National Security or Individual Rights?

no. your parents can opt ya out for some other method of education... either private school, tutoring, or homeschooling. if they don't want to actually do anything, they can just say that you are homeschooling, and not actually make you do anything ;)
Originally posted by Tyler
"why do i have to proof my opinion?
and you are not under threat of war...iraq is."

This is a debate forum. That is where you argue and debate opinion. That requires proving what you say! So, either you give some proof to back your claims up, or accept that they're meaningless.

opinions are like assholes...everybody has one....and the proof is the shit they produce.

it's not like this is science...and debates suck because they are aimed at conflict...very immature...discussions are interesting...
Originally posted by spuriousmonkey
opinions are like assholes...everybody has one....and the proof is the shit they produce.
Nice motto,
Mine is similar:
Opinions are like assholes, everyone has one but few are worth listening to.
Originally posted by Tyler This is a debate forum. That is where you argue and debate opinion. That requires proving what you say! So, either you give some proof to back your claims up, or accept that they're meaningless.[/B]

This is not a debate forum, this is Ethics, Morality, & Justice forum. You may choose to debate or agree with opinions. If someone says something happened, it is not his or her job to prove it happened. It is your job to keep informed. You could research the topic at hand and then reply.
Well, if you're gonna take it that literally it is a SCI forum, not a Ethics, Morality, & Justice forum. :rolleyes: