I like to numb my existence. I guess what I should really be doing is sorting out my life lol
Maybe I should be pursuing Buddhism, get rid of the negative energy and suffering that exists in my life

You sound like you are depressed. I suggest finding out ways to make yourself happy. Buddhism and all is fine, but it won't give relevance to your life. Only you can do that. I find the type of company you keep makes a lot of difference to your outlook. What do you enjoy doing?
Thanks for the advice everyone it helps.

I agree completely. The problems for me are drug addiction,depression,paranoia, existential angst, etc problems i'm currently drowning in. I find it hard to cope with my irrelevance in this lifetime. Sometimes I feel ok with friends/drugs but other than that I like to numb my existence. I guess what I should really be doing is sorting out my life lol
Maybe I should be pursuing Buddhism, get rid of the negative energy and suffering that exists in my life

You don't need Buddhism to get rid of negative energy. That's the first thing you need to rid your mind of--the idea that religion is the inevitable conclusion. Dude, it isn't. You don't need to resort to mythology to find a meaning in life.

Have you considered that maybe you're experiencing this depression because your life is kind of like an endless cycle of drugs and drink? Maybe if you cut those out of your life you'd be happier? I mean, I used to smoke pot heavily when I was a teenager, and I was very depressed. It wasn't until I got rid of the stuff that I found motivation to do things that made me really happy, like reading books or writing stories.
You have given him sound advice;let's hope he takes it. Religion is for the birds !
thanks for the responses

What do you enjoy doing?

Nothing special really lol. Have been spending a lot of time alone at home past year. I just smoke weed/drink/pop pills, turn on some rap/heavy metal and play MMORPGS. Sometimes I go see a friend and hang out.. have a minimum wage job too and i'm still finishing school next year(i'm 18 right now i'm behind in school :mad:)

Have you considered that maybe you're experiencing this depression because your life is kind of like an endless cycle of drugs and drink?

Yes. If I put all the stuff away for a month and start to get my mind straight i'll probably end up happier. Sadly i'm in no mood to do that right now lol sometime soon i'll put down the pills/alcohol(which i never mix) and weed.

I just smoke weed/drink/pop pills, turn on some rap/heavy metal and play MMORPGS. Sometimes I go see a friend and hang out.. have a minimum wage job too and i'm still finishing school next year(i'm 18 right now i'm behind in school )

You sound like you're a pretty big loser. Stop smoking weed, put down the pills, and abstain from alcohol. Embrace the morals of religion, and pray that God takes pity on your soul.

Best of luck,

Kadark the Slayer
Nothing special really lol. Have been spending a lot of time alone at home past year. I just smoke weed/drink/pop pills, turn on some rap/heavy metal and play MMORPGS. Sometimes I go see a friend and hang out.. have a minimum wage job too and i'm still finishing school next year(i'm 18 right now i'm behind in school :mad:)

That's a red flag to me right there. Weed, drinks and drugs should be done in the company of friends, not alone. Take the advice of everyone in this thread, except Kadark, and try to work out your problems. Religion isn't some sort of fix like Advil that'll take care of you.
You sound like you're a pretty big loser. Stop smoking weed, put down the pills, and abstain from alcohol. Embrace the morals of religion, and pray that God takes pity on your soul.

Best of luck,

Kadark the Slayer

lol I wouldn't go as far as to call myself a loser. I still go to parties every once in a while and get girlfriends every couple of months.. I just prefer the company of myself to others most of the time :shrug: thanks for the Luck though.. thanks for the other responses too, hopefully things will get better
That's a red flag to me right there. Weed, drinks and drugs should be done in the company of friends, not alone. Take the advice of everyone in this thread, except Kadark, and try to work out your problems. Religion isn't some sort of fix like Advil that'll take care of you.

Why are you such a hater?

lol I wouldn't go as far as to call myself a loser. I still go to parties every once in a while and get girlfriends every couple of months.. I just prefer the company of myself to others most of the time :shrug: thanks for the Luck though.. thanks for the other responses too, hopefully things will get better

There's nothing wrong with preferring the company of yourself as opposed to the company of others. The problem is that you seem to be a drug-addict gravitating toward religious presence in your life. More power to you: religion is the only thing that will cure your ailments. However, you have to be prepared make some lifestyle sacrifices and alternations (which includes abstaining from the pills, weed, and alcohol). If not, you'll be a half-assed religious follower like DMX. You know, the same DMX who raps about and praises Jesus, only to snort a line of coke after a concert.

I'm all ears,

Kadark the General

You sound like you're a pretty big loser. Stop smoking weed, put down the pills, and abstain from alcohol. Embrace the morals of religion, and pray that God takes pity on your soul.

Best of luck,

Kadark the Slayer

Didn't you know? Religion is the opiate of the masses :p

Pass me that God pipe, will ya?
Because I think you give terrible advice. Nothing personal of course, I'm sure you'd be fun to have a drink with. ;)

JayMoney: Ignore Kadark's second post too.

Yeah? Well, I think your advice sucks raunchy, warts-ridden dick. What matters is what Jay thinks, not what you think, Ashura.

I don't want to make this thread about me.

Continuing as we were,

Kadark the Assassin
What matters is what Jay thinks, not what you think, Ashura.

Not quite, after all Jay was interested in knowing what members of this forum thought, hence why I gave him my advice. That involves me pointing out when I think the advice of others is crap. But yes Mr. Assassin, let's keep this thread about JayMoney.
Not quite, after all Jay was interested in knowing what members of this forum thought, hence why I gave him my advice. That involves me pointing out when I think the advice of others is crap. But yes Mr. Assassin, let's keep this thread about JayMoney.

Ah, my fault entirely: I severely overestimated the manners of my fellow members. I see now that you haven't the foggiest conception of courtesy. Jay seemed to appreciate my sentiments, much to your dismay.

Then again, what do I know?

Kadark the Impaler