NASA now says MARS was "Drenched" in water.

SAN FRANCISCO (AP) -- The strength of the Earth's magnetic field has decreased 10 percent over the past 150 years, raising the remote possibility that it may collapse and later reverse, flipping the planet's poles for the first time in nearly a million years, scientists said Thursday.

At that rate of decline, the field could vanish altogether in 1,500 to 2,000 years, said Jeremy Bloxham of Harvard University.

The weakening -- if coupled with a subsequently large influx of radiation in the form of protons streaming from the sun -- can also affect the chemistry of the atmosphere, said Charles Jackman of NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center.

Is it possible, Mars went through something like that and hence lost its atmosphere combined with a few asteroids?

Also, since Earth gets its magnetic field due to the rotation of the molten metallic core, I wonder if Mars and Venus core has stopped moving and in the process of reversing, since the planets themselves are rotating
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I'd say it's pretty possible. Something of large magnitude was probably responsible for a tetonics "hicup" (don't anyone say alien war) which may have weakened the magnetic field of the planet. Once that happened solar wind did the rest. If planetary core dynamics are similar for all the rocky inner planets I don't see why there can't be magnetic reversals. And depending on how much atmosphere is left at the time, would probably allow even more solar wind to strip the atmosphere. In fact solar wind is continuing this day stripping the atmosphere away.
Now who in the world would say anything about WAR IN THE HEAVENS? or Planetary war for that mater? Far be it from me to ever think that a war in our solar system would ever have caused those HUGE craters on Mars, or that it could also have striped Mar’s of it’s atmosphere. That would be almost as improbably as a crater chains forming such near perfect lines from a comet break up.

War in the heavens: There are stories in various mythologies about war in the heavens from greek to Indian to Mayan....if there is any shred of truth to it....who knows, we could find some evidence when we start digging in Mars...which you know is going to happen soon by humans....

While at it, we should also be digging in the permafrost areas in greenland, antartica too....
Actually I remember some stories of Farmers seeing re-enactments of wars that occured five years previously in the skies. As if the battle that was fought at that position was translated by the earths orbit around the sun, which inturn made it coexist with the future position of the farmers in the field.

So it wasn't a re-enactment but more of a view of the holographics reflection of the actual war being fought from another timeperiod.

Btw, if you notice your posts missing from here I've split the thread to "Mina Mounds"... although I might of lost Zarkov's post by accident, sorry... :(
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Yes, Stryder, I have heard a few of those from amongst the Indian legends. One story in particular seems to indicate the ones that saw the apparition were seeing what we call a freeway with many cars on it going in opposite directions. This was long before white man was even well known out here.

The above transfered from another thread.
But that really isnt on topic here either. If it was war that caused these major changes to Mars we will need the data NASA isn't giving out. :D
I thought similar stories are nuts....until this happened to me in a lucid dream. I have posted this many times here. Who knows, how time and space work!
This is starting to read like a think tank in many ways. Even Blackholesun is sounding reasonable. But to swing the topic back on track about the water on Mars and still tie in all the recent comments? We could if we all really “think tank” these ideas.

The overall clear picture of Mars today is one of a planet that has had some kind of terrific bombardment to it. Some large areas have had what looks like massive flooding occur sometime after the bombardment, and a few strikes since the flooding. And now the water seems to be gone, underground, or in the ice caps? Just looking for the true facts as is known today. The rest we can try and discover principles that explain what happened. Reasoning on what we do know and think tanking them with what could explain the condition of Mars today.

How does that sound? Is that a close summation?
Yes. To do that, someone with expertise in geology and geophysics should tell us first, the conditions where atmosphere can disappear, relationship of planetary magnetic field strength and atmosphere, Formation of gases, Water vapor, UV, Ozone formation and all that reactions to get a clear picture of atmosphere science, water science, Salt deposits, dunes if water is evaporated etc.

Basically need to know the conditions before major impacts and after impact resulting energy release. Then we can speculate based on base theories and alternates.
hmmm and what about all the data from atomic bomb blasts,,, think we can get our hands on that? Maybe the information about how atom bombs react in a vacuum, like our moon? Think we could get that info?
I do not think, we have any idea, how atom bombs react in a vacuum. For explosion to occur, the bomb has to push against something. In this case if the bomb is exploded in vacuum and no matter is present except the casing of the bomb - it will look like a small fire cracker with a few kgs of material stuff speeding out at great velocity. There will be a very large flash like a camera flash though, due to photonic energy being released. But due to the speed of light, it will be gone in a flash :D

Now if the bomb is buried on the moon - then stuff will be flying out all over...

I think....
kmguru said:
I do not think, we have any idea, how atom bombs react in a vacuum. For explosion to occur, the bomb has to push against something. In this case if the bomb is exploded in vacuum and no matter is present except the casing of the bomb - it will look like a small fire cracker with a few kgs of material stuff speeding out at great velocity. There will be a very large flash like a camera flash though, due to photonic energy being released. But due to the speed of light, it will be gone in a flash :D

Now if the bomb is buried on the moon - then stuff will be flying out all over...

I think....

An atomic bomb would work fine in space. So would normal exposives (they contain they're own oxidizer). An atomic (and hydrogen) bomb just wouldn't have any of the blast effects that you'd be used to seeing in old video of blasts. No atmosphere means no mushroom cloud. And you'd get more of the full brunt of radiation a bomb is known to produce. This can still vaporize targets and surfaces because of the extreme energies of the broad radiation types emitted. If you set it on the surface of the moon and set it off it would make a crater as material would be vaporized (and therefore now in gaseous form) and dissipate in the vacuum. But it wouldn't be similar to what an impact would look like as most of the energy wouldn't be directed into the ground....only some of it.

Now if the bomb is buried on the moon - then stuff will be flying out all over...

Correct. Now there is an "equal and opposite" push due to shockwave formation in the surrounding material.
As I said, no one has exploded an atom bomb in the vacuum of space - so we are it would react. We can not even measure or see dark matter in space which is supposed to be full of....
Many nukes have been set of in the vacuum of space. This is how they learnt about the power of EMP to black out states. They are truly a beautifully site. Theres a documentary about the early testing of nukes called “Trinity and Beyond” that has footage of these space tests. There have been over 300 nukes set of above the ground since WW2. We know a hell of a lot about nukes.
He's a little mistaken. There were very high altitude tests that affected the ionosphere and that's how we figured out how EMPs form from blasts. But they were still considered atmospheric tests.

But as blindman said we know a good deal about nukes. Supercomputers are used to run simulations of atomic blasts so the mathematics is there. We may have not tested any in a vacuum but guess what? That makes it easier then. You have no atmospheric interactions that you have to deal with. You just have to determine a nuke's byproducts and fission and fusion uncontrolled reactions are well understood so we know the radiation and their energies given off. So the effects would be predictable.
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Not exactly. Do have no idea about the properties of vacuum in space away from the planetary bodies whose gravitational force and mass can influence stuff that we do not know. Ordinary matter may not be there, but the universe is full of dark matter and other stuff that we are beginning to theorize.

My point is, large nuclear explosions could have effect on space and gravitational waves, and dark matter/energy in a way, that we do not know. And if we do, I would like to see the data.

Putting "we do not know" into a super computer would yield what?
My point is, large nuclear explosions could have effect on space and gravitational waves, and dark matter/energy in a way, that we do not know. And if we do, I would like to see the data.

You know, they're called supernovas. We don't have a bomb anywhere near powerful enough on earth to do anything to spacetime other than litter the surrounding area with radiation so what difference does it make if it lit off in LEO or in GEO or halfway between Earth and Mars? If you want data get it from the astronomers.
Interesting how this topic has changed from NASA talking about water on MARs to exploding bombs in space.

What your discussing about nuclear bombs and how they would act in a vacuum is an odd one, but I suppose you would have to look more at the type of bombs that you could use.

For instance if you said an "Air fuel bomb", the understanding of that particular type is to create a vacuum type of implosion to draw air from the surrounding area at high speed into the detonation area, which in turn causes the temperature to source and an exposive reversion is caused. It's a conventional weapon, in space and the vacuum it provides however it would be of little use. The initial explosive reaction would find limited gases to pull in, and therefore imply it would be of little.

With a nuclear bomb, the method of implimentation is similar to an extent, however the main difference actually being a "nuclear reaction". Atomics I believe involves the reverberation of a charge to accumilate to spliting an heavy and already instable substance into releasing it's energy and components into a large amount of an equally unstable substance, thus catalysing chain reactions of atomic changes of elemental states from the source when the reaction occurs.

Nuclear blasts again use the reaction of pressures to transverse both radioactives and explosive force, but within a vacuum do to the lacking nature of gases, it's more likely to just generate a extremely bright burst of energy in all directions followed by an Electromagnetic pulse.

I could mention away around this, but I don't want militants learning how to blow stuff up in space, it's bad enough down here.

I would suggest that for "Gravitational waves" and dark matter/Black body Energy to exist it's more likely to be down to using the extremely large supercomputer doing Exaflop operations and generating paradigm shifts that result in universes being split and coexisting with themselves with slight paradoxal differences.

(It's also more user friendly than blowing stuff up.)