
as i said at the other thread about this whole israel / palestine ...

Muslim leaders (With the help of the soviet KGB) have speacially created the israeli - palestinian problem to unit all muslims of the world on protection of "Unfortunate Palestinians"
Their task to prepare muslems for struggle against the West
And the West having believed in emancipating war of Palestinians, itself helps muslems to prepare for terrorists to destroy Europe and America
If not give the god they will win Israel , nothing will stop them in destruction of the West
You are deceived with press and TV with the help of Muslim propagation
You do not understand what muslems want
Think and look that already occurs now
Muslems blow up people in Europe and America in exact manner As blow up Israelis
Israel is training camp for muslems and last bastion against capture by them the West
You never excited what occurs to Israelis
And now you have the same problems and the same war as us
You as ostriches wanted to thrust a head in sand
And anything did not excite you
Also it was always a pity "unfortunate Palestinians"
Which blow up hundreds Israelis.
with your support you do not give Israel itself to protect as it is necessary
And it is necessary simply to destroy the enemy
You boycott Israel and Israel cannot apply the force to win Muslim fascists

eventually , the world won't tolerate this behavior for long ...
and all muslims will suffer more than everybody else .
they will be treated as rats , and will be transferred from europe and other country's back to their friend country's ..

good / bad muslim , radical/non-radical , extreme ,whatever ...
nobody will listen to what muslims got to say , nobody is going to care anymore .

they will bring this all on themselves .
NetSpider said:
good / bad muslim , radical/non-radical , extreme ,whatever ...
nobody will listen to what muslims got to say , nobody is going to care anymore .
they will bring this all on themselves .

I think that over a billion people can talk very nicely within themselves. When we are done with our huge party, we'll call you to discuss other issues and it won't hurt our feeling if you don't listen. We only enjoy talking, who cares if you are listening or not.

I would sure not like to see more than a billion people bring on anything...because it'll be this huge tidal wave that won't ask you to raise your arm if you are muslim before it destroys humanity. Let's all be friends, our earth is too little to rock the tiny boat. The same bullet that you fire in the air, may come down and hunt you back.
Flores said:
Let's all be friends, our earth is too little to rock the tiny boat. The same bullet that you fire in the air, may come down and hunt you back.
Its nice to see people living in a dream land ...

this is exactly what based the muslim propaganda on , people like you .
peaceful people can be deceived easily , this is why Europe is Easy Prey .

i wonder how much blood need to be spiled , that people understand what is going on ...
NetSpider said:
Its nice to see people living in a dream land ...

this is exactly what based the muslim propaganda on , people like you .
peaceful people can be deceived easily , this is why Europe is Easy Prey .

i wonder how much blood need to be spiled , that people understand what is going on ...

IN THE POST ON THE TOPE OF THIS PAGE you said Muslims are using the media to generate propaganda. you jackass, Israel/jews own almost all of the worlds media and also the big world wide businesses. the ones they dont own are all zionists.
Bells said:
For once I will agree with you Vienna (does it scare you as much as it does me?). The US invading Iraq will only end up in the same way as the war in Vietnam. The notions of the west and intervention for humanitarian reasons is a fallacy. Our past proves that and lets hope our future changes that.

It is when we have despots such as Bush, Blaire and Howard in power who are pushing fear and hate onto their populations that the hate and violence will continue. Islam is not to blame for terrorism. Humanity is to blame, because to hate is to feed people who perpetrate acts of terror.
I said in my post of November last year that this Iraq war will end up like the Vietnam war. It hasn't yet but it's still on track.

This war has turned out to be a horrible farse. You cannot force Democracy on a nation that doesn't want it - anymore than Islam on a nation that doesn't want it. Iraq has and always will be Islamic, and under Islamic rule, and one way or another, it will stay that way, and they will fight till the last drop.

Now if little old me can understand that, but the great leaders of the Western nations can't, then something is very wrong.
munim_786 said:
IN THE POST ON THE TOPE OF THIS PAGE you said Muslims are using the media to generate propaganda. you jackass, Israel/jews own almost all of the worlds media and also the big world wide businesses. the ones they dont own are all zionists.
Its BS , almost all europe owend by muslims ...

and its not about the media , its the way that the muslims run this whole dirty plan , and its working .

make people belive that they do it from a reason ... and prove something .
damn the world is MAD !

Originally Posted by Vienna
I said in my post of November last year that this Iraq war will end up like the Vietnam war. It hasn't yet but it's still on track.

This war has turned out to be a horrible farse. You cannot force Democracy on a nation that doesn't want it - anymore than Islam on a nation that doesn't want it. Iraq has and always will be Islamic, and under Islamic rule, and one way or another, it will stay that way, and they will fight till the last drop.

Now if little old me can understand that, but the great leaders of the Western nations can't, then something is very wrong.
You really think its all about making Democracy in iraq ?
well yes , it's just a part ...
what the USA did is : preventing more global damage that could happen in the future ...
now they in the middle of Muslim country's ... they got some control over the region .
Iran , Afganistan , syria , and some pakistan control ...
this iraq , is just a start .
thank god they did that .
NetSpider said:
Its BS , almost all europe owend by muslims ...

Wrong, Europe - or almost all Europe (as you put it) is NOT owned by muslims, although I don't doubt that is their intention. There are great numbers of muslims in Europe, but they will never "own" Europe, much in the same way that the West will never "own" the Middle East.

what the USA did is : preventing more global damage that could happen in the future ...

Please tell me how, by invading Iraq has prevented more global damage that could happen in the future. The only things I have noted are the absence of WMDs, unnecessary killings on both sides, the absence of control over the invaded country, and the absence of reason to invade Iraq.

now they in the middle of Muslim country's ... they got some control over the region...

What control?????

Iran , Afganistan , syria , and some pakistan control ...
this iraq , is just a start ...

You are quite right - It IS a start.

But the start of what I wonder......"Opening a can of worms" springs to mind.
Listen , about those WMD ... bush will tell everything about them when the time is right (Election) ...

What control?????

you don't think that being there won't change anything ?

why do you think Kadafi agreed to play along and give away WMD and cope with the USA ?

those things don't happen from no reason .

listen , i know lots of americans don't get why they invaded to iraq...
what the hell we need this ? just wasting money ....

i belive by that act , lots of bad things prevented ...
maybe you won't notice them ... and its better like that .

but what if nothing been done by the USA?
and something really bad happend in the future ... ppl will start to say : why nobody tried to prevent this .

you see , people care about what they have at the moment ...
at this moment they think iraq invasion was bad idea , they lots money ...
and economics sucks .

but economics will grow with time .
this is what they don't understand .
NetSpider said:
Listen , about those WMD ... bush will tell everything about them when the time is right (Election) ...

Netspider - are you for fucking real - fuck your election. If Bush has any explanations to why he used the excuse of the WMD he better start telling the world NOW.

This isn't just about American politics - this is about peoples lives being lost because of an illegal war. Bush started it, he dragged his poodle Blair into it, they sidestepped the United Nations, and because of Bush & Co innocent people have lost their lives. So pardon me if I seem annoyed at your comments - but you can stuff Bush and his election up where the sun don't shine. Ask Bush to write apologetic letters to all the families who have lost their loved ones for NO FUCKING REASON.

you don't think that being there won't change anything ?...

It isn't changing anything, the troops have not the control they desire over Iraq. The Iraqi people want us out - pronto. And the sooner the better.

why do you think Kadafi agreed to play along and give away WMD and cope with the USA ?...

Now that is one MF that I do not trust, I would sooner trust Saddam - and I'm not joking.

i belive by that act , lots of bad things prevented ...
maybe you won't notice them ... and its better like that ....

Tell me what bad things have been prevented, and how do you know this?

And why is what better like that?

but what if nothing been done by the USA?
and something really bad happend in the future ... ppl will start to say : why nobody tried to prevent this ....
Things are still happening today if you haven't noticed - terrorism is thriving.

but economics will grow with time .
this is what they don't understand ...

Whose economics - Americas?
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Vienna said:
Please tell me how, by invading Iraq has prevented more global damage that could happen in the future. The only things I have noted are the absence of WMDs, unnecessary killings on both sides, the absence of control over the invaded country, and the absence of reason to invade Iraq.


SHUT UP! stupid euros. WAR IS RIGHT. WE will do whatever it takes to save the americans. WE will attack your country if we have to. All of the europe NEEFDS USA. USA Don't NEED YOUR EUROPE> JUST JOIN US or JOIN THEM and we will deal you.
skywalker said:
But yet christians have killed more people in the worlds in all the wars and genocides etc then muslims. Why is that?

More genocides and more wars started and fought by christians then muslims. Why is that??

Since you claimed that Christianity is the only peacful religion of the world. *sigh*

Huh I guess you are taking advantage of people not knowing the Arab history in order to make this comment.

In fact islam when it started to spread was spread by the sword as the Koran says all across north Africa and up till China Millions where killed in these Crusades also the crusades had two peoples battling each other and I am pretty sure that both sides killed in the name of the Same God.

Lets not forget what the Turks did to the Greeks and the Armenians.

Well I know that Christainty at the 1400 mark was very bloody but people didnt know better then. I know also that you guys are at your 1400 for Islam but with the Knowleage we have today we should be getting better not worse.
NetSpider said:
Its BS , almost all europe owend by muslims ...

and its not about the media , its the way that the muslims run this whole dirty plan , and its working .

make people belive that they do it from a reason ... and prove something .
damn the world is MAD !

You really think its all about making Democracy in iraq ?
well yes , it's just a part ...
what the USA did is : preventing more global damage that could happen in the future ...
now they in the middle of Muslim country's ... they got some control over the region .
Iran , Afganistan , syria , and some pakistan control ...
this iraq , is just a start .
thank god they did that .

America and all it's allies are poking a hole in the boat they're in. I don't know where you are spider but if you are in their boat I sure hope you know how to swim :eek: :eek:
NetSpider said:
You really think its all about making Democracy in iraq ?
well yes , it's just a part ...
what the USA did is : preventing more global damage that could happen in the future ...
now they in the middle of Muslim country's ... they got some control over the region .
Iran , Afganistan , syria , and some pakistan control ...
this iraq , is just a start .
thank god they did that .

Oh shit that's the funniest thing I've read in a long long time.

You're saying thank God they ILLEGALLY invaded another country and killed thousands of innocent people? Are you for real? Next you're probably going to tell us that the Earth is flat and the sun is a giant light bulb in the sky plugged into a generator out the back.

And on a side note... their invading another country for oil has not given them control over the region. Read the news child and you tell me how much control they really have.

i belive by that act , lots of bad things prevented ...
maybe you won't notice them ... and its better like that .

but what if nothing been done by the USA?
and something really bad happend in the future ... ppl will start to say : why nobody tried to prevent this .
Oh my lord... HA HA HA HAHA HAAAA HAHAHAHAAAAAA you have got to be kidding me. By ILLEGALLY invading Iraq, they have now ensured that bad things will happen in the future.

SHUT UP! stupid euros. WAR IS RIGHT. WE will do whatever it takes to save the americans. WE will attack your country if we have to. All of the europe NEEFDS USA. USA Don't NEED YOUR EUROPE> JUST JOIN US or JOIN THEM and we will deal you.
Really? You will do whatever it takes to save the Americans? Oh bless you! Now if you really want to save the Americans, take them out of Iraq for starters. That would save a couple of thousands American soldiers for starters. The reason that Americans are dying is because of their stupid foreign policy and because of the manner in which they continuously intervene in the politics of other countries and try to impose their warped sense of democracy on other States. Americans are dying because they ILLEGALLY invade other countries under false pretenses. Americans are dying because they have a dickhead of a leader who's only on an oil grab.

And you tell the American industries and farmers that they don't need Europe. I'm sure they'll agree with you when the money in the bank starts to dry up.
Americano you [deleted]. i have no problem with America but i do have a problem with its goverment and [deleted]. America will end up killing itself (with the aid of a bunch of Soviets, Nazis, Israelis (once they get sick of you) and loads and laods of terrorists).

America has been at war since 1775. The US has never been at peace. The following are considered major conflicts: Revolutionary War (1775-1783), War of 1812 (1812-1815), Mexican War (1846-1848), Civil War (1861-1865), Spanish American War (1898), World War I (1917-1918), World War II (1941-1945), Korean War (1950-1953), Vietnam War (1964-1972), and the Gulf War I (1990-1991). And that list excludes the invasion of Panama, Grenada, Serbia, Gulf War II and a whole slew of covert actions that overthrew governments the world over. The future holds Iran, North Korea, Syria, Colombia, Nepal, Sri Lanka and, arguably, the entire planet.

AND AMERICA WILL KILL ITSELF. THE MORE illegal crap it does to people the more pissed people will become and the moree terrorists will emerge. it is inevitbale that anti-americajn terrorrist will one day heave nukes. EVERYONE HATES AMERICA it just there to scared to do anything but this is changing.
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Joe said:
Huh I guess you are taking advantage of people not knowing the Arab history in order to make this comment.

In fact islam when it started to spread was spread by the sword as the Koran says all across north Africa and up till China Millions where killed in these Crusades also the crusades had two peoples battling each other and I am pretty sure that both sides killed in the name of the Same God.

Lets not forget what the Turks did to the Greeks and the Armenians.

Well I know that Christainty at the 1400 mark was very bloody but people didnt know better then. I know also that you guys are at your 1400 for Islam but with the Knowleage we have today we should be getting better not worse.

you cant blame people's religion for their actions. anyway if you think Christinaty isn;t bloody do the maths, in WW 2 56.4 Million dead (started by a Christian country and finished by one), WW 1 20 Million dead. these 2 wars alone have killed 80 Million people. so in ONE CENTURY they have killed 80 million people.

also since were on the subject of the crusades. the crusaders wanted to go to Jeruselum and give it Christian rule. but they created the whole fu*king problem in the first place becasue in Jeruselam MUSLIMS, CHRISTAINS and JEWS were living PEACEFULLY side by side. each of the religions respected eachother and each traded with eachother and let each other practice religion in PEACE. as a symbol of each religions tolernace for each other. daily, a Muslim opened the door for the Christians to pray and vice versa as a symbol of everyones tolerance to eachother. all religion lived in HARMONY. this is what religion should be and is a great example of all religion tolerance and respect to eachother.

but then the foriegn crusadrers came.

these bloody crusaders were completely barabric and there is no way they were proper Christians. the looted villages, raped women, slashed the bellies of pregnant women. they didn;t want this racial harmony they wanted power so attacked the Muslims and Jews even though they were living peacfully. everyone was outraged, even the Christians of Jerusalem becaue they had been living peacfully with Muslims & Jews but there was nothing these simple villagers could do.

anywaym the rest is history there were various battles etc. blah blah.
Joe said:
Huh I guess you are taking advantage of people not knowing the Arab history in order to make this comment.

In fact islam when it started to spread was spread by the sword as the Koran says all across north Africa and up till China Millions where killed in these Crusades also the crusades had two peoples battling each other and I am pretty sure that both sides killed in the name of the Same God.

Lets not forget what the Turks did to the Greeks and the Armenians.

Well I know that Christainty at the 1400 mark was very bloody but people didnt know better then. I know also that you guys are at your 1400 for Islam but with the Knowleage we have today we should be getting better not worse. have no idead what you are talking about. Read the history of islam and how it was spread. You online scholars are the worst when it comes anything about history or today's events. Sad bunch.

Hey kido read and then come back
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Randolfo said:
ok, ok, just because I may agree with you on one thing is one thing, why do you still insult the West? By your saying I'm not "just another brainwashed Westerner", you are implying that all Westerners are. And you are implying that it is bad

I think all people are brain-washed to one degree or another, muslims too. most people just don't know it, because that is the object & subject of our education & culture, to make us members of "this" or "that" group, that's where logic, philosophy & science come in, to help you see through the 'haze', they & the West are not perfect, even with those 'tools' you can still be dumb, but its a start.

And if anyone is wondering why I am a Christian, well suffice it to say, that I come awful close to being a "british empiricist" & logically, I could never answer what came before the "Big Bang" (cause & effect), or why life evolved on our pale blue dot (the 'spark of life') or why it took so long for modern man to create civilizations (what was that 'spark'?)
e=mc2, where did the e come from to start the process? oscillating or steady-state universes are not good enough for me

I believe that God said, "Let there be light", & there was light, the "Big Bang" in human terms.
I find Christianity truly "Universal", the others are too tribal; islam is too arabic, & Judaism is too jewish & if our God really created the Universe, well, He has to be “universal”
glad to see another brain washed westerner. :D :D :D