Muslims: a question


My reply is as Dr. Cello's. Do you not realize that theodicy is a -field- of theories, with many different ones?
Theories of men.

"Theodicy, therefore, may be defined as an attempt to explain the nature of God through the exercise of reason alone."

Yep mans reason = excrement.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
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all theories are theories of men. including the theory that man-made theories are corrupt and not worth adhering to.

but let's be logical. here is the most commonly phrased form of the problem of evil:
1. natural and human evils exist.
2. god is an omnipotent, omniscient, omnibenevolent being
3. natural and human evil are incompatible with the existence of an omnipotent, omniscient, omnibenevolent being.
4. therefore, god does not exist.

you, being a religious type (however unintelligent), undoubtedly disagree with this proof. why? reconciling the existence of an omnipotent, omniscient, omnibenevolent being with the existence of evil, is called theodicy.
but let's be logical. here is the most commonly phrased form of the problem of evil:
1. natural and human evils exist.
2. god is an omnipotent, omniscient, omnibenevolent being
3. natural and human evil are incompatible with the existence of an omnipotent, omniscient, omnibenevolent being.
4. therefore, god does not exist

Thanks for the example of pure excrement.

Psalm 94
10 He who instructs the nations, shall He not correct,
He who teaches man knowledge?
11 The LORD knows the thoughts of man,
That they are futile.

12 Blessed is the man whom You instruct, O LORD,
And teach out of Your law,

You have got no chance with human logic. If you ever become wise enough to understand that then you will be blessed.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
congratulations! you have just performed a theodicy. one of the worst ever, but a theodicy nonetheless.

EDIT: and before i forget, i should point out that the bible is not persuasive in the least. please give legitimate reasons for me to believe that man's logic is flawed. kthxbye

If human reason is excrement, and God created man in his image, are you not blasphemying against him? In fact, you may well be saying -God's- reasoning is excrement, as we were made to be as he.

Moreover, do you assert that God is good?
dr. cello said:
congratulations! you have just performed a theodicy. one of the worst ever, but a theodicy nonetheless.

EDIT: and before i forget, i should point out that the bible is not persuasive in the least. please give legitimate reasons for me to believe that man's logic is flawed. kthxbye

Just look at history :rolleyes: And look around the world today. Can you see what is in front of your eyes or are you so blinded by pride?

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
Prince_James said:

If human reason is excrement, and God created man in his image, are you not blasphemying against him?

No i am agreeing with God who cast man out of the garden of eden and provided His Son to cover our faultiness

In fact, you may well be saying -God's- reasoning is excrement, as we were made to be as he.

That line of thinking is the same line of thinking that will see satan in torment in the lake of fire for ever and ever. satan made the same claim. That he was the equal of God. So you join in that same thinking, that you where made as God. That James is blasphemy of the highest order, if you believe that then you believe in the deception of satan in the garden.

Moreover, do you assert that God is good?

I assert that God is Just and the Justifier of those that believe Him. He is perfect.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
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i've looked at history. history has produced wonderful things, like Plato, Aristotle, Socrates. it has produced beautiful things, great philosophers and intellects. and thanks to these and others, it has become possible to look at the world and see that it works in a reliable fashion, and that if we study it we can learn more things about it. it has also become possible to test the validity of theories based on what we already know. we have been able to refine mathematics, we have discovered more and more about how the universe works. advances have been made in medical science, in communications, in transit technology--all of this because of logic.

indeed, you would not be able to sit here on an anonymous internet forum and make a complete ass out of yourself were it not for the fact that logic is indeed something that man can accomplish on his own, and learn from, and understand. unfortunately, it requires a mind and the willingness to use it, and you have neither. you are woefully handicapped in this beautifully logical world of ours.
:rolleyes: Yes your a sadly deluded unfortunate. Non of those "thinkers" will save this world from the destruction both coming and now underway.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days

No i am agreeing with God who cast man out of the garden of eden and provided His Son to cover our faultyness.

Faultyness in a creation of God.

That line of thinking is the same line of thinking that will see satan in torment in the lake of fire for ever and ever. satan made the same claim. That he was the equal of God. So you join in that same thinking, that you where made as God. That James is blasphemy of the highest order, if you believe that then you believe in the deception of satan in the garden.

So you deny we were made in God's image?

I assert that God is Just and the Justifier of those that believe Him. He is perfect.

In what manner is he "just"?

Needless to say, you may once again take Dr. Cello's response as my own, too. I agree fully with his words.
Prince_James said:

Faultyness in a creation of God.

James James James your statement is useless and a statement without any backing is pathetic.

Man decided to embrace satans trap because men suffered from the same pride that satan has.

So you deny we were made in God's image?

James read my statement above.

In what manner is he "just"?

He helps the meek but resists the proud :) Oh there are so many things

Needless to say, you may once again take Dr. Cello's response as my own, too. I agree fully with his words.

Well at least Dr Cello can put a few thoughts together in points and right a paragraph of logic trying to back it up. He is a prideful, dismissive and self centered but at least he is an articulate snob.

He is not in the peanut gallery saying yeah what he said, yeah what he said. :rolleyes:

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
Adstar said:
:rolleyes: Yes your a sadly deluded unfortunate. Non of those "thinkers" will save this world from the destruction both coming and now underway.

i'm not seeing any destruction. funny, that.

but here's the really great thing. faulty logic can be refuted, and if you're guided by mystical religious hoodoo then you should be able to refute my logic with more than a red herring argument laced with argumentum ad hominem (logic is invalid because the world is being destroyed? it does not follow. and whether or not i am deluded is irrelevant. if i am, you should have something valid to say to demonstrate this.)

amazing how, even guided by the holy spirit, you still can do nothing more than insult and produce irrelevant conclusions when faced with solid facts and evidence.

for instance: 'faultiness in a creation of God.' Satan is also a creation of God, and you clearly are treating pride as a fault. God created something proud. he then proceeded to create something else which was capable of falling to that pride. is this not a fault? an all-powerful being has the ability to create something which will not rebel against its creator, and rebelling against its creator is quite clearly a flaw. again: please provide logic to back your statements.
Adstar said:
All Praise The Ancient Of Days
How 'bout NO, scotty...why don't you get with the program, and live in the MODERN WORLD.
The year is 2005, not 1005.

James James James your statement is useless and a statement without any backing is pathetic.

Man decided to embrace satans trap because men suffered from the same pride that satan has.

Pride engrained in them by God. Or do you doubt that God was the creator of their pride?

He helps the meek but resists the proud Oh there are so many things

And what makes this just?

Well at least Dr Cello can put a few thoughts together in points and right a paragraph of logic trying to back it up. He is a prideful, dismissive and self centered but at least he is an articulate snob.

He is not in the peanut gallery saying yeah what he said, yeah what he said.

Oooh. Bitey. What happened to turning the other cheek?
Hapsburg said:
How 'bout NO, scotty...why don't you get with the program, and live in the MODERN WORLD.
The year is 2005, not 1005.

Sorry i don't want to be involved in a repeat Rome and play Caligula like the old days. I know what happened to old Rome and the same thing will happen to the repeat version. Your world is not so "Modern" as you think.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
Prince_James said:
Oooh. Bitey. What happened to turning the other cheek?

Well you are right and apologize for that. I am thankful i have the atoning blood of Jesus to cover me when i fall down like that. Its great to be forgiven. :)

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
Adstar said:
Sorry i don't want to be involved in a repeat Rome and play Caligula like the old days. I know what happened to old Rome and the same thing will happen to the repeat version. Your world is not so "Modern" as you think.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days

old Rome fell because of the corrupting influence of Christians. Constantine the Great set about a series of events which ultimately culminated in the downfall of the Roman Empire. however, you're kidding yourself if you think America, or the world at large, is similar to Rome in any real, practical way.