My Equation of the Universe


You make a lot of speculations about me... none of which you can scientifically can back up....

... why

... because you don't even know me.

Sorry, but did you not prove my equation in rhis:

Do you really think that's not BS?

Consider -1 = ψ*

Take the complex conjugate => -1 = ψ.

But you end up with ψ = 1 (WHICH BY THE WAY, PROVES ME RIGHT)
You claim that 1=0.

While there are mathematical systems where this is true, you're claiming it's true in the Reals. It's obviously not.

You also claim that $$0 \not= 0$$. That's also not true.

I did say this. What about that don't you grasp?
Are you sure? You said that on PhysOrg then you came back and started trying to get my attention again.

And I don't really care what you plan to say in your PM. If you made a serious attempt to start learning physics and maths, I'm happy to help. I can give a few textbook recommendations for high school level physics/maths and if you work through them and ask when you get stuck, I'll help walk you through them. That is the best, most efficent way you can do mathematics. Not just typing up mindless retarded essay (like most cranks do).

If you want to take me up on that offer, great. If not, don't let the door hit you on the way out and have fun wasting vast amounts of your time perpetuating your ignorance. You can speed the whole thing up by just hitting your head against a table repeatedly.
No. I am not so delusional to think I have anywhere near the ability to be able to do such a thing. I've seen the level that people like Weinberg, Witten and others work on, I know enough to know they are orders of magnitude beyond what I could ever acheive.

However, I do think that I can help take a tiny little step in the right direction, that's what my PhD is for.
I reject your nonsense. I have asked for help from people like Rpenner (for Mathematica), Euler, a few pointers from BenTheMan, many questions on You aren't a good source of information.
I'm a physics PhD. I have a masters in maths from Cambridge. Euler has too and he's a maths PhD at Cambridge. Both of us laugh (and then dispair) at your nonsense. But as pointed out, you claim that $$0 \not= 0$$. I don't even need a D at GCSE maths to know that's wrong!

It is immediate because you said infinity
[/QUOTEWrong yet again... i said 0 < 00
No;. rpenner, bEN.. BLAH BLAH BLAH are all string theorists. I am not.
We know that. You don't even know the difference between the Standard Model and string theory.

On PhysOrg I have explainecthe concept of the Higgs mechanism and electroweak symmetry breaking a few times (say to people like Farsight) and you have, on more than one occasion, chipped in with "Nothing but string theory nonsense", thus demonstrating you don't know either string theory or the Standard Model, even on a conceptual level.

You are not even a physicist.

You make a lot of speculations about me... none of which you can scientifically can back up....
You are a plagerist. That's a proven fact. You are a liar. That's a proven fact. You are ego centric. Threads like this prove that. You are an attention whore. Threads like this and your "I'm leavning" then coming back a week later with mor threads like this prove that. You are not a physicist or a mathematician. Your ignorance of physics and maths prove that.

None of that is speculation. I don't need to know you in real life.
You're wrong.

∫c^2↔dx = xdi^2

That isn't even coherent. Care to elaborate a bit?

You do realise that the 'x' I used in my previous post was nothing but a randomly picked variable. I could have said $$\int i dy = iy$$ or $$\int i d(fred) = i.fred$$

I'm simply pointing out that integrating the number 'i' is not going to give you some magical physics expression you're pulling out your backside. Since integrals are linear, integrating i is nothing more than integrating 1 and then multiplying your answer by i.

You also ignored the fact I pointed out your mistake claiming that $$1 = 0$$ and $$0 \not= 0$$. Care to explain how those are somehow correct?
Consider -1 = ψ*

Take the complex conjugate => -1 = ψ.

But you end up with ψ = 1 (WHICH BY THE WAY, PROVES ME RIGHT)
(-1)* = -1. -1 is a Real number and the complex conjugate of a Real number is itself. Do you infact mean that -i = ψ*, not -1 = ψ*?
It is immediate because you said infinity
Wrong yet again... i said 0 < 00
Are you drunk or just incoherent?
Err standard model is the copehaganist v.s the non which is string theory.
You ca explain what you like about those models, but they do not nor being a requisite of quantum standards. Most of it is JUST MATHEMATICAL COHERENECE, rather the MATHEMATICAL CERTAINTY.
/ AN... I never Plagarised. I have hundreds of sheets, some of which i conglramate into my own work. I one time got mixed up.... big fucking deal. Many here, and trust me, i have a few friends, will admit i do not copy on basis - to basis -- this is something you wish to maliciously hold against me in any derogatory manner you can, so long as it gladdens some artificial superior identity...


You have failed.
And by the way saying,

''You do realise that the 'x' I used in my previous post was nothing but a randomly picked variable. ''

Is far from anything but scientific, since you led me to believe it was a non-constant.

Why doesnt someone just give reiku some basic physics and/ or calculus problems...even adavanced algebra, then if he cant answer them we would know he was just bullshiting?

Please.... the OOOOOO master. Do omething i know of, mathematically wise. Feel free oh wise one. :p
Err standard model is the copehaganist v.s the non which is string theory.
You ca explain what you like about those models, but they do not nor being a requisite of quantum standards. Most of it is JUST MATHEMATICAL COHERENECE, rather the MATHEMATICAL CERTAINTY.
I explained the Higgs mechanism and you thought it was part of string theory. You didn't realise it wasn't anything to do with string theory, it was part of the standard model.

Grasp that?
/ AN... I never Plagarised. I have hundreds of sheets, some of which i conglramate into my own work. I one time got mixed up.... big fucking deal.
You posted a big amount of text which matched to more than 95% a large chunk of someone else's website.

Even if you just copied it off a sheet you had on your desk, this demonstrates that you are so unfamiliar with the material that you had to literally copy and paste it from a sheet of paper you had and that you grasp the material so poorly that you didn't realise it wasn't your own work. Even when I read stuff I printed off/got long ago, I can tell if it's my work or not (style of explaining, sentence construction, grammar etc).

Besides, we have since establised that you know nothing about the material it was about (ie group theory). If you deny this, I'm more than happy to provide you with a few questions to see if you can put your physics where your mouth is. I know you won't.
so long as it gladdens some artificial superior identity...
You keep accusing me of havinig some kind of "I'm the best thing since sliced bread" attitude, yet I readily admit I don't have all the answers and that I cannot 'unify physics'. You think you do and you can. And you never actually do any physics or maths, you just waffle BS and refuse to do any physics or maths when asked.

I have never seen you actually compute anything using algebra or demonstrate working knowledge in physics. Can you show me a thread where you've done that?

I grasp my limits. You don't seem to think you have any. You're the one with the artifical superiority complex.
You have failed.
At least I've succeeding in being coherent. You should give it a try sometime.
Is far from anything but scientific, since you led me to believe it was a non-constant.
Still struggling with the whole coherence thing, aren't you?
Do omething i know of, mathematically wise. Feel free oh wise one.
What do you know of, "mathematically wise" ? You claim you didn't plagerise that group theory work you once posted.

Do you want a few group theory questions so that you can prove you grasp such material?
Avatarn man... stop the derogatory insults please???
You're a hypocrite. You posted that immediately after a post where you attempt to use sarcasm to insult him.

I'll ask you again, are you drunk or just incoherent?
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Avatarn man... stop the derogatory insults please???

I'm not. Granted and I readily admit I'm not a mathematician, not by far, even if some of your equations seem stupid to me, but I've studied psychiatry at university some years ago a bit and you're a classical case.

I will not analyze in depth because it will do more harm than good to your psyche and I don't wish to do that, but please consider that living in your fantasy world, where you're a scientist, is not productive. You make yourself a fool to the world without being aware of it.
I understand that your therapist looks at your math, but he's not a mathematician and he will say that it's very good to not disturb you, just like the textbooks say. Unfortunately you are being counterproductive and disturbing yourself online. At those times your comprehension and communication skills fall really low.

I friendly suggest you listen to your doc, take your meds and try to look at your work for what it is, try to consider the possibility that it is bad, very bad, just you don't see it.
You think physics is certainly a straight oath mediated by the scientists ''trying to'' teach you. Funily enough, as you go through your life - mistakes you will find and many descrepencies you with withold, in your bold hands, and soft compacture.
I am a nut case at Psychology??? If thatbbe the case, you have a denial proble, and being such a big psychoanalyst, you'll know what ii am talking about.
You think physics is certainly a straight oath mediated by the scientists ''trying to'' teach you. Funily enough, as you go through your life - mistakes you will find and many descrepencies you with withold, in your bold hands, and soft compacture.
Thanks for the life advice. You're younger than me and seem to have a lot less of a grip on reality so you'll forgive me if I don't listen to you.

Can you please actually address specific things in my post. Do you understand that the Higgs mechanism in the SM is nothing to do with string theory?

Do you understand that you have never displayed any working knowledge of physics or maths? If you deny that, provide evidence.

Do you understand that (-1)*=-1?
I am a nut case at Psychology??? If thatbbe the case, you have a denial proble, and being such a big psychoanalyst, you'll know what ii am talking about.

No, you're a patient, you need help, and you have a doctor.
AN -- Cheers for this constant abuse.

Ava -- Cheers... why don't you hire my Dr who.

Neither of you have humanic compasion. One is selfsish, the other is compulsive.
AN -- Cheers for this constant abuse.
I have offered to help you learn physics and maths. I've offered my advice, speaking from experience and knowledge. You don't want it. You instead prefer to just waffle BS about stuff you don't understand and if you are supposed to be taking medication but aren't, then you're playing with fire when it comes to whatever condition you have relating to your state of mind.

You aren't interested in science, you're only interested in speaking out loud and hoping someone thinks you're intelligent. You don't like it when people say otherwise.
Ironic... you ndisplaythe same foundation...nHow egotatistic of you, to blame your own desires on someone else... fantastic,..... it really is.
BY AN::::::

Long before i came here, he thinks he can say:

''You aren't interested in science.''
