My questions about God

I am a christian. This is a religious forum. If you are Atheist, to answer these questions you must be willing to, for the sake of discussion, presuppose God's existence. If you are not, answer away.
Jew Speaking, not atheist or Christian. I will give you long answers that are directly from religious books, if you read it good for you. If not I understand; they're long.

1. God is Omniscient, Omniprescient, Omnipotent, and perfect. Why create lesser beings at all?
Man was created not only for the purpose of expressing unity with G-d in his own life; he was also given the potential to suffuse the entire world with an awareness of G-d's unity. Adam, the first man, gave expression to this potential on the first day of his existence by addressing all of creation:[10] "Come, let us bow down; let us bend the knee before G-d our Maker."[11]
By imparting his superior relationship with G-d to the entire world, man becomes G-d's partner in creation[12] and contributes a necessary element to the world's existence - a conscious union with G-d. This uniquely human perception of G-d's pervasive unity makes Rosh HaShanah, the day of man's creation, eclipse the 25th of Elul, for the potential for oneness with G-d that came into being with man's creation overshadowed all previous levels of creation.

In other words, nothing can recognize its self.

2. What good does worship do for a God?

3. If God is all-knowing, why "pray"?

Clearly, this level of prayer that is totally dedicated to G-d and not for our own desires is one that is not easily achieved. However, we certainly can gather from the concept behind it the significance of selflessness. Thinking of the needs of other people and not just our own is the first step we can take to achieve this lofty goal. Indeed, some interpret that the reason that the commandment of loving a fellow-Jew as yourself is such a central pillar of Judaism (see Rashi to Vayikra 19:18 from Sifrei quoting R. Akiva) is that through recognizing the needs of others, we arrive at a fuller, more heightened awareness that we are not the center of the world. Ultimately, we become fully cognizant of the fact that G-d created the entire cosmos to allow Man to elevate his quintessential, spiritual nature by drawing nearer to Him, the true center of the universe.

To recognize inside ourselves the oneness of the entire world and our God and creator

4. If angels do not have free will, how did some rebel?

Most of this is ancient mythos, added into Christianity.

Supposedly the Nephillim were fallen angels, but I don't understand that at all.

5. Does God need all these fancy buildings and such?
Whilst sitting one day in the presence of Rabbi Simeon, this question was asked by Rabbi Isaac: "What impelled these Postdiluvians to be so foolish as to revolt against the Holy One, and how did they become actuated with the idea of building a tower whose top should reach unto heaven?"

Said Rabbi Simeon: "We learn from tradition that by the words, 'and it came to pass as they journeyed from the east' (miquidem) scripture informs us that they quitted the highlands for the plains, the land of Israel, in order to fix their habitation in Babel. 'Here,' said they, 'we can live and dwell, come let us make to ourselves a name, or in other words, let us worship and adore the god of this world, and by so doing acquire and enjoy his favor and help; so that when catastrophes and calamities occur, we shall have here a sure refuge and means of escape from their baneful and destructive effects. Here is abundance of food, and we may reap plentiful harvests which in the past have cost us so great toil and labor. Nay, more, let us make a tower reaching up to heaven, so that we may mount and wage war in the domain of the Premier himself, and thus prevent him from again overwhelming and destroying mankind with a deluge, as in the past.' It is written, 'And the Lord said the people is one and they have all one language and this they begin to do, and now nothing will be restrained from them which they have imagined to do' (Gen. XI. 6). The meaning of which words this is. In the celestial world when all its spheres are harmonious, power is the result. So is it in the world of mankind when all minds become imbued and swayed by unity of thought and feeling. Whatever enterprise or project is undertaken, it is bound to succeed and be accomplished whether its object be good or evil. To nullify their impious intention and purpose of waging war against it was essential that this unity of design should be broken and their plans be thwarted and, therefore, as stated, 'The Lord scattered these

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builders of Babel and dispersed them abroad upon the face75b-76a of the earth. And that they might be compelled to cease the building of their city, he confounded their language so that they were unable to understand each other's thoughts and respond to them. Before this the holy language was universally spoken.
Oh, I can take anything you can dish out. It's just that I would have preferred to think more highly of you.

I'm sorry that my opinions make you think less of me. I had thought Christians weren't supposed to judge...
I'm sorry that my opinions make you think less of me. I had thought Christians weren't supposed to judge...

Judge: pronounce: pronounce judgment on; "They labeled him unfit to work here"

Judgement: judgment: an opinion formed by judging something; "he was reluctant to make his judgment known"; "she changed her mind"

Judge: pronounce: pronounce judgment on; "They labeled him unfit to work here"

Judgement: judgment: an opinion formed by judging something; "he was reluctant to make his judgment known"; "she changed her mind"


Oh look, the theist can read!
Oh look, the theist can read!

I'm not sure why you're insulting me. Most often I respond to questions reasonably and I never create topics saying "Why don't you believe in God". If anything I refrain from appending religious fervor into my posts, however perhaps you can't refrain from appending bigotry...

Perhaps in your mind atheists are inherently more intelligent than theists; unfortunately it isn't the case.
I agree Cheski, atheists have a sort of "super ego" of self worship, they think they're smarter than everyone else.

Anyway, I don't take things at face value. I think there's loads more to the universe than what we can sense with our five senses.
Perhaps in your mind atheists are inherently more intelligent than theists; unfortunately it isn't the case.

What was the point of your previous post?

Anyway, atheists tend to think beyond the lie that is religion.
I agree Cheski, atheists have a sort of "super ego" of self worship, they think they're smarter than everyone else.

Yeah, which is way worse than what you do, which is hate everyone that isn't exactly like you.
What was the point of your previous post?
Anyway, atheists tend to think beyond the lie that is religion.
And you know for an absolute fact that it's a "lie"?

Making assumptions is hardly intelligent.
Yeah, which is way worse than what you do, which is hate everyone that isn't exactly like you.
"Hate"? Certainly not. I simply want them to keep to their own.
What was the point of your previous post?

Anyway, atheists tend to think beyond the lie that is religion.

My point is that Christians are forbidden to Judge, not forbidden from Judgement.

JDawg, which part is the lie; Please enlighten me, I want to reach your level of kindness and brilliance.
Another problem is that all atheists take religion literally; I think, metaphorically, it has loads of value.
And you know for an absolute fact that it's a "lie"?

You theists, always demanding absolutes from the non-believers, even though your kind deals exclusively in faith. A stunning double standard.

"Hate"? Certainly not. I simply want them to keep to their own.

You mean stay in the closet? Because I'm trying to understand how you could possibly think what they are doing affects your life in any way whatsoever.

As far as Hooked On Phonics' post goes...

You're splitting hairs.

JDawg, which part is the lie; Please enlighten me, I want to reach your level of kindness and brilliance. about the promise of eternal life? How about the removal of all personal responsibility, and yet the constant guilt? How about the fact that your religion preaches ignorance over enlightenment?

Any of that work for you? Ah, who am I kidding? You didn't choose your religion, you were born into it. There's nothing anyone can say that could convince you anything else was correct other than your own misguided ideals.
You theists, always demanding absolutes from the non-believers, even though your kind deals exclusively in faith. A stunning double standard.
Yes, faith, treated as belief, not knowledge. At least by some. Atheists treat their beliefs or lack of belief as fact.

You mean stay in the closet? Because I'm trying to understand how you could possibly think what they are doing affects your life in any way whatsoever.
Within a society, every individual is held accountable for his or her actions. Society isn't just ignoring everyone else. Every individual's business is the business of every other individual to some extent. about the promise of eternal life? How about the removal of all personal responsibility, and yet the constant guilt? How about the fact that your religion preaches ignorance over enlightenment?
Those are lies? And what is "ignorance" over "enlightenment?

And you know that there is no eternal life? There is circumstancial evidence as to otherwise.
Yes, faith, treated as belief, not knowledge. At least by some. Atheists treat their beliefs or lack of belief as fact.

Yeah, that sure sounds nice, but it isn't true. You know as well as I do that a lot of theists act like the moral authority.

Those are lies? And what is "ignorance" over "enlightenment?

Yes, those are lies. And as for the ignorance over enlightenment, just look at the debate over teaching evolution in schools.

And you know that there is no eternal life? There is circumstancial evidence as to otherwise.

There is absolutely no evidence for eternal life.
You're splitting hairs.
I am not splitting hair, the difference between the two is highly significant. about the promise of eternal life? How about the removal of all personal responsibility, and yet the constant guilt? How about the fact that your religion preaches ignorance over enlightenment?
My religion preaches ignorance over enlightenment?
Jewish Philosophers always preach ignorance? Oh please, they were on equal footing with Secular philosophers.

Israeli Science Labs don't bring good science into this world? I mean it's not like they encourage scientific endeavors like the World Congress of Jewish Scientists or anything. Which don't have mission statement goals such as 'Influencing policy makers by providing them with independent and objective scientific advice on a wide range of topical issues. Examples of such current issues include stem cell research, genetically modified organisms and climate change in Israel.' or 'Encouraging effective science education among Jewish youth in order to interest them in pursuing careers in scientific subjects. In order to do this, camps and seminars will be conducted worldwide both at the national and international levels with the participation of well known Jewish scientists.'

I mean it isn't like they've won any Nobel Prizes or anything.
Or Medals of Science in the UK or the Kyoto Prize. And it isn't like they had a significant Impact on the world.

Any of that work for you? Ah, who am I kidding? You didn't choose your religion, you were born into it. There's nothing anyone can say that could convince you anything else was correct other than your own misguided ideals.
Yeah there's no such thing as Bal Teshuvah....or....Kiruv

In any're clearly the misguided one as far as history goes. It appears you're also philosophically misguided, and perhaps...ignorant to the world around you as well. Good luck clikN those links!!
I'm sorry that my opinions make you think less of me. I had thought Christians weren't supposed to judge...

Your opinions, as I've already said, have nothing to do with it; it's your *language*I didn't care for. We aren't permitted to judge morally, but we are *commanded* to 'shake the dust off our feet' if those to whom we seek to impart peace and truth reject it - or display ungodly behavior - that's different from judging. IRL I would be obliged to consider you 'bad association,' which the Bible forbids me from indulging in, because of your preferred use of language. However, if we can maintain civil discourse then I have no objection to continuing to answer your questions.

Peace - Jesse.

Cheski - A very good evening to you and Shabbat Shalom!

About the Nephilim, they were the half-breed offspring of human females and fallen angels. They are spoken of in the Hebrew Scriptures so this is not a Christian concept. If you'd like to discuss this further, please let me know.

I must get back to work now - I'm playing hooky here.

May God bless and keep you - Jesse.
Oh please, they were on equal footing with Secular philosophers.

I'm talking with so many people, I'm losing track of who is saying what. I was speaking of the American Christians.

or display ungodly behavior

Ungodly behavior? OK. Suddenly, I have no desire to speak with you. Keep your holier-than-thou bullshit to yourself.
atheists ... they think they're smarter than everyone else.

Usually, it's theists who will demonstrate that for all to see. ;)

Another problem is that all atheists take religion literally; I think, metaphorically, it has loads of value.

Isn't it the way round? Aren't you supposed to take it literally?

Some theologians don't take a number of biblical events seriously, in other words, they don't really believe those events occurred, like the great flood or the exodus from Egypt, for example. Yet, well over half of all Americans DO take literally much of the bible and DO believe those events occurred.

And yes, one can find gems of value within a great many scriptures from all the religions, past and present. The problem begins when people start taking them seriously.

Where does that leave religions today? In a quagmire, of course, as the leading scholars of religions share more in common the belief that their scriptures are more on the metaphorical side, while the followers of those religions take scriptures seriously and wind up making it their realities... and ours, unfortunately.
I am a christian. This is a religious forum. If you are Atheist, to answer these questions you must be willing to, for the sake of discussion, presuppose God's existence. If you are not, answer away.

1. God is Omniscient, Omniprescient, Omnipotent, and perfect. Why create lesser beings at all?

He might not be Omni everything or we might be one of his creations that works by our own free will that he chose not to know about or control?. We are fun to watch, why create all those reality shows, its fun to stick people in fucked up situations and watch what they do. but it also gets boring so might aswell create a whole bunch of other things aswell.

2. What good does worship do for a God?

I don't know he might have an enourmous godly ego, or maybe he does not care if we worship him so much, maybe he wants to see if we can figure out if he exists or not, or just be gratefull that we were created.

3. If God is all-knowing, why "pray"?

maybe because we are not all knowing and prayer is to help us not him?.

4. If angels do not have free will, how did some rebel?

Maybe they did have free will, maybe they don't even exist, maybe they do exist but the legends are wrong and skewed and we got the wrong story.

5. Does God need all these fancy buildings and such?

Maybe he wanted us to build things and create big cities and advance further with our knowledge of everything on our own, maybe he likes good craftmanship and skill. maybe he thinks your church looks crumby.

and no, I don't think questioning God is wrong for a christian, so let's dispense with that.:)

Question religion and god can be seperate or combined.

Yeah, that sure sounds nice, but it isn't true. You know as well as I do that a lot of theists act like the moral authority.
They are a moral authority. We're speaking about facts, not morality.

Yes, those are lies. And as for the ignorance over enlightenment, just look at the debate over teaching evolution in schools.
Which one is ignorance and which one is enlightenment?

There is absolutely no evidence for eternal life.
Really? Not even consciousness research that is being done to show that consciousness exists independent of the brain?

Or the countless NDE accounts?

Q: they might take it literally but they aren't supposed to. I don't.