My Car Door Hit Another Car Parked

I don't really know why people freak out about their cars so much. A ding in the door does absolutely nothing to the function of the car at all. I've seen people value their vehicles more than friendships, which really is idiotic. I wouldn't worry about it, if the guy was that much of a dick about tapping his car, then you shouldn't value his opinion anyway.
I don't really know why people freak out about their cars so much. A ding in the door does absolutely nothing to the function of the car at all. I've seen people value their vehicles more than friendships, which really is idiotic. I wouldn't worry about it, if the guy was that much of a dick about tapping his car, then you shouldn't value his opinion anyway.

THANK YOU!!!!:cool:
If there was no damage and he insisted on making an issue of it just to prove his manhood to himself or his girlfriend.
skaught and DJ must drive pieces of shit.

Not really, its nothing special. '98 grand am. But I am a realist, and I realize that my car isn't going to look like new forever. Shit happens, things break, accidents happen. Its silly to expect things to stay nice forever. Just sets you up for disappointment when things go to crap. If someone intentionally dented or otherwise damaged my car, sure I'd be pissed, but if someone makes an honest mistake, like we all do everyday, then why waste your energy getting mad :shrug:
If there was no damage and he insisted on making an issue of it just to prove his manhood to himself or his girlfriend.

Agreed. Its pretty pathetic to prove your manhood by being a dick to someone. I think proof of being a man is being calm and containing ones emotions, not letting your anger run wild when someone accidentally bangs your car.
It's been said, but darksidzz should have apologized in a manner befitting the demeanor of the victim, offerring to make it right would have been appropriate. He was in the wrong or the car that he had control of did the damage. It is the same thing under the law, I suppose.

The victim seems to have overeacted some, but there are no pictures to know for sure. Darksidz is taking the victims reaction personally, where it may have nothing to do with darksidz. Gotta take your lumps on this one, Dark.
It's not about the accidentally banging the car door. It's about the attitude of indifference to possibly causing several hundred dollars of damage to someone's vehicle.

Even now Darksidz refuses to even admit that he did it. He uses language which would indicate that his door just somehow magically ended up touching the other guy's car. He had nothing to do with it. Like he's an innocent victim in the whole ordeal.

Accidents happen, but own up to your personal responsibility.
Agreed. Its pretty pathetic to prove your manhood by being a dick to someone. I think proof of being a man is being calm and containing ones emotions, not letting your anger run wild when someone accidentally bangs your car.

Some people, especially men, seem to treat their car as an extension of their own body. Maybe the the other driver reacted the way he would have if Dark had hit him, rather then just bumped his car door. I think this type of behavior just exposes his own inadequacies, especially if his girlfriend was with him, especially considering there was no damage done.

That said, it is probably good to apologize in a situation like this, just out of politeness. Unless you are absolutely sure you didn't touch his car... :rolleyes:
Some people, especially men, seem to treat their car as an extension of their own body. Maybe the the other driver reacted the way he would have if Dark had hit him, rather then just bumped his car door. I think this type of behavior just exposes his own inadequacies, especially if his girlfriend was with him, especially considering there was no damage done.

That said, it is probably good to apologize in a situation like this, just out of politeness. Unless you are absolutely sure you didn't touch his car... :rolleyes:

Yeah, thats pretty pathetic to take a vehicle so seriously. Still, I agree that it is darks responsibility to say sorry, just a common courtesy, like invert said, it could have been worse. On the same token, the other guy obviously has some self esteem issues.

It's not about the accidentally banging the car door. It's about the attitude of indifference to possibly causing several hundred dollars of damage to someone's vehicle.

Call me ignorant, but could that really be hundreds of dollars worth of damage???
Call me ignorant, but could that really be hundreds of dollars worth of damage???


On the same token, the other guy obviously has some self esteem issues.

Or maybe he's just had issues with inconsiderate assholes in the past. There's enough of them out there.
Or maybe he's just had issues with inconsiderate assholes in the past. There's enough of them out there.

Agreed, but I think we have all had our share of issues with the numerous assholes out there. I just let it run off my back. Its not worth getting angry about their bullshit.
Some people, especially men, seem to treat their car as an extension of their own body. Maybe the the other driver reacted the way he would have if Dark had hit him, rather then just bumped his car door. I think this type of behavior just exposes his own inadequacies, especially if his girlfriend was with him, especially considering there was no damage done.

That said, it is probably good to apologize in a situation like this, just out of politeness. Unless you are absolutely sure you didn't touch his car... :rolleyes:

A car is a serious investment. Some people, especially men, slave away at low paying jobs from 9 to 5, as well as working overtime. They save up that money to buy a nice half-decent car, and then some dude scratches inadvertently by hitting it with their car door. I can't blame them from getting pissy.
The simple fact that he did not get any infoirmation from him or especially that he did not call the police to be witnesses and go through insurance tells me he has some kind of a problem...AND that there was no damage.
Yeah, thats pretty pathetic to take a vehicle so seriously. Still, I agree that it is darks responsibility to say sorry, just a common courtesy, like invert said, it could have been worse. On the same token, the other guy obviously has some self esteem issues.

Whatever issues the other guy may have had is beside the point. Dark should have apologised. It is common courtesy.

Call me ignorant, but could that really be hundreds of dollars worth of damage???
Err yeah. Depends on where he hits. I had one idiot fling open his car door, and it smashed into my indicator lights and damaged the headlight. The damage was over $1000. He left his contact details on my windscreen and apologised when I contacted him and had absolutely no qualms about paying for the repairs. He'd parked badly and he had damaged my car.

But he apologised.

Dark did not and tried to pretend it did not happen. Ergo, Dark was rude about it. When you own a car, you are responsible for that car. If you let your door swing open wide and it hits another car, you are responsible and should at least apologise to the owner of that car. If you damage their car as a result of your accident or lack of attention (Dark wasn't paying attention and didn't notice his door had swung open), then you should apologise and pay for the repairs. It is common courtesy.
A car is a serious investment. Some people, especially men, slave away at low paying jobs from 9 to 5, as well as working overtime. They save up that money to buy a nice half-decent car, and then some dude scratches inadvertently by hitting it with their car door. I can't blame them from getting pissy.

Well, there is justified pissy, and just frothing at the mouth for no reason. If someone did damage to my car and took no responsibility, I think I would be justifiably angry. On the other hand, if there is no harm done, why let it get to me? Just to ruin my day? I was under the impression that there was no harm done here, and already advocated an apology in any event. What else is called for, if there really was no damage?
Whatever issues the other guy may have had is beside the point. Dark should have apologised. It is common courtesy.

Err yeah. Depends on where he hits. I had one idiot fling open his car door, and it smashed into my indicator lights and damaged the headlight. The damage was over $1000. He left his contact details on my windscreen and apologised when I contacted him and had absolutely no qualms about paying for the repairs. He'd parked badly and he had damaged my car.

But he apologised.

Dark did not and tried to pretend it did not happen. Ergo, Dark was rude about it. When you own a car, you are responsible for that car. If you let your door swing open wide and it hits another car, you are responsible and should at least apologise to the owner of that car. If you damage their car as a result of your accident or lack of attention (Dark wasn't paying attention and didn't notice his door had swung open), then you should apologise and pay for the repairs. It is common courtesy.

Here is what the OP states:

"I close my car door and looked at his vehicle slightly, nothing seemed messed up. It seemed fine, I'm not sure what he was talking about honestly."

Why7 he would put the word 'slightly in there is a little confusion but either way it is very easy to see damage. Seems to me like there was none.
I close my car door and looked at his vehicle slightly, nothing seemed messed up. It seemed fine, I'm not sure what he was talking about honestly.

This is after the guy started yelling, right?
And then he tried to drive off? And then uttered a beleaguered "I'm sorry." and had the gall to act confused as to how he's to blame for the actions of his car door?

No damage was done, apparently. But, there could have been damage done and Darksidz has this air of nonchalance like "What's your problem. My car door decided to touch your car, what's it got to do with me?"

It's the attitude that's the problem. The avoidance of responsibility.
Maybe the guy was a testosterone freak and would have gone off even if Darksidz had acted correctly immediately, but we won't know because the situation is one where Darksidz is portraying himself as a victim of circumstance.

He guesses that his car door hit the other guy's car. He doesn't know because it's impossible to know these things. Or something.

It's all about his attitude, not the actual physical damage (or lack thereof.)

These sorts of things happen everyday when no one's around and the people just run off. Several examples have already been given in this thread. Many people have a complete disregard for the property of others.
They're self-centered inconsiderate assholes.

And, apparently, Darksidz is one of them.

Why7 he would put the word 'slightly in there is a little confusion

It indicates, to me, the indifference to his actions. A brief glance and shrug and 'whatever' before attempting to hop in his car and drive off and go about his day.