My Car Door Hit Another Car Parked


Valued Senior Member
I just wanted to tell you this story then get some opinions on it.

Went to DMV, got registration and license. While there I was parked in the lot and it was around 100F, anyway I guess somehow my door opened into this guys truck. We were both parked and I didn't really know what had happened. He then began honking and yelling but I wasn't sure to who, I thought he said I hit his car and I was like "huh". I close my car door and looked at his vehicle slightly, nothing seemed messed up. It seemed fine, I'm not sure what he was talking about honestly.

I then was gonna leave to get the vehicle inspected but he finally got out, he said "you hit my car man" and I was like "really?" and he said "yea you hit it, and you're just gonna take off" to which I replied "no". I then said "well is it alright" and he said "well i don't know did you look man" and was pretty pissed. I still really didn't think I'd hit it, more like the door opened into it kinda but not hit. More like touch.

Anyhow he looked and touched it and was like "what you aren't even gonna apologize now" and I said "I'm sorry" and he just walked away. I was confused if he wanted me to stay around or leave, he didn't say anything about it. I went to the DMV to get the car inspection and I guess it was ok. The reason I didn't answer or apologize was because I felt like an apology was not enough if it were damaged by me. So it might've made him more angry.

Later on i was walking back to my car and he drove by with his gf, he yelled "thanks for hitting my car man" and I said "sorry" but he'd driven away abit by then so maybe didn't hear it.

Ugh, so what is this guy gonna magically appear one day saying I damaged his car or anything?
You should be more careful.
And, yeah, you probably should have apologized.

And, by the way, how do you 'guess' that your car door hit his truck? It either did or it didn't. I don't think I've ever accidentally opened my car door into someone else's car without being aware of it, nor without feeling slightly guilty about it.

A car is an expensive investment. How would you like it if someone slammed their car door into your car? I bet you wouldn't be like, "I guess his car door hit my car but I don't really know because to me it was like this insignificant event that I really can't understand why anybody is making a big deal out of it..." Unless, of course, your car was a piece of shit where a ding in the paint might actually make it look better.

I've got to say that this event pretty much explains why you get such shitty reactions in your life. You're an inconsiderate asshole, apparently. I'm surprised you don't get your ass kicked more often.
Just delete this thread, he's given me an answer although I don't understand his anger. Investments fail anyways.

I didn't know if I hit his car because I was basically kneeling and I'd opened the door carefully, I think it just opened the rest of the way because of the incline but touched his car not hit it. That's hard to know since I wasn't standing up and aware of it's position.
Read this, it's hilarious:

"After passing my test I nervously went out for my first drive alone. I wanted to find a parking space that was straight forward. So I drove into a multi-story and spotted a tiny and I mean tiny - space. I can't believe I could have been so daft (well maybe I can ) but it hadn't even dawned on me to leave enough space for people to get in and out. As soon as I'd squeezed myself in, horrified I realised my car handles were touching the handles of each car either side of me! I knew I had to get out, so when no-one was looking I closed my eyes and reversed for all I was worth. With the engine screaming and the sickening sound of metal crunching, both cars were moving out with me! I know it was wrong, but I was so traumatised, and with my own car badly damaged I drove straight home! "
Ah, so this is what you were talking about in the other thread.

Yea, you should have apologized immediately, then the two of you should go check out the damage together. Then, if damaged, make arrangements. If not damaged, you apologized again and take off.
Ah, so this is what you were talking about in the other thread.

Yea, you should have apologized immediately, then the two of you should go check out the damage together. Then, if damaged, make arrangements. If not damaged, you apologized again and take off.


and you shouldve said sorry straight away, he ahd every right to be pissed of!!
When I was quite young. Early twenties ( me, not the decade), I was driving my customary shitbox and another young lad driving his equally care-worn beast scraped each other in traffic. Whilst still moving in the same direction we exchanged glances, shrugs and devil-may-care grins and continued on our merry way.
A beautiful moment.
When I was quite young. Early twenties ( me, not the decade), I was driving my customary shitbox and another young lad driving his equally care-worn beast scraped each other in traffic. Whilst still moving in the same direction we exchanged glances, shrugs and devil-may-care grins and continued on our merry way.
A beautiful moment.

That's awesome, I can just imagine it :D

and you shouldve said sorry straight away, he ahd every right to be pissed of!!

I wouldn't be pissed off if the perpetrator would do all the right things, like described in my earlier post.
Unless I thought that it was done on purpose of course.
I didn't know if I hit his car because I was basically kneeling and I'd opened the door carefully, I think it just opened the rest of the way because of the incline but touched his car not hit it. That's hard to know since I wasn't standing up and aware of it's position.

If you were in a position that you had no knowledge of the motion of your door (which would put you several feet away from it at the very least) then you wouldn't know whether it was a tap, a slam, or several taps or slams.
You know you opened your car door into his truck and you're just trying to portray the event so as to put you in the best light so that people here can say things like: "OMG! What an asshole that guy was, Darky!!!! You were SO in the right and that guy was so WRONG!!!!1!! You should have totally kicked his ass!!!!" And, if they were female then they'd continue with: "Take me, Darky!!! I give myself to you for mating purposes!!!"
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Yes you should have apoligized, I would have been pissed off too. Any of you come out of a mall sometimes only to get closer to your car and you are like what the fuck is that new ding on my door? Omg I hate that.

I have seen ppl do it in the parking lot too. Not long ago this woman at the grocery store opened her door really hard into the parked car beside her. Then she got back in her car and moved to another parking spot.

Another incident I saw in the winter was some woman finished using her shopping cart and just pushed it aside in the parking lot. It was really windy that day and it started to roll and got faster and faster till it smashed into the side of someones car. I was so pissed off I said something to her, as she just tried to get into her car and drive away like nothing happened. Yes she did see what had happened. She spoke to me like she could give a shit though. I always put my cart back into those sheds they keep in the parking lot.

A lot of ppl are too lazy and don't really give a shit if they damage someone elses property.

I am always careful opening my doors. My kids when they were younger used to swing open doors. I used to always say be careful with your door, before they opened it.
Yes you should have apoligized, I would have been pissed off too. Any of you come out of a mall sometimes only to get closer to your car and you are like what the fuck is that new ding on my door? Omg I hate that.

I have seen ppl do it in the parking lot too. Not long ago this woman at the grocery store opened her door really hard into the parked car beside her. Then she got back in her car and moved to another parking spot.

Another incident I saw in the winter was some woman finished using her shopping cart and just pushed it aside in the parking lot. It was really windy that day and it started to roll and got faster and faster till it smashed into the side of someones car. I was so pissed off I said something to her, as she just tried to get into her car and drive away like nothing happened. Yes she did see what had happened. She spoke to me like she could give a shit though. I always put my cart back into those sheds they keep in the parking lot.

A lot of ppl are too lazy and don't really give a shit if they damage someone elses property.

I am always careful opening my doors. My kids when they were younger used to swing open doors. I used to always say be careful with your door, before they opened it.

Word. My parents taught me to respect other people's property, and if you damage something to try and make amends. Some people just lack decency.
Word. My parents taught me to respect other people's property, and if you damage something to try and make amends. Some people just lack decency.

I am going a bit off topic here but,

Mine did too, and I carry that on to my kids. They don't litter on the street or ride their bikes on other ppls grass, like I see a lot of the kids doing around here. We have a basketball net out front, and I tell them you just better be careful it doesn't hit anyones cars, or break their flowers.
The neighbours across have one and the teens there have smashed into this guys car so many times, because his car alarm goes off. They have smashed his plants etc. You can tell they really don't give a shit either. The ppl have spoken to the parents with no luck either. The answer "well you know they are kids" WELL NO! they are 11-16 they should know better and the parents should be teaching them respect.

One teen decided to hit some golfballs on the street and smashed my windshield on my car. :mad: I spoke to his mom........and to make a long story short we haven't spoken in 5 yrs. They took no responsibility.

We live 2 minutes from a big open field and a park. If my kids want to swing some baseballs or whatever I tell them to go over there.
Dark: While I think the guy was a bit rude about the whole ordeal, I do agree that you should have apologized and asked if there was anything you could do. People are pretty sensitive about their vehicles. I do think he could have responded better though. I've had a few fender benders, and while I am stern with the person, I am polite to them. They are already shook up enough, being rude to them doesn't help the situation. But in the future, expect that people aren't going to take things involving damage or potential damage to their cars lightly.

I used to go to this coffee shop everyday before work and play around on internet. and one of the girls who worked there was as fucking far to the right as you can imagine. I mean, this girl would probably eat out Ayn Rand while taking it in the ass for Bush it she could. At any rate, she was all flustered one day and I asked why and she said she had gotten into some trouble with the cops because she was at a grocery store and she accidentally bumped someones car while backing out. One of the workers at the grocery store saw her, but she figured he wouldn't do anything, so she took off. Turns out he wrote down her license number and waited for the owner of the car to come out and gave it to her. She filed police report and the coffee shop girl got like a triple whammy, because the cops found out she also didn't have car insurance.

I fuckin loled so hard. I love it when far right wing nutjobs get slammed by the system.
It's not bullshit it's true. I was kneeling and the door had already been opened so as not to touch his vehicle. I didn't even see it or notice it move I was doing another. He said I hit his vehicle but I didn't hear or see anything and the door was just touching his car but I looked and saw nothing. A hit implies damage and I saw none.

You're a goofy bunch and I dislike this thread, delete it you are all fools.

PS I don't care how people see me invert, I don't care at all. Why would I make up a lie. And I apologized but like I said I didn't think he'd accept an apology and frankly my first thought was "did I hit his car? Perhaps his mistook a noise of some kind for me hitting it". I mean this guy was in a big truck like a FORD and could really not see me from his locale, his gf may have said "he hit your car" but whether I did or didn't I can't say. This is ridicilious honestly
He said I hit his vehicle but I didn't hear or see anything and the door was just touching his car but I looked and saw nothing. A hit implies damage and I saw none.

No. A hit implies a touch. Your car door was touching his car. I'm sorry, but I simply don't believe that you are so helpless that your car door has more will than you. I'm sure you didn't mean to hit his car, but you did. And I frankly can't conceive of doing that without being aware of it.

I don't care how people see me invert, I don't care at all.

Then why do you say things like: "You're a goofy bunch and I dislike this thread, delete it you are all fools."

Seems like you do care. Seems like you were hoping for a different reaction.
A touch of the old external validation.

Hey, accidents happen. But don't sit there and play the victim. "I couldn't help it. It wasn't my fault. I didn't even know it happened even though I was right there..."

but whether I did or didn't I can't say.

Then you probably shouldn't even be driving. If you can't keep track of such a simple thing as your car door, then I don't think I'd feel safe with you on the road.
Well it's not like I'd just opened it and it hit his car, the thing was open and my vehicle was on an angle, doing something else I would hardly have noticed if it opened slightly and touched his car. You try it, put some stuff on the floor of your drivers side seat, open the door slightly and then make sure you're on an angle, sit and wait then see if you notice when the door moves and stops, heck it would be pretty hard to notice something that wasn't even an impact! So you're saying touching something means hitting it??? Hit does imply damage!