NASA Editing Photos?


Registered Senior Member
I found this on, but really I wouldn't post it if I didn't think something was going on.

The following link leads to one of the new images taken by the new Mars rover:

The lower left cornor contains no image. It's been edited. So is NASA hiding something? You can clearly see a small pile of dirt starting to build up before the image is cropped. Also, if you look in the right conor you can see a square shaped rock (Erosion has taken it's course, though).
Im not sure if that photo is edited ,but its almost certain that nasa will/have edit the spirit photos if something that shouldnt be there shows up on the photo :(
It may just be that the camera stopped scanning there because below that point is the actual rover.
The question of wether NASA is hiding something is completely redundent. We all know they're hiding something. Take the moon landing for example, there's so many inconsistencies that it's just laughable. Someone on a home PC with 3DSMAX could do a better job. They are hiding something and they'll keep hiding it untill someone with better equipment gets out there and gives us real information.
Actually I already went through all the images, If you see a black square in a photo it just means that the packet of data from the Cellphone like signal got dropped (You know to how sometimes a mobile phone will generate static when you enter a tunnel? or go below power cables)

Looking through the images I found pictures that were taken of the same rocks, where on one you have the black squares and on the other you could see what was in the place of the black squares... And guess what it was....

More Rocks.

Some pictures have shown sandstone formations beneath the surface layer of sand and broken meteorite. So for any "structures" on Mar's surface, you only have to cross reference with the sorts of sandstone formations formed on earth.

For instance: Skyscrapers on a hill?

(Btw, the simplest way to work out if there was life on Mars would be to look for Lichen or fungi, perhaps even squirting water on a rock surface to see if anything grew during the exploration)

As for NASA's moon landing, How many times do you think NASA originally had hackers routing their system for photo's or dirt, or even planting stuff there?
Enough times for someone to get the real photo's and doctor them to suit their needs.

If you really believe the landing to have been a hoax, you'll have to get someone with a radiological Telescope and look for the metal plaque that was left behind, or even try scanning for the tyremarks or footprints.
ElectroMagetic Pulse. You are a fucking idiot. There are no inconsistencies. Everything you think you know can be explained away with real science. Think about this: the moon is not the earth. The moon has 1/6th the gravity of the earth. There is absolutely no air or atmosphere on the moon. What do you think that does to light? How do you determine distance on earth with eyesight? How do you determine distance on the moon with eyesight? Please think before believing.
Read through that page and click all the links on the bottom and then decide if you still think what you think.

Stryderunknown said it well. And the data sent travels quite a distance... it takes about 20 minutes from Mars to Earth. The same thing happens with images of galaxies at high resolution. They need to take many pictures at different angles to get the whole picture.

Why don't they show the rest of the dust around the pillars? Because it is the same as the rest of the dust. It doesn't matter.

Conspiracies are foolish. Stop it.
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oy vey, how embarrassing!
sabena, flight 26, brussels/rome 2/2/77.
item: leather samsonite case lost in transit

recieved call from fedex that bag is en route to pad from mars

*hey, better late than never, jaaa? ja?
It's ok spookz. Go with the nice men in the new white coats. They'll give you one of your own with these cool sleeves.
All the cookies you would ever want. I promise.

Now get in the van.
Yes, they went, dropped stuff off, came back and realized they forgot to take pictures. Then they created a hoax.

Atleast they left everything up there, so they are still covered.
I think the image in question is a composite of many smaller images. The bottom right portion is not visible because there have been no images added to the composite there.
If a none NASA investigation went to the moon and saw all the evidence that is claimed to be there then I would believe it.
You don't need to go there. Just look at the research done using the mirror they placed there.
AD1 - yes, well said.

EM pulse - yeah, you got me there. Your barrage of evidentiary support has completely proven science and NASA wrong. NO!!! Read the website!!!

Stop believing things just because they are opposite or argumentative. It is what republicans and theists do. Argue just to argue, regardless of what they actually think... they just want to be antagonistic. Try thinking for once.
Ellimist said:
The moon has 1/6th the gravity of the earth.

I guess this idiot took his measurements when he was there. Otherwise he is just another Weiner hanging in the wind. Or he gets his data from NASA=Never Admit Seeing Anything....just like everyone else.

1) There's sufficient evidence we went to the moon

2) Theres sufficient evidence photgraphy was faked

3) Theres sufficient evidence of temperature, gravity , color and atmostpheres are all falsely reported.
2) Theres sufficient evidence photgraphy was faked
Such as. The only evidence is that some photographs were filed wrong. Do you know just how many they took?

3) Theres sufficient evidence of temperature, gravity , color and atmostpheres are all falsely reported.

LMFAO. Well temperature, color, and atmosphere we can all determine here from Earth. Gravity can be determined by anybody with basic physics knowledge and a computer.

Please tell me that you are joking, or present some of this 'sufficient evidence'.
There is also proof of the astronauts going along a hill and then sometime later supposedly 2km away they're going over another hill. But, the hills are 100% identacle.

Well, perhaps you could direct us to the specific footage that you are talking about. I do think I know what footage you are talking about, however. It was a problem with mislabeled footage from Apollo 16. The two pieces of footage are actually from the same place around the same time.
Take the moon landing for example, there's so many inconsistencies that it's just laughable.

[...]inconsistencies of light on the moon landing.

Theres sufficient evidence photgraphy was faked

Theres sufficient evidence of temperature, gravity , color and atmostpheres are all falsely reported.

Well, there've been several dubious pronouncements made in this thread. There has not, however, been any evidenced presented in support of those pronouncements.

Is any body else tired of the presumed authority that these conspiracy flakes take?