Native American Spirituality

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Who here believe in it and who doesn't?

I, for one, do follow many different practices and beliefs of the spiritual practices that many Native American's did before Christianity set foot in the land we now call America.

Most old Native Religions worship creation rather than the Creator. Therefore I do not believe in their religions.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days

Although the intentions from the missionaries might have been a positive thing for providing the indiginous people education and other valuable skills, their whole purpose was to 'recruit' new members into Catholicism. There was no real need to take away their own NA spirituality. Bottom-line, the origins come from the same myth.

Whether or not there was a trail from some earlier beliefs that went through transformations and eventually became both Christian myths and Native ones or not, there is a world of difference between these myths. Just the relationship between God and the earth is very different. In the native beliefs and myths I have come in contact with there is not this disparaging of the immanent and a worship of the transcendant in the same way at all. Christianity has inherent power relations between humans and nature that are destructive and not loving.

There are many other fundamental differences between the belief systems.
As an archaeologist, I can tell you this evidence is spurious.
M*W: Well, you're the archeologist, not me. I was a bit surprised when the information stated 33,000 to 35,000 years, myself. I'll see if I can find it on the web and post a link. This village would then predate the Iroquois Nation, I would think. It's hard to imagine some ruins such as this one could be dated incorrectly, but human error is not surprising... just embarassing that they could have been wrong in dating their findings. I cannot judge their scientific estimation, I can only believe it if I choose.

OTOH, it's not surprising to me that indiginous peoples were here long before the Vikings and Columbus came over. Also, I'm assuming this tribe was of Native American origin and not from somewhere else. Also, this dig is fairly recent, say 20 years or less, so it probably hasn't had time to hit the archeology books.
Most old Native Religions worship creation rather than the Creator. Therefore I do not believe in their religions.
M*W: All religion is myth created in the minds of the believers. Comparing religions to determine which religion is the right one and which one is wrong is futile.
M*W: All religion is myth created in the minds of the believers.

Some people don't think so, MW.

But I'm curious why you feel it necessary to denigrate the religious beliefs of those people who believe differently to what you believe? Does it make you feel superior or better than the others? How do you feel about tolerance of others?

Baron Max
M*W: This has always been a bone to pick with me, especially since my Cherokee ancestors came from deep in Appalachia where their archeological finds go back 35,000 years. When the Europeans came over to run them off their land (or convert them to christianity), many of my own ancestors hid out in caves to avoid the horrors of the Trail of Tears. Unfortunately, what happened then, was that my ancestors denied their heritage out of fear. Even when I was a little girl, my grandmother told me to never tell anyone that we had Cherokee blood. By this time the Cherokee intermarried with settlers to blend into society.

When the christian missionaries came to "salvage" the Cherokee, they educated them in schools, taught them religion (christianity) and imbedded them into a European ethic. The word "salvage" was a more proper way of saying "savage." Hollywood didn't know this fact when making all the old westerns, and we've come to know the Native Americans as "savages," which is incorrect. They were "salvaged" from their own culture.

Of course, the Native Americans lived and loved the land as it was sacred to them. They worshipped Grandmother Earth who provided everything for their sustenance, and they worshipped Grandfather Sky for spiritual matters. How close that is to how the ancient nomads came to worship their skies.

Although the intentions from the missionaries might have been a positive thing for providing the indiginous people education and other valuable skills, their whole purpose was to 'recruit' new members into Catholicism. There was no real need to take away their own NA spirituality. Bottom-line, the origins come from the same myth.

You've heard the term "Indian Giver." That's also a misnomer. People think that an Indian Giver is an Indian who gave something to the Wasichu (White man) but then took it back. The true "Indian Giver" was Wasichu, who promised the NAs land and other great American things, and then took them back or didn't deliver them at all. That's why the NAs say Wasichu speaks with "forked tongue." Half the tongue tells the truth, but the other half lies. It makes me wonder if "our grandfather's house" (the US Government) isn't still speaking with forked tongue today!

So you are Cherokee? acording to CT he wrongly states there was genocide yet so many people seem to heve American Indian ancestors. What BS. They were Europeans looking to make a better life on this vas vast vast land and you called them (for reasons known only to you) Catholic. Problems start when people dont want to share, set foot on this land and i will put an arrow in your heart. Which i am pretty sure was the philosophy of the Indians, that philosophy is bad for everyone. What land exactly did American Indians claim? Everything?
So you are Cherokee? acording to CT he wrongly states there was genocide yet so many people seem to heve American Indian ancestors. What BS. They were Europeans looking to make a better life on this vas vast vast land and you called them (for reasons known only to you) Catholic. Problems start when people dont want to share, set foot on this land and i will put an arrow in your heart. Which i am pretty sure was the philosophy of the Indians, that philosophy is bad for everyone. What land exactly did American Indians claim? Everything?

Many tribes were totaly wiped out by the first whites that went out into the new lands. Sure , some of the tribes went along with resettlements only not to be liquidated. Wouldn't you? That's why some tribes still remain because they made agreements with the United States Government and those were called Treaties. Imagine , none of those Treaties were ever upheld by the government.
and couldn't this have been the way of Neandertal vs HomoSapiens? Survival of the fittest?

There's a difference. When those humans were here they only had very few weapons to fight with, usually equal types of weapons. When the whites came they had weapons far superior to every tribe in existence and used them to exterminate them with. Plus they used germ warfare when they handed out blankets to thousands of Native Americans with smallpox viruses embedded in them. Nice white ancestors we had, good Christians I'll bet.
There's a difference. When those humans were here they only had very few weapons to fight with, usually equal types of weapons. ....

but with all the natural resources in North/South America and same brain size, why didn't they make metal? Why didn't they evolve?

Because of their love of mother earth. Their religion held them back.
but with all the natural resources in North/South America and same brain size, why didn't they make metal? Why didn't they evolve?

Because of their love of mother earth. Their religion held them back.

It was more like a philosophy than a religion. Love for nature in itself in no way a religion.
but with all the natural resources in North/South America and same brain size, why didn't they make metal? Why didn't they evolve?

Because of their love of mother earth. Their religion held them back.

They had metal weapons, arrows, spears and tomohawks as examples. It was just that those were all they needed to live and fight by during their times in North America. Because they didn't need guns, they didn't make them. Once they saw what guns were they stole them because they never knew how to make them without being educated.
Who here believe in it and who doesn't?

I, for one, do follow many different practices and beliefs of the spiritual practices that many Native American's did before Christianity set foot in the land we now call America.
It's hard for me to say.
I am a Pagan; and although I have an atheistic view of Deity, I consider myself an animist and a naturalist, when it comes to metaphysics as a whole. Due to this, I do share many similar beliefs with indigenous tribal religions of North America, especially the ones in the further north. I also think that the similarity between Native American spirituality and the animism of Shinto and Chinese mythology is not coincidental, especially considering the ice-age North Asian origin of the modern Amerindian peoples.

However, while I may agree with the animism of Native American spirtuality, I do not believe in a transcendent Sky-Father and Earth-Mother. Rather, I believe that these are metaphors for an immanent and permeating spiritual substance that is throughout the universe as a whole, and is within every bit of matter.
Some people don't think so, MW.

But I'm curious why you feel it necessary to denigrate the religious beliefs of those people who believe differently to what you believe? Does it make you feel superior or better than the others? How do you feel about tolerance of others?
M*W: I have no intention of denigrating other's religions. Everyone is entitled to believe what they choose.

Most people don't believe what I do, and I'm comfortable with that. I'm an atheist, and I don't expect anyone to believe as I do. If they do, that's fine. If they don't, that's fine, too.

I study religion. I hope to find conclusions. There I find wisdom, and there I also find truth. Who am I to say that christianity is a fluke? I can only believe what I have seen. Having said that, I believe that christianity is false. Never doubt the resourcefulness of truth. There is a lot of truth in disbelief.
M*W: I have no intention of denigrating other's religions.

Then why do you make such statements as: M*W: "All religion is myth created in the minds of the believers." ? If that's not denigrating or making fun of the religious beliefs of others, I don't know what is!

I study religion.

I don't think you do. And it's pretty evident from the posts that you make that you've already decided on things. No, you're not studying religion, you're arguing about the beliefs of others and making fun of those who believe differently to what you believe.

Sorry, M*W, if you take all this wrong, but I, for one, am getting damned sick and tired of you posting your hatred and belittling those who have religious faith. I think you should take a step back, review your posts, then perhaps think a little bit before you post your usual hatred of believers.

Tolerance and understanding of others is a nice thing to have ....or at least that's what I'm told.

Baron Max