
munim_786 said:

these bloody crusaders were completely barabric and there is no way they were proper Christians.

Thank you for recognising that Christians are not savages
munim_786 said:
glad to see another brain washed westerner.
why thank you, and how are you going to prove that you are not brain-washed?

:D :D :D
skywalker said:
Ya... just worst.
and how would you rate muslims on your scale? angels? saints? average? savages? barbarians? come on, use your logical faculties, be honest, if you can
Randolfo said:
ok, ok, just because I may agree with you on one thing is one thing, why do you still insult the West? By your saying I'm not "just another brainwashed Westerner", you are implying that all Westerners are.
so, are muslims also brain-washed? & if so, how so? what degree of brain-washing do they possess? 100%, 75%, 50%, 25%, or a little-bitty 2%?

what degree of brain-washing is in the West? do they cancel each other out?
Randolfo said:
and how would you rate muslims on your scale? angels? saints? average? savages? barbarians? come on, use your logical faculties, be honest, if you can

Horrible, on my scale there are plenty of horrible muslims just as in any other religion muslims needs guts to come out and admit it. However christians i mean pagans are no angles either. You know it. :p
skywalker said:
Horrible, on my scale there are plenty of horrible muslims just as in any other religion muslims needs guts to come out and admit it. However christians i mean pagans are no angles either. You know it. :p

Yes I know what you mean - Christians don't have a many terrorists as Muslims do - and Christians don't hit the news everyday with violence.

Come on Christians you must try harder - why should Muslims get all the press. :D
skywalker said:
Horrible, on my scale there are plenty of horrible muslims just as in any other religion muslims needs guts to come out and admit it.
hah, now we are getting somewhere, glad you admitted it, Westerners have never been shy about the truth, not they are perfect, but find out about "realpolitic", the socialist critique of the West, read articles on the East-West confrontation. People disagree, but real facts are put on the table, just ideology colors what you see. I for one do not give Reagan any credit fo rthe fall of the Soviet Empire, it was bound to crumble, just happened on his watch
hey wheres that Americano got off to? anyway just a little treat for him :D


"They misunderestimated me." —George W. Bush

"They want the federal government controlling Social Security like it's some kind of federal program." —George W. Bush

"This is an impressive crowd. The haves and the have-mores. Some people call you the elite. I call you my base" —George W. Bush.

"That's a chapter, the last chapter of the 20th, 20th, the 21st century that most of us would rather forget. The last chapter of the 20th century. This is the first chapter of the 21st century." —George W. Bush, reflecting on the Lewinsky scandal.

"The idea of putting subliminable messages into ads is ridiculous." —George W. Bush

"You think if you get elected, Gore will try to take credit for it?" —Jay Leno to Bush

More Funny George Bush Quotes
"The vast majority of our imports come from outside the country."

"If we don't succeed, we run the risk of failure."

"I have made good judgments in the past. I have made good judgments in the future."

"We're going to have the best educated American people in the world."

"Public speaking is very easy."

"A low voter turnout is an indication of fewer people going to the polls."

"It isn't pollution that's harming the environment. It's the impurities in our air and water that are doing it."

"I stand by all the misstatements that I've made."
Americano said:
SHUT UP! stupid euros. WAR IS RIGHT. WE will do whatever it takes to save the americans. WE will attack your country if we have to. All of the europe NEEFDS USA. USA Don't NEED YOUR EUROPE> JUST JOIN US or JOIN THEM and we will deal you.

if you wanna get your soldiers killed in Iraq the go ahead. if you want to think that the $300 Billion spent on the war is right your and idiot. it is costing the US $6 Billion per month for 100,000 troops. this is now increased becasue there are now going to be 135,000. America will keep soldiers/contractors and workers in Iraq for ATLEAT 3 years.

also, you milatry is shameful :mad: . the worlds most advanced army. unlimited supplies, years of training for each soldier, bullet proof vests, night vision, mortar radars, backup of tanks, planes, helicopters and 135,000 troops. but as the 10,000+ American soldiers injured and 563 dead have found out. IT DOESNT PROTECT YOU FROM TEENAGERS WHO ONLY KNOW HOW TO USE A GUN. no training, no bullet proof vests, no tanks, helis, fighters, night vision, bulolet proof vests, NUFFIN!!!!!!!!!!
Hey!! Xpreach,

Let me tell ya, I don't agree with all the crap going on M.E. I didn't support our troops going there or beggining the frigging war, however it only took less than 3 week to take control of this country, you, like to give crap to our troops? Hell no army in the world has ever taken out a country in a 3 weeks!!.

Oh!! Another note, why are we getting our ass kiked in Irag as of lately? this real simple, our troops have their freaking hands tied, it's all political man, they try and follow stupid ass rules of confrontation, when they are broken, every one screams, foul. Let me tell ya something bud, if it were up to our generals with out having their hands tied behind their back there wouldn't be any insurgens, cause the retaliation would be disastrous, the amount of lives taken innocent or otherwise, would be immence as if it were not already, compared to apx, 600 americans losing their lives for this war, does not do anything to the amount of lives lost by Iragis, which is considerably more than just 600 souls, I don't agree with the fucking ordeal at all, it's a fiasco, however our troops are there because they chose to have better lives, they do what they are asked, they give their lives for what they believe it's right. Hell even though we know that the "Jack ass" that sent them is an idiot, ya shouldn't go blaming our troops as incompetent!!. BTW ass wipe, Have you ever served?.
