NASA UFO hacker exposes UFO documentation

From thread Great UFO Documentary
Reiku said:
Anyone who purports to UFO's as being nonsense are themselves woo woo and ignorant of all the hard facts supporting their existences.

From thread Well Documented UFO Case
Reiku said:
I must admit, I find it very worrying measuring the level of intelligence most skeptics must possess, to believe otherwise mundane and mediocre explanations which never fit the bill.

Same thread
Reiku said:
You may think it is stupid of me to think it could have been ET - I openly admit that it is a possibility, but it shows me you do not have an ounce of respect for those who do get to observe these bonafide objects whilst you sit and wallow with no experience at all, or if you do, you have not opened your mind to the possibility. That's your fault. Not mine, or anyone elses.

Same thread again
Reiku said:

This is just in the past few days. Shall I go on?
Awww, I already gathered them.

So you admit it then, you were derrogatory to me first?

To think as well I stuck up for you on our VERY first exchanged when chipz called you a retard. I wish I never bothered now.
Oh, looks like I forgot one.

From thread My UFO Sightings
Reiku said:
You are a terrible reader for someone who says they take time out of writing books.

Oops, and another!

From thread Bob Lazar and Area 51 Claims
Reiku said:
He was right. That was what I was referring to. I know this, because he jogged my memory. Read your facts first. Then make stupid comments like this if you want.
Awww, I already gathered them.

So you admit it then, you were derrogatory to me first?

To think as well I stuck up for you on our VERY first exchanged when chipz called you a retard. I wish I never bothered now.

No, I've already demonstrated that you threw the first stone. And there are countless threads with you name-calling other members for calling you out on your lies. Why do you think no one has anything good to say about you? You're always in a fight, and it's always with a respected member of the forums.

And our VERY first exchange might go back a ways. I'll have to look that up.
No, I've already demonstrated that you threw the first stone. And there are countless threads with you name-calling other members for calling you out on your lies. Why do you think no one has anything good to say about you? You're always in a fight, and it's always with a respected member of the forums.

And our VERY first exchange might go back a ways. I'll have to look that up.

Are you kidding me? I can trace the very first thread. I thought for a second you were being a man and admitting you had. Oh well, it can be located here:

same day

(Me being rather polite towards you)

We had an exchange before this, but you were actually quite polite-ish.
And no, you talk absolutely rubbish. I have tried to ignore you on countless occassions. You have spammed my threads (threads which you can't even contribute in because you have no knowledge of them), by condescending me, with the usual sciforums remarks from AN that I am a plaigarist a liar, yadee yadee ya. The same old I've heard from you all night.

Then as ophiliote came in and said what he said (and spud I am not surprised with) they quickly turned to group bully tactics. You're a dirty low life who needs to **** off.
But they knew he was there...

Do we have any hacker residents here? Just for info on the subject.

reiku remember some people have no idea about what hackers can and cannot do and anything with ufo they will pass off.

I know hackers.. i know the guy who fixed the google scuffle when china? hacked into it hes actually an old HS buddy and he can get in anything what makes him so good at web security is he knows how to get past everything

they may have software to "watch" files or folders but there is a way around EVERYTHING. if someone really wanted to screw your life up bigtime they could empty your bank accounts get your personal information ect ect if you know what your doing.. its really not that hard.
Are you kidding me? I can trace the very first thread. I thought for a second you were being a man and admitting you had. Oh well, it can be located here:

same day

(Me being rather polite towards you)

We had an exchange before this, but you were actually quite polite-ish.

The first post in that link shows you insulting me before I ever insulted you. Are you trying to be funny now? I don't get the joke, if you are. Are you lampooning...yourself?

Anyway, now that we've both proven you're quick to the insult, I think we're done here.
reiku remember some people have no idea about what hackers can and cannot do and anything with ufo they will pass off.

I know hackers.. i know the guy who fixed the google scuffle when china? hacked into it hes actually an old HS buddy and he can get in anything what makes him so good at web security is he knows how to get past everything

they may have software to "watch" files or folders but there is a way around EVERYTHING. if someone really wanted to screw your life up bigtime they could empty your bank accounts get your personal information ect ect if you know what your doing.. its really not that hard.

That's quite a scarey thought. :eek:
The first post in that link shows you insulting me before I ever insulted you. Are you trying to be funny now? I don't get the joke, if you are. Are you lampooning...yourself?

Anyway, now that we've both proven you're quick to the insult, I think we're done here.

You must be blind then, post 17 bub.

You are clearly derogatory first.
Hackers aren't magic. There are limits to what they can do. And the word "hacking" gets misused today. People who empty bank accounts and illegally access emails aren't hacking at all, they're just using social engineering techniques to manipulate security features, like learning someone's mother's maiden name, or stealing their phone and using the bank's callback system on the password reset.

As far as I'm concerned, if there's no coding involved, it isn't hacking.
What was derogatory about that post?

You said the first post, by me was derogatory... Yet it wasn't the first post... yours came before mine


''But you only came to this conclusion by your want for it to be true. Cifo gave a very good explanation of what is wrong with the documentary (and with UFOlogical claims in general), and your ignorance to those objections speaks to your religious adherence to the ET myth.''


ET-myth? You need to be careful. Thinking ET is a myth is a rather selfish claim in an otherwise, infinitely large universe with more planets than your puny little mind could fathom.

Your ignorance is the same as most skeptics. Thinking that because there is a lack of evidence is evidence against. It does not mean that no evidence exists.

If you've not been derogatory, then niether have I, but your next reply tumbles right into derogatory zones... just follow it on.

Anyway, I've wasted far too much time allowing you to shadow my posts and basically being a lying little troll-faced ****. So I am off.
