My religious philosophy, based completely on logic:

No hijacking here


This thread is evolving the way it is partially because of your opening post:

Originally posted by YoungWriter
I don't see how hard this can possibly be, but tons of people at the Smashing Pumpkins Philo board get pissed at it, so I wonder how it'll do over here:

Why the hell is there a 39598694898395 page topic debating the existence of God?

My theory is this simple: ALL RELIGIONS ARE BELIEFS!!!!! God is a belief. Allah is a belief. Hindu's god is a belief. The ancient Greek, Romans, Egyptians, and all other cultures are beliefs.

If they are beliefs, they cannot be proved to exist. If they cannnot be proved, then they cannnot be dissproved either.

Agree? Disagree? Think I'm full of shit?

I'm ready for the onslaught:p

We are simply discussing whether or not religious beliefs can be proved or disproved - what's to get upset about?:confused:
Aramaic is not a Hebrew dialect. The language of the Arameans predates the establishment of any Jewish/Hewbrew culture/society, and was came into common use among merchants and bureaucrats and such in the ays of Babylon because it was well suited to working with numbers. It diverged into many dialects, one of which was adopted among Jewish communities.
Re: No hijacking here

Originally posted by Nehushta

This thread is evolving the way it is partially because of your opening post:

We are simply discussing whether or not religious beliefs can be proved or disproved - what's to get upset about?:confused:

Agreed, but what is maing this thread unique compared to the "God does/doesn't exist" threads?
Re: Re: No hijacking here

Originally posted by YoungWriter
Agreed, but what is maing this thread unique compared to the "God does/doesn't exist" threads?

And what was unique about your opening post that might have led this discussion in a different direction?
Regarding your initial post.

Originally posted by YoungWriter
My theory is this simple: ALL RELIGIONS ARE BELIEFS!!!!! God is a belief. Allah is a belief. Hindu's god is a belief. The ancient Greek, Romans, Egyptians, and all other cultures are beliefs.

If they are beliefs, they cannot be proved to exist. If they cannnot be proved, then they cannnot be dissproved either.

Agree? Disagree? Think I'm full of shit?
A belief is an idea one thinks is true. In actuality, the idea may be true, false, indeterminate, or ultimately unprovable. Thus far, all definitions of God that I have come across have fallen into one of three categories. Most are demonstrably false regarding a particular assertion or set of assertions. Most of those remaining are unprovable; that is they contain assertions that cannot be proven either way. Those few remaining (certain treatments of the Pantheistic/Cosmotheistic paradigm) may be asserted as true but I do question the assertion of the term God in such instances.

Response to the young wrter's theory

I think that religion is based on the human need to believe. Can you believe that?!? Our need to make simple sense of the growing confusion that we face.
looking at the stars, there was belief that there was sense to be made out of what he saw, stories to be told, and characters to be drawn. And there was magic taking place before his eyes.

Darwin taught evolution and at that time it was created, a whole fiasco about monkeys...

Jesus created religion and at that time, it began to evolve.

Man created war and the art of destruction and it is still evolving.

Henry Ford created Cars and they are still evolving....

So who created the creators?
Re: Response to the young wrter's theory

Originally posted by Moore
Darwin taught evolution and at that time it was created, a whole fiasco about monkeys...

Jesus created religion and at that time, it began to evolve.

Man created war and the art of destruction and it is still evolving.

Henry Ford created Cars and they are still evolving....

So who created the creators?
The Elohim, aliens from another planet who biologically created life here on earth. We petty, uncivilized, and primitive humans mistook them as God(s).
The Elohim, aliens from another planet who biologically created life here on earth. We petty, uncivilized, and primitive humans mistook them as God(s).

{{{{{{{{{{{{{{ }}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}

Thats a misconception spread by both the seventh day adventist's and the "witnessess" . They say the Sons of God before the flood were aliens, extraterestials, angels come down to mate with mortal women.......

Primative minds think alike, apparently...

Elohim is the essense of what God was before He was God.
Before he formed the material and could be God.
Then He made man in His image....We are the Sons of God.
The expression of Elohim's attributes, of His own genes.

Just as any man's sons are an expression of his own genes...
Originally posted by TheVisitor
Thats a misconception spread by both the seventh day adventist's and the "witnessess" . They say the Sons of God before the flood were aliens, extraterestials, angels come down to mate with mortal women.......

Primative minds think alike, apparently...

Elohim is the essense of what God was before He was God.
Before he formed the material and could be God.
Then He made man in His image....We are the Sons of God.
The expression of Elohim's attributes, of His own genes.

Just as any man's sons are an expression of his own genes...
Do you have proof of that?
BTW, know your religions. 7th Day Adventists (SDA) can be traced to the Millerites(Adventists) until formed into the SDA by Ellen White. They are much like conventional conservtive christians and they believe the second coming of Christ is imminent and their sabbath day is saturday.

If your are referring to "witnesses" as Jehovah's Witnesses then you are wrong again. They are basically christian fundamentalists who believe that Jehovah is the supreme being and don't believe in the trinity. Just like the SDA they have become notorious for predicting the second coming of Christ with much disappointment.
Darwin Disciple

I've said they were the Millerite's in recent posts.

Oh boy.......I guess that means I "know my religions" huh


Talk to both of them in detail...
I have, and what I said is what they believe about the subject.
I've spoken in detail on doctrinal subjects to their ministers till they literally NASHED THEIR TEETH, AND CURSED GOD.
You ever seen someone do that? :mad:
It's not a pretty sight......

So ...........what's you're point?

You seem to change the issues when you run out of objections for which I've laborously offered you the explaination.

Yeah, it's real easy to say "no it isn't, no it isn't"...
At least get the facts straight for your "obstinate criticism's".
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Re: Darwin Disciple

Originally posted by TheVisitor
I've said they were the Millerite's in recent posts.

Oh boy.......I guess that means I "know my religions" huh


Talk to both of them in detail...
I have, and what I said is what they believe about the subject.
I've spoken in detail on doctrinal subjects to their ministers till they literally NASHED THEIR TEETH, AND CURSED GOD.
you ever seen someone do that? :mad:
So ...........what's you're point?

you seem to change the issues when you run out of objections for which I've laborously offered you the explaination.

Yeah it's real easy to say "no it isn't, no it isn't"
At least get the facts straight for your "obstinate criticism's":mad:
I have interviewed members and church leaders of all the major religions and a large portion of the mainstream christian denominations for several theses in my graduate and post-graduate work. 5 of my past clients have been former members of the Church of Scientology, 2 were former Jehovah's Witnesses, 2 from the SDA and 1 from the Raelian Movement. I know their(church) beliefs both structurally and mentally. It is obvious that your knowledge is not from research but from word of mouth. You can never post anything that is remotely accurate and all the arguments you make are backed up by irrelevant references or insubstantial evidence. That is why you have become a central figure for debunking on SciForums.
I said this on another thread and feel like repeating myself here.

I have noticed how the religious man will claim something as fact solely because it cannot be disproven. I have seen much mention in this manner on this thread and others. They then resort to highly questionable material from text written thousands of years ago. None of us were there to witness any of this and have absolutely no place to regard anything written as fact.

For 17 years now i have been heavily involved with the world of the paranormal. A vast spectrum of different occurences from religious people being given gold teeth by god, to a small frog looking alien animal seen wandering the fields in north london. It created these weird mushrooms. I found skeletal remains of the supposed frog-alien and gave them to Deborah Hills, the foremost mammal expert in this country. (she was the person who studied the apparent remains of the beast of bodmin). The results i received regarding this alien frog were inconclusive. The animal remains could not be identified.

Just because strange shit happens doesn't mean it was god.

With the alien-frog remains i have good evidence to suggest the possibility of either: the existence of alien animals or a entirely new, never seen before species of animal living in a residential area in london. I cannot claim either of these to be facts.

It is evidence that needs to be studied. You have a book, thousands of years old, written by people who listened to stories passed down through generations. That cannot even begin to compete with actual evidence.. something substantial. all you have is a an old novel. As chris said, when the time comes that you have evidence of worth then you can come laugh at all the non believers, but the manner with which you all speak now is purely arrogant, self righteous, and highly lacking in evidence.

When someone asks for evidence the best you can come up with is: Nobody can tell you, you need to see god?

Well here's my proof to alien frogs: Nobody can tell you, you gotta go find one.

Now see how silly that sounds?

Just because nobody can tell you there isn't, doesn't mean there is.
That is why you have become a central figure for debunking on SciForums.


De-bunk away then..............

I've backed up everything I've claimed with evidence , facts and explainations......

You have done nothing but cry foul and deny everything...

For example your claim just now that I lied, and my info is "second hand"

In 1983 while studing the message left in William Branhams tape recorded sermons....both Jehovah's witnesses and Seventh Day aventist came to call at my residence.

I talked to them in detail (this was not the only time) and the man representing the SDA was a minister, aprox. 70 years old with a head of grey hair.

We discussed various doctrines in length, including the Sons of God before the flood, Serpents seed, the sabbath's meaning and God-Head......

I said the man left my house after totally losing his composure, cursing, me and everything else....and literally Nashing his teeth....

It's recorded in the bible them doing the same thing to the apostles during their preaching of Jesus.

Their dostrines are false, as are all the denomintions of "christianity"...sure they have some truth, (which God at one time "winked" at) but no more. Their truth is mixed with lies, and "leavens" the Word, making it of non-effect to the people.

They've turned down the truth (the organizations)..they all heard it, and for a time believed..(that Branham was a prophet)....
In the 50's 300 christian demoninations, including The Full-Gosphel bussnessmen's Association beleived Branham was sent from God.......

When this "message" de-bunked their doctrines as false and showed them the errors in their creeds, they rejected the truth.
This is shown 2000 years before it happened in Rev 18:1-4

They are The Great Harlot (and her daughters - Protestants)
and their people when deceived by their false doctrine, turn down the truth and receive the Mark of the beast.

No wonder no one respects their message's nothing but false creeds and traditions, mixed with the Word ....turning it into useless fables.

That is not the Message the Bible has to give Mankind.
Your whole argument is based on:
1)Other people don't my beliefe. They didn't like Jesus's teaching either, so I must be right.
2)I think other religions are wrong.

You continually attack others when asked to substantiate your belief, and consider this proof that you are right. Maybe both are wrong. Disproving A doesn't mean that B is right.

Hold that thought..................are you admiting that I'm right..."
At least on this one point about the religions........?

Let's slow down a bit and talk of one point at a time.

You have no proof I'm wrong.

But refuse to admit I'm ever right....

Have you got some kind of mental dysfunction I should know about before I waste anymore time with you...?

I've explained these and other issues very clearly, till a child could understand........

The Word of God is a two-edged sword, it cuts and slays the enemies of God with spiritual death, at the same time cutting free those who are bound in their unbelief.

What I've posted is the Word of God.

Prove it wrong or admit it's right........

If you can't do either ......thats a bad place to be.

I'd like to help you but I can't "give" you my revelation. Only God can let you "see".

John 6:44

" No man can come to me, except the Father which hath sent me draw him: and I will raise him up at the last day"

Mat. 25:8-10

" And the foolish said unto the wise, Give us of your oil; for our lamps are gone out. 9 But the wise answered, saying, Not so; lest there be not enough for us and you: but go ye rather to them that sell, and buy for yourselves. 10 And while they went to buy, the bridegroom came; and they that were ready went in with him to the marriage: and the door was shut."
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Prove it wrong or admit it's right........

Thanks for proving me right.

Earlier post: I have noticed how the religious man will claim something as fact solely because it cannot be disproven. I have seen much mention in this manner on this thread and others. They then resort to highly questionable material from text written thousands of years ago. None of us were there to witness any of this and have absolutely no place to regard anything written as fact.

Visitor: Prove to me aliens didnt create all life on mankind. That is what's written in the sumerian texts- texts which predate your bible by 1,500 years+. So, in accordance with your way of thinking disprove it or it's obviously fact.

That's not how things work. You go to lengths to challenge persol in a flamatory way, asking him if he suffers from mental disfunction etc but in fact it is merely you. You suffer from a level of ignorance most of us never get a chance to see in life. You babble your self righteous, unknowing, highly naive garbage without realising your own errors and lack of anything even remotely worth the attention. Now i assume, like last time, you're going to try to dismiss what i've just said by blaming my forum name <---- again, more ignorance.

I'd like to help you but I can't "give" you my revelation. Only God can let you "see".

From my earlier post: When someone asks for evidence the best you can come up with is: Nobody can tell you, you need to see god?

Well here's my proof to alien frogs: Nobody can tell you, you gotta go find one.

See how silly it sounds if anyone else uses the same style of ignorance? But of course you are right, everyone else is wrong. What a fool you are.

You'd make a great example for my future book on the world's most ignorant people.
No one proved you right.....

Don't break that arm patting yourself on the back...

Prove yourself right, reason then if you have no faith.

The wisdom of God casteth down reasoning.......
No one proved you right.....

Don't break that arm patting yourself on the back...

Prove yourself right, reason then if you have no faith.

The wisdom of God casteth down reasoning.......

We all await the day you'll do something other than talk total bollocks.
all religions are beliefs

they were invented by early primitive men to explain the unknown in nature,why at this stage of evolution some of you tend to cling to these outdated idiotic beliefs instead of joining reality and logical thinking,is probably b/c you hope for eternal life of your soul,
(which doesnt exist anyway,but thats an argument for another tread,)
quoting bible to prove the existence of god doesnt make sense;
description of xian god=omnigood,allmighty,all knowing,controls all,etc is a contradiction itself see;
bible itself is so full of idiotic contradictions its suprising anyone can take it seriously see;