Name a god - how many can we find


In search of Immortality
Valued Senior Member
The god concept has been around for many millenia. How many can we find.

One line answer per god/goddess please - name of the deity and the religion and/or era. Plus an optional short description.

If you have web references that give a neat list then paste the list and not the link. Try to remove any duplicates given from previous posts.

I'll start with some examples -

Gaia - Earth mother
Zeus - Ancient Greece
God - Christianity
Allah - Islam
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Some Viking gods.


Odin was the chief god in the Norse mythology, and the father of Thor, Balder, Hoder, Tyr, Bragi, Heimdall, Ull, Vidar, Hermod and Vali. His wives were Fjorgyn, Frigga and Rind. He had a bad habit to roam around Midgard in human disguise seducing and impregnating women. This is why many mortals were able to trace their ancestry back to him.


Thor was the son of Odin and Fjorgyn. He was the god of thunder, the sky, fertility and the law. Armed with his strengthgiving items, a belt and the hammer Mjölnir, he had a simple way of righting wrongs: he more or less killed everything that moved. The other gods -mostly Loki- occasionally took advantage of Thor's simplicity.


Loki can be called the 'wizard of lies' and is in many ways the most interesting god in Asgard. Loki was related to Odin, but their relationship was rather strange. He came to Asgard either as of right or because Odin and he entered into a blood-brotherhood.


Frey was a fertility god of the the Vanir race. He was the son of Njord and came to Asgard as a hostage along with his father and sister Freya.


Freya was the goddess of sex and later also war and death. She married the god Od, who deserted her. After being abandoned she divided her time between mourning his absence and being promiscuous.


The goddess of spring and immortal youth was called Idun. She was the daughter of the dwarf Ivald and married to the god Bragi.


Sif was the goddess who married Thor and bore his stepson (by Odin), Ull. The vikings (and their gods) admired golden hair, and she was exceptionally proud of hers, so Loki cut it all off while she was asleep.


Hel was a goddess (or a monster), a daughter of Loki and Angrboda, who ruled over Niflheim, which was the land of the dead. There were different opinions of whether she was alive or dead. Ull, in his role as god of winter, was supposed to spend a few months each year as Hel's lover. Hel and her ghostly army were going to support the other gods at Ragnarok, after which her domain would go out in flames.
They sound like the Vedic gods. I wonder if there was ever a historical connection between the Vikings and the Vedic Hindus.
Roman gods, starting with the coolest:
Apollo - God of the Sun
Jupiter - King of the Gods
Juno - Queen of the Gods
Neptune - God of the Sea
Pluto - God of Death
Diana - Goddess of the Moon
Mars - God of War
Venus - Goddess of Love
Cupid - God of Love
Mercury - Messenger of the Gods
Minerva - Goddess of Wisdom
Ceres - The Earth Goddess
Proserpine - Goddess of the Underworld
Vulcan - The Smith God
Bacchus - God of Wine
Saturn - God of Time
Vesta - Goddess of the Home
Janus - God of Doors
Uranus - Father of Saturn
Maia - Goddess of Growth
Flora - Goddess of Flowers
Plutus - God of Wealth

The descendents of the Aryans/Indo-Europeans reflect their ancestry in their language and in their religion. Quite litterally, Tyr, Zeus, Jupiter, Dyaus Pitar, and the Dagda are the same deity.
...uto - God of Death
Diana - Goddess of the Moon
Mars - God of War
Venus - Goddess of Love

Mars is not a is a planet.

Mars is beautifull planet.

of all the "Gods" I heard of...none have proof of existence...thus there are no Gods. There is only Mars, it has proof of existence.

I think I speak for the purpose of this thread when I say:

Stop. Being. A. Douchebag.
El, Yahweh & Asherah

El was a local Canaanite diety that the Jews worshipped. Muslims call him Allah, Christians call him God. His name was later changed to Yahweh.

Yahweh had a wife, mistress, concubine or consort called Asherah. So presumably she would be a goddess.:m:

Sophia was a Greek goddess. It meant Wisdom. The Jews took the name Wisdom and made her a goddess.
Greek/Roman gods are listed below. The Romans essentially adapted the Greek gods to their own culture.

Not all the gods had equivalents. Where no equivalent exists, the God appears in the list as "..." rather than a name.

Greek Name / Roman Name : Description

Zeus / Jupiter : Lord of the Sky, Gods, and Thunder, Rain-god, Cloud-gatherer
Hera / Juno : Protector of Marriage
Poseidon / Neptune : Ruler of the Sea
Hades, Polydectes / Pluto : God of the Underworld and Precious Metals
... / Libitina : Goddess of the Underworld
Pallas Athena / Minerva : Goddess of the City, Education/Science, and War
Phoebus Apollo / Apollo : God of Sun, Truth, Music, Healing
Artemis, Orthia, Phoebe / Diana : Goddess of Wild Things, Hunter-in-Chief
Aphrodite, Anadyomene / Venus : Goddess of Love and Beauty
Hermes, Pyschopompus / Mercury : God of Commerce and Market, Zeus' Messenger
Ares / Mars : God of War
Enyo / Bellona : Lesser Goddess of War
Hephaestus / Vulcan, Mulciber : God of the Forge and Fire, Workman to the immortals
Hestia / Vesta :Goddess of the Hearth and Home; also Fertility(Greek only)
... / Priapus : God of Fertility
Eros / Cupid, Amor : God of Love
Hymen / ... : God of the Wedding Feast
Hebe / ... : Goddess of Youth
... / Juventus : God of Youth
Iris / ... : Goddess of the Rainbow
Persephone, Kora / Persipina, Libera : Goddess of Spring [Season], Underworld through Hades
Demeter / Ceres : Goddess of the Corn, Earth, Harvest
Dionysus, Lycaeus / Bacchus, Liber : God of the Vine, Wine, Merriment
Pan / Inuus,Faunus : God of Flocks, Sheep
Selene / Luna : Goddess of the Moon
Helios / Sol : God of the Sun
... / Terminus : Guardian of Boundaries
... / Priapus : Cause of Fertility
... / Pales : Strengthener of Cattle
... / Sylvanus : Helper of Plowmen and Woodcutters
... / Saturn : Protector of the Sowers and the Seed
... / Janus : God of good beginnings
Eileithyia, Ilithyia / Lucina : Goddess of Childbirth
... / Pomona & Vertumnus : Powers Protecting Orchards and Gardens
Aether / ... : God of Light
Eos / Aurora, Mater Matuta : Goddess of the Dawn
Asklepios / Aesculapius : God of Health and Medicine
Hygea / ... : Goddess of Health
Aeolus / ... : King of the Winds
Boreas / Aquilo : North Wind
Zephyr / Favonius : West Wind
Notus / Auster : South Wind
Eurus / Eurus : East Wind
Pontus / ... : God of the Deep Sea
Nereus / ... : "Old Man of the Sea"
Triton / ... : Trumpeter of the Sea
Ate / ... : Goddess of Mischief
Eris / Discordia : Goddess of Discord
Maia / Fauna, Bono Dea : Goddess of Fields, "Good Goddess"
... / Flora : Goddess of Flowers
Hypnos / Somnus : God of Sleep
... / Juturna : Goddess of Springs [Water]
Nike / Victoria : Goddess of Victory
Peitha / Suadela : Goddess of Persuasion
Hecate / Trivia : Goddess of the Crossways, the Dark Side of the Moon, and Magic
Tyche / Fortuna : Goddess of Fortune
... / Voluptas : Goddess of Pleasure
Poena / ... : Goddess of Punishment
Nemesis / ... : Goddess of Revenge
Hespera / ... : Goddess of Dusk
Morpheus / ... : God of Dreams
Phosphor / Lucifer : Light-bearer, Star that brings in the day
Fama / ... : God of fame, rumor
Egyptian gods:

"The Hidden One," a primordial creation-deity
Egyptian god of the dead
Egyptian cat goddess
Egyptian dwarf god believed to guard against evil spirits and misfortune
Egyptian moon god
Protector of the stomach of the deceased
God of the Earth
Egyptian cow goddess
Egyptian mother goddess
Egyptian name for the vital force of life
Egyptian goddess of truth and justice
Egyptian fertility god
Wife of Amen, mother of Khons
Nephthys Egyptian goddess of the dead
Egyptian goddess of the sky and of the heavens
Egyptian god of the underworld and of vegetation
Goddess of love and beauty
Egyptian sun god
Scorpion goddess, helper of women in childbirth
Egyptian god of chaos
Egyptian god of the air
Egyptian crocodile god
Hippopotamus goddess and protective deity of childbirth
Egyptian moon god
God of war and of the funerary cult
The one true god.
Send your children to dance the flames with gentle, loving, kind Moloch.
That is all.

I think I speak for the purpose of this thread when I say:

Stop. Being. A. Douchebag.

The Shinto pantheon has a collection of more than 8000000 kami (Japanese for "gods" or "spirits"). It starts with the 7 divine Gods who make the God Izanagi and the Godess Izanami.

Izanagi - together with his wife gave birth to the islands of Japan.
Izanami - the wife, she also gave birth to fire (ouch!)
Seiobo - Queen Mother of the West". She cultivates a garden of peach trees that blossom only every 1000 years and if one of these peaches are eaten – you get eternal life.
Tobosaku – Bloody peach stealer!
Gama-Sennin - A sage with a lot of magical talent (he can become a toad or look young)
Chokaro - He has a magic pumpkin that can become a horse! Cool ne?
Shishi – kind of dog lion.
Benten - The Goddess of luck, love, eloquence, wisdom and the fine arts. She rides on a dragon!!!
Bishamon - is the patron of the warriors.
Daikoku - The god of wealth and the patron of the farmers.
Ebisu - the son of Daikoku and the patron of the fishermen.
Fukurokuju - The god of wisdom, good luck and longevity.
Hotei - He is also the god of laughter and happiness (by being content with what you have).
Jurojin - The god of longevity
there are 33 000 000 demigods in the vedas, but they are not actually god but living entities that get materially elevated to positions of universal management on the strength of their piou s activities
there is is only one god of this universe, and we as humans could never hope to comprehend what the gods name maybe.

some suggest that there are lesser gods... gods created by the one true god.

and that these lesser gods are the ones vieing for power and your minds.

the one that has won out, has proposed and made mandatory the one god concept as fundamental, to brush all other gods aside like so much straw.

the mormons, i have learned would suggest that Jehovah is one of the highest and most favored of the lesser gods, and has served the purpose towards setting mankinds focus towards a one god ideal.

you can use all kinds of words to describe god.

but they are human words, and are not worthy of the attempting to name god.

i use the term god, or elohiem... as general description for the creator.

but i would never propose to suggest a name.
