My God is real!

And let's not reply when inspector/catsupmuscles rage in to say "you cop out we won ha ha ha". There is no point in replying. In fact, I highly recommend that you and every other selfrespecting sciforummer to start ignoring them . They do nothing to the forums except pull down its quality.

At least ekimlaw wasn't that bad. Where is he?

There is no god, afterlife or divine love. There is only Entropy, the mother from which we were all born. She tugs our souls with the beautiful, maternal love of chaos. Why do you keep Her waiting?
Originally posted by Adam
My God, the One True God, is real. She is a six-breasted leather-clad dominatrix from Jupiter currently living in a luxury condo inside Europa, with her twelve lusty virgins, all of whom will be mine after I die. She created the universe just to produce me, through trial and error, eventually to serve - and service ;) - her. She is the only real God, all others are mere fairtales. My God is real. You are all fools to believe otherwise.

Whatsupyall, Inspector, disprove it.

Atheist will say "Your right, there is no proof God is fake, u can never prove a negative. If God is not fake because u want proof he is, then prove to me tooth fairies/unicorns don’t hover around earth every night".

Christian say "You can prove claim is fake by lack of evidence. God is full of evidence u refuse to accept, cancers cured/healing/millions eyewitnesses/prophesies, etc./ U may call it coincidence, etc. that’s your opinion FACT is they TOOK PLACE. Ur opinion can’t change reality. Sorry...


What evidence do u have of tooth fairy? How many eyewitnesses? Millions? If tooth fairies plucked out a teeth, is there any scientific investigation done to it?/ If so can u show it? How many testified? Show me healing, supernatural/miracles documented in the name of tooth fairy. How many died for tooth fairy to verify its value? / Thousands? Is there a Historical location of it? If so, where? Give up? Well tooth fairy because of its lack of evidence is fake. Period...


Note: Adam, child, you actually think I didnt respond to this because I cant? I didnt bother earlier because I have answered this so many times, BUT YOU HAVE EARS BUT CANT HEAR, HAVE EYES BUT CANT SEE...

And I bet you still didnt get this.........
Originally posted by notme2000
A more serious note though... To whatsupyall claiming that since athiests claim there is no God they are the ones with the burden of proof...

It is impossible to prove something does not exist. It is, however, possible to prove something does exist. Thus the burden of proof lies on your shoulders. This is why athiests always say they would believe in a God if there were ANY reason, but you never give us any...

Listen notme2000, and for all the atheists...It's very smple if you want to disprove God...I can summarize it in 2 ways..

1. Create life forms, in doing these you eliminate the need of a "Lifegiver"....

(For many believers,like the caveman analogy, linking to God what they dont understand.)
2. Eliminate all supernatural claims, for it gives God the chance to exist who is beyond the laws of nature. In other words disprove the paranormal claim of miracles, such as the bleeding statues in Japan, to south america, etc. claims of haunted houses, demonstrate that such occurences are just "static electricity" running around the house. When someone is hearing voices asking them to kill their parents and family, this can b linked to demon possesion "schizophrenic", now disprove its not and demonstrate that it is just the "BRAIN CHEMICALS".... Disprove people's testimonies, from Christians slain in spirit, to those who have incurable cancers healed in prayers, to those who claimed to have seen paranormal vision, disprove them by demonstrating that it is just the "BRAIN CHEMICAL"....(Furthermore, you can also disprove God by disproving moral values and virtues is not effective, that it cannot come from God that wishes we must get along, as a father wishes best for his children.)

If you can do above, I will immediately become atheist, because it eliminates the role of God. BUT UNTIL THEN, SHUT YOUR HOLE, YOU HAVE NO BASIS IN YOUR ARGUMENT BUT JUST RANTS AND RAMBLE...

Now the proof of God, Ill also summarize it to two...But if u look deeper, theres much more to it....

1. Bleeding statues, faith healing, milllions of testimony, etc. proven miracles scientifically investigated, (though remember even factual evidence requires faith.)

2. Cause and effect. Proven Intelligent design. Could the design that obviously now exist in a man & in a human brain come from something with less or no design? Such an explanation violates the principle of causality, which states that u cant get more in the effect than u had in the cause. If there is intelligence in the effect (man), there must b intelligence in the cause. But a universe ruled by blind chance has no intelligence. Therefore there must b a cause for human intelligence that transcends the universe: a mind behind the physical universe. (Most of the great scientists (Albert Einstein, etc.) have believed in such a mind, by the way, even those who did not accept any revealed religion.)


You might say "Well just beecause you see the effect of the intelligent cause, and that people have testified that their incurable cancers are healed when they prayed to God, it doesnt mean you can use God as the cause of it, how do I know its not some fuzzy pink elephants?"

LOL, or giant purple squid monkey right? LOL, listen, there is no denial that intelligence effect comes from intelligent cause..Thats a FACT.
If you insist, well prove to me Napoleon exist, Magellan, Columbus, Shakespeare, prove to me they exist? because of the legacy they left behind? What's the difference between that evidence and evidence for God?
From your point of view, Blackhole is a myth, King Henry is a myth, Shakespeare is a myth, Queen Elizabeth is a myth, God is a myth...
Now what about that the scientist's speculation and guess concerning "placebo" and miracles, which they donot understand and cant explained, what about their "testimonies"? Dont they have any voice?

Of course they are entitled to their speculation and guess, they are entitled to claim that millions of christians are lying, and that God didnt heal them because they prayed to Him, they lied, it was "MR. BRAIN CHEMICAL", scientists can make that claim..\
But who should I believe? The 3 people who have the title "Scientist"?, and doesnt even know what they are talking about but is just speculating, or the millions TO WHO THE MIRACLES HAPPENED TO, who is telling the truth?
To me, I believe in high probability, TO ME it is very unlikely and unprobable for millions to lie, meanwhile theres other 3 scientist who also made a guess....

Note: Desertratuk, I am not judging them, I am calling them names. Judging them (justice) means making them pay for the mistake they commited, such as throwing them to prison for lying, or punching them for cursing, thats judgment. I am simply calling them names, such as "What a lying idiot",thats name calling...It is wrong but I cant help it, may god help me...
Originally posted by whatsupyall
I am not judging them, I am calling them names. Judging them
(justice) means making them pay for the mistake they commited,
such as throwing them to prison for lying, or punching them for
cursing, thats judgment. I am simply calling them names, such
as "What a lying idiot",thats name calling...It is wrong but I cant
help it, may god help me...
"And why do you look at the speck in your brother's eye, but do
not perceive the plank in your own eye? Or how can you say to
your brother, "Brother, let me remove the speck that is in your
eye,' when you yourself do not see the plank that is in your own
eye? Hypocrite! First remove the plank from your own eye, and
then you will see clearly to remove the speck that is in your
brother's eye." -Luke 6:41-43 (NKJV)
From now on I will ignore your posts except when I see something worth replying to.

I can do one thing, though...principle of casuality?? I believe you're invoking entropy here...there is something wrong with your argument there. Life can develop from randomness, because at the cost of reducing randomness (evolution of life) it creates more randomness elsewhere in the universe...entropy can only increase in a CLOSED system...but it can decrease here and there locally.

There is no god, afterlife or divine love. There is only Entropy, the mother from which we were all born. She tugs our souls with the beautiful, maternal love of chaos. Why do you keep Her waiting?

-central philosophy of Zero, Sage of Chaos
Yeah, where is Mike anyway. He was very logical with his arguments and didn't preach like this SOB does.

Whatsupyall, just answer me this one simple question and I shall leave you be. Are you ignoring me?
Ignore him.

There is no god, afterlife or divine love. There is only Entropy, the mother from which we were all born. She tugs our souls with the beautiful, maternal love of chaos. Why do you keep Her waiting?

-central philosophy of Zero, Sage of Chaos
I have, I'm just wandering if he's ignoring me cos he wrote loads of paragraphs and I more or less crushed his arguement with one sentence :D
If he hasn't replied to your said arguments he probably is. I don't think he'd ignore a challenge like that...

There is no god, afterlife or divine love. There is only Entropy, the mother from which we were all born. She tugs our souls with the beautiful, maternal love of chaos. Why do you keep Her waiting?

-central philosophy of Zero, Sage of Chaos
Well then, the proof is in the butter so I say. I'm being ignore by the most annoying guy
Consider it an honor. He's finally getting tired.

There is no god, afterlife or divine love. There is only Entropy, the mother from which we were all born. She tugs our souls with the beautiful, maternal love of chaos. Why do you keep Her waiting?

-central philosophy of Zero, Sage of Chaos
My God, the One True God, is real. She is a six-breasted leather-clad dominatrix from Jupiter currently living in a luxury condo inside Europa, with her twelve lusty virgins, all of whom will be mine after I die.

Adam if you believe in your God then to you she exists. To someone else she doesnt. I cant disprove that your god is a six-breasted woman. But your science can disprove that she might not exist.

"One mans religion is another mans belly laugh." -Robert Heinlein
Argumentum ad ignorantiam

Argumentum ad ignorantiam means "argument from ignorance". The fallacy occurs when it's argued that something must be true, simply because it hasn't been proved false. Or, equivalently, when it is argued that something must be false because it hasn't been proved true.

He is unable to understand that what he says is wrong - he simply can't see it otherwise he wouldn't keep repeating it. It is consequently impossible to debate with someone who is unable to reason.
Pray to your 'god', see if...he/she will answer you.
I'm gonna say what I've said at least a million times before; What god?

Is this one fact you can't get into your heads! I don't believe in any gods!

And I noticed Whatsupyall still hasn't answered me, I can still at least try to annoy him ;)