My new religion.

*shrugs* Again, comes down to mankind deciding to interpret things differently.
You are right, we come from entirely different perspectives in viewing how the Universe functions.
So let's end it right here. Seems a prudent course of action at this stage.

Be well Kittamaru and I sincerely hope you find comfort in your viewpoint. I know I find comfort in mine.
The word God had been mentioned at least 39 times before I entered the conversation, see post # 18.
I counted them.

Therefore I did not introduce the word God into the conversation.

Then you are claiming that you are, in fact, talking completely off topic from the OP I take it? Or are you simply choosing to ignore that word because you dislike it?

Show me where I laid blame on anyone.

Are you asserting that insects are not created by god and just a by-product of natural evolution?

They were here long before hominids appeared and they will be here long after all hominids have disappeared.

Now which species seems to be favored by God? Metaphorically they still live in Eden, whereas God warned that eating the fruit of knowledge would surely cause our demise. Is that not a correct interpretation of the written scripture?

Insects don't believe in anything, yet they have survived hundreds of millions of years in spite of the most cataclysmic conditions, invented horticulture, husbandry, flight, communication, but they did all this within the constraints of the earth's biosphere, whereas man (made in god's image) seems to be very busy destroying the earth's biosphere and therefore its own species. I find a certain irony in that prospect.

Do you think God will save us from ourselves, because we believe in Him? :?

This seems to indicate some sort of "problem" or "mistake" with humanity that you are looking to blame on something or someone... the fact that you refuse to take a stance on it and just say what you mean is, admittedly, rather irritating.

You are right, we come from entirely different perspectives in viewing how the Universe functions.
So let's end it right here. Seems a prudent course of action at this stage.

Be well Kittamaru and I sincerely hope you find comfort in your viewpoint. I know I find comfort in mine.
Whatever you wish Write4U - I do not take comfort in a viewpoint, but in knowledge. Views can change - the truth is simply what it is, and opinions are just that.

May you find long life and prosperity.
Isn't malaria what I put in Post #16?
From thread ; Morality and Burden on Society. Post #97
Michael 345 said:
You forgot cholera spread by those pesky immoral mosquitoes
First let me apologize. It was supposed to be a PM and I didn't know it would show in the public forum side-bar. Moreover I should have identified the thread.

And indeed you identified it correctly in your earlier post #16 in this thread.

(You must have been distracted or something. As I said, no big deal.)
At least it shows I read your posts carefully.......:biggrin:

Write4U said:
Live in an alternative reality?
Was not directed at you...:frown:
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The fact that so many people suffer on this planet for no reason and yet God does nothing proves that God is a myth and that he probably never existed.

that doesn't necessarily mean a god is a myth, it could just mean that god is an a-hole. you mean a just god. well, evidently no sane entity would create this but who said sanity and reason and ethics is a requirement? that is an assumption. just as naive children often do, people tend to project way too many lofty and perfect ideals onto a creator that may or may not be true. there are different ways to address the stew of contradictions, one way is to separate the ingredients. there are inferior and superior aspects, but just as there is inferior and superior, there probably is a superior as in not just in power or status but actual legitimate content somewhere and somehow.

but these are just abstractions and hyperbole.
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Understand that

I couldn't find the way to reply within your profile so I just picked the small post as a connection

And it was a good catch

No-one else spotted it
I did.....