NASA now says MARS was "Drenched" in water.

zonabi said:
i heard they've known about water on Mars for over 20+ years.

THEY have known about water on Mars for decades, even with photographic proof.
Well, at least now you are admitting that you are a child... or at least being even more obvious about it.
Check out this article.

It cracks me up at the Ohhhh Wowwwww’s that are going on when some have KNOWN of the vast amounts of water that Mars OBVIOUSLY had in it’s VERY RECENT PAST.

All anyone had to do was LOOK at the pictures that have been coming in since before most at this forum were even born.

The pseudo-debunkers eating crow, now that is good. Very good.. FOCLMMFAO
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greywolf said:
so what do they think happened to the planet ?

No one has any freaking idea. People are afraid to speculate. And if a NASA scientist thinks that there was civilization that has been long gone, he/she would be kicked out. Yet there will be planetary mission just for that purpose to dig to look for civilization while looking for bacteria. One guy confided that just like we have underground bunkers, they hope, there will be some there. Worst case, there could be cave paintings or potteries and digging tools left by Martians.

The idea that our solar system has been here for almost 5 billion years, begs the question if an advanced civilization poped up and vanished in our solar system.

We could also be looking for life in the Saturn moons incase, long time ago, the planet was hot enough to radiate heat and hence life where water may exist....

Unfortunately at our present technology, we could not search for life when we find Earth like planets in another star system. Except may be pointing our antenna that way....and hoping SETI talks to us....
You know kmguru. Just because scientists speculate Mars without a civilization thrown in doesn't mean they are afraid to speculate. The accepted "speculation" at this point is that over the past few billion years solar wind has blown the atmosphere off of Mars given that Mars has only a 1/3 of the gravity to begin with and the lack of a large magnetic field. Throw in a few major impacts to help the process of throwing material off the planet and there you go...a planet without a thick atmosphere. The same thing is happening with Venus as we speak. But given that Venus is larger and has a thicker atmosphere (still minus a large magnetic field) the effect is not as "dramatic" over the timescale given.

One guy confided that just like we have underground bunkers, they hope, there will be some there. Worst case, there could be cave paintings or potteries and digging tools left by Martians.

Hmm...I think I heard that same guy shouting to passer-bys while standing on a milk crate. He had wild bushy hair and reaked of liquor.
Without exotic dreams, it gets boring to do day to day mundane work...Star Trek and 2001 Space Odyssey has a lot of influence in our is only natural...and then, we have this other group...:D
I'm not saying imagination isn't needed. I'm just saying don't let it take you into a delusional state of false hope and makebelieve for real life sciences. 2001 is a great movie and most of it is based on true engineering and scientific concepts...not aliens zipping around in FTL saucers or drawing Martian cave paintings (which could make a good book I suppose).
Please see the 2001 SO again. The whole movie is based on alien influence including our development as a specis. From Monkey to Man and beyond! And think about the old StarTrek communicator with the clamshell cell phone next time you use it.

Without a good story to drive the imagination - it gets boring....imagination is the fuel of human life, not the sugar. :D
Bypassing the alien monoliths for a minute the movie was far ahead of any space movie at the time. Why? Because it was so realistic. Spacecraft and people behaved in gravity, lack of gravity and vacuum just as a person would in real life. The ships looked functional instead of the outrageous "rocket style" ships of the sci-fi days. And it all came from imagination mixed with a little real science to make a damn good book and movie.

Oh and I LIKE sugar...hehe
Then why are you complaining if someone else is coming up with some alien based speculation mixed with different inferences on scientific observations? The fact is intelligent life forms do exist in the universe and they do interact with the environment and they do mess up things from pollution and they do blow things up. If we can produce giant nuclear bombs today, we surely are capable of producing the fictional Nova bombs of tomorrow - a single bomb that can take out a planet, or a gadget that can teraform a planet.

Have some more sugar...may be you will feel better...hehe
Then why are you complaining if someone else is coming up with some alien based speculation mixed with different inferences on scientific observations?

Because its like explaining that pixie dust is the reason my car engine runs. You're trying to validate a theory using something for which there is no evidence. I don't rememeber any scientific observations that point to aliens messing up the planet. I DO remember reading that MAYBE there is life SOMEWHERE in the universe. I also know of interplanetary effects that can do all of what has been seen on Mars...the only step now is to match them with evidence.

Remember, I'm not going after anyone's imagination. I'm just going after logic and common sense that's all :D.

You have already answered all my replies...

Because its like explaining that pixie dust is the reason my car engine runs....the only step now is to match them with evidence.

MAYBE there is life SOMEWHERE in the universe. Hello? are you outside our universe? So you are an alien and we are rocks, or is that we are the life and you are the rock!!!....:D

I'm just going after logic and common sense that's all Remember the logic and common sense of Earth being flat...and that the Sun revolves around the Earth...until evidence catches up.....

And if you are looking for hard facts and evidence NOW, you are in the wrong section of the forum....right? :D

For that you have to go to the serious section of our sciforum. There is plenty of facts and evidence and logic to back up the claims. That is where we work and this is where we play. A lot of members get confused between the two.

Take a redbull and lighten up.....:D
Eh...redbull is much better with vodka. I guess that'd would lighten me up huh?

Even though this is pseudoscience, I can throw out a bit of opposition can't I? Need to keep you on your toes.
I was led to belive that Mars used to have water and an atmosphere, but Mars lost its magnetic field. This allowed solar radiation to boil off both the atmosphere and oceans,hence all the geological evidence of hydrological features.
Catastrophic global event. Meteor strike, etc.
That's what caused Mars to become a barren desert.
And there's a shitload of H2O under the surface. Christ, the Southern Ice Cap is water. Fresh water at that.

The Flemster.
Thank you guys. It does look like a few of you look at the evidence realistically. The current theory is a combination of those two...that a large impact might have had a part to play before the sun took over and stripped the atmosphere off.
blackholesun said:
Thank you guys. It does look like a few of you look at the evidence realistically. The current theory is a combination of those two...that a large impact might have had a part to play before the sun took over and stripped the atmosphere off.

No problemo.
Cool name, btw--- top song!

The Flemster.