My questions about God

Adstar-I got that idea somewhere, but I have to be honest, I don't know where. Seems like it may have been sunday school when I was a kid. I have no idea where to look for it now.
I am a christian. This is a religious forum. If you are Atheist, to answer these questions you must be willing to, for the sake of discussion, presuppose God's existence. If you are not, answer away.

1. God is Omniscient, Omniprescient, Omnipotent, and perfect. Why create lesser beings at all?
IF god was PERFECT it would NOT need to create anything !!! ;)

if its not perfect why call it God
I am a christian. This is a religious forum. If you are Atheist, to answer these questions you must be willing to, for the sake of discussion, presuppose God's existence. If you are not, answer away.

1. God is Omniscient, Omniprescient, Omnipotent, and perfect. Why create lesser beings at all?
one simple argument is that to be omnipotent one must be able to display all potencies (meaning both the fallible and the infallible ones)

2. What good does worship do for a God?
absolutely nothing
It greatly assists us move beyond conditioned life however

3. If God is all-knowing, why "pray"?
prayer is our conscious effort to acknowledge god, since conditioned life definitely doesn't afford the opportunity to be aware that god is all-knowing

4. If angels do not have free will, how did some rebel?
quite simply, they did

5. Does God need all these fancy buildings and such?
no, but it might be helpful to build them for as long as we think we do
if its not perfect why call it God
Because it exhibits all of the capabilities, potency, attributes, and powers often associated with deities throughout history? Perfection is not necessary; I don't see why it must be.
Evening Mr. Hamtastic!

1. God is Omniscient, Omniprescient, Omnipotent, and perfect. Why create lesser beings at all?

The Bible tells us that God created us for His Own good pleasure.

Our time on Earth here is part of our journey during which we are required to learn certain fundamentals, and the culmination of our Earthly journey is our 'Being transformed into the Image of Christ' Whom we know is 'A perfect reflection of The Father.'

2. What good does worship do for a God?

Much good, not the least of which is to hear the objects of His Love declare their Love for Him - and the verbally affirm that we know our place.

When *you* give something to someone, isn't it nice to get a 'Thank you'? (In our case it shouldn't be necessary, but it's still nice. :) )

'God *is* LOVE.' I believe *all* living beings require love to exist - even God. It's well documented that humans do. That God *requires* love is speculation on my part, but it's the result of thousands of hours of contemplation - I hope they weren't wasted.

3. If God is all-knowing, why "pray"?

I'm not convinced that God *is* omniscient (Omnipresent and Omnipotent is Biblical), it makes the concept of free will difficult and many otherwise needed acts meaningless. This is one of my major ponderings these days.

I pray primarily to *thank* God for all good gifts given and to petition Him for guidance, wisdom, and if someone is in need - e.g. sick - that God may mitigate the circumstances according to His Will.

Considering the model prayer Jesus gave us - we are told to pray for God's Kingdom to come, His Will to be done on Earth as it is in Heaven. We're told to pray for our daily bread, for forgiveness for our sins - as we forgive others theirs. (Too many people miss that point!) We're told to ask that we not be LED into temptation, but be delivered from all evil.

Reflecting upon this, I believe saying such words is vocal evidence that we're aboard God's bus - if you will. Don't forget, angels of both darkness and light are listening to our prayers. Vocal prayer is a powerful defense against evil.

Have you read The Screwtape Letters by C.S. Lewis perchance? If not, I believe you'd enjoy the book immensely. It was a real eye-opener for me and I continue to review it periodically. ;)

All my prayers boil down to 'Thy Will be done,' and I believe prayer is a gift to us, I don't believe God *needs* it. The love I have for God is in my heart and spirit at all times whether or not I'm formally in prayer.

4. If angels do not have free will, how did some rebel?

It's evident that they did and do have free will - just as evident as that Adam and Eve had it. If they didn't, humankind couldn't be in a fallen state.

5. Does God need all these fancy buildings and such?


'The God that made the world and all the things in it, being, as this One is, Lord of heaven and earth, does not dwell in handmade temples....' (Acts 17:24)

'Do you not know that you people are God's temple, and that the spirit of God dwells in you? If anyone destroys the temple of God, God will destroy him; for the temple of God is holy, which temple you people are.' (1 Corinthians 3:16)

It isn't healthy to be anti-Christian!

Shabbat shalom brother. - Jesse.
Jesse, do you not find it a bit strange that your god created us merely for his pleasure, but condemns us in such a terrible way if we do not follow his word? I mean, be logical about it.
I am a christian. This is a religious forum. If you are Atheist, to answer these questions you must be willing to, for the sake of discussion, presuppose God's existence. If you are not, answer away.

1. God is Omniscient, Omniprescient, Omnipotent, and perfect. Why create lesser beings at all?

He became bored.

2. What good does worship do for a God?

Let's him know you're loyal.

3. If God is all-knowing, why "pray"?

Because it takes time, and God must know that you'll take the time to pray for him.

4. If angels do not have free will, how did some rebel?

Go reread the bible. And interpret it completely differently.

5. Does God need all these fancy buildings and such?

Nah, but we're his creations, so who gives a fuck

and no, I don't think questioning God is wrong for a christian, so let's dispense with that.:)

Apparently christians are required to answer the questions of nonbelievers questioning their god, so if a christian ever bitches at you for that just smack em in the face with a bible. btw I didn't care to distinguish my parts from his, but just guess. Lastly, yeah, I know all of the answers dont make sense because he is all knowing or all powerful.
Time to refute my entire post. If God is all powerful, he can make himself unbored. If God is all knowing, he'll know whether you'll pray or take the time to pray or if you're loyal or if you're going to be loyal or if you were loyal. 'Nuff said 'bout fo'. Five's meaningless.
Evening JDawg!

You ask,

Jesse, do you not find it a bit strange that your god created us merely for his pleasure, but condemns us in such a terrible way if we do not follow his word? I mean, be logical about it.

Not at all, but I'm curious as to what you believe God does to those who 'Do not follow His Word' - if you would oblige me. I have further thoughts in mind, but so as not to waste your time, it would help if you would answer my query first. TIA :)

Love - Jesse.
P.S. Deputy Dawg! ;)

I break God's commandments every day due to the imperfection in me. What does God do to me? He forgives me - and lets me know it. God is not the tyrant many think Him to be. - Jess.
Well, I guess it depends on the religion...but in Christianity, you go to hell. Oh wait, hell isn't in Judaism, is it?
P.S. Deputy Dawg! ;)

I break God's commandments every day due to the imperfection in me. What does God do to me? He forgives me - and lets me know it. God is not the tyrant many think Him to be. - Jess.

OK, well, I don't know how you find always fucking up and being rewarded for it as a satisfying life...but OK. More power to ya!

You said,

Well, I guess it depends on the religion...but in Christianity, you go to hell. Oh wait, hell isn't in Judaism, is it?

That's incorrect. Hell (Sheol in Hebrew and Hades in Greek) simply means the common grave of all mankind. A century ago, you would have heard people talking about 'Helling potatoes' (putting them underground in a cold cellar for preservation) in daily conversation.

'The wages for sin is death,' God tells us. Death - oblivion. You can read about the *condition* of the dead in Ecclesiastes Chapter 9. Hint - they aren't either playing harps or screaming.

If the required atonement for sin were eternal torment then Christ would still be hanging upon the cross. Think about it. - Jesse.
JDawg, your opinion I don't mind, but your use of language is... disgusting and should be beneath anyone of intelligence and good breeding.
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So where do people get the whole "burning in hell" bit from, Jesse?

As far as my's a free country.
So where do people get the whole "burning in hell" bit from, Jesse?

As far as my's a free country.

JDawg - they mistake the 'Lake of Fire (Gehenna) which means the second death,' for a literal fire into which people are thrown to suffer indefinitely.

The RCC and many protestant denominations support this nonsense because fear is a powerful motivator and some would rather use fear than the LOVE OF GOD to fill up their churches. Thankfully, not nearly all of us believe in a literal place of eternal torment. A judgment and a second death - or everlasting cutting-off (oblivion), yes, but those who meet that fate don't *want* to live in God's Kingdom. The concept of eternal torment is a man-made tool used to control the herd.

As for your remark about a 'Free country,' now who's delusional? :rolleyes:

Peace - Jesse.
The concept of eternal torment is a man-made tool used to control the herd.

The concept of God is a man-made tool used to control the herd.

Hey, don't bring it if you can't take it.
Oh, I can take anything you can dish out. It's just that I would have preferred to think more highly of you.

I have to start work now. I've a novel to finish and a deadline to meet. I'll answer any further remarks you make tomorrow - God Willing.

Have a sweet and peaceful night. - Jesse.

Edited to add: I agree that 'the conept of God is used to control the herd,' but it isn't the God of the Bible, and it certainly has nothing to do with Jesus Christ. It's fear-mongering, pure and simple, but I thought I made that clear in my previous posts. The hypocrites in organized religion, as with hypocrites in positions of power all through time, have committed terrible atrocities in the Name of God, but God did not and does not condone their actions.

GOD IS LOVE, JDawg, and He commands us to love Him and each other. God is not the sadist and evil taskmaster some (who know better) make Him out to be.
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