My telepathic experience?


Registered Senior Member
I'd like to share a story of a unique experience I had when i was younger. I was around 16 and it was during my spiritual hay day. Now I'm politely Agnostic leaning to pure Athiesm. Anyways i had read about telepathy and thought i might give it a try. So for months I researched everything you could possible research on the subject and slowly tried to see what people were thinking. No I wasn't listening to voices or anything i wanted to perceive like a sense what was going on in peoples minds.

Then all of a sudden i had my first telepathic experience where i was looking into someones eyes and i all of a sudden became aware of what was going on in their head through time and what they were thinking as if i was bonded to them like our brains had a one way connection. I slowly built on the ability and decided to come out of the dark with it and start testing it on people. So i found a random friend that i could trust who thought i was a dumbass when i told him what i wanted to attempt with him. I remember sitting on a chair in front of him and told him to think of something without trying hard and to just think like you normally do. I then remember looking into his eyes and had a feeling of his brain being one with mine.

Then i could see everything he was thinking as if i was thinking it myself. I then told him how i saw he was reflecting on a scene earlier in the day where the girl he had a crush on just came out of the bathroom as you were walking to your class and you were checking her out as you walked by. He then turned white like a ghost and almost fell backwards out of his chair covering his face in shock. That was one of many of the experiences i had with telepathy. Unfortunately however now I lost my talent by not practicing anymore after my church got whiff of it and told me that wasn't welcome into their church anymore so i quit.

Do you think I'm full of #!@^, that its a genetic trait or that its from quantumly entangled minds?
Well, if it worked, then you did it, to your satisfaction, but I wouldn't know how.

Did you give out penance for those sinful thoughts that you mind-read in church?
You made it implicitly clear (as I read it) that you already knew he had a crush on the girl - prior information.
The guy was a friend, so you had a pretty good knowledge of his likes/ dislikes/ behaviour - prior information.
This itself indicates that the "telepathy" involved other factors.
You may be good at cold reading.
You may simply have made a good guess (how do you eliminate a 1 in 1,000 guess?).
You may be extremely good at body language.
You may have actually seen the event mentioned (you don't say either way) - and registered it subliminally or consciously.
And that scene (or the girl) may or may not have been a recent topic of conversation.

There are innumerable factors to be taken into account and one, or even several, non-controlled experiences don't cut the mustard with regard to reliable evidence.
I'm not knocking you or your experience: I'm on record here as having had "psychic" events myself - but I just file them under "Weird Shit Requiring Further investigation" since it is known that the brain behaves in strange ways.
Unfortunately however now I lost my talent by not practicing anymore

You can't "lose" something that you already are gifted with, if you are so gifted. So my thought would be since your not going to that church any longer to try your "telepathy" out again on someone you can "tune into". See if you can do it again and again, over and over with someone now. Then get back to us on how you did this time and see if you do really have this ability. Without repeated experiences you'll never know for yourself if you are telepathic or not however I do not believe that you are but I keep an open mind, to a degree about most things.

There's a man named Randi that will pay you a million dollars if you can prove your abilities to him by taking his test as well. Tell us how you do with him.
You made it implicitly clear (as I read it) that you already knew he had a crush on the girl - prior information.
The guy was a friend, so you had a pretty good knowledge of his likes/ dislikes/ behaviour - prior information.
This itself indicates that the "telepathy" involved other factors.
You may be good at cold reading.
You may simply have made a good guess (how do you eliminate a 1 in 1,000 guess?).
You may be extremely good at body language.
You may have actually seen the event mentioned (you don't say either way) - and registered it subliminally or consciously.
And that scene (or the girl) may or may not have been a recent topic of conversation.

There are innumerable factors to be taken into account and one, or even several, non-controlled experiences don't cut the mustard with regard to reliable evidence.
I'm not knocking you or your experience: I'm on record here as having had "psychic" events myself - but I just file them under "Weird Shit Requiring Further investigation" since it is known that the brain behaves in strange ways.
I actually didn't know that he had a crush on her before that and the scene i described was accurate. The view took place in another part of the school where i never went to. Anyways i get your point and it is things to consider.

You can't "lose" something that you already are gifted with, if you are so gifted. So my thought would be since your not going to that church any longer to try your "telepathy" out again on someone you can "tune into". See if you can do it again and again, over and over with someone now. Then get back to us on how you did this time and see if you do really have this ability. Without repeated experiences you'll never know for yourself if you are telepathic or not however I do not believe that you are but I keep an open mind, to a degree about most things.

There's a man named Randi that will pay you a million dollars if you can prove your abilities to him by taking his test as well. Tell us how you do with him.
I really don't feel like doing it anymore, I don't really have the time or desire to do it again. Maybe I will in another time in my life.

If I had to guess I'd say recreational drugs.:m::D

Well now that i think about it was taking amphetamine salts back then because i was diagnosed with add. I no longer have it as a adult though. I think amphetamines were used as a psychic booster.
Now I'm politely Agnostic leaning to pure Athiesm.

You seem confused, you either believe in God, or you don't. If you cannot declare you do, you are an atheist.

Also, agnosticism is not about faith, but a statement about knowledge. It's not some apologetic midground between theism and atheism.

And yeah, I think you're full of '#!@^'.
I really don't feel like doing it anymore, I don't really have the time or desire to do it again. Maybe I will in another time in my life.

At least you know what gift you don't have so now find the one you do.

I think amphetamines were used as a psychic booster.

No, they are only stimulants not intended to be used to enhance anything but getting you to run faster and speed up metabolism to a degree that they will eventually kill you. Either you were born with the gift , if there is such a thing, or you were not, nothing can increase something you already have in the psychic realm that is.
Wow. Such craziness.

First, if it had been a true, and unadulterated telepathic event, you would have had the "vision" from your friends perspective as it was happening, and not later while sitting in a chair. The fact that this was a friend of yours tarnishes the whole thing as a mere mind reading exercise. I don't hink you're full of it, I just think you are unsure what happened and therefore cannot properly define your experience. I find it hard to believe anyone who truly experienced such an event would let the "church" define their behavior or their lives for them, on that, I think you are full of it.

Again, with the Randi crap tho, give it up already, nobody wants Randi's million except those who would try to con him out of it. Money isn't everything, this is painfully true for an actual telepath. Telepathy is not a game, and in it's true nature, is even dangerous. Altering events, creating unwanted, negative attention are just a few of the problems when you realisitically consider the results of this activity. When people fear you, you become, weird, strange, odd, ostracized outcasts. People don't tell others about your amazing abilities, they say that you are a freak and leave it at that. You do not become famous unless you are just scamming people for money. No one adores those who make them uncomfortable. No one wants to be afraid to think, and no one is comfortable when they think someone else is manipulating their thoughts.
Money isn't everything, this is painfully true for an actual telepath.
Except that there's no such thing as an "actual telepath".

Telepathy is not a game, and in it's true nature, is even dangerous. Altering events, creating unwanted, negative attention are just a few of the problems when you realisitically consider the results of this activity.
How can one "realistically consider" the results of something that doesn't exist?
For millenia people didn't know that people died from CM poisoning, because they didn't know it existed. It could not be seen or defined, yet, it will, in fact, kill you.

Just because you haven't experienced something yourself, or that something cannot be seen or measured, in no way means it does not exist. I can appreciate that in your world it does not.

Fair enough.

Food for thought, something that does exist is not dependent on your belief, in fact, in this particular case, it's better if you don't believe it exists.

Carry on!
For millenia people didn't know that people died from CM poisoning, because they didn't know it existed. It could not be seen or defined, yet, it will, in fact, kill you.

Just because you haven't experienced something yourself - snip- in no way means it does not exist.
Strangely, those two points do NOT relate to each other. But not bad for a first attempt.

, or that something cannot be seen or measured,
What a weird view you have of reality. If it cannot be measured then, by definition, it does not interact with reality. So whether it "exists" or not is irrelevant since it can have no effect whatsoever. I.e. to all intents and purposes it does not exist.

Food for thought, something that does exist is not dependent on your belief
And, conversely, just because you believe in something doesn't mean it does exist.
Gosh you are slow, even if you don't believe in CM, it will kill you. Period. Even when people could not measure CM and couldn't possibly believe in something unknown, they were baffled at the unexplained death that resulted from it. So, you're wrong about "measurement" being required to cause reaction. Many times historically, reaction was studied to identify a cause even when reactions were not clearly understood. They had to start somewhere, and unexplained death is pretty extreme result, easily identified.
Just an acceptance of "we breathe, we don't breathe," would have inhibited the identification of oxygen, and CM.

This is simple, but it is not a study of past scientific proofs. In this case, a reaction can go completely unnoticed, and therefore be even harder to isolate a cause. Don't worry, all things are as they should be. and that is all that matters.

True to your santa claus point about believing, not causing an actal existence. That has zero to do with this.
I'd like to share a story of a unique experience I had when i was younger. I was around 16 and it was during my spiritual hay day. Now I'm politely Agnostic leaning to pure Athiesm. Anyways i had read about telepathy and thought i might give it a try. So for months I researched everything you could possible research on the subject and slowly tried to see what people were thinking. No I wasn't listening to voices or anything i wanted to perceive like a sense what was going on in peoples minds.

Then all of a sudden i had my first telepathic experience where i was looking into someones eyes and i all of a sudden became aware of what was going on in their head through time and what they were thinking as if i was bonded to them like our brains had a one way connection. I slowly built on the ability and decided to come out of the dark with it and start testing it on people. So i found a random friend that i could trust who thought i was a dumbass when i told him what i wanted to attempt with him. I remember sitting on a chair in front of him and told him to think of something without trying hard and to just think like you normally do. I then remember looking into his eyes and had a feeling of his brain being one with mine.

Then i could see everything he was thinking as if i was thinking it myself. I then told him how i saw he was reflecting on a scene earlier in the day where the girl he had a crush on just came out of the bathroom as you were walking to your class and you were checking her out as you walked by. He then turned white like a ghost and almost fell backwards out of his chair covering his face in shock. That was one of many of the experiences i had with telepathy. Unfortunately however now I lost my talent by not practicing anymore after my church got whiff of it and told me that wasn't welcome into their church anymore so i quit.

Do you think I'm full of #!@^, that its a genetic trait or that its from quantumly entangled minds?

I don't think you're full of shit at all. I think that you genuinely are or were telepathic.
Gosh you are slow
Keep trying.

even if you don't believe in CM, it will kill you. Period. Even when people could not measure CM and couldn't possibly believe in something unknown, they were baffled at the unexplained death that resulted from it.
Try to read things before replying.
Or maybe you're claiming that at some point in the future we'll be able to measure "telepathy"?
Any hints as to how? What generates it? Where the power comes from? How it's transmitted? Received? What wavelength?

So, you're wrong about "measurement" being required to cause reaction.
And another indication that you didn't actually read my post.
Splitting hairs won't make you right. It is possible that future generations might be able to measure telepathic energy. I don't know how, nor do I care, proving it's existence is not something I am interested in. I couldn't give a rat's behind if the swarming masses ever understand it, as I have indicated previously, it's better if they don't.

I don't get you exactly, if you absolutely don't believe in it, then you wouldn't concern yourself with it. I am not sure why you're here reading about it when you have absolutely nothing to gain or learn. You clearly have nothing to offer on the subject except RCC-like absolute denials, so, what's your story?