My “Eureka” moment. A cure for cancer.

Chemo doesn't prevent it though, does it? It knocks it back for a while, that's all. Which is not to be sneezed at if it gives several years of extra life.

If you read the literature it is clear cancer has multiple causes, some of which you can avoid by lifestyle choice, while others are due to infection and others again are just a matter of luck or genetics. In the end, we all have to die of something and the less we die of heart disease, stroke and infectious diseases, the more we will die of cancer. Ultimately it's a balloon-squeezing exercise: the goal of medicine is to prolong lives, not "save" them. I've been shocked at how prevalent cancer suddenly seemed to become among the people I know once I turned fifty. It has crossed my mind that this is the age when the women are past child-bearing, which makes me wonder whether perhaps evolution has seen no advantage in staving it off after that age.

I'm afraid I think the idea of a "natural" way to avoid cancer - in general- is an impossible yoghourt-weavers' dream.

Oh, sorry; my bad. My comment about chemotherapy was an unrelated "side" comment.

Agree about your comments to the various causes behind cancer. Research has shown that much of the increase of cancer over the years, could have a lot to do with diet, lack of exercise, and/or the pollutants that end up in our food and water supply, because of "over" industrialization. There are some breakthroughs relating to preventive cancer care but we have a ways to go. Genetics certainly plays a role. But, modern medicine needs to take a more proactive approach instead of only seeking to find (mainly) reactive medical breakthroughs. That's more to my point.

Can you expand further on your evolution comment?

And, I'm choosing to ignore your last statement. ;) I have hope.
Gosh, this is such a great idea and so detailed and workable!

I have just had my own eureka moment! We can travel to other stars by building a space ship that travels close to the speed of light. What needs to be done is to build an engine that puts out enough thrust to achieve speeds close to the speed of light.


This FTL engine concept is dedicated to my mother who has died but always said I was a good boy and to the future generations that will benefit from my discovery.

This FTL engine concept is also dedicated to Bozo the Clown who has inspired me to understand that I may not be able to control my circumstances as a scientist without knowledge as such but I can control how I react to my circumstances. Bozo's mother wanted to visit other stars but unfortunately died before my discovery.

You can have a Peace Prize.
You don't have to do anything to get one.
They even gave it to the EU, fer ferks sake.

It helps to have a vowel at the end of your name though.
The last vowel-free winners year was 2006, Muhammed Yunus.

This year, Malala?
Treble vowelled. Great chance.

Either her, or Papa Francesco.
Results tomorrow.
"After administration of a Type H drug which suspends normal cell division but does not affect cancer cell division, the administration of the Type K drug is now a no-brainer. The dividing cancer cells get killed by the Type K drug."

Does such a type H drug exist?
That's a good question, to which I don't know the answer, as I made very clear in my OP so I'm not sure why you are asking, unless like me you wonder if anyone else here knows?

Type H drugs - Halt cell division!

At this time, the author does not know if type H drugs are ever used in medicine or indeed are even yet known to medical or biological science.

On reflection, it doesn't have to be one single drug to perform the entire "Halt cell division!" role. If a number of such type H drugs were necessary, perhaps one drug for each of the many signalling pathways the body uses to stimulate cell division, but given in combination as one "type H drug" dose that could work too.

If it is a matter of finding such a drug, then finding the opposite would be better.
A drug which suspends cancer cell division but does not affect normal cell division.
That would be a cure for cancer on its own.
Well that's been a popular fallacy for a long time. My "Eureka moment" featured a revelation of the impracticality of that approach in general.

Medical science can find one drug which suspends cancer cell division in one kind of cancer. Indeed they already have. Some hormone sensitive cancers can have their growth suppressed in that kind of way.

But mine is a better approach in general, will work for more kinds of cancer. I suggest that the best medical approach is not to try to fix cancer cells, not to try to encourage them to behave normally, because you will never be free from cancer, nor free from reliance on continual drug therapy, but rather it is much more efficient to flush cancer cells out, get them to show just how different they are and then kill them.

Scientists are looking at suppressor proteins which must become inactive before cancer can occur.

Have a look at "Tumour suppressor genes"

Tumor-suppressor genes, or more precisely, the proteins for which they code, either have a dampening or repressive effect on the regulation of the cell cycle or promote apoptosis, and sometimes do both. The functions of tumor-suppressor proteins fall into several categories including the following:
1. Repression of genes that are essential for the continuing of the cell cycle. If these genes are not expressed, the cell cycle does not continue, effectively inhibiting cell division.
2. Coupling the cell cycle to DNA damage. As long as there is damaged DNA in the cell, it should not divide. If the damage can be repaired, the cell cycle can continue.
3. If the damage cannot be repaired, the cell should initiate apoptosis (programmed cell death) to remove the threat it poses for the greater good of the organism.


Well that's all very interesting about how normal cells suppress tumours but it may be an academic issue because such tumour suppression mechanisms may be precisely one of the mechanisms which is broken in a particular cancer line and medical science may have no practical way to achieve a permanent repair to those cancer cells. Simpler by far just to kill them because they are producing tumours and dividing when they ought not to.

One thing I will admit about the limitations of my approach of my phase 2 treatment as regards apoptosis which is in the case of those cancer types which are cancerous not so much because the cancer cells divide any more than the normal type of cell from which they are derived but are cancerous rather because the cancer cell's apoptosis function is damaged, would not be sensitive to the approach in my phase 2 of treatment because if their cell division function is normal they may well dutifully stop dividing along with the normal cells when ordered to by the type H drug and so would not be killed by the type K drug.

So it is really cancer types whose cells divide when they are not supposed to which are really vulnerable to this approach in my phase 2, not so much cancer types whose cells don't die when they are supposed to, though both types of cancer could be partially treated in phase 1 of this approach.
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Very interesting thread, OP.

Any thoughts or insights into alternative medicine/natural measures, with respect to preventing cancer?

Wikipedia: Cancer - Prevention

Well the one speculative thought I have that may be of interest is that it may be that some of the anaerobic micro-organisms which live in the body, and thrive in the gut for example, routinely perform a natural anti-tumour or cancer prevention role by perhaps circulating unnoticed by our immune system throughout our bodies in spore form and on occasion destroying some small tumours while they are relatively benign and before they have grown and spread enough to become a medical issue for the patient?

One thing that has been noticed is that aspirin can have anti-cancer effects and this may be due to aspirin facilitating the migration of micro-organisms across the gut wall into the blood?

My dad died of cancer when I was a kid, and I've been rather obsessed with the developments, over the years in terms of both prevention and treatment for this horrible disease.

Well it's understandable for anyone who has lost a loved one to feel that way. I know I do. Just because we are obsessed or indeed paranoid about cancer that doesn't mean it isn't going to get us if we don't get it first.

It sure would be nice to eventually move away from chemotherapy. (I see the need for it depending on the age of the cancer patient and stage of cancer that they are in, but I'm a believer of integrating a holistic (and potentially natural) approach, whenever possible.) I'm hopeful that there will be more breakthroughs to come, relating to preventative cancer care.
My approach would be to try to make chemotherapy a more efficient treatment with fewer side-effects and offering a more definitive cure.
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One thing that has been noticed is that aspirin can have anti-cancer effects and this may be due to aspirin facilitating the migration of micro-organisms across the gut wall into the blood?

Interesting, indeed. Only problem with this type of study though, is doctors wouldn't be able to really see the effects of aspirin with cancer patients, unless taken for a long duration. And how do we attribute the success to the aspirin? It's probably hard to conclusively determine something like that, until there are consistent successful cases, over time. (and if the patient is following other forms of treatment, and aspirin is part of that treatment, again ...makes it hard to conclusively determine if the aspirin was the saving grace) Would be unreal if something that simple could make a big difference in the fight against cancer, though!

Well it's understandable for anyone who has lost a love one to feel that way. I know I do. Just because we are obsessed or indeed paranoid about cancer that doesn't mean it isn't going to get us if we don't get it first.
Yes, I hear you. :(

My approach would be to try to make chemotherapy a more efficient treatment with fewer side-effects and offering a more definitive cure.

I like that idea. Chemotherapy has come a long way since my dad went through his treatment, so...guess it just takes time to see improvements.
My approach would be to try to make chemotherapy a more efficient treatment with fewer side-effects and offering a more definitive cure.

Yes, indeed these are incredible insights! Up to now doctors have been trying to make chemotherapy less effective in treating cancer and have been trying to increase the bad side effects. I am sure medical community will be thrilled to try your revolutionary ideas!!
"On reflection, it doesn't have to be one single drug to perform the entire "Halt cell division!" role. If a number of such H type drugs were necessary, perhaps one drug for each of the many signalling pathways the body uses to stimulate cell division, but given in combination as one "H type drug" dose that could work too."

But how would a drug stop cell division in normal cells and leave the cancer cells still dividing?
Can you think of any cell mechanism that could be targeted, which is not present in a cancerous cell?
If not, then the drug developer is searching blindly in the dark.
If such drugs existed, then your method would be promising.
If such a drug is found, someone will probably try it.
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"On reflection, it doesn't have to be one single drug to perform the entire "Halt cell division!" role. If a number of such H type drugs were necessary, perhaps one drug for each of the many signalling pathways the body uses to stimulate cell division, but given in combination as one "H type drug" dose that could work too."

But how would a drug stop cell division in normal cells and leave the cancer cells still dividing?
By interfering with the control mechanisms which the body uses to stimulate or start cell division at certain times and under certain conditions and to suppress or stop cell division at other times and that interference would be designed to jam the control mechanism so as to stop cell division so long as the drug is in the body.

Many types of cancer cells divide regardless of the body's control mechanisms - such cancer cell division isn't started selectively so it can't be stopped either naturally by the body's control mechanisms or artificially by pharmaceutical drugs.

Can you think of any cell mechanism that could be targeted, which is not present in a cancerous cell?
Depending on the type of cancer and considering only cancer cells which divide chaotically, yes I can.

Wikipedia: Growth factor

So for example, typical normal cells will wait for the appropriate growth factor to attach itself to the corresponding growth factor receptor on the cell's surface before initiating cell division.

Many types of cancer have cancer cells which will divide regardless of whether there is the appropriate growth factor attached to the cancer cell's corresponding growth factor receptor or not.

If not, then the drug developer is searching blindly in the dark.

One obvious approach the drug developer could take would be to design a type H drug which mimics the growth factor receptor's shape and thus will selectively bind to the corresponding growth factor. If there is a lot more of the type H drug in the extra cellular fluid than there are cell growth factor receptors then the growth factor would be mopped up and leave none free in the extra cellular fluid to be available to bind to the cells' growth factor receptors, thus preventing normal cell growth from being initiated.

If such drugs existed, then your method would be promising.
My method is promising even if the type H drugs we need don't exist just now.

If such a drug is found, someone will probably try it.
If the drug doesn't already exist in nature to be "found" then it could be designed and made artificially, such is the advanced state of the art in the pharmaceutical industry. It's just a question of incentives to make it worth their while and I would have thought there would be plenty of incentives for cures for cancer.
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As far as I can see, your idea could be an avenue for research.
It is certainly an interesting approach.
You would need to speak to an expert on the subject to take it any further.
Perhaps you could contact the writers of papers on cancer research.

This article might interest you:
Growth factor blocker / inhibitor drugs

Type H drugs - Halt cell division!

At this time, the author does not know if type H drugs are ever used in medicine or indeed are even yet known to medical or biological science. However, this author does not want to wait for that research to be done but rather feels that a “Eureka” moment must be seized and acted upon and the time to publish is now.

It appears that what I have referred to as "Type H drugs" and "growth factor blockers" look to be my redundant names for "growth factor inhibitors" (half a million hits on google!) and "growth factor receptor inhibitors". (700,000 hits!). Though I note that "growth factor blocker" and "growth factor blockers" appear to be getting hundreds of thousands of hits now too - I thought I had tried that search term earlier and got nothing, maybe my typo or some problem with google?) Wow, 1.8 million hits for "growth factor receptor blockers"!

{Those are hits with the quotes included in the search term so those should be hits for the exact phrase. Sorry but my google links were playing up and I've removed them so you'll have to use your own initiative, perhaps copy and paste the search terms into your search box}

Inhibitors / blockers - same difference so I am content to use any of the names "Growth factor inhibitors" or "Growth factor receptor inhibitors" or "Growth factor blockers" or "Growth factor receptor blockers" from now on for this class of drugs.

So that's actually very encouraging for the early adoption of my approach to cure cancer because the drugs needed are not as "unknown" and "do not exist", as a class of drugs, after all.

That's not to say that all such growth factor blocker / inhibitor drugs which would be needed for the successful adoption of my approach are now available but it looks like some are available and hopefully the rest will be made available eventually.

I've found this wikipedia link -

EGFR inhibitor - redirecting to - Epidermal growth factor receptor - Clinical applications

There doesn't yet seem to be a general Wikipedia page for "Growth factor inhibitor" or "Growth factor receptor inhibitor" or "Growth factor blocker" or "Growth factor receptor blocker". So that's something for me and other Wikipedia editors to think about coming up with. If we can at least start talking in a structured way about this class of drugs then that'll be progress.
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It appears that what I have referred to as "Type H drugs" and "growth factor blockers" look to be my redundant names for "growth factor inhibitors" (half a million hits on google!) and "growth factor receptor inhibitors". (700,000 hits!). Though I note that "growth factor blocker" and "growth factor blockers" appear to be getting hundreds of thousands of hits now too - I thought I had tried that search term earlier and got nothing, maybe my typo or some problem with google?) Wow, 1.8 million hits for "growth factor receptor blockers"!
Here's a 2001 article with plenty of cites at the bottom. Or you could just start with cancer research in general.

Is this thread predicated on the 2006 study at Johns Hopkins?

Clostridium novyi-NT is an anaerobic bacterium that can infect hypoxic regions within experimental tumors. Because C. novyi-NT lyses red blood cells, we hypothesized that its membrane-disrupting properties could be exploited to enhance the release of liposome-encapsulated drugs within tumors. Here, we show that treatment of mice bearing large, established tumors with C. novyi-NT plus a single dose of liposomal doxorubicin often led to eradication of the tumors. The bacterial factor responsible for the enhanced drug release was identified as a previously unrecognized protein termed liposomase. This protein could potentially be incorporated into diverse experimental approaches for the specific delivery of chemotherapeutic agents to tumors.

Bacteriolytic anti-cancer therapies employ attenuated bacterial strains that selectively proliferate within tumors. Clostridium novyi-NT spores represent one of the most promising of these agents, as they generate potent anti-tumor effects in experimental animals. We have determined the 2.55-Mb genomic sequence of C. novyi-NT, identifying a new type of transposition and 139 genes that do not have homologs in other bacteria. The genomic sequence was used to facilitate the detection of transcripts expressed at various stages of the life cycle of this bacterium in vitro as well as in infections of tumors in vivo. Through this analysis, we found that C. novyi-NT spores contained mRNA and that the spore transcripts were distinct from those in vegetative forms of the bacterium.

A new 2-phase treatment to cure cancer is proposed.

Phase 1 would use a live bio-agent paired with a moderating anti-bio-agent drug to target and kill hypoxic cancer tumour cores.

Phase 2 would employ 2 drug types - firstly a mixture of drugs of the growth factor inhibitor type, some (perhaps most) yet to be developed, would be required to halt selectively all normal cell division but not halt the characteristically aberrant cancer cell division and secondly, conventional chemotherapy drugs would be used to target and kill only the dividing cancer cells.
Growth factor receptor inhibitor

There doesn't yet seem to be a general Wikipedia page for "Growth factor inhibitor" or "Growth factor receptor inhibitor" or "Growth factor blocker" or "Growth factor receptor blocker". So that's something for me and other Wikipedia editors to think about coming up with. If we can at least start talking in a structured way about this class of drugs then that'll be progress.
Update -

Wikipedia: Growth factor receptor inhibitor
Thanks but the approach of that paper is typical of current group-think which intends to use such inhibitors directly against cancer cell growth.

My approach is quite different. I am proposing inhibitors be used temporarily against normal cell growth.

Now, if you've not got your head around my "Eureka" moment as to why anyone would want to inhibit the growth of normal, non-cancerous cells in a cancer patient then you need to understand my Phase 2 treatment. I've re-written my OP for other forums so here's the latest phase 2 section.

Treatment phase 2

It is proposed that two types of pharmaceutical drug are employed in phase 2 treatment and let’s call them type H drugs ("H" for “Halt cell division!” ) and Type K drugs ("K" for “Kill diving cells”).

Type H drugs - Halt cell division!

Type H drugs are the author's own name for a class of drugs examples of which are used in medicine and biological science and commonly referred to variously as "growth factor blockers", "growth factor receptor blockers", "growth factor inhibitors" or "growth factor receptor inhibitors" and possibly other names as well.

Those drugs are designed to target cell growth factor receptors and interfere with growth factors activating growth factor receptors to prompt growth in cells.

A traditional approach in oncology is to attempt to use those drugs directly against cancer cells to try to modify their aberrant excessive growth behaviour. That is not the new approach explained here which is rather to use those growth factor blocker drugs against the growth behaviour of normal cells.

Type H drugs ("H" stands for for "Halt cell division!") utilise and are intended temporarily to saturate the normal cell-signalling pathways which instruct normal cells not to divide. Normal cells with the exception of cancer cells pay heed to such cell to cell signals and it is one of the defining characteristic of many cancers that cancer cells ignore such signals not to divide and keep on dividing regardless.

The purpose of administering type H drugs is temporarily to overload the normal signals and order an artificial system-wide cessation of all normal cell division in the body. Accordingly, normal cells which frequently divide - skin cells, intestinal wall cells, immune response cells, bone marrow cells, reproductive organ cells etc are tricked into stopping dividing temporarily, so long as the type H drug is administered.

Type H drugs operate in a pharmaceutically reversible way and when the type H drugs clear from the body then the normal body cells which have dutifully followed the artificial signals and temporarily ceased dividing then go back to their normal operation without any permanent damage to the cell.

Clearly, the administration of type H drugs weakens the body systematically which depends on routine cell division and for so long as type H remains in-vivo then harm to the body’s health will accumulate.

Type H drugs don’t do the body any good on their own. Not only that, but for the purpose of treating cancer, type H drugs aren't intended to do anything significant directly to those cancer cells which are pretty much oblivious to the cell signalling pathways which type H drugs are designed to stimulate.

Mechanism of action of type H drugs

Specifically the mechanisms behind the cessation of general cell division which the type H drugs must target are those which usually control cellular division of cells.

The type H drugs work by interfering with the control mechanisms which the body uses to stimulate or start cell division at certain times and under certain conditions and to suppress or stop cell division at other times and that interference would be designed to jam the control mechanism so as to stop cell division so long as the drug is in the body.

Many types of cancer cells divide regardless of the body's control mechanisms - such cancer cell division isn't started selectively so it can't be stopped either naturally by the body's control mechanisms and sometimes even artificially by pharmaceutical drugs

Growth factor mechanisms would be suitable targets for targeting by the type H drugs.

So for example, typical normal cells will wait for the appropriate growth factor to attach itself to the corresponding growth factor receptor on the cell's surface before initiating cell division.

Many types of cancer have cancer cells which will divide regardless of whether there is the appropriate growth factor attached to the cancer cell's corresponding growth factor receptor or not.

One obvious approach the drug developer could take would be to design a type H drug which mimics a growth factor receptor's shape and thus will selectively bind to the corresponding growth factor. If there is a lot more of the type H drug in the extra cellular fluid than there are cell growth factor receptors then the growth factor would be mopped up and leave none free in the extra cellular fluid to be available to bind to the cells' growth factor receptors, thus preventing normal cell growth from being initiated.

A similar approach to date more commonly adopted with blocker-type drugs would be to design a growth factor receptor blocker / inhibitor drug which partially binds to target cell growth factor receptors, not bound accurately enough to activate the cell growth factor receptor function, but sufficiently bound to block growth factor binding to the growth factor receptors.

Whatever the precise mechanism of interference of the type H drug with the growth factor mechanism we can name such type H drugs as "growth factor blockers" or "growth factor inhibitors".

Type K drugs - Kill dividing cells

In order to understand the utility of type H drugs one has to consider their medical use in conjunction with type K (K stands for "Kill dividing cells") drugs.

Type K drugs are the author's name for a class of drugs which are well known to medical science. They are the traditional chemotherapy drugs which have long been used to try to treat cancer by killing dividing cancer cells but the problem with those old drugs is that they tend to kill all dividing cells, not just cancer cells and so have very severe side-effects which can make the patient very ill, very quickly.

OK, well the smarter reader will see by now where we are going with type H drugs. After administration of type H drugs which hopefully succeed in suspending normal cell division without significantly affecting cancer cell division, the administration of the type K drugs is now "a no-brainer"! That is to say, the remaining task for type K drugs becomes a relatively trivial task to accomplish with more easily manageable undesirable side-effects and a quick recovery after chemotherapy.

The dividing cancer cells alone should get killed by the type K drugs. The normally dividing cells don’t get killed by the type K drugs because they are no longer dividing thanks to the administration of the type H drugs.

After the dividing cancer cells have died all that remains to be done is to clear the type K drugs from the body while the type H drugs are still in operation. Then later it is safe to discontinue the type H drugs at which point the body will resume normal cell division, free from cancer!

Limitations of phase 2 treatments

One limitation of the simple approach in phase 2 of shutting down all normal cell division in the body would be with those cancer types which are cancerous not so much because the cancer cells divide abnormally but because the cancer cells don't die or undergo programmed cell death called "apoptosis" normally and are abnormally immortal.

Such normally dividing but abnormally immortal cells would cease dividing if an all-body-tissue type H drugs dose was given and so such cancers wouldn't be killed by the type K drugs and such a broad-brush approach wouldn't achieve the cure in phase 2, only the benefits of the treatment in phase 1.

However, it has recently occurred to me that there is still a prospect for a more customised version of my approach offering an admittedly less-than-ideal phase 2 treatment option even against many such normally-dividing abnormally-immortal cancers where the type H drugs comprise of a mixture of different type H drugs, one such type H drug for each tissue type of cell growth factor which needs to be blocked.

To beat the cancer of cells from tissue type X in a normally-dividing abnormally-immortal cell cancers, you'd omit the specific type H drug for the tissue type X growth factor from the type H drugs dose given to that patient and simply intend to kill all dividing cells of tissue type X, which would certainly cause major damage to tissue of type X but maybe in some cases that is a price worth paying to beat the cancer? It's more of a useful treatment option where medicine can offer an artificial or transplant option to replace damaged tissue of type X, or restore the lost function, as required.

For those remaining stubbornly phase-2-insenstive or intractable cancers, a phase 1 only approach can partially treat tumours while never managing permanently to cure the patient and so a series of phase 1 treatments could be used to achieve a series of remissions of the disease.

With a phase-1-only approach it may be observed in some cases that a permanent cure is fortuitously happened upon because the patient's immune system is alerted by a phase 1 treatment to learn to identify the cancer cells and to eliminate them naturally in future.

Author's glossary

Anti-bio-agent drug - an antibiotic drug selected to be used to moderate or to kill a particular bio-agent as and when desired

Bio-agent - a live micro-organism used as an agent to achieve some useful purpose

Type H drug - a growth factor receptor inhibitor drug used in a dose sufficient only to HALT the growth of normal cells but no more, with the intent of allowing cancer cell growth not to be inhibited preparatory to the use of a type K drug

Type K drug - a cytotoxic antineoplastic chemotherapy drug used to KILL dividing cells especially dividing cancer cells while a type H drug inhibits normal cells from dividing

Some relevant links on Wikipedia

Management of cancer

Clostridium novyi-NT - Potential Therapeutic Uses in Cancers

Obligate anaerobe


Hormonal therapy (oncology)

Growth factor receptor inhibitor


with plenty of cites at the bottom.
Yup and google will turn up plenty more links to science paper abstracts, most of which I can't read the full text of without paying a subscription to the publishers but some science papers like the one you linked to are free to read so thanks for that.

Or you could just start with cancer research in general.

There's loads to read but I've come to teach, to explain my approach.

Is this thread predicated on the 2006 study at Johns Hopkins?
No this thread, my OP and the updates to it, are not predicated on any one such study.

Interestingly, the site you linked to is called "EurakAlert!" and that's just the right name for a website to promote my paper so I'll try sending them a copy of my latest draft of it next.

Clostridium novyi-NT is an anaerobic bacterium that can infect hypoxic regions within experimental tumors. Because C. novyi-NT lyses red blood cells, we hypothesized that its membrane-disrupting properties could be exploited to enhance the release of liposome-encapsulated drugs within tumors. Here, we show that treatment of mice bearing large, established tumors with C. novyi-NT plus a single dose of liposomal doxorubicin often led to eradication of the tumors. The bacterial factor responsible for the enhanced drug release was identified as a previously unrecognized protein termed liposomase. This protein could potentially be incorporated into diverse experimental approaches for the specific delivery of chemotherapeutic agents to tumors.
Hmm. Well their anti-cancer approach is is an entirely different bacteria-plus-chemo approach to mine.

If you don't mind, I'll concentrate on getting you to understand the main points of my approach before critiquing that approach in this thread.

Their's is at least "an approach" to curing cancer which is more than can be said for your other quote.

Bacteriolytic anti-cancer therapies employ attenuated bacterial strains that selectively proliferate within tumors. Clostridium novyi-NT spores represent one of the most promising of these agents, as they generate potent anti-tumor effects in experimental animals. We have determined the 2.55-Mb genomic sequence of C. novyi-NT, identifying a new type of transposition and 139 genes that do not have homologs in other bacteria. The genomic sequence was used to facilitate the detection of transcripts expressed at various stages of the life cycle of this bacterium in vitro as well as in infections of tumors in vivo. Through this analysis, we found that C. novyi-NT spores contained mRNA and that the spore transcripts were distinct from those in vegetative forms of the bacterium.

This looks to be pure science research pretty far-removed from a focus on curing cancer.

I'm at war with cancer. I have it in my sights and I'm going to take the shot. I don't need any distractions.
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My synergistic approach to curing cancer


My approach offers a better cure by using various drugs and methods in a synergistic way, each making up for the short-fall of the other.

I'd like to review the drawbacks of existing anti-cancer methods and drugs in a simple way and identify how my approach gets around that drawback

Bacterial treatments

Drawback when used in isolation - bacterial treatments cannot be relied upon to kill oxygenated, active cancer cells

Solution in my approach - the phase 2 treatment kills those oxygenated active cancer cells

Traditional chemotherapy using cytotoxic antineoplastic drugs

Drawback when used in isolation - chemo doesn't kill hypoxic tumour cores meaning that the cancer can come back later & they have serious side-effects and a long recovery period

Solution in my approach - phase 1 kills hypoxic tumour cores so the cancer cannot come back & the side-effects of these drugs used as type K drugs are diminished and the recovery period shorter thanks to the type H drugs

Growth factor inhibitors

Drawback when used in isolation - they only work on some cancers and even then, they don't kill the cancer cells so the patient has to live life on that medication to stop the cancer growing

Solution in my approach - used as type H drugs, they can protect a tissue or cell type from being killed by chemotherapy, the more type H drugs we can source, the more tissue or cell types can be protected and the patient only needs to take them during the chemo session never after.
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Peter, as a fellow resident of the north east of Scotland I feel I owe it to you to point out the following. Using a variety of large fonts, as you have done in your last post, is a traditional hallmark of the internet crank. You do your argument a disservice by lapsing into such inane formatting.
Peter, as a fellow resident of the north east of Scotland I feel I owe it to you to point out the following. Using a variety of large fonts, as you have done in your last post, is a traditional hallmark of the internet crank. You do your argument a disservice by lapsing into such inane formatting.
It seems the Lords of Convention would now dictate the size of my fonts too.