My beef with ETI

What is the evidence of government assassinations? From what I've seen so far it's kind of flimsy isn't it?
Not really Grover; there is Bill Coopers assasination; Phil Schneider assassination, and the other 22 collegues of his who he claimed to have been assassinated. There is assassinations of 22 British star wars scientists and researchers:
In fact perhaps even the assassination of JFK, who was going to reveal the ET contact.

In addition, to the terror network, that confiscate evidence from others, and threaten people of getting them or their family killed. As well as those who ashame honest scientists in front of the world, because they want to hold on to the technology.

The government will be held accountable for these crimes, and when people finally know, they are going to be furious at this disgusting government.
Why do all abduction researchers use hypnotism? This is known to create memories rather bring to the surface "hidden memories." Alien abductions are most likely dreams. What a load of crap people in ths field should be more critical. Maybe it is a legitimate complaint that UFO investigators aren't scientific enough.
CrazyMikey, don't forget Eugene Shoemaker...I prosposed in another thread there was sufficent cause to suspect his death as planned.
Grover, abduction researchers use hypnosis to uncover lost time. The contention that they are implanting memories deliberately is as absurd as saying all skeptics are government disinformation agents.

You cannot make anyone believe in something, if the subject knows it hasn't happend. Hypnotists making you do stuff is science fiction.

Further more, if it was a dream or a delusion, the hypnotist would know. You can seperate reality from imagination.
crazymikey said:
The government will be held accountable for these crimes, and when people finally know, they are going to be furious at this disgusting government.
But don't forget the religionist that have hidden the truth, twisted it and made fairy tales of it.
You can seperate reality from imagination.

Yes, but clearly you cannot. Your rants have gone far beyond any level of rationale and it is becoming quite evident that you may be in need of professional help.
Actually, all the research I've heard of about hypnosis is that memories can be planted, in fact it is extremely easy to make a memory. Look up the etymology of "nightmare," what a night mare is is a demon (sucubbus) that comes to you in the night and has sex with you, this is what thye called the phenomenon in the middle ages, it is exactly parallel to the abduction phenomenon. The question is: in the middle ages did people just interpret aliens as demons, or are these acually dream images? If you answer that people use to just interpret aliens as demons then a question is how come modern day christians don't interpret aliens as demons? And for that matter how do we know that they actually aren't just demons posing as aliens as some people theorize? Alien abductions are just nightmares. It's the same thing with astral projection, which occurs mostly at night (just like alien abductions), when we are sleeping the part of our brains that makes it feel like we are connected to our bodies shuts down, so while your sleeping you don't have bodily sensations which can very easily lead you to believe your not in your body (and in a sense your right) the question is does it make more sense that while your sleeping if you start to have strange sensations of floating and being out of your body and doing impossible things like floating through walls, does it make more sense that your soul has left your body, or your being raped by a demon, or being abducted by aliens? Or does it make more sense that your having a very realistic dream?
Grover if the abduction experience is a delusion or a dream, then why are most of them identical, regardless of geographic location. In addition, why are there physical scars, burns, incision marks and even implants. In addition, in group abduction cases, how do all manage to have the same experience, the same physical marks and also pass lie detector tests?
They are identical because it has become part of folklore. Not everyone who has an abduction experience has scars, incisions, etc., so of the ones who do have an experince maybe they reinterpret something they already have or they change their memory to fit the facts. And think critically about the implants for a second, not one single implant has ever been provided, isn't that kind of strange? Group abduction cases? I've never heard of any. Besides I'm not saying it's impossible that abductions may have happened or do sometimes happen, what I am saying is that most of the abduction cases have to do more with strange dream experiences and the use of hypnosis (long but informative: Some of the UFO evidence is to my mind very convincing: ancient artwork, religion, and credible sources like former astronauts, generals, pilots and presidents. Some of the UFO evidence I find less compelling: abduction stories, alien autopsy footage, photographic evidence.
non intervention until the civilization has reached the space-age. As thereof, we have to abide by regulations of the galactic community.
What happened to your 1940's deliberate crashes of alien craft? that was before we reached the space-age, both arnt possible they contradict.
What happened to your 1940's deliberate crashes of alien craft? that was before we reached the space-age, both arnt possible they contradict.

No, that is certainly not a contradiction. We were on the anvil of reaching the space-age, and secondly, who said ETI directly intervened at that point?
I mean that ETI intervention and involvement with human society occurs whence it reaches a certain age in development, such as the space-age. That is why eventually ETI will fully disclose themselves. If it is premature there is risk of curtailing our natural development. Although it seems like some ETI in the past did not abide by that.
They are identical because it has become part of folklore.

Awareness of the exact characteristics of an abduction encounter is not common. Whereas abduction experiences take place with common people, who are not even expecting the situation. So it would be absurd, that all these people would have the same dream or delusion and not significantly vary from each other, even in young children.

Not everyone who has an abduction experience has scars, incisions, etc

Yes, that is true. However for those that honestly believe they have been abducted, that would only mean their experience was physical. The most telling physical evidence, is sudden pregnancies and disappearing foetus's.

And think critically about the implants for a second, not one single implant has ever been provided, isn't that kind of strange?

I think the implants have been recovered and recorded from what I've seen on documentries. I'll research on this and get back to you.

Group abduction cases? I've never heard of any.

Yes, there have been group abduction cases, with also physical effects. One of those I recall was the abduction of an entire family; mother, children, father; And in one case the abduction of three women, who had severe illness, incision marks, and lost weight unnaturally in a few weeks after the ordeal. Most of these abductees are reluctant to come forward.

Perhaps the most brilliant of these abductions encounters, is the one with this woman who was floated out of her building several feet in the air by a UFO from 13 stories, seen by many witnesses, including a UN official.

Besides I'm not saying it's impossible that abductions may have happened or do sometimes happen, what I am saying is that most of the abduction cases have to do more with strange dream experiences and the use of hypnosis (long but informative: Some of the UFO evidence is to my mind very convincing: ancient artwork, religion, and credible sources like former astronauts, generals, pilots and presidents. Some of the UFO evidence I find less compelling: abduction stories, alien autopsy footage, photographic evidence.

Yes you are probably right. Some abduction experiences may just be sleep paralysis, or hallucinations etc. Yet there are many cases that cannot be explained with these hypothesis, and are very compelling indeed.
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No, that is certainly not a contradiction. We were on the anvil of reaching the space-age
The jet engine had been invented less than 10 years before, that wouldnt suggest to me a civilization on the brink of space travel, and how did the aliens know at the time we was about to begin our space-age? Also you had a theory on reverse engineering alien technology, if a craft crashed in the 1940's, this may have contributed to the space race, which may not have happened without the craft, which wouldnt be there without aliens assuming we were about to be in the space-age......(you see where thats heading?).

Theoretically speaking its possible they arnt supposed to intervene until we're in the space-age, but that theory contradicts the theory presented that aliens deliberately crashed a craft, it also contradicts that they've been visiting for thousands of years, knowing full well their craft had the possibility of crashing(as craft always do) it could have crashed anytime, but they risked it. In light of this i doubt very much they would have a policy of non-interference.
theres policy for non interference; yet exceptions can be made. exceptions are always made, you guys know this. we would be almost robotic if we didnt give second chances, and had reasoning to justify the deliberate breaking of a long standing law....

so they deem it nessecary to interfere on a small scale, in a controlled manner. perhaps they must present the plan to superiors. perhaps they can carry the plan out on their own will. i think that depends more on who you are talking about specifically. so that helps explain some contradictions in the context of this information.

if you want to continue looking for possible holes in our truthful explanations, we will continue to provide the right answers as best we can.
my goal, probably similar to others, is to spread awareness.
and to remember to stay aware.

whats your goal ?

if its to prove aliens dont exist, you will prove that to yourself. information is still spread, win-win situation

dont try to comprehend how they work unless you really are ready to exspell your preconfigured expectations...
The jet engine had been invented less than 10 years before, that wouldnt suggest to me a civilization on the brink of space travel, and how did the aliens know at the time we was about to begin our space-age? Also you had a theory on reverse engineering alien technology, if a craft crashed in the 1940's, this may have contributed to the space race, which may not have happened without the craft, which wouldnt be there without aliens assuming we were about to be in the space-age......(you see where thats heading?).

Theoretically speaking its possible they arnt supposed to intervene until we're in the space-age, but that theory contradicts the theory presented that aliens deliberately crashed a craft, it also contradicts that they've been visiting for thousands of years, knowing full well their craft had the possibility of crashing(as craft always do) it could have crashed anytime, but they risked it. In light of this i doubt very much they would have a policy of non-interference.

1. I did not say they deliberately crashed the UFO
2. I did not say they had intervened prior to the space-age
3. I did not say this IS their policy; I said there could be something to that effect
4. All policies can have exceptions
5. Not all alien factions would have same policies

As I told before: I only know ETI exists, they are abducting humans and animals, and they have contact with our governments. I know nothing else.
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I thought you were leaving, crazymikey? Do I need to show you the location of the door?
whats your goal ?
Im interested in finding out if aliens have visited, nobody can prove aliens dont exist as its mathmatically certain, also i doubt anyone can prove they havnt visited, all we can prove is the evidence provided isnt enough to believe they have visited. I was merely pointing out a flaw in some simple logic.
1. I did not say they deliberately crashed the UFO
Someone said it, i apologise for thinking it was you and shall see if i can find a reference to it.
2. I did not say they had intervened prior to the space-age
I shall have a look at your technology report again where the sudden increase in technological advancement was used as evidence for reverse engineering alien craft, again if you didnt provide dates before we entered the space-age i apologise.
3. I did not say this IS their policy; I said there could be something to that effect
I got your point, i was just proving it couldnt be their policy, so we can scratch our heads thinking of another policy now.;)
4 & 5.
I would expect people from an advanced civilization would be smart enough to realise the consequences of flying around craft above our planet for thousands of years, they will be seen and ones gonna crash eventually.
From page 5 of mikeys proof for ETI 2 thread:

Konrad Zuse's Z3, the first computer controlled by software.

This came out of nowhere. The greatest electircal technology, prior to this, was radio, and vacuum tubes. The earliest computers were simply adding machines. Where are the precusory technologies and concepts required for computers.


The atomic bomb invented

Again, where are the precusory technologies?


The Microwave oven invented by Percy Spencer.

Again there are no precursory technologies of microwave radiation. It's basically came out of nowhere.
This is part of your evidence for reverse engineering technologies, theres 3 here prior to the space-age that you say have no precursory technologies and are most likely from reverse engineered alien craft, so therefore you say they had possession of an alien craft before we reached the space-age, if the rest of what you said is correct they definately dont have a policy of non-interference do they? Which leaves the question why piss about for thousands of years when they can interfere whenever they like? If they are hostile they are now in a worse position than they were a thousand years ago, and we now have their technology, so they must be friendly, so wouldnt it make more sense to just appear and help us? Even if it was as gods?