My observation: atheists are anti-creativity

I completely disagree with the TC. Where is your evidence that atheists are all close-minded, ignorant, blind-eyed people? You sir, sound "anti-creative." The post right below your first is all you need to understand.
As usual, Norse just makes a blanket statement based on absolutely nothing. And when you ask him for some evidence of such an assertion, he can't produce any. I've been down this road with him a million times.
I'm intentionally posting without reading much of the thread. I hope I'm not breaking a big rule. If I can go by Post #104, I haven't missed much.
Everywhere I turn, there are people making absurd assumptions about atheists & vomiting them out whenever they have half a chance. It says much more about the mindset, attitude & irrationality of these people than anything else.
I've been participating here too short a time to know anyone well but it truly seems as Norse can't decide what he believes about gods anyway.
BTW music, art & creativity are rational. As is love.

I find many atheists at Sciforums to be bigoted, jingoistic, racist types who are, in fact, overflowing with emotion and resentment, and hide behind a pretence of rationality in an attempt to give legitimacy to their cynical campaign of isolation, hatred, and censorship towards anyone or thing that does not share their world views.

And dare ANYONE disagree with this observation. :bugeye:
I find many atheists at Sciforums to be bigoted, jingoistic, racist types who are, in fact, overflowing with emotion and resentment, and hide behind a pretence of rationality in an attempt to give legitimacy to their cynical campaign of isolation, hatred, and censorship towards anyone or thing that does not share their world views.

And dare ANYONE disagree with this observation. :bugeye:
My observations disagree.
I find many atheists at Sciforums to be bigoted, jingoistic, racist types who are, in fact, overflowing with emotion and resentment, and hide behind a pretence of rationality in an attempt to give legitimacy to their cynical campaign of isolation, hatred, and censorship towards anyone or thing that does not share their world views.

And dare ANYONE disagree with this observation. :bugeye:

That's 98% of theists I've encountered. The Holy Babble tells them to be that way.
...campaign of isolation, hatred, and censorship towards anyone or thing that does not share their world views.

And dare ANYONE disagree with this observation. :bugeye:
I dare. You sound like a frothing-at-the-mouth religious fundamentalist.
I find many atheists at Sciforums to be bigoted, jingoistic, racist types who are, in fact, overflowing with emotion and resentment, and hide behind a pretence of rationality in an attempt to give legitimacy to their cynical campaign of isolation, hatred, and censorship towards anyone or thing that does not share their world views.

And dare ANYONE disagree with this observation. :bugeye:

I disagree. Just look at this thread, for example.
...bigoted, jingoistic, racist types who are, in fact, overflowing with emotion and resentment, and hide behind a pretence of rationality in an attempt to give legitimacy to their cynical campaign of isolation, hatred, and censorship towards anyone or thing that does not share their world views.
That's a pretty good characterization of any number of people with a particular barrow to push, who find their release on Internet discussion boards. Usenet is full of them. The agendas vary, but most are anti-something, anti-religion, anti-(insert demographic here), anti-(insert science field here), anti-abortion.
Many (not all, or even most) are religious fundamentalists. All are zealots, carrying the banner of *truth*, and defying all challengers.

And dare ANYONE disagree with this observation. :bugeye:
Case in point... :bugeye:
I find many atheists at Sciforums to be bigoted, jingoistic, racist types who are, in fact, overflowing with emotion and resentment, and hide behind a pretence of rationality in an attempt to give legitimacy to their cynical campaign of isolation, hatred, and censorship towards anyone or thing that does not share their world views.

And dare ANYONE disagree with this observation. :bugeye:
M*W: Atheists at SciForums certainly don't hide behind a pretence of rationality. If we can't be honest and open here about our disbeliefs here, I don't know where we could do it. Society in general has been brainwashed by theism, and society doesn't understand atheism. Further, where do you people get the idea that we are bigoted racists who are filled with resentment? The problem is you and most people don't understand atheists nor do you want to know us, not that we give a rat's ass. You people fear us and you label us with absolute ignorance. It is you who are bigoted and resentful. It is you people who are hiding behind the pretense of some religion. Face reality. It can do wonders for you.
It would seem that being an atheist is an art form all on it's own, then.

Atheists don't build temples to any illusory gods, they prefer their gods to be rational, unemotional, even (shudder) logical...?
Those are the kinds of gods atheists like to build temples for. This makes sense, at least they can claim their religion is based on logical premises.
It would seem that being an atheist is an art form all on it's own, then.

Atheists don't build temples to any illusory gods, they prefer their gods to be rational, unemotional, even (shudder) logical...?
Those are the kinds of gods atheists like to build temples for. This makes sense, at least they can claim their religion is based on logical premises.

What do you base this stuff on? There is no "atheist religion". Why can you not fathom the idea of people living by society's rules without having to fear a space god? Just because you can't do it, we can't do it?

It must take an exceptional amount of ignorance to come to the conclusions you do, sir.
It isn't a question of them living by society's rules, because those can come from all sorts of places, but rather where they get those rules. Religion is a convenient source of social structure.

Of course we also have fascism, totalitarianism, elitism, aristocracy, etc, which are also great systems we can use
JDawg said:
Why can you not fathom the idea of people living by society's rules without having to fear a space god? Just because you can't do it, we can't do it?
Do what? Follow a religion that its adherents claim isn't a religion?

Like I keep saying, claiming you don't believe something, requires that you know what it is, right? How can you possibly believe or not believe something you know nothing about?
Atheism is therefore as much a following as any religion. You can say you don't believe God exists until you turn blue, since to believe that requires that you know what this "God" thing (that doesn't exist) actually is.

The only way you can lack belief, is to lack knowledge; I know how hard it is for you logical atheists to understand this, but seriously, why the need to delude yourself?
I'd say I'm more a theistic areligious individualist, who believes in the need to recognise and accept dividuality (i.e. the group). Explains it all really.