NASA now says MARS was "Drenched" in water.


~^~You First~^~
Registered Senior Member
Yep, just watched the latest report from NASA, they say that MARS could have literally had oceans and definitely had provided a habitat for life at some point.

Just thought that was some what interesting.
I remember when any speculation of water on MARS at all was negligible.
I may post more later.
Gotta go.
It's called "science".
You go and look. You get new data. You change your theory.
You remember when any speculation of water on Mars was negligible? Really? That’s odd, because NASA did spend years and billions of dollars designing two probes to go to Mars specifically to investigate the possibility that there was water on Mars. Seems to me like they were speculating and hoping that it was there. I wonder who you were listening to. Or maybe you just have a persecution complex..
NASA saw signs of past water back in the Viking days from orbiter photos. It wasn't until we got probes into orbit with higher resolution cameras and other instruments that they could make more definitive analysis of the data. The lastest rovers helped a lot by doing a good amount of the ground work. This really isn't new news. In fact I'm surprised you're hearing of the ocean evidence from the rovers now.
Yeah I just watched the announcement yesterday from a download.
I am talking within the context of Mars ever having the possibilty of supporting life at one point in time.
But I am sure you can see why this theory would offer a somewhat cautious approach.
And what the hell is a persecution complex, and maybe I do.
Whats it to you?
Any ways, cry about my references on your own time.
I am talking about some of the members that used to be on here some time ago.
Bottom line is, I typed this thread in a hurry for work.
I don't remember any one speculating the possibilty of oceans being on Mars.
Let alone water at all.
I truly find this data very interesting.
What the hell happened to that planet? :confused:
Yeah I'm feeling a little bitchy.

There used to be alot of friggin water on Mars! Just wanted to share that info with some of you good folk. ;)
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One possible explanation for oceans on Mars in the past:

While Velikovsky’s ideas have been put down by mainstream Scientists for over a half century, his predictions have been proven correct time after time.

According to Velikovsky those Martian Oceans were there as recently as 3600 years ago.
I always think about the fact that the Mars atmosphere seems to have so much Carbon Dioxide and such little Oxygen, and the opposite seems to be true about Earth.
It makes me wonder if maybe the plant life died off on Mars and the animal life eventually suffocated as a result.
Climate changes? Global warming? Too many flatulent Martian cows?
If there was more than microbes on Mars, then life would be defined similar to our own planet in the sense that the very ground wouldn't be covered in dust and meteorite fragments, but it would contain similar inputs to our own soil.

Soil as you should know is a composition of both rock, silica dust, carbon and decaying matter from plant material. This would mean if life existed to that level on Mars the soil is likely to have turned to dust, however their should still be fossils of worms, martian equivalent of tree trunks or leaves etc.

I know you can state "If life existed elsewhere, why should it look the same as that on ourplanet?", but the theory there is a Darwinistic point of "Survival of the Fittest" in the sense that species on this planet have evolved to survive their climates, and if the climate of Mars was proven to be similar to our own at some point and contained life then the likelihood is the flora and fauna would be similar.
Until we start archeological digs on Mars, how can you stand behind that?
If all surface life turned to dust tens of thousands (or even millions) of years ago, and the planet has been hit with tons of debris since then, the only way we would see anything would be through digging.
For those that have eyes to see and read, Fieryice and I have been telling you people for months that Mars was destroyed by war. And during that war one of the tactics was the use of the oceans on Mars against them.

Smiles politely and FOCLMFAO, wake up people, smell the coffee.
The question of the day is, since Mars has almost nil atmosphere what is there on Mars to precipitate dust devils? With almost nil atmosphere how could there be dust devils redecorating Mars?
Oh there is some atmosphere so there can be some wind. And because of the lessened gravity and the size of the dust particles...why wouldn't there be dustdevils?

wake up people, smell the coffee

The coffee smells good and you're full of BS. :rolleyes:
The freaks come out at night
(the freaks come out)
the freaks come out at niiiight
Yes, just Basic Science and common sense that there had to have been recent oceans of water on Mars to do the damage we see. The photos from the probes in 1971 compared to those of today show some very remarkable changes to the surface of Mars.

Unfortunately with the acceptance that there were oceans on Mars it makes the idea of some major flooding having happened recently much more plausible.
The photos from the probes in 1971 compared to those of today show some very remarkable changes to the surface of Mars.

No 1971 probes just had crappy resolution. We couldn't SEE as well as we can today. If you can show us any differently (as in a comparative photo analysis of the same area) that isn't an obvious result of low resolution vs. high resolution/shadows/blurriness that would be super.
It seems a lot of your were surprised by the results of the data that there were ,and I stress were, oceans or at least a rather large amount of water on Mars. Most scientists have speculated that Mars is only NOW a cold desert and has been for a few million years. It's just now that there is more evidence geologically to even more push the point home. Again no alien war (no evidence whatsoever for an aliens let alone the war they were in) needed.
It's not that they've known for SURE....but they were were pretty positive that a greater deal of water use to exist on the planet. Probe evidence just helps to confirm that suspicion.