National Day of Prayer.....Prayer achieves nothing

Master of Illusion

Registered Senior Member
I see the US NDOP is coming around again.

From the official website,

this nonsense:

Prayer for America
Written by Lloyd Ogilvie
Chaplain, United States Senate

Gracious God, all that we have and are is a result of Your amazing generosity. Since September 11th, in the battle against terrorism, we have discovered again that You truly are our refuge and strength, an ever-present help in trouble.

We rededicate ourselves to be one nation under You. In You we trust. We reaffirm our accountability to You, to the absolutes of Your Commandments, and to justice in our society.

Bless our President, Congress, and all our leaders with supernatural power. We commit ourselves to be faithful to You as Sovereign of our land and as our personal Lord and Savior.


I also see that Jesse Ventura is recognising the disappointing, I thought he was an atheist.

To me, this whole thing is ridiculous, and an insult to people of different faiths other than christianity and people of no faith.

Glad we don't have this stupid event in Australia.
No kidding.

And besides, if God all this refuge crap they spew out, then where the hell was he on Sept. 11? Was he on the can or something? Could he just not be there?

I find it very strange that Chrisitans could praise God about being ever-merciful and loving, when apparently he doesn't really care.

I'be said it once in other threads, but God is doing a piss-poor job at displaying his all-loving nature. I'll praise something when it warrants praiseing.
And besides, if God all this refuge crap they spew out, then where the hell was he on Sept. 11? Was he on the can or something? Could he just not be there?


JERRY FALWELL: And, I know that I'll hear from them for this. But, throwing God out successfully with the help of the federal court system, throwing God out of the public square, out of the schools. The abortionists have got to bear some burden for this because God will not be mocked. And when we destroy 40 million little innocent babies, we make God mad. I really believe that the pagans, and the abortionists, and the feminists, and the gays and the lesbians who are actively trying to make that an alternative lifestyle, the ACLU, People For the American Way - all of them who have tried to secularize America - I point the finger in their face and say "you helped this happen."

PAT ROBERTSON: Well, I totally concur, and the problem is we have adopted that agenda at the highest levels of our government. And so we're responsible as a free society for what the top people do. And, the top people, of course, is the court system.
courtesy of Snopes
God is mad - has simply gone mad with all these aeons of years in lonliness;)

God is dead - we simply see no manefestation of it.

God - there has never been such a thing (Christian or indu, a god with a personality)

I tend to aree with the 3rd.
In either case- why to pray to it, all these possibilities of God mentioned above don't need any worship.
Naw, we athiests don't get into that 'flogging, beating and burning at the stake' bit. Well, maybe the flogging...(STOP THAT!) ;)
Master of Illusion..
I think I am going to enjoy reading peoples responses to your post. I was in a resent one, "Proof that God DOES exist" where one of our member proceeded to tell me that I was not in my right mind, blah blah..
I think it is completely bogus also, and I am glad you posted something about it. It is going to open the minds of a lot of people.
I think I am going to like you.. Lol.
Believe it or not, what people like you an I say... Intrigue people, and they continue to think.. Opening there mind to possibilities.
It seems I owe Jesse Ventura an apology.

All other state governors have issued official proclamations of the day of prayer.

Jesse as in previous years has only signed a certificate of recognition.
I don't know much about Ventura's politics, but personally I like the guy. He's done everything he ever wanted, and kicked arse at it.
I don't think we should apologize to anyone. What about this being a free country, the fact that there isn’t a fucking holiday for atheists.. REALLY bothers me!!!
We have a goddamn holiday for everyone else...
Originally posted by MastemaRose
I don't think we should apologize to anyone. What about this being a free country, the fact that there isn’t a fucking holiday for atheists.. REALLY bothers me!!!
We have a goddamn holiday for everyone else...

Now that would be interesting. I wonder how many thiests would take National Athiests Day off? First we'll need to figure out what day God wasn't born on though.

We could have parade floats with nothing on them and drag balloon strings sans the balloon.

Jesse's an Independant, Adamski. His party split shortly after after he took office.

People in other states make fun of him (mainly 'cause the Minnesotans are so crazy about 'wrasslin' that they elected him) but I like him. He's got balls. He's a former SEAL, and he dosen't hide his athiesm.

And his politics are close enough to mine.

Oh yeah, and according to this moron, April Fools Day (April 1st) is our national holiday.

I can kinda see it - I mean, God has got to be the biggest 'prank' ever pulled. But too cold.

I say, somtime in July, to coincide with the Fourth of July and Bastille day.

P.S: He claims that Lincoln believed in God. Bullshit. Lincoln was an athiest, more or less.
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Ha.. I got a kick out of that one. I think that would be interesting. Would you like to work with the goverment on that day with me? HAHA
Prayer is a waste of time. How many people have been praying for children in Africa? How long have they been doing this? What's come out of it? Nothing. Children are still starving to death while millions of people sit back and say "I know what I can do, I'll pray for them!". No. Stop praying for them and start sending them food and money for god's sake. And then they have the nerve to say god is a being of everlasting love. Riiight..

Prayer is one of the aspects of religion that bugs me the most. Especially when it's used in instances like this.
Prayer is indeed a waste of time. I think those who pray should instead devote that portion of each day to masturbation. It's basically the same thing, but you get some physical pleasure out of it, and it might help release some of that pent-up sin-repression crap.
Ever heard the saying "Every time you masturbate God kills a kitten"? :D