My “Eureka” moment. A cure for cancer.

Peter Dow

Registered Senior Member
(Note to mods. I'm not sure if this is the medical science forum, if not, please move thread as appropriate).

Suggesting a scientific approach and method for the medical treatment of tumorous cancer.


A scientific approach and method for the medical treatment and cure for tumorous cancer disease is suggested and described.

The desired performance characteristics of suitable types of biological agents and pharmaceutical drugs and an appropriate method of employing those agents and drugs for the treatment and cure of cancer is described.

Neither the selection of specific agents and drugs, nor the determination of the optimal treatment regimes are described herein because the details for how best to implement the author's general approach and method to cure cancer still require further research by the scientific and medical community which it is hoped this scientific paper will inform and inspire.

So the reader should be cautioned that the author does not herein publish detailed suggestions for oncologists to prescribe for their cancer patients which pills to pop when. The author is a scientist who is trying to find a cure for everyone one day, not a doctor who can cure someone today.

Invitation to informed discussion

This is claimed to be a realistic scientific paper, not a snake-oil-style cure-all claim. This may not be obvious to everyone because I am an amateur independent scientist, neither employed as a scientist, nor published in traditional scientific journals.

I have published widely on the internet on mostly non-scientific topics and I am accustomed to debating my ideas on-line and so I’m quite comfortable inviting replies perhaps as helpful comments and criticisms from fellow scientists and I can also take questions from any cancer specialists, doctors or other informed parties who take an educated interest in such matters.

Approach and method

One type of biological agent and 3 types of drugs are utilised in 2 distinct treatment phases, perhaps with an intermission between phase 1 and phase 2 of the treatment to review that the goals of phase 1 treatment have been reached before moving on to phase 2.

Treatment Phase 1

It is proposed that phase 1 use a mild anaerobic biological agent (with the suggestion that this is mostly likely to be a selection of a mild, treatable, non-drug-resistant anaerobic bacteria, sourced from a well-characterised laboratory specimen) with which the cancer patient is purposefully infected and 1 type of drug, matched to be a known effective treatment capable in high doses of eliminating the selected bio-agent from the body or in small doses to moderate the intensity of the infection.

During phase 1 treatment, after purposeful infection with the known mild anaerobic bio-agent, the anti-bio-agent drug is administered but only sufficiently to moderate and limit the intensity and systemic effects of the intended mild infection on the patient yet not overly administered to the point that the bio-agent is destroyed in-vivo before it has it has completed the designed treatment objectives of phase 1 treatment.

In phase 1 of treatment, the expectation would be that the patient’s own immune response will be fighting the bio-agent and so the course of the infection must be monitored and bio-agent and drug doses continuously adjusted to maintain a mild infection.

The objectives of phase 1 treatment

The bio-agent is selected with intention that the infection should establish itself in any anaerobic cores of cancer tumours and be supervised there while the infection attacks and in due course kills those cancerous body cells in any and all anaerobic tumour cores in the patient’s body.

The mild anaerobic bio-agent is selected and managed in-vivo so that it cannot be active, only dormant, in most of the aerobic environments of the body which are routinely supplied with oxygen via the blood, and so an appropriate selection and controlled bio-agent should not harm typical body cells so long as the infection is constrained to be mild with limited systemic effects on the body.

The selected bio-agent is not intended to harm those cancer cells which are growing and dividing in an aerobic environment whether in peripheral parts of all tumours or in aerobic tumour cores which are have grown their own blood supply vessels.

The dangers of a failed phase 1 treatment

Too much bio-agent

Inappropriate selection of a drug-resistant bio-agent, neglecting to moderate the intensity of the infection with sufficient drugs or a patient’s weak immune system failing to eliminate the infection at the conclusion of phase 1 of treatment could lead to a run-away infection causing serious and life-threatening infection or death.

Too little bio-agent

Administering insufficient bio-agent, over-use of drugs or a particularly active immune system could lead to the bio-agent failing to establish itself in all anaerobic tumour cores and a failed attempted phase 1 treatment leaving viable anaerobic tumour cores which would inevitably wreck the hopes for a successful outcome to any attempted phase 2 treatment.

Treatment phase 2

It is proposed that two types of pharmaceutical drug are employed in phase 2 treatment and let’s call them type H drugs ("H" for “Halt cell division!” ) and Type K drugs ("K" for “Kill diving cells”).

Type H drugs - Halt cell division!

At this time, the author does not know if type H drugs are ever used in medicine or indeed are even yet known to medical or biological science. However, this author does not want to wait for that research to be done but rather feels that a “Eureka” moment must be seized and acted upon and the time to publish is now.

Administered on their own, type H drugs are apparently useless medically and apparently harmful so such type H drugs may not have been developed and produced for medical purposes and so may never be available to use medically until someone explains what such drugs could be used for. One of the main points of this paper is to make the case for producing type H drugs so that if they are not now available, the pharmaceutical industry can get busy making them available! What is described here is what H-type drugs are supposed to be able to do.

Type H-drugs utilise and are intended temporarily to saturate the normal cell-signalling pathways which instruct normal cells not to divide. Normal cells with the exception of cancer cells pay heed to such cell to cell signals and it is the defining characteristic of a cancer cell that it ignores such signals not to divide and keeps on dividing regardless.

The purpose of administering a H-type drug is to temporarily overload the normal signals and order an artificial system-wide cessation of all normal cell division in the body. Accordingly, normal cells which frequently divide - skin cells, intestinal wall cells, immune response cells, bone marrow cells, reproductive organ cells etc are tricked into stopping dividing temporarily, so long as the H-type drug is administered.

Type-H drugs operate in a pharmaceutically reversible way and when the H-type drug clears from the body then the normal body cells which have dutifully followed the artificial signals and temporarily ceased dividing then go back to their normal operation without any permanent damage to the cell.

Clearly, the administration of type-H drugs weakens the body systematically which depends on routine cell division and for so long as type H remains in-vivo then harm to the body's health will accumulate.

Type-H drugs don’t do the body any good on their own. Not only that, but for the purpose of treating cancer, type-H drugs do nothing directly to cancer cells either which are oblivious to the cell signalling pathways which type-H drugs are designed to stimulate.

Type K drugs - Kill dividing cells

In order to understand the utility of type-H drugs one has to consider their medical use in conjunction with Type K ( “Kill dividing cells” ) drugs. Type K drugs are known to medical science. They have been used to try to treat cancer but the problem with them is that they tend to kill all dividing cells, not just cancer cells.

OK, well the smarter reader will see by now where we are going with Type H drugs. After administration of a Type H drug which suspends normal cell division but does not affect cancer cell division, the administration of the Type K drug is now a no-brainer. The dividing cancer cells get killed by the Type K drug. The normally dividing cells don’t get killed by the Type K drug because they are no longer dividing thanks to the administration of the Type H drug.

After the dividing cancer cells have died all that remains to be done is to clear the Type K drug from the body while the Type H drug is still in operation. Then later it is safe to discontinue the Type H drug at which point the body will resume normal cell division, free from cancer.

The dangers of a failed phase 2 treatment

The patient will be rendered vulnerable to infectious disease because of the predictable effect of the Type H drug which will prevent parts of the immune system from responding to infections. Worse case of course is that an opportunist infection may kill the patient.

If the Type H drug is not as effective as intended, if the dose is too low, if it is too quickly cleared from the body then the Type K drug will kill normally dividing body cells as well which cripple multiple body functions which depend on dividing cells and worst case kill the patient.

Without a successful phase 1 treatment which has previously killed anaerobic tumour cores, phase 2 treatment will only kill cancer cells dividing in aerobic environments leaving any and all remaining viable anaerobic tumour cores to provide an inexhaustible supply of cancer cells into the aerobic parts of the body. Phase 2 on its own cannot cure cancer; only after a successful phase 1 can it do that.


The Type H drugs are the biggest uncertainly in the author’s mind but if they can be sourced and can work as described then conceptually this looks like an excellent scientific approach and method for the cure of tumorous cancers.


Thank you to all those from whom I have learned so much.


This cure for cancer paper is dedicated to my mother who lives still and to the memory of all my friends and relatives who have died from cancer for whom this cure is too little and too late.

This cure for cancer paper is also dedicated to Condoleezza Rice who has inspired me to understand that I may not be able to control my circumstances as a scientist without employment as such but I can control how I react to my circumstances. Condi’s mother also died from cancer and she has participated in Race for the Cure events.



I do not want the Nobel Prize for Medicine or indeed any Nobel prize so long as Sweden remains governed as a kingdom. I want nothing from the Swedish King nor from any King nor Queen.

I am a republican and only wish to receive prizes, awards or recognition while living or posthumously from republics or at least from non “royal” institutions which find themselves in the unfortunate circumstance of operating as I do inside a country currently governed as a kingdom.
"The bio-agent is selected with intention that the infection should establish itself in any anaerobic cores of cancer tumours and be supervised there while the infection attacks and in due course kills those cancerous body cells in any and all anaerobic tumour cores in the patient’s body."

That would indeed be a breakthrough.
Such a bio-agent doesn't exist though, does it?
How would such a bioagent, a bacterium or whatever, selectively attack and kill cells which are using anaerobic respiration?
"The bio-agent is selected with intention that the infection should establish itself in any anaerobic cores of cancer tumours and be supervised there while the infection attacks and in due course kills those cancerous body cells in any and all anaerobic tumour cores in the patient’s body."

That would indeed be a breakthrough.

Such a bio-agent doesn't exist though, does it?

Over 99% of the bacteria in the gut are anaerobes

Now, not all will be natural bio-agents, performing a useful biological function for the host animal, but some will be.

Just because an anaerobic microorganism is not currently functioning as a natural bio-agent, but on occasion as a disease-causing organism, that doesn't mean it can't be conscripted to operate as an artificial bio-agent.

So the candidate species of anaerobes are out there. The subtlety will be in picking the most appropriate organism and strain of said organism to function as the best artificial bio-agent for this medical treatment.

How would such a bioagent, a bacterium or whatever, selectively attack and kill cells which are using anaerobic respiration?

Well it is the bio-agent which we select to be a strict or obligate anaerobe. As I said,

The mild anaerobic bio-agent is selected and managed in-vivo so that it cannot be active, only dormant, in most of the aerobic environments of the body which are routinely supplied with oxygen via the blood, and so an appropriate selection and controlled bio-agent should not harm typical body cells so long as the infection is constrained to be mild with limited systemic effects on the body.

So the selection as to where the anaerobe is active and killing surrounding cells is done by the oxygen-deficiency which occurs in some tumour cores which have outgrown their host's blood vessel, and hence oxygen, supply. The anaerobe kills surrounding cells wherever it can operate but the anaerobe is not particularly concerned with how or whether the cells it is attacking are respiring. The anaerobe when situated in an anaerobic environment can attack and devour dead host cells, dormant host cells or feebly respiring host cells which are making what use of anaerobic respiration they can. It will happen that the host cells which are attacked by the anaerobe are for the most part cancerous host cells because it is particularly cancerous host cells which will be situated in an anaerobic environment, namely within anaerobic tumour cores.

The bio-agent is not designed to seek out and kill host cells on the basis of how they are respiring but rather on the basis of how it, the bio-agent respires. Is that clear now?
You said this:
It is proposed that phase 1 use a mild anaerobic biological agent (with the suggestion that this is mostly likely to be a selection of a mild, treatable, non-drug-resistant anaerobic bacteria, sourced from a well-characterised laboratory specimen) with which the cancer patient is purposefully infected............

So, by "mild" do you mean an anaerobic bacterium harmless to cells that are respirating aerobically?
But at the same time deadly to any cell which is respirating anaerobically, such as the troublesome core cancer cells.
That sounds like a good idea.
Are you sure that no-one has though of it before?
I've just done a quick check (in the usual place), and found this:

Chemotherapeutic drugs have a hard time penetrating tumors to kill them at their core because these cells may lack a good blood supply. Researchers have been using anaerobic bacteria, such as Clostridium novyi, to consume the interior of oxygen-poor tumours. These should then die when they come in contact with the tumour's oxygenated sides, meaning they would be harmless to the rest of the body. A major problem has been that bacteria do not consume all parts of the malignant tissue. However, combining the therapy with chemotheraputic treatments can help to solve this problem.
Another strategy is to use anaerobic bacteria that have been transformed with an enzyme that can convert a non-toxic prodrug into a toxic drug. With the proliferation of the bacteria in the necrotic and hypoxic areas of the tumour, the enzyme is expressed solely in the tumour. Thus, a systemically applied prodrug is metabolised to the toxic drug only in the tumour. This has been demonstrated to be effective with the nonpathogenic anaerobe Clostridium sporogenes.
You said this:
It is proposed that phase 1 use a mild anaerobic biological agent (with the suggestion that this is mostly likely to be a selection of a mild, treatable, non-drug-resistant anaerobic bacteria, sourced from a well-characterised laboratory specimen) with which the cancer patient is purposefully infected............

So, by "mild" do you mean an anaerobic bacterium harmless to cells that are respirating aerobically?
Not necessarily intrinsically harmless under all circumstances and all conceivable intensities of infections.

Growing anaerobic bacterial infections have a habit of inching their way into healthy tissue by exuding chemical toxins that get transported downstream into otherwise viable tissue. Here I am thinking of cancer patients who get overcome by a massive untreated anaerobic infection of their tumours whose poisonous by-products overpower the body's systemic defences. Frostbite leading to a gangrene infection which can spread into healthy non-frostbitten tissue is another example.

No, keeping it mild is what the anti-bio-agent drug is used for. You simply can't pick a bio-agent which will be exactly tailored so you can trust it on its own to be mild enough to only kill anaerobic portions of tumours without rapidly growing and providing a systemic shock to the body which the patient can't recover from and so dies. You need to watch the infection like a hawk and intervene with the drug to scale it down, insist that it is going to be constrained to remain a mild infection.

On the other hand, some strains of micro-organisms are so virulent and pathogenic that you'd never use them because they are too hard to control once they get established.

So yes, you'd pick an anaerobe which was sufficiently controllable that you could medicate appropriately to keep the infection mild but that is a function of the medical regime, not purely a function of the anaerobe.

But at the same time deadly to any cell which is respirating anaerobically, such as the troublesome core cancer cells.
That sounds like a good idea.
Again, it is not helpful here to describe those cancer cells which happen to find themselves stuck in an anaerobic core of a tumour as "respiring anaerobically". They are precisely the same cancer cell line as their neighbours on the periphery of tumours which are respiring aerobically(and able to grow and divide) because they have the oxygen available to do so.

To help you understand imagine if someone locked you in a cupboard with no ventilation and you could not breathe very well and maybe you passed out from lack of oxygen, you wouldn't suddenly become a person who was "respiring anaerobically". You'd just be respiring aerobically but a lot less efficiently since the ventilation was poor. That's the kind of position a cancer cell in the middle of an anaerobic core of tumour finds itself. It's got no oxygen supply so it stops dividing.

Are you sure that no-one has though of it before?
I didn't mean to suggest that no-one had thought of aspects of the OP before, no.
I've just done a quick check (in the usual place), and found this:

Chemotherapeutic drugs have a hard time penetrating tumors to kill them at their core because these cells may lack a good blood supply. Researchers have been using anaerobic bacteria, such as Clostridium novyi, to consume the interior of oxygen-poor tumours. These should then die when they come in contact with the tumour's oxygenated sides, meaning they would be harmless to the rest of the body.
That's the same idea as my phase 1 treatment. Great minds think alike. I may even have read that particular article some time ago and forgotten where I had read it. I did give credit in the OP to all those from whom I have learned so much and I do read Wikipedia a fair bit.

A major problem has been that bacteria do not consume all parts of the malignant tissue.
Right. Some parts of the malignant tissue will be well oxygenated and they are in a place where anaerobic bacteria can't function.

However, combining the therapy with chemotheraputic treatments can help to solve this problem.
Again good. That's where my phase 2 treatment comes in.

Good quote. Thanks very much. You've really made a very useful contribution to this thread.
It is a clever way of targeting just the anaerobic part of the cancer.
It is the toughest part for doctors to treat, so destroying it, or even making it smaller, has got to be beneficial.

I'll have a look at the other stage tomorrow.
So the candidate species of anaerobes are out there. The subtlety will be in picking the most appropriate organism and strain of said organism to function as the best artificial bio-agent for this medical treatment.
Wait, you mean you haven't done that yet? So you really can't cure cancer, you're just speculating on a way that someone else might find a cure? Sorry, I guess I can't recommend you for that award. Too bad, I had high hopes.
"After administration of a Type H drug which suspends normal cell division but does not affect cancer cell division, the administration of the Type K drug is now a no-brainer. The dividing cancer cells get killed by the Type K drug."

Does such a type H drug exist?
If it is a matter of finding such a drug, then finding the opposite would be better.
A drug which suspends cancer cell division but does not affect normal cell division.
That would be a cure for cancer on its own.
Scientists are looking at suppressor proteins which must become inactive before cancer can occur.

Have a look at "Tumour suppressor genes"

Tumor-suppressor genes, or more precisely, the proteins for which they code, either have a dampening or repressive effect on the regulation of the cell cycle or promote apoptosis, and sometimes do both. The functions of tumor-suppressor proteins fall into several categories including the following:
1. Repression of genes that are essential for the continuing of the cell cycle. If these genes are not expressed, the cell cycle does not continue, effectively inhibiting cell division.
2. Coupling the cell cycle to DNA damage. As long as there is damaged DNA in the cell, it should not divide. If the damage can be repaired, the cell cycle can continue.
3. If the damage cannot be repaired, the cell should initiate apoptosis (programmed cell death) to remove the threat it poses for the greater good of the organism.

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Gosh, this is such a great idea and so detailed and workable!

I have just had my own eureka moment! We can travel to other stars by building a space ship that travels close to the speed of light. What needs to be done is to build an engine that puts out enough thrust to achieve speeds close to the speed of light.


This FTL engine concept is dedicated to my mother who has died but always said I was a good boy and to the future generations that will benefit from my discovery.

This FTL engine concept is also dedicated to Bozo the Clown who has inspired me to understand that I may not be able to control my circumstances as a scientist without knowledge as such but I can control how I react to my circumstances. Bozo's mother wanted to visit other stars but unfortunately died before my discovery.
Very interesting thread, OP.

Any thoughts or insights into alternative medicine/natural measures, with respect to preventing cancer? My dad died of cancer when I was a kid, and I've been rather obsessed with the developments, over the years in terms of both prevention and treatment for this horrible disease. It sure would be nice to eventually move away from chemotherapy. (I see the need for it depending on the age of the cancer patient and stage of cancer that they are in, but I'm a believer of integrating a holistic (and potentially natural) approach, whenever possible.) I'm hopeful that there will be more breakthroughs to come, relating to preventative cancer care.
Very interesting thread, OP.

Any thoughts or insights into alternative medicine/natural measures, with respect to preventing cancer? My dad died of cancer when I was a kid, and I've been rather obsessed with the developments, over the years in terms of both prevention and treatment for this horrible disease. It sure would be nice to eventually move away from chemotherapy. (I see the need for it depending on the age of the cancer patient and stage of cancer that they are in, but I'm a believer of integrating a holistic (and potentially natural) approach, whenever possible.) I'm hopeful that there will be more breakthroughs to come, relating to preventative cancer care.

Chemo doesn't prevent it though, does it? It knocks it back for a while, that's all. Which is not to be sneezed at if it gives several years of extra life.

If you read the literature it is clear cancer has multiple causes, some of which you can avoid by lifestyle choice, while others are due to infection and others again are just a matter of luck or genetics. In the end, we all have to die of something and the less we die of heart disease, stroke and infectious diseases, the more we will die of cancer. Ultimately it's a balloon-squeezing exercise: the goal of medicine is to prolong lives, not "save" them. I've been shocked at how prevalent cancer suddenly seemed to become among the people I know once I turned fifty. It has crossed my mind that this is the age when the women are past child-bearing, which makes me wonder whether perhaps evolution has seen no advantage in staving it off after that age.

I'm afraid I think the idea of a "natural" way to avoid cancer - in general- is an impossible yoghourt-weavers' dream.