My ufo experience

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A few years ago I saw a ufo, I am posting to see if anyone here has seen something similar, or has some info. I do not need any responds from some of the crazy religious people I have seen around here either :rolleyes: .

It was nighttime, and when I had just walked outside and looked up, it had already been there.In the sky at about 45 degrees, it was a glowing green light, about the size the moon or sun would appear. It looked almost like the sun, exept green, and clearer to see, because it was closer. After I looked at it for a little with the person standing next to me, it dropped strait down towards the ground. It dissapeared out of my view into the trees on the horizon blocking my view. It went down kind of quick, but was steady, and I could observe it as it went.

Please post if you have any comments.
Alright, I've never seen a UFO but what I'd like to say is this... are you near any airforce base? If you are it was likely something they released. Next, what are you near, the location would indiciate whether you can believe this was a UFO in the sense of something alien, or man-made. Finally if you saw it try finding out if anyone else nearby did to, maybe go on a little survey of the surrounding blocks.

The aliens have a sense of secrecy and keeping things hidden, this would likely negate the sighting as something of their design, however you never know :p
I live in St. Joseph, MO. There is an airforce base kinda-close in kansas, but it is not in the same dirrection. I think I saw the thing to the east, kansas is to the west. I doubt it was anything released there, adleast nothing I have seen. The thing hovered there, it glowed, then it went strait down, no other movement at all. That describes no military technology I know of. A relative saw it with me, it was a long time ago, I am not going to take the time to look locally.
Originally Posted by Jessiec
A few years ago I saw a ufo, I am posting to see if anyone here has seen something similar, or has some info. I do not need any responds from some of the crazy religious people I have seen around here either .

It was nighttime, and when I had just walked outside and looked up, it had already been there.In the sky at about 45 degrees, it was a glowing green light, about the size the moon or sun would appear. It looked almost like the sun, exept green, and clearer to see, because it was closer. After I looked at it for a little with the person standing next to me, it dropped strait down towards the ground. It dissapeared out of my view into the trees on the horizon blocking my view. It went down kind of quick, but was steady, and I could observe it as it went.

Please post if you have any comments

Here is a website of people who have witnessed Green Meteors, Green Orbs, Green UFOs, Green Fireball Phenomena, etc, to maybe help you determine what it is you saw :
More detail please. If it was the size of the Moon, I'd expect you to be able to have seen some features maybe?

Was it just a green light? Did it change intensity at all? Perfectly spherical? How bright, compared to the Moon? How do you know how far away it was (you said it was closer than the Sun), was there terrain behind it? In which case, how big do you estimate it to have been?
The thing was, it was clear, and bright. I could tell it was close by just because there was almost no atmospheric haze or anything. It didn't have any features on it, it was all the same around all sides of the circle. It did not flicker or change intensity. Perfect shphere it seemed.

Trying to estimate how big it was...would say very large, compared to any other ufo sighting I have seen, it was extremely larger. As I said the sphere would of been able to cover up the sun, but it was closer, maybe like a mile away in the sky it seems.

It was not behind any cloudes, it was right in front of me, clear as hell to see, I did not have to strain my eyes to see it in any way.
It is kind of hard to guage it's brightness, because it didn't really have any texture. It deffinetely glowed, but not really bright. Comopared to the moon, I would say...looking out the window at the sky...scratch that
It would of appeared brighter then the moon, because it was closer, no atmosphere in the way.
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i saw some kind of wierd shit in the sky one night when i was with 5 friends, we were on an abandoned high rise tower block rooftop, years and ayears ago when i was about 12-13.

it was this red light and it seemed kinda high up, it was static for ages (about 20 seconds) then the light expanded a little and blasted off even higher (not across the sky just more upwards) untill we couldent see it anymore,

it was really wierd we didnt report it or anything we just said it was probably some kind of shit who knows, and that was that,

Jessiec said:
The thing was, it was clear, and bright. I could tell it was close by just because there was almost no atmospheric haze or anything. It didn't have any features on it, it was all the same around all sides of the circle. It did not flicker or change intensity. Perfect shphere it seemed.

Trying to estimate how big it was...would say very large, compared to any other ufo sighting I have seen, it was extremely larger. As I said the sphere would of been able to cover up the sun, but it was closer, maybe like a mile away in the sky it seems.

It was not behind any cloudes, it was right in front of me, clear as hell to see, I did not have to strain my eyes to see it in any way.
It is kind of hard to guage it's brightness, because it didn't really have any texture. It deffinetely glowed, but not really bright. Comopared to the moon, I would say...looking out the window at the sky...scratch that
It would of appeared brighter then the moon, because it was closer, no atmosphere in the way.

Did the green testicle :D make any noise? Like, could you hear an engine? If it was silent, green round and close to you it's a UFO.. not much we can help you with here really.
UFO's Explained:

quite simply there was a decent program on Television in the UK that debunked the UFO Myth. Notibly it all boiled down to the "Saucer" design that was captured at the end of the second world war and a discussion of how both the US and Russian Military black projects continued their research. If "Saucers" had been managed and produced the same way as Helicopters we'd probably be using them instead.
Sounds like a somewhat interesting program.
Where did the "saucer" come from they captured?
It debunked the myth?
Phew...glad thats all
Like Squeak mention it was a German Aircraft project, which apparently had prototypes during the second world war. It was kind of interesting how the Aerodynamics was explained to show that saucers would gain tremendous lift, with an applied fin like a tail and some rockets or propellers it, it would then be able to apply drive.

You'll notice in another post a particular unmanned Drone type developed by the American's has hallmarks of the innitial saucer shaped craft.
Yeah. Right. See pics of those things? Like something you'd find in a Cracker Jack's box. So why would vintage flying saucers, a-la-human-bolts-and-tin level, suffice to debunk the whole phenomenon? But of course you'll claim that they've been ameliorated since -- but, ever consider that real alien spacecraft might have been taken seriously enough to inspire their design? After all, we've all seen those ghastly knock-offs of Michelangelo's David: even after all these centuries, they still can't get him right...
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I have seen a UFO, it later turned out to be a football.

It was a genuine UFO until i realised it was a football.
I have seen ufos and none where footballs going add more ufo pictures from the footage i have taken and you all are welcome to view them click ufo pictures.

comments are welcome
lsufos said:
I have seen ufos and none where footballs going add more ufo pictures from the footage i have taken and you all are welcome to view them click ufo pictures.

comments are welcome
HI and Welcome....cant access your UFO pics as my systems too limited

what do you think the UFOs mean?
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