My First Near Death Experience!

Mr Anonymous said:
Okay, let me rephrase my original question so as we can be pristinely clear with regards to the answer - What. The fuck. Are you. Injecting yourself. With?

There we go, not exactly a Mensa test, is it.

(And forum wags? can we lay off the obligatory Crack jokes here for a second, I actually want to know the answer. Afterwards, be my guest by all means... )

You relay in your response to SkinWalker you've experimented with ""Regulation of liver micro circulation, Hepatic metabolic response to infection, and Engineered liver support systems" which is a pretty damn narrow band of poisons, not a one of which doesn't cause irreparable liver damage or, at the very least, permanently impaired liver function and I'm finding the suggestion that such a splendidly well educated fellow such as yourself couldn't be knowing that a somewhat implausible suggestion to say the least.

Equally, there's not a professional heath-care worker in the continental US of A who would even consider assisting anyone with such a dip-shit series of life threatening "experiments", let a lone a University in the world that would ever consider publishing such "findings" resulting from such experimentation to begin with - so your claim to be doing this as part of a "Ph.D., Physiology; St. Louis University" isn't panning out which ever way you cut it.

But you've abandoned your original line of technique, and gone all coy and shy sounding about the regimen you're currently embarked upon now, so I'm curious - what are you supposedly injecting yourself with currently and why?

I will describe my methods and results after my first successful induced N.D.E

My areas of research with the liver we're done at a university, under regulated procedures. Not on myself.

This current area of research will not be 'university' associated, it is private and un-funded by anyone but me. I don't plan on publishing currently but I am using this medium as an outlet for my findings.

I already have a Ph.D, that was an answer to an earlier question asking for academic credintials.

I started this thread as an exciting anouncement and felt that the members of sciforums community would be interested in such an endeavor. If I sound shy and coy, I apologize.
But, alas, my flaw is that I want to know everything, the ultimate answer to one of the biggest questions, "What happens after we die?"
you decompose, ;)
how long it takes for the brain to die,stop functioning depends on the surounding temperature.
Ive heard of people surviving several hours after drowning or freezing in the snow and still being perfectly healthy after.
problem is you may become seriously brain damaged if you go without oxygen for too long.
I dont think there is any afterlife no matter how much some wish for it,for the simple reason that no one ever came back yet.
SnakeLord said:
Then, without sounding too harsh, wouldn't the best course of action be to just kill yourself and then you'll have the answer to the question you're apparently "obsessed" with?

Yes I believe that is a possible route of action. However I think I am also interested in sharing my findings (if any). Yet, in the event that I there is absolutely nothing afterdeath, I believe I would rather remain a living being on earth, and continue to experience life.
cole grey said:
In the real world, I have doubts that quest is actually going to become an "afterlife reporter". I could be wrong.
We shall see who is incorrect.
Hopefully it is not me, because the possibility for actually acheiving consistent near death experiences safely, is low. Also, is someone going to go through all that trouble and risk, just so they can SAY they saw something? Will the skeptics be appeased by that? Doubtful.

BZZZZZ there's that pesky interprefly again. It seems to wandering around aimlessly.

Yes the "Afterlife reporter" was a bit of humor I thought relevant. But I do not forsee it becoming my official title. Although it does fit with the circumstance.
Mr Anonymous said:
Y'know, considering you initiated this thread describing something of your first NDE are we going to have any consistency in your responses or are you just going to continue dodging what is a very simple, elementary question:

What. Are. You. Injecting. Yourself. With... Please?

Look guy, I know you're just funning the forum here, okay? Y'can drop the earnest act, it isn't washing. You've been experimenting with NDE about as much as I've been idling my spare time eating out the Vulcan woman out of Enterprise whilst travelling at Warp.5 and using Alison Hannigan as something to mop up the mess with afterwards - that isn't what concerns me.

What is the issue here is that there are people, some of them very, very young, with profound faith and belief.

Just on the off chance of that 1 in 200,000 chance that someone actually believes enough to consider such a thing as "experimenting" with NDE a valid and worthwhile thing to try, for even suggesting what you are suggesting I would be personally bitch-slapping your fuck stupid face into the afterlife for you for gratis, free of charge if only this were an actual physical room and not just some dumb-ass place where any jack-ass can write what they want, say what they want and never have to face a single genuine consequence for anything they say or do.

Are we very, pristinely clear on that?

Unlike my esteemed colleagues here who just probably find the idea of this just idly amusing, and possibly were it any other day I might happily be no less amused myself, today however all I'm thinking about is the fact that however many people routinely log in here and actively post, several hundred more simply never do just lurk - and they are quite unknown quantities.

I can't gauge the mental state of them, I can't gauge the credulity levels of people I've absolutely no experience of all I know is that this is just one of the myriad places here on the internet that people come to find idea's, to discuss ideas, to perhaps learn something new.

Not all of the ones that do come here are exactly running with full set of spark-plugs, y'know?

So here's the deal: To deliberately initiate an NDE is potential suicide, can't argue with that. Whatever insights you believe you may be seeking, whatever truths you think wait out there in the great here-after just waiting to be discovered:

You are advocating a course of action which could result in death if not for yourself, some lame ass individual who may conceivably believe that what you are seeking is worth knowing - and this you are doing on an internet site frequented by CHILDREN.


You want to prove to anyone you're a descent stand-up-guy? Peaches! Hit the Edit button, Delete everything you can that you've written, take your sorry arse off out of here and never come back.

That somebody has to actually not just explain this to you but actually, literally, spell it out in words Dear God should be telling you something about what it is you are even thinking - joke or not guy, it isn't funny it isn't cleaver and it sure as hell has to qualify as being one of the sickest things I think I've ever read anywhere on the net. And I've been around pretty much forever.

If you have just one spark of human decency about you'll do this.

Please, see that you do.

If I have offended you I apologize. But I assure you this is A VERY REAL PARTAKING. My intentions are not to encourage this behavior among children, my intentions are to venture for myself into the realm of death and see if it provides any insite into truth. Like I've said the procedure has not been finalized, I may not be injecting myself with anything at all. There are other ways to induce death as opposed to injection. After we've undergone a successful N.D.E I will inform you of the method we used. I really would like to have a positive discussion as opposed to a negative. You seem very intelligent. Share some of your passions, and what drives you to live and search for truth.
SnakeLord said:
Then, without sounding too harsh, wouldn't the best course of action be to just kill yourself and then you'll have the answer to the question you're apparently "obsessed" with?

Wow...that is a really good question...
I thought so.

I guess it's a personal thing, but if it was a movie I wanted to watch I'd never settle for the preview.