Nazi Food?

spidergoat said:
I'm mean, if you're going to do it, go all the way, you know? The waitresses could all have shaved heads and stripy uniforms, or alternatively big bosomed pigtailed and blond Nazi dominatrixes in leather SS outfits, like Hooters in hell.

See? There IS something to stereotypes! This Jew is HILARIOUS! :D

It could be a resturaunt where they keep you for 6 months and don't let you eat! You get to work in the kitchen every day instead.

(and if my jesting ever crosses a line, someone please PM me, report me, or slap my ass back in line physically)
D'ster said:
Row over Hitler-themed restaurant
Tuesday, 22 August 2006,

The Jewish community in the Indian city of Mumbai (Bombay) is outraged by a new restaurant named after Adolf Hitler.

The restaurant, Hitler's Cross, opened last week in the city's outskirts, initially displaying a giant poster of Hitler at the entrance.

The owner says he will not change the name.

I think he has made a mistake, people will merely demonstrate their objection by not eating there, though the publicity machine is working, it will work adversely.

A well known individual (Jade goody) opened a beauty parlour here in Uk and called it 'ugly's' immediately I knew it would fail, she is now selling it due to losses. Who wants to go into a beauty parlour called 'ugly's ' suggesting the clientelle is 'ugly'. Names are very important, much better to call themselves 'natures beauties' or some sort

re the restaurant, 'posh nosh' never fails ;)
Prince_James said:
One cannot manufacture hatreds. The Hindus suffered the most brutal conquest in recorded history under the Mughals. The powder keg was primed 600 years ago.

The Mughal invaders were not Indians. Those who converted to Islam were.

At most, Tibeto-Mongolian influences in the Himalayas in "mainstream Indian genetics" is minimal. Although later influxs of Islamic Mongolians probably raped their way into the genetic passage quite effectively.

You have really weird ideas.
The whole of North East India is a mixture of Mongolian and SE Asian people who are now Indian.

Here are Indians from the state of Mizoram

Astraloids and Munda aborigines? I am unaware of these, specifically as Australoids are supposed to have been 30,000 years apart from other races. However, yes, I have heard of "hill people".

The Proto-Australoids were a race of Hunter-Gatherers. They are known to have spoken the Mundari Language[citation needed], and their descendants comprise communities scattered across South- and Austral-Asia. The largest population of this race can be found in India where they numbered close to 40 million in 1985. Around 45% of the general Indian population has some amount of Australoid admixture[citation needed]. Many Australoids in Southern/Central India have adapted to dravidian languages.

In the mid-Indian region, the Gond who number over 5 million, are the descendants of the dark skinned Kolarian or Dravidian tribes and speak dialects of Austric language family as are the Santhal who number 4 million. The Negrito and Austroloid people belong to the Mundari family of Munda, Santhal, Ho, Ashur, Kharia, Paniya, Saora etc.
Mediterrenean and Arab? From what period specifically? But yes, Turko-Mongols - as part of conquest - likely do form part of the genetic pool, but again, through conquest, and are not they predominately Moslems?

African descendents are Habshis (believed to be Assyrians)

Around 711 AD, Arabs brought Islam into north India by invading modern day Pakistan. In later years Arabs arrived in India as Muslim missionaries, merchants and mercenaries. Arab mariners had navigated the Spice Route between West Asia, South Asia and Southeast Asia for centuries. Many Arabs settled in India and married locals.
I also am unaware of any significant influences of the South Eastern Asian races you speak of. Have you any sources regarding that? I'd be interested in the significant contributions, if any, they have put forth.

Its a very old connection:

Indian civilisation on the other hand, with its process of peaceful penetration rather than military conquest (much like with the great Buddhist Emporer Ashoka centuries later) was able to leave a far greater and more enduring imprint on the region, providing the very basis and inspiration for the great Hindu empires that flourished like that of the Angkor-Khmer empire in Cambodia, the Chams in Vietnam, as well as Mataram, Majapahit and Sri Vijaya empires in Indonesia and Malaysia among many others including Buddhist kingdoms in Thailand and Burma.

The interchangeable terms of Brahmanisation, Sankritisation, Indianisation or rather expansion of Indian culture was a very broad process, the results of which differ in various countries. The relations between India and Farther India date back to prehistoric times, but it was from the period when IndianisedKingdoms were first founded on the Indochinese peninsula and in the island of Indonesia that the term Indianisation really applies.

But yes, the Aryans, as part basic composition of (at least the) Northern brahman and kshyatriya castes are certainly Indian. Considering the conquest was 5,000 years ago...

Ah yes the Aryans...

As to the last group, it would be hard to present them as anywhere but a -minute- minority.

Depends how many Indians are descendents wouldn't you say?

Indeed, it does. However, if you are going to say that Hindus and Moslems are the same, despite huge theological and moral differences, that would be monsterously difficult to present as factual.

Its all relative. As I move further away from Bombay towards any part of India, the similarities in food, dress and customs become less and less. When I move beyond the boundaries of India, the only similarities may be of religion and or language. This is true for most non-Westernised Indians. Consequently the comfort zone of an Indian is directly proportional to the distance from his home. Meeting another person at varying levels of similarities with his zone of comfort provides his most significant basis for a friendship or relationship.

Relgiiously, they would be able to debate and speak of common canons. It is in the specific extra-canonical writings (of saints and sages) which would consist of their primary disagreements, I imagine. That is to say, once you leave the Rig-Veda and start to go to Swami X and Y.

Actually most Hindus have house deities, with other deities having seasonal importance. Even if the South worshipped the same gods, their names and representation of their gods would have been translated to identify with the local people and would be alien or unfamiliar to the North. The conversation woud stop right there.

Yes, we have only 3,000. Our history as a distinct entity from the Aryans begins around the Trojan war.

Is it the same? We are intimately connected to the lives of people who lived through those thousands of years through mythology and parables. They are very much alive among the Indians of today.
But are you saying that the regions of India do not share cultural ties, when they have even been submerged within greater kingdoms and empires in times past?

We have never been submerged. We have always held closely to our distinctness, which is evidenced by the fact that there are Hindus following a 5000 year old religion in a language that is so old, its hard to trace it beyond written traditions (Sanskrit).

Are Cockney still Englishmen? They speak a dialect of English. What then matters if someone si from Bombay or Calcutta, speak different dialects, and yet are still Indian?

A change in dialect in India would very likely mean that the people are from a more or less different place, they have different food habits and dress codes, a different way of celebrating customs, maybe a different house god and quite possibly a different way of getting married. It's not just language.

They are definitely a distinct culture, of course. Although they'd probably speak English, as if I recall, it is one of the official languages of India, is it not?

What do you think of these Indian Jews in Israel?
Do they seem more Indian or more Jewish?
If I had said they were Hindus or Muslims could you tell the difference?


Young Indian Jews learn the traditional way of baking matzahs from their extended family, as part of the Jewish Agency's pre-Pesach preparations at the Ye'elim Absorption Center

Yes I am aware that local languages can pose a problem.

You miss the point; there is nothing local about it. Sind is in Pakistan in the North. Hyderabad is in South India. Delhi is at the center.

Just as a personal aside, as I am interested: As a Moslem, do not you find yourself committed to the Shariah even in the absence of its foundation in your society? You would not worship false Gods, or make graven images of the Prophet, or other such things, would you?

The Shariah is Islamic law. It is meant to be used in Islamic countries. Islam does not require you to follow anything other than the laws of your own country. Worshipping false gods, graven images, etc are about religion, not politics, and are forbidden by the Quran. They are not exclusive to the Shariah.

But yes, I am rather perceptive, of course, I'd have to go to India to see if I really could. I have a family friend in India, so it might one day be a possibility. I also used to be acquaintances, when I was a boy in school, with another boy from a former princely family. Of course, I'd likely not depend on their hospitality (and it is funny as they were rather poor here in America).

You are in for a few surprises.

Considering the fundamental centrality of religion in the formation of who a person is, most definitely they'd be closer at the core to the Serbian Moslem or to the Arab Moslem. I believe it was that infamous bastard, Malcolm X, who was awe-struck by the brotherhood which Moslems show when on the hajj in Mecca, and which converted him away from his anti-white stances.

Then you'd be wrong. In Saudi Arabia, my best friends were other Indians(doctors, nurses) or Pakistanis or Bangladeshis. The Muslim boys from Pakistan, India and Bangladesh were more comfortable with the Christian and Hindu nurses and doctors than with the other Muslim guys from n number of countries. In the US, we SE Asians have a group that is distinctly different. We watch bad Indian movies and eat Indian food together. I don't know any Muslims here though I've seen quite a few. My best friend is a Korean because her Asian values are similar to mine and we feel comfortable together. My other best friend is a Hindu Punjabi. There are Iranians and other ME people here who are all PhD's and hence pretty secular, but they are more foreign to me than the Americans I associate with. And this is true for other Indian Muslims I know in other parts of the US. We desis tend to find each other.
Bad Indian movies? I've watched some Bollywood stuff and ... ok, the plot and acting could use maybe a little improvement, but I thought the choreography was awesome! :D
Zephyr said:
Bad Indian movies? I've watched some Bollywood stuff and ... ok, the plot and acting could use maybe a little improvement, but I thought the choreagraphy was awesome! :D

We watch good Indian movies when we are alone, so we can cry after feeling homesick. :D

Bad Indian movies are those of the slapstick and "horror" genre (most times the horror movies are more funny than the slapstick).

One cannot manufacture hatreds.

To create a hate factory, mate with those who hate the most, then force your kids to do the same thing.

Women can choose who they marry here, but NOT IN INDIA!
TimeTraveler said:

One cannot manufacture hatreds.

To create a hate factory, mate with those who hate the most, then force your kids to do the same thing.

Women can choose who they marry here, but NOT IN INDIA!

Haven't you heard of the grandmother system? :p
Prince_James said:

They have a distinct religion, distinct culture, distinct practices...They are no more Indian than I am.

But I must agree with Mountainhare. The Jews are bitching again and it is sickening. Truly. They cannot stop whining and then wonder why they are hated.

Prince James hates whiners. This pretty much sums up the spirit of his arguement. If we want to dig deeper, we can see that he hates weakness, and whining is an expression of weakness.

Prince James, you do not hate the Jew's, you hate the weak. Just be bold and say what you feel. The one thing you hate most of all is weakness.
There there, it's alright - they're allowed to whine too. In fact, they've got a head start; one of the best things to whine about is how much other people whine ;)

Good lord, I've typed whine so many times I'll turn into a whine...

Cheese, anyone?

I agree. We oughn't get our panties in a bunch and should be able to joke. In fact, it is funnier when the person of said race/group is there to enjoy the joke, also.


"The Mughal invaders were not Indians. Those who converted to Islam were."

A betrayal of your people and your heritage can hardly be considered remaining Indian.

"You have really weird ideas.
The whole of North East India is a mixture of Mongolian and SE Asian people who are now Indian.

Here are Indians from the state of Mizoram"

According to: there are only 500,000 Mizo in India. Similarly, they are converting to Christianity and may even be a (rather ridiculous claim, I say) "lost tribe of Israel".

"The Proto-Australoids were a race of Hunter-Gatherers. They are known to have spoken the Mundari Language[citation needed], and their descendants comprise communities scattered across South- and Austral-Asia. The largest population of this race can be found in India where they numbered close to 40 million in 1985. Around 45% of the general Indian population has some amount of Australoid admixture[citation needed]. Many Australoids in Southern/Central India have adapted to dravidian languages.

In the mid-Indian region, the Gond who number over 5 million, are the descendants of the dark skinned Kolarian or Dravidian tribes and speak dialects of Austric language family as are the Santhal who number 4 million. The Negrito and Austroloid people belong to the Mundari family of Munda, Santhal, Ho, Ashur, Kharia, Paniya, Saora etc. "

Intriguing on the first (although I belive the Australoid communities in Australia have been isolated for the 30,000 years at least) and minimal on the second. A population of a few million out of a billion are hardly worth considering as a major contributor to the culture.

"African descendents are Habshis (believed to be Assyrians)"

Assyrians? THey are Ethiopians according to that site and make up a very small amount of the population. Ridiculously small, in fact. Only 1500 when they were present in India as part of the Mughals.

"Around 711 AD, Arabs brought Islam into north India by invading modern day Pakistan. In later years Arabs arrived in India as Muslim missionaries, merchants and mercenaries. Arab mariners had navigated the Spice Route between West Asia, South Asia and Southeast Asia for centuries. Many Arabs settled in India and married locals."

Ah, spice traders, yes. They'd probably leave their genetic traces, yes. But are you saying a trickling of merchants are going to impact the overall genetic structure of India very much at all?

"Indian civilisation on the other hand, with its process of peaceful penetration rather than military conquest (much like with the great Buddhist Emporer Ashoka centuries later) was able to leave a far greater and more enduring imprint on the region, providing the very basis and inspiration for the great Hindu empires that flourished like that of the Angkor-Khmer empire in Cambodia, the Chams in Vietnam, as well as Mataram, Majapahit and Sri Vijaya empires in Indonesia and Malaysia among many others including Buddhist kingdoms in Thailand and Burma."

I am aware of such Indian influence on surrounding cultures.

"The interchangeable terms of Brahmanisation, Sankritisation, Indianisation or rather expansion of Indian culture was a very broad process, the results of which differ in various countries. The relations between India and Farther India date back to prehistoric times, but it was from the period when IndianisedKingdoms were first founded on the Indochinese peninsula and in the island of Indonesia that the term Indianisation really applies."

This implies an outwards, not inward, movement. That is to say, Indians moving out of India and impacting other cultures, not SE Asians impacting Indians.

"Ah yes the Aryans..."

Modern Indian nationalism doesn't change historical fact, specifically in genetic analysis.

According to:

For maternally inherited mtDNA, each caste is most similar to Asians. However, 20%-30% of Indian mtDNA haplotypes belong to West Eurasian haplogroups, and the frequency of these haplotypes is proportional to caste rank, the highest frequency of West Eurasian haplotypes being found in the upper castes. In contrast, for paternally inherited Y-chromosome variation each caste is more similar to Europeans than to Asians. Moreover, the affinity to Europeans is proportionate to caste rank, the upper castes being most similar to Europeans, particularly East Europeans.

When one considers the fact that this Aryan language was Sanskrit, the religion bears remarkably similarity and etymological cognate to all the European pagan religions and Zoroastrianism, and we realize that the upper caste of society were foreigners to India, in what way is this not a reality of foreign domination? The only thing is that there was significant mixture, so that over time, Aryans took native Indian wives and begat half-Aryan, half-native, children. But it is also telling that it is on the male line that the genetic similarities are to be found, once again pushing the point that it was at least partially military based.

I have other genetic evidence I posted in a thread to Light Gigantic. I might transport those links over here if I can find them easily.

"Depends how many Indians are descendents wouldn't you say?"

Are you claiming that a great deal of Indians are of Greek and Slavic origin?

"Its all relative. As I move further away from Bombay towards any part of India, the similarities in food, dress and customs become less and less. When I move beyond the boundaries of India, the only similarities may be of religion and or language. This is true for most non-Westernised Indians. Consequently the comfort zone of an Indian is directly proportional to the distance from his home. Meeting another person at varying levels of similarities with his zone of comfort provides his most significant basis for a friendship or relationship."

In so much as things relate back to one's home, this is true, yes.

"Actually most Hindus have house deities, with other deities having seasonal importance. Even if the South worshipped the same gods, their names and representation of their gods would have been translated to identify with the local people and would be alien or unfamiliar to the North. The conversation woud stop right there."

This is true. There'd be local differences in practices and the like, and naturally, when home deities are of such importance, the conversation would indeed stop there. But then again, if they were to discuss theology, they'd be discussing from the same canon, discussing the same issues, et cetera. That is to say, no Hindu is going to say "the Vedas are wrong!".

"Is it the same? We are intimately connected to the lives of people who lived through those thousands of years through mythology and parables. They are very much alive among the Indians of today."

Indeed, it is not, for we were raped by Christianity and lost our culture and identity. We are under an alien yoke and have been for 2,000 years. Even our epics have been vandalized by Christian influence, I.E. Beowulf.

"We have never been submerged. We have always held closely to our distinctness, which is evidenced by the fact that there are Hindus following a 5000 year old religion in a language that is so old, its hard to trace it beyond written traditions (Sanskrit)."

It is hard to claim a distinctness if this religion is clinged to by the rest of one's community to varying degrees.

"A change in dialect in India would very likely mean that the people are from a more or less different place, they have different food habits and dress codes, a different way of celebrating customs, maybe a different house god and quite possibly a different way of getting married. It's not just language."

Regionalism is apparent in all greater cultures. Local mannerisms and ways of life are apparent even in modern countries. Contrast a New Yorker with a Texan. The only difference is that India has a far greater history to make such distinctions even more engrained in the local areas.

"What do you think of these Indian Jews in Israel?
Do they seem more Indian or more Jewish?
If I had said they were Hindus or Muslims could you tell the difference?"

The girl on the LEft is distintly Jewish in look, and if I had paid attention to the flat-breads they were cooking, I might well be able to discern their Jewishness. But no, the Indian dress and the skin colour look very different from most modern Jews, yes.

"Young Indian Jews learn the traditional way of baking matzahs from their extended family, as part of the Jewish Agency's pre-Pesach preparations at the Ye'elim Absorption Center"

As in, from foreign Jews? Or did you mean litterally "extended family", as in, cousins and the like?

"You miss the point; there is nothing local about it. Sind is in Pakistan in the North. Hyderabad is in South India. Delhi is at the center."

Perhaps I should have used the more accurate "isolated languages".

"The Shariah is Islamic law. It is meant to be used in Islamic countries. Islam does not require you to follow anything other than the laws of your own country. Worshipping false gods, graven images, etc are about religion, not politics, and are forbidden by the Quran. They are not exclusive to the Shariah."

So then Islamic law and Islamic religious prohibitions are distinct? I had thought both had their foundation in the Qu'ran and the Sayings of the Prophet and such?

"Then you'd be wrong. In Saudi Arabia, my best friends were other Indians(doctors, nurses) or Pakistanis or Bangladeshis. The Muslim boys from Pakistan, India and Bangladesh were more comfortable with the Christian and Hindu nurses and doctors than with the other Muslim guys from n number of countries. In the US, we SE Asians have a group that is distinctly different. We watch bad Indian movies and eat Indian food together. I don't know any Muslims here though I've seen quite a few."

Intriguing! Though if you had were to meet with an Indonesian, an Arab, and a Syrian Moslem, would you not agree on theological and moral issues far more than your Hindu friends?

"There are Iranians and other ME people here who are all PhD's and hence pretty secular, but they are more foreign to me than the Americans I associate with. And this is true for other Indian Muslims I know in other parts of the US. We desis tend to find each other. "

In what way do you categorize them as more foreign in contrast with the few Americans?


"Prince James hates whiners. This pretty much sums up the spirit of his arguement. If we want to dig deeper, we can see that he hates weakness, and whining is an expression of weakness."

You struck the nail right on the head. I detest weakness of all sorts.

"Prince James, you do not hate the Jew's, you hate the weak. Just be bold and say what you feel. The one thing you hate most of all is weakness. "

I do not hate the Jews at all, you are correct. I only hate whining Jews, like I hate whining Japanese, and whining Canadians, and whining Zimbaweans. You are quite correct. Weakness of any sort is something I find most revolting.
Can you tell what religion these people practise (without cheating and looking at the link)?

Prince_James said:
You struck the nail right on the head. I detest weakness of all sorts.

"Prince James, you do not hate the Jew's, you hate the weak. Just be bold and say what you feel. The one thing you hate most of all is weakness. "

I do not hate the Jews at all, you are correct. I only hate whining Jews, like I hate whining Japanese, and whining Canadians, and whining Zimbaweans. You are quite correct. Weakness of any sort is something I find most revolting.

As do I, but this characteristic is not good for survival

I was having this conversation with my bfriend the other day. A news article mentioned how three teenage girls had been stabbed by one man. I wondered how it is that he managed to stab all three almost fatally?

I remarked to bf, when people are attacked with a knife their reaction is to put their hand up to protect themselves, thus they are first stabbed in their hands, the hands then fall away as injured and thus leaves an opening to stab face/chest etc.

We considered a better reaction, I was about to detail a technique I learned in karate when I realised that this was ludicrous the MOST effective method of avoiding a knife attack is to

run away

So then we had a conversation about why so few people even attempt to run away when attacked (I know in some cases this is not possible due to enclosed spaces etc) what are we indoctrinated with as children that prevents this obvious potentially life saving reaction.

Is fear of failure (re running away and being caught) worse than fear of death? Do we fear a greater repercussion for trying to runaway? Or do we fear fear itself so we stand strong and take it?

I myself have been attacked many times, I rarely ran. I fought back. I once turned my back of a group of attackers and walked slowly away but only after I demonstrated a show of strength first to deter them pursuing me. I did run away from someone threatening me with a knife and a 'pole' it was a strange and surreal experience. Running away seemed to put me in a 'tv world' where this kind of thing doesn't really happen, I felt like I was 'acting up', dramatising the event. Over reacting. Yet this was not the case. I did successfully avoid further injury this way.

Is it because in the media we do not see people 'running' when approached by an attacker (bearing in mind most don't have guns in the Uk)?

I want to re-educate my brain to 'run', not to shield, not to retaliate. How?

The programming is powerful.

Weakness and fear iniates life saving protocols, this is good.
BUt weakness and fear also ensures compliance and servitude.
The Jews are not complaint, thus they are not enslaved by their fear rather they use it productively to ensure their survival.
Prince_James said:
You are a nihilist in the ethical sphere, yet have a problem with people's behaviours.
No I'm not. I just think things that negatively affect human society, such as racism and war, are wrong. I am by no means a nihilist. Don't fucking label me with your bullshit if you don't really know me.

However, seeing as this restaraunt is more of a joke poking fun at the nazis, it's a funny restaraunt.
Prince_James said:

"The Mughal invaders were not Indians. Those who converted to Islam were."

A betrayal of your people and your heritage can hardly be considered remaining Indian.

Unlike people who merely mouth the words, Indians believe in secularism. Hence anyone is allowed complete freedom to practise any faith they please. And the assimilation of all faiths in India is proof that only close minded non-Indians with no idea of what Indiannness means would perceive it as a betrayal.

Now, having poor family values, poor commitments and responsibilities towards marriage, children, parents, society; pre-emptive wars, attacking economically/socially weaker groups, inability to self-sacrifice, these are a betrayal of our tradition.

According to: there are only 500,000 Mizo in India. Similarly, they are converting to Christianity and may even be a (rather ridiculous claim, I say) "lost tribe of Israel".

Did I say they were Mizos?

They are from the state of Mizoram. And what does your argument prove? That they are not Indian? Then someone should tell the government. They have a state and they are voting in our elections. And what does Christianity have to do with Indianness? You make no sense at all.

Intriguing on the first (although I belive the Australoid communities in Australia have been isolated for the 30,000 years at least) and minimal on the second. A population of a few million out of a billion are hardly worth considering as a major contributor to the culture.

Did you see the link that said 45% of Indians have some Proto-Australoid blood in them?

Hardly insignificant.

Assyrians? THey are Ethiopians according to that site and make up a very small amount of the population. Ridiculously small, in fact. Only 1500 when they were present in India as part of the Mughals.

Ah, spice traders, yes. They'd probably leave their genetic traces, yes. But are you saying a trickling of merchants are going to impact the overall genetic structure of India very much at all?

I am aware of such Indian influence on surrounding cultures.

This implies an outwards, not inward, movement. That is to say, Indians moving out of India and impacting other cultures, not SE Asians impacting Indians.

The point being that we are a very mixed group of people; you'll not find one Individual who is pure Dravidian - the original inhabitants, mostly towards the South part of India; everyone else from the contentious Aryans onwards were invaders. And since we were a not insignificant spice and trade market, there has been a steady "trickle" since 5000 years which in sum total is hardly insignificant.

Modern Indian nationalism doesn't change historical fact, specifically in genetic analysis.

For maternally inherited mtDNA, each caste is most similar to Asians. However, 20%-30% of Indian mtDNA haplotypes belong to West Eurasian haplogroups, and the frequency of these haplotypes is proportional to caste rank, the highest frequency of West Eurasian haplotypes being found in the upper castes. In contrast, for paternally inherited Y-chromosome variation each caste is more similar to Europeans than to Asians. Moreover, the affinity to Europeans is proportionate to caste rank, the upper castes being most similar to Europeans, particularly East Europeans.

Maybe the invasion was the other way around?

When one considers the fact that this Aryan language was Sanskrit, the religion bears remarkably similarity and etymological cognate to all the European pagan religions and Zoroastrianism, and we realize that the upper caste of society were foreigners to India, in what way is this not a reality of foreign domination? The only thing is that there was significant mixture, so that over time, Aryans took native Indian wives and begat half-Aryan, half-native, children. But it is also telling that it is on the male line that the genetic similarities are to be found, once again pushing the point that it was at least partially military based.
From the above link:
Stephen Oppenheimer concluded by genetic studies that people moved into India from Africa initially and rest of the world population were descendents of this group. University of Cambridge researchers Michael Petraglia and Hannah James came to the similar conclusion by analyzing fossils, artifacts, and genetic data. So if there was a migration, it was from India to Europe and not the other way. Does this prove that there was no Aryan Invasion/Migration?

While the above migrations happened about 85,000 years back, the theory of Aryan Invasion/Migration talks about what happened around 4000 years back. This is what Dr. Jonathan Mark Kenoyer, who has been excavating in the Indus city of Harappa has to say

The transition from one culture to the next was gradual as seen at Harappa, and there is no evidence for invasions by outside communities such as the so-called Indo-Aryans.

Although some scattered skeletons were discovered in the later levels, they do not represent warfare or raiding, and there is no evidence that the site came to a violent end. [Decline and Transformation]

Now the BBC has updated their page on the history of Hinduism to reflect this. So why are some people still holding onto the invasion theory? A good answer comes from Suhag A Shukla, who was the legal counsel for the Hindu American Foundation in the recent California textbook controversy.
There is no evidence of any invasion or any war. Honestly, the people who have held onto the Aryan invasion theory, probably based their entire careers on that particular theory and have expounded that through their research, they have a vested interest in not seeing it disappear.['I am not for rewriting Hinduism']

Are you claiming that a great deal of Indians are of Greek and Slavic origin?

You seem to have difficulty in processing that they need not be 100% to be descendents. There have been several military expeditions within the country; there have been merchats traveling from one place to the next.

This is true. There'd be local differences in practices and the like, and naturally, when home deities are of such importance, the conversation would indeed stop there. But then again, if they were to discuss theology, they'd be discussing from the same canon, discussing the same issues, et cetera. That is to say, no Hindu is going to say "the Vedas are wrong!".

So what do you think of this?

"The Vedas are not Polytheistic. Dr David Frawley, in his book "Wisdom of the Ancient Seers" mentions "The Gods, though they have a human facet, are not anthromorphic. The Gods represent not the Divine in the image of Man, but rather man in the image of Divine, in the image of all creation.""

Indeed, it is not, for we were raped by Christianity and lost our culture and identity. We are under an alien yoke and have been for 2,000 years. Even our epics have been vandalized by Christian influence, I.E. Beowulf.

Why do Westerners associate culture with religion? Religion is just one part of it. We have many religions (including Christianity) but a common culture.

It is hard to claim a distinctness if this religion is clinged to by the rest of one's community to varying degrees.

It's called freedom to practise one's beliefs, the reason why so many beliefs can co-exist. Beats bombing the sh*t out of people, in my opinion.

Regionalism is apparent in all greater cultures. Local mannerisms and ways of life are apparent even in modern countries. Contrast a New Yorker with a Texan. The only difference is that India has a far greater history to make such distinctions even more engrained in the local areas.

Also that we appreciate the differences, and allow people the freedom to continue their practices within legal boundaries.

The girl on the LEft is distintly Jewish in look, and if I had paid attention to the flat-breads they were cooking, I might well be able to discern their Jewishness. But no, the Indian dress and the skin colour look very different from most modern Jews, yes.

Now you're seeing what you want to see. The girl looks distinctly Indian, not Jewish.

As in, from foreign Jews? Or did you mean litterally "extended family", as in, cousins and the like?

Other Jews, I'm guessing

So then Islamic law and Islamic religious prohibitions are distinct? I had thought both had their foundation in the Qu'ran and the Sayings of the Prophet and such?

The Quran is the word of God; the Shariah is the interpretation of the Quran and Hadeeth by many many men. So no, the two are not the same.

Intriguing! Though if you had were to meet with an Indonesian, an Arab, and a Syrian Moslem, would you not agree on theological and moral
issues far more than your Hindu friends?

If I want a theological discussion, I'll go to a religious forum. Friends I prefer for other pursuits. And I've met the Arabs and Indonesians. I'd have more in common with an Indonesian than an Arab, since they have some very fundamental ideas I do not believe represent Islam.

In what way do you categorize them as more foreign in contrast with the few Americans?

I have little knowledge of their culture or lives and there is very little common ground.

I shall refrain from quoting your message as in order to formulate a reply, I'd have to quote the entire thing. But basically, this shall be regarding running.

You are correct in saying that that, indeed, if one wishes to avoid a knife, running away can be extremely good. This is precisely because the knife is a limited-range weapon, capable of inflicting harm only within about a one-yard radius (the length of an arm + the blade). However, what you forget is that when one runs away, one is submitting in two ways:

1. One is submitting to one's status as prey.

2. One is submitting to the aggression of another and his continual existence after you are safe.

In both cases, one is placing control of the situation outside one's ken. In the first, one is hoping to get away without being attacked, yet at the same time doing nothing to assure that the attack will not be deadly, will not be worse, and will not come through doing what one is doing. In the second, one is allowing a threat to persist to oneself and to others, and without dealing with it straight on.

Yes, one may indeed be stabbed or even killed when faced with such an attacker, yet at the same time, even if one has managed to escape, one has not dealt with the root cause of the problem.

Which is more final and ultimate? Running away with that person being only -empowered- by achieving such a thing? Or breaking that person's arm, taking the knife from him, and stabbing him in the chest?

I'll now quote onething for an antecedent point you made.

"The Jews are not complaint, thus they are not enslaved by their fear rather they use it productively to ensure their survival."

I do not know to what extent the Holocaust changed world Jewry. I do, however, know that the Holocaust was facillitated by the cowardice of the Jewish people. Even amongst six million Jews, there was no organized, or even many unorganized, resistance movements. They suffered like farm animals lead to the slaughter, ever hoping to lick the shit off Nazi boots in order to survive one more day at the whim of another. Bceause of this animal like subserviance, the Jews in the Holocaust suffered greatly and died like dogs, worthless of all pity.

Today, the Jews simply complain. They whine about the past, attempt to get pity, blahblahblah, make us remember every horrible thing that has happened to them, and other such things. But they do not themselves foster the change of character necessary to assure their survival. Simply complaining and bitching, does not change the world. Some Jews have realized that they must change and become vigorous themselves. The majority have not.

When someone is moaning and groaning and crying and wailing and begging for assistance, this is not strength. It is not strength when you make everyone remember the terrible things that happened to one in your past. It is not strength when you rely on the guilt you impose to attempt to survive. Strength is found in independence, of transcending past tragedies, of vigorous existence. Even if we assume the Jews have all of these things and just pretend to be a bunch of whiners, it is enough that they pretend for hatred to come. For they make themselves ugly. And the repugnance that we have to such attitudes, the scorn which we can have for such weakness, drives the foundations for every hatred the Jews bring upon themselves. It is not only unseemly, but -dangerous- for the Jews to be as such. If they do not change, they will suffer again and worse.

Almost paradoxically, it is when the Jews make others laugh that they are best respected. When they do not whine, but instead take the circumstance, turn it around, and make it a humour of the situation, they show their great strength. Instead of whining and complaining and crying about the Hitler restaurant, if they had simply taken it, made a joke about it, and got on with their lives, they'd have accomplished far greater their aims. Jewish humour is their great sterngth which disarms their enemies.

"No I'm not. I just think things that negatively affect human society, such as racism and war, are wrong. I am by no means a nihilist. Don't fucking label me with your bullshit if you don't really know me."

You have continually answered ethical questions with such flippant and petulant remarks such as, "Fuck the police!" You have also presented yourself as not caring about any such things. That you should have a problem with racism is not only shocking, but completely at odds with your personality as displayed.


"Unlike people who merely mouth the words, Indians believe in secularism. Hence anyone is allowed complete freedom to practise any faith they please. And the assimilation of all faiths in India is proof that only close minded non-Indians with no idea of what Indiannness means would perceive it as a betrayal."

This "secular striving" can hardly be considered to have existed in Islamic conquest India, specifically when the Islamic invaders converted Indians at swordpoint and came to destroy INdia and replace it with a Moslem vision. It was only when Akbar rose to prominence that religious tolerance was accepted for a period, but afterwards that declined. That is to say, Islam came to destroy Hinduism and did enough harm even if it failed.

"Did I say they were Mizos?

They are from the state of Mizoram. And what does your argument prove? That they are not Indian? Then someone should tell the government. They have a state and they are voting in our elections. And what does Christianity have to do with Indianness? You make no sense at all."

They aren't even considered Indian by the government. They are considered "scheduled tribes". Similarly, I spoke of Mizos from Mizoram because 500,000 of the 800,000 people are Mizos. The rest are either Indian or another type of non-Indian race. In anyway, the entire area is not permitted entry from foreigners without permission and is considered secluded even by Indians.

"Did you see the link that said 45% of Indians have some Proto-Australoid blood in them?

Hardly insignificant."

It is akin to saying that one has 20 million ancestors that lived in the year 1,000. The amount of "proto-Australoid" blood in the general populace, as a major contributor, is exceedingly minimal, even if widespread as a background influence.

"The point being that we are a very mixed group of people; you'll not find one Individual who is pure Dravidian - the original inhabitants, mostly towards the South part of India; everyone else from the contentious Aryans onwards were invaders. And since we were a not insignificant spice and trade market, there has been a steady "trickle" since 5000 years which in sum total is hardly insignificant."

I am not going to argue that India is "pure" in any sense, even amongst the purest Aryan v. Dravidians in the extreme North and South. That would be a mistake. And the influences from other cultures, I shall admit, are indeed there. But I will argue that the large extent of the intermixture, specifically with the traders and the like, would be dilluted in the greater Aryan/Dravidian main population.

"Maybe the invasion was the other way around?"

This is discreditted by archaeological evidence of a Black Sea origin for the Aryan peoples. Either in Asia Minor or in the Ukraine/Southern Russia is where scholars identify the homeland of the Indo-Europeans.

Moreover, regarding your next and extended quote from the website you listed, the fact that Harappa does not show a violent end does not mean an invasion was not taking place. WE do not have to have an overthrow of every settlement to have an invasion, nor would the invasion necessarily take place all at once. However, ther eis a great deal of textual reasons to believe an invasion did take place. Consider that Indra - an Aryan God - is called "a destroyer of fortresses of stone" and that Indo-Europeans seem to have started off as a barbaric pastoralist people, as opposed to the city dwelling Harappans.

This point is made here:

And again, there is a fact that it is the Brahmans and Kshatriyas which are the Aryans. What are the main attributes of the Aryans? Religion and warriorhood. Whom did they conquer? Traders and farmers. Whom are not as closely related to Aryans? Traders and farmers.

"You seem to have difficulty in processing that they need not be 100% to be descendents. There have been several military expeditions within the country; there have been merchats traveling from one place to the next. "

The problem is stating that this is at all a huge contributor to Indian genetics. Of course I imagine that there is some Greek or Slavic blood in some Indians, but its level of dillution would make it inconsequential. No race is pure, this is to be expected.

"So what do you think of this?

"The Vedas are not Polytheistic. Dr David Frawley, in his book "Wisdom of the Ancient Seers" mentions "The Gods, though they have a human facet, are not anthromorphic. The Gods represent not the Divine in the image of Man, but rather man in the image of Divine, in the image of all creation."""

Philosophical differences. Similarly, it is generally well accepted amongst most Hindu scholars that the deities are less than the One God and are, in fact, even limited beings which offer a more easily accessible access to the divine as well as suited to different types of personality. A warrior might be more inclined to be religious if there is a figure such as Rama or Indra amidst the deities, whereas a trader may like Ganesh.

"Why do Westerners associate culture with religion? Religion is just one part of it. We have many religions (including Christianity) but a common culture."

Generally speaking, cultures develop religion in response to their own culture. When an alien culture brings an alien religion, the results are an alien domination. Whereas India is "traditionally Hindu", Europe is "traditionally pagan". India has retained her status, Europe has not.

"It's called freedom to practise one's beliefs, the reason why so many beliefs can co-exist. Beats bombing the sh*t out of people, in my opinion."

I agree indeed. Better to have tolerance than sectarian violence.

"Also that we appreciate the differences, and allow people the freedom to continue their practices within legal boundaries."

As do most cultures, save for in periods of unification and/or rebellion.

"Now you're seeing what you want to see. The girl looks distinctly Indian, not Jewish."

I've seen many Jewish women who look exceedingly like her on the left. That is how I caught her.

"Other Jews, I'm guessing"

I'd imagine much has been lost, yes.

"The Quran is the word of God; the Shariah is the interpretation of the Quran and Hadeeth by many many men. So no, the two are not the same."

Ah, interesting. But does not the Qu'ran have the references to the drinking of wine and the like?

"If I want a theological discussion, I'll go to a religious forum. Friends I prefer for other pursuits. And I've met the Arabs and Indonesians. I'd have more in common with an Indonesian than an Arab, since they have some very fundamental ideas I do not believe represent Islam."

What issues are those, if you are willing to share?

But yes, of course, friends and religion are distinct.

"I have little knowledge of their culture or lives and there is very little common ground. "

Prince_James said:
1. One is submitting to one's status as prey.

2. One is submitting to the aggression of another and his continual existence after you are safe.

Item 1 would seem to be the main reason why people do not run, It must be an innate instinct, though other animals do run from predators.

Maybe it is because humans are NOT meant to be prey and so the instinct to run is simply not part of our makeup the way it is with perhaps a deer/fox etc.
I wonder if thus we were designed to be predators but not against each other?

Prince_James said:
Today, the Jews simply complain. They whine about the past, attempt to get pity, blahblahblah, make us remember every horrible thing that has happened to them, and other such things. But they do not themselves foster the change of character necessary to assure their survival. Simply complaining and bitching, does not change the world. Some Jews have realized that they must change and become vigorous themselves. The majority have not.

When someone is moaning and groaning and crying and wailing and begging for assistance, this is not strength. It is not strength when you make everyone remember the terrible things that happened to one in your past. It is not strength when you rely on the guilt you impose to attempt to survive. Strength is found in independence, of transcending past tragedies, of vigorous existence. Even if we assume the Jews have all of these things and just pretend to be a bunch of whiners, it is enough that they pretend for hatred to come. For they make themselves ugly. And the repugnance that we have to such attitudes, the scorn which we can have for such weakness, drives the foundations for every hatred the Jews bring upon themselves. It is not only unseemly, but -dangerous- for the Jews to be as such. If they do not change, they will suffer again and worse.

Almost paradoxically, it is when the Jews make others laugh that they are best respected. When they do not whine, but instead take the circumstance, turn it around, and make it a humour of the situation, they show their great strength. Instead of whining and complaining and crying about the Hitler restaurant, if they had simply taken it, made a joke about it, and got on with their lives, they'd have accomplished far greater their aims. Jewish humour is their great sterngth which disarms their enemies.

I don't agree with this, I guess it depends who you knew and where you get your information from.

The link above says this:

"The Warsaw Ghetto Uprising was the Jewish insurgency against Nazi Germany's attempt to liquidate the remains of the Warsaw Ghetto in Poland during World War II. The main fighting lasted from April 19, 1943 to May 16 of that year when a tenacious but weakly armed and badly supplied resistance was finally crushed by SS-Gruppenführer (then Brigadeführer) Jürgen Stroop. The significant precursor to the main fighting was an armed insurgency launched against the Germans on January 18, 1943.

Starting in 1940, the Nazis began concentrating Poland's population of over 3 million Jews in a number of extremely overcrowded ghettos in various Polish cities. The largest of these, the Warsaw Ghetto, held 380,000 people in a densely-packed area in the middle of the city. Thousands of Jews died due to rampant disease or starvation even before the Nazis began massive deportations of the Jews from the ghetto to the Treblinka death camp. In the 52 days before September 12, 1942 about 300,000 Ghetto residents were sent to the extermination camps and killed.

At the start of the deportations, members of the Jewish resistance movement met, but decided not to fight, believing that the Jews were really being sent to labor camps rather than to their death. By the end of 1942, it was clear that the deportations were to death camps, and many of the remaining Jews decided to fight. Of those, approximately 750 to 1,000, actually fought."

"On January 18, 1943, the first instance of armed insurgency occurred when the Germans started the second expulsion of the Jews. The Jewish insurgents achieved noteworthy success against the forces of Ferdinand von Sammern-Frankenegg. The expulsion stopped after four days and the ŻOB and ŻZW insurgent organizations took control of the Ghetto, building dozens of fighting posts and killing Jews they considered to be collaborators, including Jewish Gestapo agents"

Meanwhile, with regards to MY comment that Jews are not compliant and do not give in to fear rather they use it to ensure survival, I was thinking Of the situation with israel, where if someone 'threatens' their well being, they take a sledgehammer to crack that nut, and woe betide anyone who dares to stir the wrath of Israel. It is not unusual to try to muster sympathy it is neccessary in order to ensure support.

"Item 1 would seem to be the main reason why people do not run, It must be an innate instinct, though other animals do run from predators. "

Animals which have no natural defenses, I.E. deers and the like. Humans have been fighting for at least a few million years, specifically communally.

"Maybe it is because humans are NOT meant to be prey and so the instinct to run is simply not part of our makeup the way it is with perhaps a deer/fox etc.
I wonder if thus we were designed to be predators but not against each other?"

I think you are mostly correct in that assessment. I think we're a great example of pack-hunters, whose aggression has been unleashed on its own species by virtue of extreme proximity and extreme population, but which otherwise would only be filled with power-structure violence ala wolves, chimps, gorillas, et cetera. But yes, we definitely show all the signs of having "predator instincts", as opposed to prey.


Yes, I am aware of the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising. The problem is that this was one example amongst millions which could have occurred, and ontop of that, it was only 1,000 Jews out of 6 million. If we assume that half the population of the 6 million were men, then only 1 in 3000 men rose a hand to his captors and killers. This is shameful.

""On January 18, 1943, the first instance of armed insurgency occurred when the Germans started the second expulsion of the Jews. The Jewish insurgents achieved noteworthy success against the forces of Ferdinand von Sammern-Frankenegg. The expulsion stopped after four days and the ŻOB and ŻZW insurgent organizations took control of the Ghetto, building dozens of fighting posts and killing Jews they considered to be collaborators, including Jewish Gestapo agents""

That was the best part of the Warsaw Uprising. The slaughtering of the traitors. That is a definite example of the courage of the fighters and their willingness to do what is necessary.

"Meanwhile, with regards to MY comment that Jews are not compliant and do not give in to fear rather they use it to ensure survival, I was thinking Of the situation with israel, where if someone 'threatens' their well being, they take a sledgehammer to crack that nut, and woe betide anyone who dares to stir the wrath of Israel. It is not unusual to try to muster sympathy it is neccessary in order to ensure support. "

Yes. Israel has grown some balls compared to the rest of the Jewish populace since their exile from Roman Judea. That being said, it is ironic that the Jews mess up so horrifically in Palestine and in Arab countries, but then again, they generally have few options and the British were extremely unwise to give them such territory.