My Car Door Hit Another Car Parked

There needs to be damage otherwise it is a non issue.

So if you're walking down the street and knock into someone, you won't say "sorry" unless they are hurt in some way?:rolleyes:

Saying sorry when you let your car door open and it smacks into another car is a sign of manners. Most importantly, it shows that you aren't a person who does not care about other people's property.
If you were in a position that you had no knowledge of the motion of your door (which would put you several feet away from it at the very least) then you wouldn't know whether it was a tap, a slam, or several taps or slams.
You know you opened your car door into his truck and you're just trying to portray the event so as to put you in the best light so that people here can say things like: "OMG! What an asshole that guy was, Darky!!!! You were SO in the right and that guy was so WRONG!!!!1!! You should have totally kicked his ass!!!!" And, if they were female then they'd continue with: "Take me, Darky!!! I give myself to you for mating purposes!!!"

you're a nut, stop assuming the worst. that way of thinking, that he's just angling for sympathy, has in my experience always been the thinking of a prick.
your lucky, I go into ape rage mode if someone touches my car. If I had found someone leaving after putting a ding in my car - and then not a least saying they were sorry - I'd have kicked your window in...