Natural selection has taken up shape


Registered Member
Let's start with small pox, it killed a lot of people. Then came black plague and now finally it's HIV. New diseases have been constantly coming up. Ebola, Dengue, Malaria etc. It's a result of increased human population which nature wants to balance. Some people get suitable mutations (like CCR5 delta 32 which protects us against AIDS and some other viral diseases). Thus this part of human population is safe and rest wipe-out. Every time we save ourselves nature gives us an even stronger blow. Thus the only way to survive is evolve .
That's generally how evolution works, yes. I don't think there's any "nature wants to" anything, though. Nature isn't an entity.
Nature has to keep its balance( its just like energy changes state but keep constant ) similarly nature also keeps constant so if you pressurize nature it goes against you
Nature has to keep its balance( its just like energy changes state but keep constant ) similarly nature also keeps constant so if you pressurize nature it goes against you

That is statistically true, but where Energtic imbalances are usualy resolved in their quantum state, Natural inbalances work often on a much longer time scale of the balancing system, which may take thousands of years, allowing (pressuring) species to adapt or learn the diversity of the new environment. If they don't they must migrate ot face extinction.

Take the brainless slime mold, it can solve mazes and design transcontinental highway on maps in a few hours which takes years of study by our best designers and engineers.
A slime mold solver for linear programming problems
This is good stuff.

Note the fractality of the process.

Of course the slimemold is extremely limited in its mathemnatical abilities, but the principle holds true for all organisms. Perhap "indicator species" are those least or most affected by a changing environment and as I understand it indicator species are howing signs of "stress".

This may result in the evolution of new branches of those species or fade into extinction.

It is the analogy of being cast out from paradise.
Of course our superior mind allowed us to leave paradise of ignorane voluntarily. But we still live in paradise and to persist in the rape and insult to the Mother of all life, is not only disrespectuful, but speak of hubris and ignorance of Natural Laws. There is a mathematical function named: Action<-->Reaction.

Unbalance the mathematics in the global ecosphere system and bad things happen ON A GLOBAL SCALE.
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that's what I wanted to say. Right from time of civilization we have been focusing on technological development and haven't evolved so this makes me think about natural selection running
that's what I wanted to say. Right from time of civilization we have been focusing on technological development and haven't evolved so this makes me think about natural selection running
Given that you didn't answer my questions but decided instead to make a factually incorrect claim (actually more than one) I do hope you're not expecting to be taken seriously.
The fact that new people are being born every day pretty much proves that evolution is still ongoing.
The fact that new people are being born every day pretty much proves that evolution is still ongoing.
True, but there is also an ongoing process of devolution. Moreover, evolution itself is neutral and can result in good or bad outcomes. The good tends to survive, the bad, we seldom hear about because the poorly adapted organism goes extinct.
Right from time of civilization we have been focusing on technological development and haven't evolved
Look up lactose tolerance. But then, somehow, I suspect that won't be an example of evolution - according to you. At which point our discussion can devolve into arguing over definitions and the normal woo spiral...