My First Near Death Experience!

Quest said:
Being a scientist myslef
Just curious, what is your discipline and where did you earn your credentials?

Beyond that, I question your choice of publication for this landmark event. Wouldn't the New England Journal of Medicine or perhaps Neuroscience have been wiser choices? Indeed, what is your methodology and results? I'm sure there are those among us that would be fascinated by such data. Heck, I'd like to see the bibliography you worked up in your literature review.

These are all easy things for you to provide, right? I mean, you're a scientist, after all, and probably have this stuff at hand.
Yorda: Suicide cannot be illegal. When you're dead, you're dead.
M*W: Suicide may not be illegal, but attempted suicide is and is punishable by law, at least in Texas it is.
I'm hoping to find truth. One time is never enough in experiments. There are so many reasons I feel the need to return
SkinWalker said:
Just curious, what is your discipline and where did you earn your credentials?

Beyond that, I question your choice of publication for this landmark event. Wouldn't the New England Journal of Medicine or perhaps Neuroscience have been wiser choices? Indeed, what is your methodology and results? I'm sure there are those among us that would be fascinated by such data. Heck, I'd like to see the bibliography you worked up in your literature review.

These are all easy things for you to provide, right? I mean, you're a scientist, after all, and probably have this stuff at hand.

My previous disciplines included, Regulation of liver microcirculation, Hepatic metabolic response to infection, and Engineered liver support systems.. to name a few. None of this is related to this new endeavor I have decided to pursue. Ph.D., Physiology; St. Louis University.

In order to maintain the confidentiality of my peers and myself, (since this may not be entirely legal) I have to make this a personal experiment. If I obtain significant results I will look into further publication options. But I enjoy this site so much, you guys get the scoop first, and it is a good outlet for me, as I embark on this journey.
I'm hoping to find truth. One time is never enough in experiments. There are so many reasons I feel the need to return

Well, just so you don't have to be dead to find truth.

Can you describe what you experienced the first time?
Quest, There is a John Hagee movie on the very thing you are trying. It is dangerous. The title of the movie is "Escape from Hell."

Hagee Movies
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QUEST EONS: My previous disciplines included, Regulation of liver microcirculation, Hepatic metabolic response to infection, and Engineered liver support systems.. to name a few. None of this is related to this new endeavor I have decided to pursue. Ph.D., Physiology; St. Louis University.

In order to maintain the confidentiality of my peers and myself, (since this may not be entirely legal) I have to make this a personal experiment. If I obtain significant results I will look into further publication options. But I enjoy this site so much, you guys get the scoop first, and it is a good outlet for me, as I embark on this journey.
M*W: As a PhD in Physiology, you should know how simple it would be for you to attain a NDE. What methods are you going to use? Why is this experiment so important to you? Do you have a death wish? And your peers, are they willing to be implicated in your homocide should you croak? There is no such thing as anonimity when the police get involved.

There has been a lot of published science on NDE. The following sites appear to be credible, and I understand there is some research ongoing on NDE around the world. Good luck!
cole grey said:
this might sound dumb but...
I think quest was joking.
Don't mind me if I laugh.

QUEST EONS' posts after yours show that the interpretation you chose
(which is not the intended one) is incorrect. Great exemplfication of the
interpretation phenomenoa again.
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Mr Anonymous said:
Okay, let me rephrase my original question so as we can be pristinely clear with regards to the answer - What. The fuck. Are you. Injecting yourself. With?

There we go, not exactly a Mensa test, is it.

Lol, is it just me or is there a Sciforums momement of entertainment?
I know that it's not necessarily a punishable crime, but I remember someone telling me that there is such a law on the books in my state. I'm not really surprised...after all, it's clear that our laws don't have to make any sense, or be based upon any form of logic.

Isn't it also part of church teaching? That if one kills themselves they go to hell?
Crunchy Cat said:
QUEST EONS' posts after yours show that the interpretation you chose
(which is not the intended one) is incorrect. Great exemplfication of the
interpretation phenomenoa again.

In the real world, I have doubts that quest is actually going to become an "afterlife reporter". I could be wrong.
We shall see who is incorrect.
Hopefully it is not me, because the possibility for actually acheiving consistent near death experiences safely, is low. Also, is someone going to go through all that trouble and risk, just so they can SAY they saw something? Will the skeptics be appeased by that? Doubtful.

BZZZZZ there's that pesky interprefly again. It seems to wandering around aimlessly.
Lori_7 said:
Well, just so you don't have to be dead to find truth.

Can you describe what you experienced the first time?

That may be true, and I think for many that may be reality. But, alas, my flaw is that I want to know everything, the ultimate answer to one of the biggest questions, "What happens after we die?" After my little taste of the possiblites I have become obssessed with knowing more. Of course this is highly likely to result in another meaningless attempt of man to find the un-knowable, but I feel like it is worth a try. If even I fail at this, I will continue searching for "truth", inside myself, and the world around me.

I hesitate to describe what I experienced the first time, because I'm sure many will think me a loon', (but perhaps most already do), but I will start a new thread after my first induced N.D.E to chronical my progress and procedures.
cole grey said:
In the real world, I have doubts that quest is actually going to become an "afterlife reporter". I could be wrong.
We shall see who is incorrect.
Hopefully it is not me, because the possibility for actually acheiving consistent near death experiences safely, is low. Also, is someone going to go through all that trouble and risk, just so they can SAY they saw something? Will the skeptics be appeased by that? Doubtful.

BZZZZZ there's that pesky interprefly again. It seems to wandering around aimlessly.

It doesn't matter if he is successful or not. It doesn't matter if the skeptics
are appeased or not. It DOES matter that he is serious about the endeavor
and that seriousness contradicts the assertion that he's just joking.

That may be true, and I think for many that may be reality. But, alas, my flaw is that I want to know everything, the ultimate answer to one of the biggest questions, "What happens after we die?" After my little taste of the possiblites I have become obssessed with knowing more. Of course this is highly likely to result in another meaningless attempt of man to find the un-knowable, but I feel like it is worth a try. If even I fail at this, I will continue searching for "truth", inside myself, and the world around me.

I hesitate to describe what I experienced the first time, because I'm sure many will think me a loon', (but perhaps most already do), but I will start a new thread after my first induced N.D.E to chronical my progress and procedures.


I am very sincerely interested to hear about the first experience.


Medicine Woman said:
QUEST EONS: My previous disciplines included, Regulation of liver microcirculation, Hepatic metabolic response to infection, and Engineered liver support systems.. to name a few. None of this is related to this new endeavor I have decided to pursue. Ph.D., Physiology; St. Louis University.

In order to maintain the confidentiality of my peers and myself, (since this may not be entirely legal) I have to make this a personal experiment. If I obtain significant results I will look into further publication options. But I enjoy this site so much, you guys get the scoop first, and it is a good outlet for me, as I embark on this journey.
M*W: As a PhD in Physiology, you should know how simple it would be for you to attain a NDE. What methods are you going to use? Why is this experiment so important to you? Do you have a death wish? And your peers, are they willing to be implicated in your homocide should you croak? There is no such thing as anonimity when the police get involved.

There has been a lot of published science on NDE. The following sites appear to be credible, and I understand there is some research ongoing on NDE around the world. Good luck!

Thankyou for the links. It is relatively simple to induce a state of death, but in a way that makes for a non-harmful revival is the most difficult. My peers and I are currently assessing 3 options. Once I have undergone the first successful induced N.D.E I will start a new thread to chronicle my procedures and progress. I think probably I have always been some what intrigued by any spirtual implicatons associated with death, but being neither a relgious, or spiritual person I never thought much of it. Until my N.D.E, now I am simply fascinated with the subject. I don't feel like it is a death wish. Most of my peers think I'm crazy and turned me down, but the few I have understand the implications, so we are taking every precaution to keep that from happening. As with you and many others on sci-forums they share the passion for truth.
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But, alas, my flaw is that I want to know everything, the ultimate answer to one of the biggest questions, "What happens after we die?" After my little taste of the possiblites I have become obssessed with knowing more.

Then, without sounding too harsh, wouldn't the best course of action be to just kill yourself and then you'll have the answer to the question you're apparently "obsessed" with?