My Equation of the Universe



o< <0>= --- → ψ=∞ . h/Ec² > Mc²

Here, there was nothing (0), and then all of a sudden, an energy conditioned appeared <0> which is found proportional to the psi factor and intinity. Giving the products of the psifactor being proportional to infinity itself. This sum must have been squared/multiplied, over h, which is Plancks Constant divided by Energy that spontansously bubbled from the Dirac Space and time. It is multiplied by the constant of light, raised to the power of two.

This creates solid diffused energy... or matter. This is a short equation describing the evolution of nothing into something.

***Where zero is nothing -- the uncalculatable variable... or time zero.

< this is found to be less than what suddenly happened: An energy condition <0> appeared, equals ∞/ψ and this is found to produce the same calculation of → ψ=∞. The brackets (not shown in last equation), give Plancks Constant over the energy produced, or spontaneously bubbles from the vacuum raised to the power of two, as is the matter produced.

The Energy condition is also found to be infinite:

0 < ∞<0>

Which would most probably be described best as the Dirac Sea, since it is infinitely filled with negative matter, but you can always add one more particle.

Anyway, the equation first shown can be cut down to:

0 = --- = ψ = ∞

Giving an infinite vacuum... it's impliments above showed that the equation T_ab = G_ab is indeed connected by saying that the stress-tensor, space and time are all intertwined with energy. In other words, you cannot have spacetime without energy -- nor energy without matter.

Which simplifies to ∞ = 1

One what? You might be thinking? Well the value of 1 is actually the formula for the universe as a whole. It is the collapse.

Not only this, but you can turn the equation around, and instead of seeing the production of everything, you can see the reverse (T) when everything goes back to whence it came: The Singularity, which cannot be described mathematically -- but we can be lazy and just insert {0} as for it's existence ''just before any singular region''. I'm not sure, maybe some physicist or mathematician round here might disagree, but couldn't a singularity be expressed simply as : ∞(E- M)(S = T) where S is space and T is time?

1 = ∞ = ψ = --- = 0

This took me a few days to do, but i am thinking about extending it backwards using imaginary mathematics. I hope to show that there can be the possibility of ONLY TWO universes, and the string of math above is a timeline of our universes evolution, but what about this stigma of ''there was nothing,'' and then ''there was???''


A simplified version, where (b) is not my equation, but given by Yorda a while back, shows a similar foundation:

0 = --- = Φ= ψ = 1

gives now an extension of the following through my equation of the universe:

.......1 = --- → (ψ=∞)(hc/Ec²) = Mc²

and (ψ=∞)(hc/Ec²) = Mc²

Produces the size and temporal scale:

M at d_pi=c²+³/hG ≠ (1.61661 x 10-³³)


T given t_pi=c²+³/hG ≠ (5.3x 10^-44)

With these coordinates, we have the ability to create mathematical formulae consisting of matter-energy spontaneity of energy from spacetime into matter with physical and temperal limits.

To determine what remains solid and diffused, a bradyon (a particle of mass) must abide by relativistic calculations. Usingmy steady-state steps into describing the paradox of something from nothing, the equations describing the velocity of matter is always measured against luxen energy: ''c'' the light of speed.

t' = t_0√1 - v²/c²

.....√1 - v²/c²


l'=l_0√1 - v²/c²

From here, i believe it to be possible to generate math showing that


allows all matter not only be forms of trapped light, but allow electromagnetism to be indestinguishable to tardyons in zero time.
This nest equation shows the equivalance between a new directionality in the universes propogation in respect to changing the arrow of time... this would result in anything existing in imagiary terms: Extra Time Dimensions, Tachyons, Exotic Matter, Antimatter ect ect.

To describe the imaginary calculations, apply the same combination, but treat it as a time before big bang: t<0

-1 = ψ* = Φ = --- = 0 ≠ 0 --- = Φ = ψ = 1
So... any comments?

Learn LaTeX.

I'm too busy to read this now, so don't interpret the fact that this thread hasn't been moved to pseudoscience yet as an indication that it won't be moved in the future.
it better not be.

I'll have you know, several physicists have used non-latex mathematics in order to present online configurates. If you have a problem with this, it can only be a dillusion upon yourself, since the math itself makes sense; if you have a problem with this, then direct at least two erreneous figures you [[think]] is variable. If you can, give me a chance to debate back...

Thank you
No professional to try and bring me down.... wierd.
Sorry, I had a seminar on Higgs mechanism in SUSY to attend and then a poster on string theory's compact dimensions to sort out printing.


What do I have to say to 'bring you down'? Nothing. Why? Because your post is so obviously a disgusting pile of dog excriment that a half blind moron with a cracked skull can see it's BS.

You say things like "This took me a few days to do". WTF did you spend your time doing?! You claim that 0=1. Well 1 = table = dog = 5 = blue. Look, I've proven Jesus was a monkey and I'm Superman! Quick, get me a Nobel Prize! :rolleyes:

Honestly, do you think you're onto something? Or are you just seeing how many morons you can rope into saying "Wow, you're a genius!!". How can you possibly think your nonsense is valid?! You claim to have done physics at university level. This is such a staggerinly transparent lie when you post this kind of garbage! You demonstrate you can barely think coherently! I teach 1st year maths and 2nd year quantum mechanics. I've seen some pretty stupid people, but you take the cake!

Actually, that's a slight lie. There is someone in the 1st year who thinks that an acceptable answer to the following question :

1. Show that $$a_{1}\frac{d^{2}x}{dt^{2}} + a_{2}x = 0$$ is the equation of motion for a harmonic oscillator if $$\frac{a_{1}}{a_{2}} > 0$$

is "1/0 = 5/0 = infinity therefore all Real numbers are equal".

He's on par with your ignorance. No doubt you'll call me an arrogant string theorist/postgrad, but there's a difference between me slating you before I'm arrogant and me slating you because you make a drunk badger which has been run over by a truck look smart.
I don't as much as you do. Think about it.

This next equation shows exacly an answer to your question... one i showed before\:

To describe the imaginary calculations, apply the same combination, but treat it as a time before big bang: t<0

-1 = ψ* = Φ = --- = 0 ≠ 0 --- = Φ = ψ = 1
It is good that you dig into and interested in this kind of stuff, but you need more reading.
To describe the imaginary calculations, apply the same combination, but treat it as a time before big bang: t<0
I don't think you know even standard calculus, never mind the much more difficult 'complex analysis'.

No doubt if I asked you a question you'd refuse to answer, just like when you were asked a string question or a GUT question or a relativity question or a QM question or a group theory question or ... well any kind of physics.
-1 = ψ* = Φ = --- = 0 ≠ 0 --- = Φ = ψ = 1
Do you really think that's not BS?

Consider -1 = ψ*

Take the complex conjugate => -1 = ψ. But you end up with ψ = 1. Therefore you're wrong.

You claim that 0 ≠ 0. WTF? Are you deliberately trying to attract idiots or are you bordering on retarded? No really, I want to know.

''Sorry, I had a seminar on Higgs mechanism in SUSY to attend and then a poster on string theory's compact dimensions to sort out printing.''

Me: I really couldn't give a fuck what you were up to. Why would you even tell me these things when you hate my guts, is far beyond me.... any way...


What do I have to say to 'bring you down'? ''

Keep you DEROGATORY SHITHEAD COMMENTS TO YOURSELF> The greatest bullshit are of people who are extreamely confident within their own ego"s> This in short< means you are one pompouse lanky streak of misery>

My momma used tosay< if you have anything bad to say about anyone< then don"t fucking say it at all> Did you?
Reiku, get back on your medicine and take a hike, your current speech may get you banned.
I dont see how everytime you come up with an equation like 30 people tell you how wrong you are, but you keep on arguing that your ot, then you get all pissed off and post some thread complaining about it.
I dont see how everytime you come up with an equation like 30 people tell you how wrong you are, but you keep on arguing that your ot, then you get all pissed off and post some thread complaining about it.

I think it was last year, I had a field seminar in Judicial Psychiatry at a mental institution where insane criminals are being treated. There was one man who was in delusion that he's the greatest poet ever. He wrote poems from heart and was very attached to them, but when you looked at them, it was just garbage, some text that had nothing in common with poetry.
But because he was so into his poetry nobody said it to him directly anymore, just thank you for your poem, because otherwise he would start to cry and get hysterical.
It was a very, very sad sight. I still feel for that guy.

''Sorry, I had a seminar on Higgs mechanism in SUSY to attend and then a poster on string theory's compact dimensions to sort out printing.''

Me: I really couldn't give a fuck what you were up to. Why would you even tell me these things when you hate my guts, is far beyond me.... any way...
You asked where 'we' were and so I thought I'd say, since it both answers your question and it's a none-too-subtle way of me demonstrating that day in, day out I do the kind of physics you like to pretend you understand/do.

I mention it because it rubs it in your face. If I didn't 'hate your guts' (that's over the top. I like you but only in the same way a cat likes playing with a mouse before killing it) I wouldn't say it.
> The greatest bullshit are of people who are extreamely confident within their own ego"s
You're the guy who claimed to have looked into doing string theory research, but doesn't know even high school level physics. You're the guy who just started this thread, claiming to be attempting to describe the entire universe with an equation which says 0=1. You're the guy who claims to have a proof that there's only 2 universes.

If anyone here is 'extremely confident within their own ego', it's you. How many of these kinds of threads have you started? Dozens, both here and on PhysOrg (and I wouldn't be suprised if you're on other forums doing the same thing). I don't start such threads. I'll respond to BS like this with corrections. I'll happily help people with their homework or if they are making honest attempts at learning. You've made it clear you don't do this in education and you aren't interested in learning. So instead I'm just vitriolic towards you.

I'm confident in my knowledge. Not too much, not to the level of claiming I'm better than my lecturers, my supervisor, many of my friends or people like BenTheMan, but certainly better than most people and 101% certain I'm better than you.

And I have proven it and am proving it and will continue to prove it. So it's not that I'm arrogant, I'm just a better physicist/mathematician than you ;)
My momma used tosay< if you have anything bad to say about anyone< then don"t fucking say it at all> Did you?
And my 'momma' used to say "Stop pretending to be good at things you're not. Swallow your pride and stop talking BS'.

Latex is only an extension of a simpler form math. If you, and all have a problamatic situation with this, then i propose that the council here consider non-latex rules.... in other words, allow lat-ex, but not make ita requite.