Muslims do not worship the "black rock" dude.

Leo Volont said:
So? I am a Catholic. I have no problem with any of that.

What I am doing is throwing back the Hypocracy of those Muslims back into their own Faces. They condemn the Church for its Trinity because there is the slightest shade of an infraction which can only be suspected. All while they commit the most blatant Idolatry which they wouldn't hesitate to rebuke everyone else for.

The Christians believe in three distinct personalities which make up 1 God. You say Father, Son, and the Holy Ghost. Muslims say God only. NOT God, and the Rock
Leo Volont said:

And taxes. In areas covered by the Muslim Conquest, the Muslims would give all Muslims a total Tax exemption. Only Christians, Jews and Zorastrians would have to pay for Everything. In some areas their were so many 'Conversion' that the Muslim Authorities complained and disallowed them because to the Public Officials the Money was more important then the Spread of Islam.

It would have been okay if Islam ever 'took' as a core Ethical Foundation for a Religion. But the Power of Islam as an Ethical Force has never been able to transcend the Klannishness and Tribalism which has not diminished one iota in the Islamic World all this time. As a Religion, it is a Big Dud.

Another lie by Leo......Muslims have an oblitory tax called Zakat that they all must pay.If you are a non-Muslim living in Muslim lands(there is no convert or die senerio sorry that another lie) then you must also pay you really think its fair that Muslims pay Zakat but non-muslims pay nothing?
surenderer said:
Another lie by Leo......Muslims have an oblitory tax called Zakat that they all must pay.If you are a non-Muslim living in Muslim lands(there is no convert or die senerio sorry that another lie) then you must also pay you really think its fair that Muslims pay Zakat but non-muslims pay nothing?

you are such a liar, even the quran says you are a liar. here, from your fellow muslims, & I quote


"Fight those who believe not in God nor the Last Day, nor hold that forbidden which hath been forbidden by God and His Apostle, nor acknowledge the religion of Truth, (even if they are) of the People of the Book (i.e., Jews and Christians), until they pay the Jizya with willing submission, and feel themselves subdued. " (The Quran, 9:28-29)"
Randolfo said:
you are such a liar, even the quran says you are a liar. here, from your fellow muslims, & I quote


A head-tax imposed by Islam on the non-Muslims when they are under Muslim control
‏جزية : هي ما يؤخذ من أهل الذمة من خراج الأرض‏

Im a liar huh? how? :rolleyes: the Jizya is the name of the tax that non-muslims in muslim lands pay.....non-muslims pay Jizya .....muslims pay Zakat....didnt you read the question I posed in my statement?My question was meant as a hypothetical.....peace to you anyway Randolpho
Jizya? dose any non-muslim know what the stroy of it? ;)

i don't think so...............
surenderer said:

A head-tax imposed by Islam on the non-Muslims when they are under Muslim control
‏جزية : هي ما يؤخذ من أهل الذمة من خراج الأرض‏

Im a liar huh? how? :rolleyes: the Jizya is the name of the tax that non-muslims in muslim lands pay.....non-muslims pay Jizya .....muslims pay Zakat....didnt you read the question I posed in my statement?My question was meant as a hypothetical.....peace to you anyway Randolpho

Some how he manage to miss the real question always or the answers and the repeat the same post again like 5 He just wants every one to believe that he is right and every one else is wrong. lol

Hey Rando what do you think about Hindus? Do you think that they all would go to heaven with you? ;)
surenderer said:

Im a liar huh? how? : rolleyes : the Jizya is the name of the tax that non-muslims in muslim lands pay.....non-muslims pay Jizya .....muslims pay Zakat....didnt you read the question I posed in my statement?
ok, yeah, maybe, I guess it depends on how you read your statement, on second reading, it does seem to be a question, not a statement. sorry
skywalker said:
Some how he manage to miss the real question always or the answers and the repeat the same post again like 5 times...)
ok genius, tell us the "real story" :D
Randolfo said:
ok, yeah, maybe, I guess it depends on how you read your statement, on second reading, it does seem to be a question, not a statement. sorry

The problem is that you always think I've got some "spin" or propoganda i am trying to impose which makes you overly aggrsive to anything a Muslim says on these forums but please tell me this.....If being a Christian means to be "Christ-Like" would Jesus(pbuh) want you to love your enemies or annihilate them? You dont seem to be trying to understand the Muslims on these forums only to try to point them out as liars and evil...Is that really "Christ-Like"? :confused: ....Salaam
@ randolfo, are you a)asking a question with this thread?

or b) announcing to the world your great knowledge of islam?

or c) showing off to everyone how you can browse the web and come up with a cut and paste link?

or d) again teaching muslims about islam?
Knife said:
hey randolfo.......WWJD?.........
I'm not Jesus, what do you think he would do? & don't tell me bow to Mecca & the Kaa'ba
Knife said:
@ randolfo, are you a)asking a question with this thread?

actually, its



& e) just putting the Kaa'ba in perspective
surenderer said:
The problem is that you always think I've got some "spin" or propoganda i am trying to impose which makes you overly aggrsive to anything a Muslim says
actually, yes, when most Muslims start from the position that Jesus was a muslim, that takes the cake. Jesus was not a muslim, any more than Abraham was. when islam steals the history of its precursors, and makes it their own, & twists them into someone that their followers can not recognize? what do you think its adherents think? what do the archeologists say about Abraham? Jew or muslim?

poor guy, never went to Mecca, missed it by about a 1000 miles, but no mattter, Mohammad needed him there, so, lo & behold, & alajazaam, poof!!!, he magically appears there. Mohammad needs to claim Jerusalem of the jews, & faster than you can say, "open sesame", poof!!!, the night journey to the Rock, thereby claiming it for all muslims, for all time, very convienient, don't you think?

If being a Christian means to be "Christ-Like" would Jesus want you to love your enemies or annihilate them? You dont seem to be trying to understand the Muslims on these forums only to try to point them out as liars and evil...Is that really "Christ-Like"? : confused : ....
love, of course, but as anyone that knows me, I'm not perfect, are you? do you embody the 'salaam' spirit or is it just an intellectual act? & finding out about 'al-taqiyya' changed everthing, not knowing if the people you are discussing things with, are even telling the truth, how can you trust them? many Israelis say that people like Yasser, say one thing in Arabic(for Palestinian consumption) & another in English (for foreign consumption). many non-muslims are therfore caught in that old scene from 'Star Trek', where to trick Mudd's robots, Kirk & Spock pretend that everything he says is a lie, then says "I'm lying", how do you get out of that logic loop? the robots couldn't figure it out, me neither, I'll wait a few years to make up my mind on that, I need more proof of your truth
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skywalker said:

Hey Rando what do you think about Hindus? Do you think that they all would go to heaven with you?
hey sleepwalker, if you're so smart, where are they going? does allah have a special place for them?
Randolfo said:
actually, yes, when most Muslims start from the position that Jesus was a muslim, that takes the cake. Jesus was not a muslim, any more than Abraham was. when islam steals the history of its precursors, and makes it their own, & twists them into someone that their followers can not recognize? what do you think its adherents think? what do the archeologists say about Abraham? Jew or muslim?

poor guy, never went to Mecca, missed it by about a 1000 miles, but no mattter, Mohammad needed him there, so, lo & behold, & alajazaam, poof!!!, he magically appears there. Mohammad needs to claim Jerusalem of the jews, & faster than you can say, "open sesame", poof!!!, the night journey to the Rock, thereby claiming it for all muslims, for all time, very convienient, don't you think?

love, of course, but as anyone that knows me, I'm not perfect, are you? do you embody the 'salaam' spirit or is it just an intellectual act? & finding out about 'al-taqiyya' changed everthing, not knowing if the people you are discussing things with, are even telling the truth, how can you trust them? many Israelis say that people like Yasser, say one thing in Arabic(for Palestinian consumption) & another in English (for foreign consumption). many non-muslims are therfore caught in that old scene from 'Star Trek', where to trick Mudd's robots, Kirk & Spock pretend that everything he says is a lie, then says "I'm lying", how do you get out of that logic loop? the robots couldn't figure it out, me neither, I'll wait a few years to make up my mind on that, I need more proof of your truth

Well Randolpho look at this from


\Is"lam\, n. [Ar. isl[=a]m obedience to the will of God, submission, humbling one's self, resigning one's self to the divine disposal.

so when Muslims say that Jesus(pbuh) or any other prophet was a muslim they mean that they worshipped nobody else but God. Do you deny that?

poor guy, never went to Mecca, missed it by about a 1000 miles, but no mattter, Mohammad needed him there, so, lo & behold, & alajazaam, poof!!!, he magically appears there.

Who ever said Jesus(pbuh) ever visited Mecca?Muhamaad(pbuh) jorneyed from the rock to heaven not the other way around

love, of course, but as anyone that knows me, I'm not perfect, are you?

No i am far frm perfect but you see the difference is that i am trying to become better while you only flame and incite anger and disrespect in your that "Christ-Like" labeling all muslims terrorists or liars? Are you promoting positive Christianity?

Israelis say that people like Yasser, say one thing in Arabic(for Palestinian consumption) & another in English (for foreign consumption)

Well i dont know anything about that(I know both languages) but i have never heard him give two speeches(one in arabic one in english) it seems to me that the west should be able to decode the arabic one....I mean they did it for the Bin Laden tapes right??....salaam
Randolfo said:
I'm not Jesus, what do you think he would do? & don't tell me bow to Mecca & the Kaa'ba

i just know he would'nt be doing what you are doing!
Some of you guys who are really up on the Muslim/Christian thing please help guide me through this. Let me know if and where my logic goes astray.
Young men want to die a suicide death of martyrdom to get to paradise, right? Why? Because paradise is full of virgins, right? But isn't paradise eternal? If so, whatever virgins there are there will obviously remain virgins. So these poor saps who couldn't get any on earth will really suffer there, because they'll be even more horny watching all the cool chicks with never ever again getting any. Oh well. Somehow the ghost of Hassan, the old man of the mountain, seems to still be playing around. But then, he used hashish to help dupe his followers. Religion can get really really crazy when it's not understood fully. And it can get really really dangerous when it is purposely misleading. And to clarify my own feelings on the subject, I feel that Christians have shown themselves at times to be equally stupid and evil.