NASA uses LLPOF anti-flak to protect Apollo butts

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Let me rephrase my LLPOF statements;

1) there is absolutely no freaking way that such photos as supposedly acquired by our Apollo crews survived the 2 weeks of overall space travel, including those 36 odd lunar surface hours as unscaved.

2) those Kodak moments simply were not sufficiently skewed, which includes B&W photographs because such film is even more UV/a and near-UV spectrum sensitive than color film, and of color film should have easily recorded upon the horrific increase in the near-UV as well as for recording the secondary emmissions of the UV/a portions from the rather considerable influx having absolutely no filtering whatsoever, other than the quality lens and internal clear glass plate. Of whatever direct influx of near-UV and UV/a as coming off stars (especially the likes of Sirius) should have been at least dimly recorded, as well as for including the likes of Venus as not so dimly recorded, of which Venus had to have been well within frame (sufficiently offset from the sun) on more than two of the missions.

3) as otherwise the spectrum of illumination as recorded is nearly identical to the artificial xenon illumination spectrum.

4) side lighting simply isn't possible from a point-source of raw solar illumination having been 65 degrees off the horizon, nor is it possible for creating illumination spots from such a distant point-source of illumination.

6) the polarizing filter (if utilized) would have made the lunar surface even darker than 11% reflective, NOT LIGHTER.

7) the secondary TBI of mostly hard X-Ray class, whereas this energy would have been coming from all directions, and again having no atmosphere means no attenuation except for easily penetrating them EVA suits and of those cameras and of anything other containing film.

8) the absolute lack of there never being an impact of anything, not even one lethal dust-bunny, this also represents that our crack teams simply never set foot on the moon. At least not by any of those moments recorded by Kodak film, which isn't to say that perhaps one of the Apollo missions or of something other didn't manage a brief pitstop and return with whatever samples. Although, of what's supposedly lunar samples weighs too much, is too light in color, and of soil like substances that doesn't clump on Earth, plus eroded rock and shards at that.

9) Modifying Earth rocks isn't rocket science, although being a rocket scientist and having top security access and unlimited resources as to accomplishing whatever would certainly have given any number of scientist the means and ways as to accomplishing just that.

10) The act of modifying photographs is an old, tried and well proven science, of which NASA/Apollo as well as NSA/DoD proved they not only had such capability but, they actually produced such images and even having astronauts autographing such without ever an honest word as to the truth about their accomplishing such things.

The further proof being, is that no portion of the Apollo film in its raw state has ever surfaced, from which a digital (8192 dpi) scan would have been nondestructive and capable of reading that film like a TBI dosage badge, and then some.

This is absolutely boring because, there's so much other to offer, such that all of you NASA/Apollo borg defenders are either lying your incest cloned collective butts off, or you are in fact so dumb and dumber, as in absolutely dumbfounded that you can't possibly tell when you've been snookered, and trust me, I have lots of analogies associated with the sorts of nasty and dastardly sorts of things governments have accomplished against humanity, which by the way is not an exclusive talent of the American government, as them Russians were nearly as good at pulling off a good cold-war ruse as the next guy.

And, I am not the one stipulating that all religious folks and/or of other nationals are as bad off, nor nearly and as intent upon snookering humanity as are those borgs of our NASA/NSA/DoD/FBI/CIA and so forth, plus those Apollo astronauts and all of our Apollo related staff were in fact honestly trying to set foot on the moon, but lets get real honest about life on the moon while traveling through space essentially as naked and making 30+km/s at that, plus whatever occasions sharing upon a tid-bit of whatever's solar flak that's capable of obtaining 800 km/s, or of what's associated along with the 224 km/s of our solar system that's traveling through nasty space isn't exactly improving upon the outlook, especially if there's absolutely no atmosphere as to buffer squat, and of no other shield such as the Van Allen zone of death to boot.

Truly dumbfounded and thereby easily snookered folks can otherwise be perfectly good and honest individuals (even the worst Godfather types were generally good family sorts of folk, and certainly the Popes of today that condone the exterminations of Cathars are not personally the sort of bastards hidden within). Knowing only of disinformation, and as such making all of your moral decisions as based upon such disinformation doesn't make that individual anything more than human, and thus is why we humans have to make those same mistakes over and over, much like the mistake of putting GW Bush in power was and still is the sort of mistake that'll happen over and over, and as such tens of thousands of innocent folks are going to have to prematurely die off as a result, especially over energy related matters.

And of obtaining a dollar's worth of purely happenstance science on behalf of humanity, per billion dollars invested (that's not even including the value of human lives taken in order to achieve such goals) is not only immorally obscene but, insanely being perpetrated without remorse.


And, don't even bother giving me any of that crap about our foreign affairs and of previous and ongoing cold-wars having nothing whatsoever to due with our NASA/Apollo ruse, and of subsequently what our vast collective of incest cloned borgs (such as yourselves) are having to accomplish without remorse. Thus far worse off than the LLPOF as well as the stinking glove fits.

Those having energy reserves are going to in fact become much richer, and those without are going to have to "make due", as in put up or shut up, unless you folks intend to ruse us into going back into war again, as based upon unfounded and/or disinformation, or perhaps even intentionally upon well founded disinformation (blatant lies), that is easily accomplished if you're the type that's sufficiently dumbfounded and thereby so easily snookered into believing whatever a few morons within government are having to say. Thus if you folks want to keep snookering America, and thereby the world that's becoming wise to our arrogance, then go right ahead and push those WW-III buttons because, that's what it's going to become.

I'll suppose, if Cuba should acquire any significant amount of oil, as then it'll be Iraq allover again, whereas this time our 8th invasion and overthrow attempt of Cuba well be for keeps. At least that's how the Barcardi mafiosa is going to insist upon the outcome of our next shock and awe delivery.

The good news is, that by way of keeping our present warlord (GW Bush) in office, and of giving the Barcardi family whatever they want, is that bomb shelters will become fashionable once again, and perhaps even those doomsday survival ships and underground facilities for the likes of folks owned by the Barcardi family will survive in spite of whatever outcome.

Of course, any pro-Cuba (pro-Castro) supporters are going to be cast as anti-American terrorist. Thus once having ownership of Cuba would offer an unlimited expansion of those Guantanamo stockades, in which to place all those that oppose the mainstream status quo. As a terrorist you'd have absolutely no privileges nor human rights, and anything UN or of any other oversight isn't allowed because we never include Cuba as US real estate. In fact, it might become simply a privet holding of the Barcardi family, from which the US taxpayers forfeit to the Barcardi family 100 billion dollars per year (retroactive) for the partial usage thereof, plus paying lots extra for whatever is outside of our newly expanded Guantanamo base.

Naturally the fine reputation of the Cuban educational system would need to be detuned to the "high standards and accountability" of our very own "Skull and Bones" warlord, so that folks can learn the fine art of lying their butts off while being more easily snookered if not entirely dumbfounded for the rest of their lives, where as such folks would in fact vote for yet another round of shock and awe that's being orchestrated by an absolute moron, even if it meant that a few hundred million innocent folks will be eliminated, and of everyone else in need of wearing full-body flak suits while they lived behind thick walls or underground at that.

The Cuban expertise in bioscience could easily revert into another incest cloning environment for the likes of GW Bush, Barcardi and might as well include the likes of WorldCom and ENRON, possibly even Martha Stewart, although she got caught, thus her DNA is not nearly Arian enough to qualify for the borg collective.

Of course, we could always ask the Dogon tribe to straighten this mess all out, in as much as in the past having been advised by vastly superior intelligence that we are not alone, just being intentionally left alone until all the smoke dies down. Or, perhaps we can allow yet another Cathar exterminating Pope to take charge and see to the demise of sufficient numbers, so that the remaining energy reserves are available for those folks considered by the Barcardi mafiosa as being valuable commodities.

Perhaps now that the Barcardi mafiosa and we(America) are soon going to be in control of Cuba, North Korea is next, unless we can starve them out or simply VX them once and for all. Although, our fleet of Boeing/TRW ABLs are sufficiently tuned up and easily focused upon whomever we don't like, whereas the laser cannon spectrum can easily be altered from the IR spectrum into the UV/b spectrum if not UV/c, thus we can essentially and invisibly nuke their DNA, in so much as their own immune systems kick into action, thus slowly killing them from the inside out, and best of all, there's not a forensic trace of the weapon, so that once again we could lie our butts off and no one could be the wiser.

And lo and behold, there's lots more (a bit far reaching) to share within my UPDATE page.
Regards, Brad Guth (BBCI h2g2 U206251)
At least not by any of those moments recorded by Kodak film, which isn't to say that perhaps one of the Apollo missions or of something other didn't manage a brief pitstop and return with whatever samples.

you have been redeemed. well done
Could you do us a favor? Stop with all the editorial bullshit and just state your facts. I'm tired of having to read through tons of your irrelevant stuff to look for what it is your trying to claim.
bradguth said:
1) there is absolutely no freaking way that such photos as supposedly acquired by our Apollo crews survived the 2 weeks of overall space travel, including those 36 odd lunar surface hours as unscaved.
First, the worst radiation is the Van Allen Belt. They only spent an hour there.... and they were in a metal ship. Metal (even as thin as tin foil) blocks the majority of ionizing radiation.
The moon itself if 10 times higher than the Van Allen Belt.
Radiation effects have been measured in labs. They have been calculated for this trip.

if you disagree, post some math showing how much radiation they were exposed to, and then show why they couldn't survive this.
2) those Kodak moments simply were not sufficiently skewed, which includes B&W photographs because such film is even more UV/a and near-UV spectrum sensitive than color film
I assume you know that they used Hasselblad cameras, which had added protection on the magazines. The only experiment done on this that I know of what by Dr. David Groves. He used rays thousands of times more intense than what the Apollo film was subjeted to. In most cases all he got were slightly blurry photos. He exposed the film to an equivalent of SIX years of space travel WITHOUT the added protection of the magazine. All he got was fuzzyness.

If you have some other evidence, please provide it in a short and direct manner.
3) as otherwise the spectrum of illumination as recorded is nearly identical to the artificial xenon illumination spectrum.
You can't determine the 'spectrum of illumination' from photographs without something to adjust them to. How did you determine this?
4) side lighting simply isn't possible from a point-source of raw solar illumination having been 65 degrees off the horizon, nor is it possible for creating illumination spots from such a distant point-source of illumination.
I have no idea what you are even talking about. Show us a picture and explain please.
6) the polarizing filter (if utilized) would have made the lunar surface even darker than 11% reflective, NOT LIGHTER.
When you take and develop photos, this is something you can change.
7) the secondary TBI of mostly hard X-Ray class, whereas this energy would have been coming from all directions, and again having no atmosphere means no attenuation except for easily penetrating them EVA suits and of those cameras and of anything other containing film.
Once again, Dr. Groves did this experiment for the equivalent of 6 years, and his film was only fuzzy. As for the rems the astronauts where expossed to, it was small. Hell, even Dr. Allen (the guy who discovered the Van Allen belts) disagrees with you.
8) the absolute lack of there never being an impact of anything, not even one lethal dust-bunny
Apollo 13 anyone? One shuttle with it's windshield cracked.

Unless you are going to say that the shuttle is also a hoax. It's in virtually the same enviroment as Apollo was and the shuttles have only had 1 incident of being damaged by an impact.
Although, of what's supposedly lunar samples weighs too much, is too light in color, and of soil like substances that doesn't clump on Earth, plus eroded rock and shards at that.
These have been examined all over the globe. What EXACTLY are wrong with the moon samples?
9) Modifying Earth rocks isn't rocket science
No, it's not. Rocket science is possible. Transmutation is not. Please xplain how these could possibly be modified.
10) The act of modifying photographs is an old
Not going to bother answering this one. It's your fall back position. Even if you admit everything else you said is wrong, your still going to say 'but they still could have faked the photos'. Yeah, well who cares. There is tons of evidence besides the photos. Not the least of which were the radio signals from the crafts as the went to the moon. Or the video signal which (GASP) originated at the moon.
The further proof being, is that no portion of the Apollo film in its raw state has ever surfaced, NASA/Apollo borg defenders are either lying your incest cloned collective butts off...snookering humanity as are those borgs of our NASA/NSA/DoD/FBI/CIA...even the worst Godfather types...happenstance science on behalf of humanity, per billion dollars me any of that crap about our foreign affairs...worse off than the LLPOF as well as the stinking glove fits....then go right ahead and push those WW-III buttons because...if Cuba should acquire any significant amount of oil...any pro-Cuba (pro-Castro)...Guantanamo stockades...privet holding of the Barcardi family...Cuban educational system...orchestrated by an absolute moron... will be eliminated...while they lived behind thick walls or underground at that....The Cuban expertise in bioscience...Dogon tribe...Barcardi mafiosa...North Korea...our fleet of Boeing/TRW ABLs
Dude, what the hell is wrong with you? You'll understand if I don't address paragraph upon paragraph of your babling about politics. Either stick to the topic of the thread or shut the hell up. None of the above stuff had shit to do with the thread, and just makes you look even more nuts.
Sigh. I see you have an entire page dedicated to yet you don't refute even ONE of their explanations.

So, do you care to address some of the above questions/discrepancies in your posts? Could you please do it directly, without bringing in tons of other unrelated topics. You are making several claims which are simply just false and unsupported. Unless you can show some math/experiments to back it up, you are wasting your time.
Apollo 13 anyone?

Well the Apollo 13 accident happnened because of an incorrect voltage used on an oxygen tank mixer and caused it to short out.

As for Groves here's a good link disproving him.

Brad, your posts are becoming more and more incoherent as time goes on not to mention WRONG! If anyone would have taken you seriously before they would have given up by now.
"How can 99% of what they say be true about the mission, but false about the people? That makes no sense."

My mistake in not making myself clear (as though that never happened before), as such I wasn't referring to the narrow topic of those Apollo missions.

Obviously the vast majority of what "badastronomy" deals with isn't the least bit tied into the NASA/Apollo ruse of the century, and certainly not everything that's known, or at least thought to being known, about our moon is phony, just a wee bit skewed in order to support the results of them supposed Apollo missions.

Although, it only takes one bad apple as to spoil the entire barrel. If that bad apple were situated on top, as such it would be safe and easy as to eliminating the problem. Unfortunately, that rotten apple is situated at the extreme bottom of a very large barrel of otherwise perfectly good apples, though quickly spoiling from the bottom up.

I might have to agree with your analogy of those damn lizard folk, as chances are they're either al-Qaida or Cathars, and still holding a nasty grudge against us humans, especially any Pope like humans. Though them Dogons should be nice folks.

As usual, I've got those updated files to share.

And lo and behold, there's lots more (a bit far reaching) to share within my UPDATE page.
Regards, Brad Guth (BBCI h2g2 U206251)
I might have to agree with your analogy of those damn lizard folk, as chances are they're either al-Qaida or Cathars, and still holding a nasty grudge against us humans, especially any Pope like humans. Though them Dogons should be nice folks.
I'm still waiting for him to adress my technical concerns with his claims... although I suppose he must have accidently missed addressing them. Funny how that happens.
Aren't there drugs available to help curb one's paranoia?

If not that, there are at least libraries where he could go and do some real research.
I'll get back to a number of those perfectly good questions, though for the moment;

The point being, is that NASA/Apollo may have worked out the bugs on their last mission, whereas if they had recorded those "Kodak moments" and subsequently noticed all of the thermal stress, fogging from excessive radiation and loads of bluish color-shift due to the excessive increase in the near-UV and UV/a, as such those images couldn't possibly be released to the public because, if they did then all of their previous images and associated science would be exposed as bogus, and at the end of those Apollo missions we were far from being out of our cold-war woods.

Thus, perhaps we need to go back to the moon, and not so much for further exposing our past, but as to acquiring the much needed information, and for otherwise establishing those much needed interactive probes as preferably spread over great distances so that we can obtain that seismic 3D look-see into the lunar core, as hopefully to identify upon those geode pockets and passages into them.
Or, just possibly, the radiation wasn't enough to actually fog the photos to any great degree.

The Groves experiment exposed unshielded film 100s of times what would actually have been found, and he got fogging.
The Apollo cameras had sheilded magazines and did not see an excessive amount of radiation.

Also, we were taking pictures from space of the moon before we actually landed on it. The resolution of theses is impossible to take from Earth. This shows that (at the very least) we can take photos from the moons orbit. Landing on the moon has about the ame level of radiation.

Very simply, they knew what radiation level to expect... they shielded for it.

I look forward to your response to the rest of the items.
I've offered a far better image link of the Apollo-15 landing/impact site, whereas your link to those Apollo sites shows us nothing but a very large and relatively dark moon having that average of 11% reflective index (according to team KECK-II and team Hubble, and just every other team you can think of, with the only exception being team Apollo).

Van Allen zone of death;
"They only spent an hour there" is being just a wee bit conservative, considering their trajectory and speed of advance which was essentially slowing down all the way to the nullification zone. As such, I'd roughly place their to/from TBI exposure of at least 3 hours through the worst portions, and another 4 hours as traveling through portions that were perhaps only 10 fold worse off than not. I believe the zone of death reaches out to as much as 70,000 km, as in distorted towards the direction of the moon.

Tell us how fast was the Apollo average speed was from roughly 1,000 km out to 70,000 km, and vise versa.

That's roughly 140,000 km worth, not including any angulare factors, thus if we should give the entire to/from matter a worth of perhaps 210,000 km at an average speed of 8.5 km/s = 30,600 km/hr = 6.9 hours.

I never stipulated that humans couldn't survive such TBI, just not unscaved, if not nearly at the "banked bone marrow" stage of recovery. Most of us could sustain 50~100 rem over a 2 week exposure, although in bone marrow transplants that typically start in at 100 rem, such TBI dosage generally excludes the head and certain privet parts by at least 50%, though of whatever body hair doesn't fall out turns bone white.

Even a combined exposure of 10 rem (that's a thousand full-body X-Rays) should have created somewhat physically noticeable impact upon them astronauts, upon hair and especially eyes.

Your Dr. David Groves 1000 fold greater radiation exposure as having little impact upon Kodak film is quite bogus, to say the least, as even 1000 rem would have accomplished a whole lot more than knock your socks off.

And keep telling me again why you're defending these dogs?

As for my estimate, guestimate, supposition or extrapolation upon the lunar surface TBI exposure, for that I've come to believe that 360 rem/day is about as good as a fully illuminated moon surface gets.

As for the color/spectrum reference index and their reflected energy index, just utilize the American flag, or perhaps those white moon-suits, or the gray or gold anodized aluminum, or of those reflective mylars, or any number of items made here on Earth and supposedly transported to the lunar surface. Then check out the nearly 55% reflective moonscape containing damn few meteorites and strewn shards, as in not offering 10% of what's depicted upon Mars.

As for anything optically "polarised", that one you should be able to accomplish for yourself. Though if not, there's any number of well published photographs as with and without such filtering, whereas in all cases the amount of reflected glare is diminished and thereby the amount of recorded photons reflected off a given subject or surface is recorded as lesser, not greater, though I suppose one cold rotate the filter by 90 degrees and accomplish just the opposite affect.

As for the spectrum of color shift, I suppose as for locating a reflected spectrum reference, that I alone could search for that "American flag" as illuminated via xenon spectrum being somewhat typical of what 99.999% of all strobe light sources have utilized because, such xenon simulates the natural solar spectrum as atmospherically filtered upon Earth.

And keep telling me again why you're defending these dogs?

What's the gravity constant of the shuttle as compared to that of the moon?

I mean to say, if the average radius of the shuttle mass were say 5 meters, and if I were to hold a given object at 2r (10 meters away from the center of the shuttle mass), how much so would that item be attracted towards the shuttle?

The moon at 1r=1.625 m/s/s, and at 2r=0.4 m/s/s, of which I believe that's just as effective if we're talking about something the size and fully loaded mass of the Hindenburg (242 metric tonnes) or that of a 2 mg dust-bunny, although the added mass of the Hindenburg should add something into the equation, except not to any sort of terminal velocity factor because, there isn't any velocity limitation whatsoever.

Thus it seems that whatever the shuttle runs itself into is more or less a glancing blow, if any impact, since there's still 1e9 atoms/m3 in that atmosphere that's surrounding and above the shuttle, plus the magnetosphere that's good for something, where as on the moon you're essentially naked. The lunar atmosphere might be as little as 1e8 atoms/m3, if not 1e7 atoms/m3 in the nullification zone.

The Raytheon/TRW team assesses the Van Allen zone of death at 2e3 Sv/year (200,000 rem/year) while situated behind 2 grams/cm2 worth of aluminum mass, and that amount certainly was not inclusive of the sort of horrific solar flak of last November/2003.

The lunar surface itself (meteorites and strewn shards, plus that of mostly lunar basalt) represents a good deal more than 2 g/ccm, thus instead of the moon shielding your butt, instead it's making it much worse off by way of the greater mass/ccm being nearly 4 g/ccm, and as such surrounding and thereby reflecting and/or transferring such secondary energy at you from every possible angle except from above. Since there's no atmosphere, there's no attenuation of those secondary hard X-Rays (a zone of at least 1e6 m2 offering all the secondary flak your body can stand), thus I've suggested upon the amount of such an environment as being worth at least 360 rem/day, and at times that much per hour, whereas the density of the moon-suit might cut that TBI dosage down to 1%, thus 3.6 to as much as 36 rem per day is what the astronauts and their film would have to endure, and that's not to mention whatever is directly impacting in the way of 1400 w/m2 plus the added amount of IR reflected energy trying to toast everything to a fairlywell.

Even at the 36 rem/day is humanly survivable, though not unscaved, much less entirely unrecorded upon by their Kodak film. A total mission TBI dosage of perhaps 50 to 75 rem is what I'm thinking the next fully solar illuminated manned mission is up against, unless their landing site was of earthshine, plus their lander was considerably more substantial and, those moon-suits were of at least twice the overall density, with the helmet and privet part portions at perhaps 4 times the density of those Apollo missions, in which case their lunar surface exposure timeline might be extended for a month, baring any of those lethal dust-bunny impacts at 30+km/s.

Basically, the moon is either hot and nasty, or it's cold and nasty, whereas the nasty part must include the secondary radiation being provided by at least the surrounding 1e6 m2, plus whatever is impacting via the moon running itself into such, or of the lunar gravity constant of 1.625 m/s/s sucking stuff in, or of what's on that impending trajectory of impact that'll certainly clean your clock if it's closing SOA is 60+km/s.

If I have to explain how Earth rocks could have been modified (Super-Collider, nuclear breeder reactor and so forth), then you're a whole lot more snookered than I'd anticipated. Instead, why don't you offer upon why such modifications are impossible?

Equally, if I have to explain how a signal transponder functions, then lo and behold, I rest my case, as absolute proof positive that I'm not the one and only village idiot on this planet.

Basically, you're the one insisting upon convincing myself and a good many other snookered village idiots that the lunar environment is a "walk in the park", as NOT such a big deal once you've got that pesky little to/from issue resolved (though oddly undocumented as to any actual prototype lander flights), plus by way of having a few radiation resistant borgs for astronauts that don't mind having a few holes punched clean through their bodies that a little duct-tape couldn't fix.

OK, that's perfectly great news for the sorts of manned missions it'll soon take as for someone other than American establishing the Lunar Space Elevator (LSE-CM/ISS). Oops, I forgot, because of your incest cloned borg programming (prime directive), that of absolutely anything the least bit positive towards folks utilizing the moon on behalf of humanity is taboo, and especially if it's my idea.

Dear Persol, just for your benefit; I'll concede that your moon is absolutely tame but otherwise useless for humanity, whereas my moon (of which you obviously can't see or otherwise detect squat about) remains somewhat testy, but otherwise chuck full of energy resource potential, hopefully hosting a few nifty geode pockets, and of numerous other benefits for humanity, that is as long as you're not stupid enough as to be leaving the earthshine surface environment, and otherwise staying put within a substantial lunar metro bus (LM-1) at that.

Good grief, if them Kodak moments are not sufficient, as in "proof positive" that we've been snookered, then nothing else much matters, as perhaps you and GW Bush should just go about finishing with blowing up whatever's left of Earth's humanity before someone else discovers the truth and nothing but the truth that's different than either of your versions.
I never stipulated that humans couldn't survive such TBI, just not unscaved, if not nearly at the "banked bone marrow" stage of recovery. Most of us could sustain 50~100 rem over a 2 week exposure, although in bone marrow transplants that typically start in at 100 rem, such TBI dosage generally excludes the head and certain privet parts by at least 50%, though of whatever body hair doesn't fall out turns bone white.Even a combined exposure of 10 rem (that's a thousand full-body X-Rays) should have created somewhat physically noticeable impact upon them astronauts, upon hair and especially eyes.

Your Dr. David Groves 1000 fold greater radiation exposure as having little impact upon Kodak film is quite bogus, to say the least, as even 1000 rem would have accomplished a whole lot more than knock your socks off.

Brad, you're still wrong about radiation dosage. This is a good site to look through:

You're getting confused! You are pretty much saying that they are receiving the full dosage they can get in a certain area, disregarding the metal hall and travel time altogether. More good stuff:

And given they were at escape velocity they were moving within the area of around 25,000 mph.

What's the gravity constant of the shuttle as compared to that of the moon?

I mean to say, if the average radius of the shuttle mass were say 5 meters, and if I were to hold a given object at 2r (10 meters away from the center of the shuttle mass), how much so would that item be attracted towards the shuttle?

The moon at 1r=1.625 m/s/s, and at 2r=0.4 m/s/s, of which I believe that's just as effective if we're talking about something the size and fully loaded mass of the Hindenburg (242 metric tonnes) or that of a 2 mg dust-bunny, although the added mass of the Hindenburg should add something into the equation, except not to any sort of terminal velocity factor because, there isn't any velocity limitation whatsoever.

Thus it seems that whatever the shuttle runs itself into is more or less a glancing blow, if any impact, since there's still 1e9 atoms/m3 in that atmosphere that's surrounding and above the shuttle, plus the magnetosphere that's good for something, where as on the moon you're essentially naked. The lunar atmosphere might be as little as 1e8 atoms/m3, if not 1e7 atoms/m3 in the nullification zone.

Apples to oranges brad. You can't compare how mass is attracted to the shuttle in any fairness as compared to the moon. The shuttle only weighs between 75,000 kg and 150,000 kg (min and max payload). The moon approximately weighs around 0.07349X10^24 kg. It doesn't make much a difference betwen impacts near earth and impacts near the moon.

Here's the graviation attraction equation: Gm1m2/(r1)^2 = Gm1m3/(r2)^2
Do the math using a .5 kg particle....and remember that spacecraft and space junk are between two larger objects of influence.

The lunar surface itself (meteorites and strewn shards, plus that of mostly lunar basalt) represents a good deal more than 2 g/ccm, thus instead of the moon shielding your butt, instead it's making it much worse off by way of the greater mass/ccm being nearly 4 g/ccm, and as such surrounding and thereby reflecting and/or transferring such secondary energy at you from every possible angle except from above. Since there's no atmosphere, there's no attenuation of those secondary hard X-Rays (a zone of at least 1e6 m2 offering all the secondary flak your body can stand), thus I've suggested upon the amount of such an environment as being worth at least 360 rem/day, and at times that much per hour, whereas the density of the moon-suit might cut that TBI dosage down to 1%, thus 3.6 to as much as 36 rem per day is what the astronauts and their film would have to endure, and that's not to mention whatever is directly impacting in the way of 1400 w/m2 plus the added amount of IR reflected energy trying to toast everything to a fairlywell.

Shuttle and space station astronauts would get the same dosage then! Remember hard X-rays aren't blocked by earth's magnetic field, the belts or any open space between! I don't see any astronauts dying left and right.

If I have to explain how Earth rocks could have been modified (Super-Collider, nuclear breeder reactor and so forth), then you're a whole lot more snookered than I'd anticipated. Instead, why don't you offer upon why such modifications are impossible?

No it just means you're more of an idiot then we thought. Transmutation only works on radioactive materials that you can triggle higher decay rates andis doesn't change the materal's age. All you do is introduce isotopes into the rock but you wouldn't be able to reproduce carbon-14 dating of 4 billion year old rock. It would just be a lot of short lived isotopes. I don't even believe you even know how a "super-collider" (we didn't even have any accelerator with significant power back then anyhow) works anyhow.

Equally, if I have to explain how a signal transponder functions, then lo and behold, I rest my case, as absolute proof positive that I'm not the one and only village idiot on this planet.

Brad, you're acting like THEE biggest village idiot so far. I know how transponders work. They couldn't be used like you want them to.

bradguth said:
I've offered a far better image link of the Apollo-15 landing/impact site, whereas your link to those Apollo sites shows us nothing but a very large and relatively dark moon
The point was that we have close up photos of the Moon, and photos of the lander on the Moon from the Moon orbit. What are you suggesting? That we
1) Flew to the moon and dropped an unmanned lander
2) flew around them moon and took photos of said lander on the moon
3) Launched it remotely and picked it back up
4) Flew home

Seems far fetched? I think so. If we get to the moon and drop a lander, we could do it with people aboard.
having that average of 11% reflective index (according to team KECK-II and team Hubble, and just every other team you can think of, with the only exception being team Apollo).
Not sure why you keep bringing this up...
"They only spent an hour there" is being just a wee bit conservative, considering their trajectory and speed of advance which was essentially slowing down all the way to the nullification zone. As such, I'd roughly place their to/from TBI exposure of at least 3 hours through the worst portions, and another 4 hours as traveling through portions that were perhaps only 10 fold worse off than not. I believe the zone of death reaches out to as much as 70,000 km, as in distorted towards the direction of the moon.
Calculation please? Otherwise, you're just talking out your ass.

The inner belt extends to about 4000-5000 km.
The outer belt only goes to about 30,000 km (max of about 20,000km thick).
So lets round up and say you have 30,000 km of these belts.

Even if you assume 7.2km/sec as your speed (which is somewhat low), it only takes 1.5 hours to pass through.

From the level of exposure the astronauts had, they increaded their chance of getting cancer by about 1/1000th. Nowhere near fatal.

If you disagree, please provide some actual math and references, because guessing doesn't exactly support your case.
That's roughly 140,000 km worth, not including any angulare factors, thus if we should give the entire to/from matter a worth of perhaps 210,000 km at an average speed of 8.5 km/s = 30,600 km/hr = 6.9 hours.
I covered this above... but I'll reiterate. First, the size of the belts you are using is just plain wrong. Second, because the belts are centered around the equator and U-shaped, any angular effects would LESSEN the time spent in the belts.
I never stipulated that humans couldn't survive such TBI, just not unscaved, if not nearly at the "banked bone marrow" stage of recovery. Most of us could sustain 50~100 rem over a 2 week exposure
Good, because all the probes sent and all the calculations done only call for about 2rems of exposure.
Your Dr. David Groves 1000 fold greater radiation exposure as having little impact upon Kodak film is quite bogus, to say the least, as even 1000 rem would have accomplished a whole lot more than knock your socks off.
1000 rem would flat out kill you. He was doing this experiment on film, not people... so no... it isn't bogus. This experiment has been duplicated many times.
As for my estimate, guestimate, supposition or extrapolation upon the lunar surface TBI exposure, for that I've come to believe that 360 rem/day is about as good as a fully illuminated moon surface gets.
Based on what? You do realize that the Van Allen belts are the most dangerous parts of the trip, right? You basically said so yourself by calling them 'rings of death' or something similar. Most cosmic rays are blocked by the field of the Earth. The effects of the Sun are about the same as here on Earth.

If you disagree, please state why, and back up your reasons. No more wild guesses.
As for the color/spectrum reference index and their reflected energy index, just utilize the American flag, or perhaps those white moon-suits, or the gray or gold anodized aluminum, or of those reflective mylars or any number of items made here on Earth and supposedly transported to the lunar surface.
None of which will help you calibrate brightness, let alone UV levels.
Then check out the nearly 55% reflective moonscape containing damn few meteorites and strewn shards, as in not offering 10% of what's depicted upon Mars.
They were on the Earth-facing side of the moon. We can clearly see from Earth that it is far les cratered then Mars.
As for the spectrum of color shift, I suppose as for locating a reflected spectrum reference, that I alone could search for that "American flag" as illuminated via xenon spectrum being somewhat typical of what 99.999% of all strobe light sources have utilized because, such xenon simulates the natural solar spectrum as atmospherically filtered upon Earth.
Please learn something about photography before acting like a dumbass.
The moon at 1r=1.625 m/s/s, and at 2r=0.4 m/s/s, of which I believe that's just as effective if we're talking about something the size and fully loaded mass of the Hindenburg (242 metric tonnes) or that of a 2 mg dust-bunny, although the added mass of the Hindenburg should add something into the equation, except not to any sort of terminal velocity factor because, there isn't any velocity limitation whatsoever.
My god, you really are stupid. The ISS is in the same situation. How many times has it been hit? And it's much more massive, and also not in a gravitational 'dead-zone' like Apollo was.
If I have to explain how Earth rocks could have been modified (Super-Collider, nuclear breeder reactor and so forth), then you're a whole lot more snookered than I'd anticipated. Instead, why don't you offer upon why such modifications are impossible?
Please do so.... because I've actually worked with a partical accelerator before... and it sure as hell didn't do that.
Equally, if I have to explain how a signal transponder functions, then lo and behold, I rest my case, as absolute proof positive that I'm not the one and only village idiot on this planet.
There were stations set up ALL OVER THE GLOBE listening to this. They were mostly volunteers, and just about anyone with a big enough antenna could pick it up... yet none of them noticed NASA sending signals into space... even though they'd have to do so from stations all over the planet to coordinate. Uh huh...
Oops, I forgot, because of your incest cloned borg programming (prime directive), that of absolutely anything the least bit positive towards folks utilizing the moon on behalf of humanity is taboo, and especially if it's my idea.[/qoute]Would you grow the fuck up already? What are you, 12? You can't offer any actual scientific or even logical reason why you think it's fake, so you insult us?

Care to actually back up ANY of what you said?
give it up Persol, we've all been snookered by Kodak moments...

...never mind that we wouldn't even know about the danger of tiny high-speed projectiles in space if we haven't been there... ...and the actual levels of radiation to be found...

I think bradguth said it best when he said, "If that bad apple were situated on top, as such it would be safe and easy as to eliminating the problem."
I still don't know how he tried to combine lizard people, Vensus, WMD, Bush, Al-Qaeda, Jews and moon hoax....oh and "Kodak moments".
Dear Persol,
All of the sudden you're quite smart, or at least you think you're smart which is even better, as that's how problems get resolved, especially incest related issues.

Unfortunately, due to your questions and those of borg "blackholesun", I'm having to construct another wall of words, thus I'll create a considerable web page on your behalf so that we don't overload the limitations of this damage-control forum.

BTW; why don't you utilize some of your smartness as to figuring out what the moon has to offer humanity, and of how to go about acquiring that benefit, or how about working on a few topics on behalf of Venus. Either one of these are just ripe for the supposed talents of folks that can hype, spin and dog-wag their way out of the Apollo fiasco. Though whatever you do, do not use that space toilet because, it has been backed up for decades.

Regards, Brad Guth (BBCI h2g2 U206251)
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