My road to atheism; Yours? Theist opinions?

The subject is the car and the attribute , or the adjective is the color , I am not sure if I will go along with your comparison. Sorry !
The comparison is completely apt. In the case of theology, deity is the subject and 'existence' is the attribute. Being unsure of the existence of it renders one agnostic, and the lack of a particular belief in the existence of it regardless of one's certainty makes one an atheist. Atheism exists on a spectrum, as does theism.

I am not sure about contradictory. They all believe in God as a creator and He give life.
That's very vague. On specifics like whether God had a son, they are very different. They also differ on such basics as how many gods there are, whether these gods are all-powerful, what the gods are like, and many other matters.

I believe within every segment ( Religious organization ) there are people who experience close manifestation of God. Take the example of Pentecostals many of them have the gift of speaking in other language.
Are you talking about "speaking in tongues"? That's not a proper language. It's just a form of gibberish. Analyses have actually been done that show that when people with different native languages "speak in tongues", they tend to use speech patterns and phonemes from their usual spoken languages.

If a physicist will say they obtained Htggs (God particle ) , I can ask , can you see the particle . You don't , but you will tell me it can manifest itself at 125 xxx in energy value . and it was shown , did all physicists
agree? at the big day ( don't remember the date ) Not all were in agreement .
We can't see the Higgs boson directly. We infer its existence from experiments and data. The same can be said for the electrons that make your computer work. If they didn't exist, you wouldn't be reading this, but we can't directly see them.
Arfa Brane:From your Post #10
I'm sorry, again I cannot see how it follows that you can call yourself an atheist if you reject Abrahamic religions. A religion is not God, God is something else.
Gee, I thought my Post #1 implied that I was rejecting the notion of god, not merely rejecting Abrahamic religions.
The Abraham/Isaac story started me on the road to atheism when I was circa 7-8 years old . . . . . . . . I was appalled by the request that Abraham kill his son. I was certain that my father would have considered the source of such a request to be demonic.

The more my Sunday school teacher tried to justify the request, the more convinced I was that her views were wrong & that religion was suspect.
I suppose I should have said
That Abrahamic & all other religions were suspect.
When named my Post “My road to atheism” I thought I implied disbelief in all religions. I did not Post
My road to disbelief in Abrahamic religions
Note the phrase in Blue above: It did not qualify religion with Abrahamic.
I was appalled by the request that Abraham kill his son. I was certain that my father would have considered the source of such a request to be demonic. The more my Sunday school teacher tried to justify the request, the more convinced I was that her views were wrong & that religion was suspect.

Ok. So Christianity didn't work out for you. You failed to understand it/didn't like it. That's fine. What I don't get how does anyone rational go from- Christianity is wrong to there is no God.
anyone rational go from ... there is no God.
There's no evidence to suggest any kind of God, so anyone rational wouldn't automatically believe in one, regardless of Christianity or any other religion.
There's no evidence to suggest any kind of God, so anyone rational wouldn't automatically believe in one, regardless of Christianity or any other religion.

We all started in believing there is somebody bigger then ourself , and the bigger then us is God.

That's very vague. On specifics like whether God had a son, they are very different. They also differ on such basics as how many gods there are, whether these gods are all-powerful, what the gods are like, and many other matters.

Are you talking about "speaking in tongues"? That's not a proper language. It's just a form of gibberish. Analyses have actually been done that show that when people with different native languages "speak in tongues", they tend to use speech patterns and phonemes from their usual spoken languages.

My specific point about God ,The creator of life . That about other gods , going back to Sumerian culture , they called god any ruler which was powerful.

Well not all speaking in tongs are the same . There are prophesy which are in the common language . My mother had a gift of prophesy.
Ok. So Christianity didn't work out for you. You failed to understand it/didn't like it. That's fine. What I don't get how does anyone rational go from- Christianity is wrong to there is no God.
I think you probably have to go through a few more stages to do it properly. Like: Islam is wrong. Hinduism is wrong. Judaism is wrong. Ancestor worship is wrong. Worshipping Zeus is wrong. etc. etc. After a while, you start to see a pattern.
I think you probably have to go through a few more stages to do it properly. Like: Islam is wrong. Hinduism is wrong. Judaism is wrong. Ancestor worship is wrong. Worshipping Zeus is wrong. etc. etc. After a while, you start to see a pattern.

An individual does not have to belong to any organized religion . In my view The individual have to look into nature and se the creation of nature . There had to be some force or intelligence to put it together. And the intelligent force deserves some respect and be honored,
The primordial soup is not a good explanation, it is marginable poor for an individual with understanding chemistry.
An individual does not have to belong to any organized religion . In my view The individual have to look into nature and se the creation of nature . There had to be some force or intelligence to put it together. And the intelligent force deserves some respect and be honored,
The primordial soup is not a good explanation, it is marginable poor for an individual with understanding chemistry.
I guess you haven't heard of evolution?
The Torah doesn't mention evolution. Evolution implies that no intelligence was needed, that's why it's so challenging to theists.
The Torah doesn't mention evolution. Evolution implies that no intelligence was needed, that's why it's so challenging to theists.

Do you want that the ancient Hebrew use modern vocabulary? Did you notice plants --- fish--birds -- mammals -- man then Shabos Then think , you would not have a day of rest .
TimoJin: From your Post #86
We all started in believing there is somebody bigger then ourself , and the bigger then us is God.
It might be more correct to say something like the following
We were all taught that there was somebody bigger than our self.
I was given some religious schooling without which I probably would not have invented a notion that there is some mysterious entity more important than a human being.

BTW: Many, including you, do not seem to proofread before Posting. Note the blue words above. It is obvious that you intended to use than.
I think you probably have to go through a few more stages to do it properly. Like: Islam is wrong. Hinduism is wrong... After a while, you start to see a pattern.

Ok. Every religion/worship is wrong. That's cool too. Still, how do you get from there to there is no God? God as in the creator / the prime mover. Even if you completely ignore spirituality, intuition and emotion, I still don't get how does one go from they're all wrong to there is no God.
Even if you completely ignore spirituality, intuition and emotion, I still don't get how does one go from they're all wrong to there is no God.
I look at it from the opposite end: There doesn't seem to be a God; therefore all religions are wrong.