Muslim women

Preacher_X said:
here im explaining why women get half;

if my and my sis were to inherit money then i would get $10,000 and me sis $5,000

this is BETTER for my my SIS cos i would be OBLIGED to take care of my relatives,pay zakat, buy things for my wife, pay for families education, health, gifts etc. so id be getting doh mainly for my my wife & kids.

my sis would have no responsibilties (maybe zakat im not sure). so she would have a $5000 SHOPPING SPREE lucky gyal. :mad:
Oh you must be joking? Please tell me that this is all a joke so that I can stop wanting to scream out loud.

What if your sister is widowed and it is only she who has to support herself and her children and you are unmarried with no relatives to support. Would you still consider it... what's the word that's appropriate here... 'fair' that you get twice the amount that she gets?
Bells said:
Oh you must be joking? Please tell me that this is all a joke so that I can stop wanting to scream out loud.

What if your sister is widowed and it is only she who has to support herself and her children and you are unmarried with no relatives to support. Would you still consider it... what's the word that's appropriate here... 'fair' that you get twice the amount that she gets?

that's the point you need to remember, if his sister is in that situation he is
(the brother ) obliged by islam to work his butt out to make sure she and her children are fed and clothed and in need for nothing otherwise Allah will punish him.
Rather a woman in Islam has no obligation what so ever to share her money with any one not even her husband or children ( or her brither who is a widow and has a bandle of children) unless unless unless she chose to, that's how much Islam respect a woman :cool:

When you hear stories about woman abused in the east country it all has to do with this circle of culture and traditions actually nothing to do with Islam.
Proud_Muslim said:
The Noble Verse above is quite clear about providing either one reliable man or 2 reliable women (in substitution to him) in any court. But why did Allah Almighty order such a law? What is the wisdom behind it?

The Noble Verse above does not in anyway talk about women's intelligence or memory capabilities or brains. It is simply talking about the women's complete integrity. Women are by far more emotional than men. This by itself will effect the woman's ACCURACY in her witness if she is asked to explain what happened in a certain event.

Let us look at few differences between men and women to understand better:

1- Women have a lot more patience and emotions in them than men. This is one of the blessings that Allah Almighty had created in women to enable them to raise children. Men do not have enough patience in them, nor enough loving emotions in them to raise children.

2- Women can easily get frightened. Man can't. It takes a lot to frighten a normal average man.

Let us look at the following Saying from Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him:

Narrated Abu Said Al-Khudri: "The Prophet said, "Isn't the witness of a woman equal to half of that of a man?" The women said, "Yes." He said, "This is because of the deficiency of a woman's mind." (Translation of Sahih Bukhari, Witnesses, Volume 3, Book 48, Number 826)"

Notice very carefully here that Prophet Muhammad said "woman's mind" and not "woman's brain". No where in any Islamic doctrine do we see any ridiculous uneducated and unscientific claim against women or anyone. The women's brains and ability to think is not what is being criticized here. It is as I said above their complete integrity. Notice how Allah Almighty said in the Noble Verse " is juster in the sight of God, More suitable as evidence, and more convenient to prevent doubts among yourselves...(The Noble Quran, 2:282)" So it is the perfect justice and the 100% complete accuracy that Allah Almighty is concerned about here.

Oh lord where does one even begin? By this article, you have portrayed women to be blithering emotional fools. A woman's mind? A woman's mind is deficient because she may be prone to be more emotional to men? How so? And the she frightens more easily than a man. I have seen my father run screaming in terror when he saw a spider in the hallway and my mother calmly walked up to it and put it on a piece of newspaper and put it in the backyard. She came back in and found us standing near the front door ready to bolt in case it got away. I have seen men reduced to absolute shakes at the sight of blood at car accidents... shakes to such an extent that an extra ambulance had to be called to treat him and the police who were questioning him about what he'd seen ended up having to question me as I administered first aid to the people in the crash... and the guys were not even involved in the crash. I have seen many a man break down on witness stands when questioned about what they'd witnessed and in the end the men's testimony was discounted because it was too emotional. So do not give me that piece of crap about women being too emotional and too prone to be frightened. A woman's mind is just as capable as a man's in any circumstance.
daisy250 said:
that's the point you need to remember, if his sister is in that situation he is
(the brother ) obliged by islam to work his butt out to make sure she and her children are fed and clothed and in need for nothing otherwise Allah will punish him.
Rather a woman in Islam has no obligation what so ever to share her money with any one not even her husband or children ( or her brither who is a widow and has a bandle of children) unless unless unless she chose to, that's how much Islam respect a woman :cool:

When you hear stories about woman abused in the east country it all has to do with this circle of culture and traditions actually nothing to do with Islam.

And the next point to remember is that your point doesnt actually work. Else these Sisters in Islam wont be saying this...

So does the quran in that matter makes things better, or does it makes things worst? Bottom line is that in the quran men have better rights than women. Poor women.
Bells said:

Oh lord where does one even begin? By this article, you have portrayed women to be blithering emotional fools. A woman's mind? A woman's mind is deficient because she may be prone to be more emotional to men? How so? And the she frightens more easily than a man. I have seen my father run screaming in terror when he saw a spider in the hallway and my mother calmly walked up to it and put it on a piece of newspaper and put it in the backyard. She came back in and found us standing near the front door ready to bolt in case it got away. I have seen men reduced to absolute shakes at the sight of blood at car accidents... shakes to such an extent that an extra ambulance had to be called to treat him and the police who were questioning him about what he'd seen ended up having to question me as I administered first aid to the people in the crash... and the guys were not even involved in the crash. I have seen many a man break down on witness stands when questioned about what they'd witnessed and in the end the men's testimony was discounted because it was too emotional. So do not give me that piece of crap about women being too emotional and too prone to be frightened. A woman's mind is just as capable as a man's in any circumstance.

I would say a womens mind is more capable in many or most areas given equal education and opportunity. Seeing as how we men have managed to do such a spectacular job with this world :eek: I think it is laughable that we can call women feeble minded. Don't worry PM will come and backtrack and tell you how wonderful life is for muslim women then he will bombard us with more islamo links grasping at any straw he can to show how enlightened islam is in regards to women. Oh and 1 more thing with regards to womens weakness. My mother is a nurse and in her 45 years experience she has seen that men are actually much more faint hearted when giving blood than women (myself excluded of course ;) ).
Another telling statistic regarding the state of women in islamic countries check the female literacy rates. You see there is a global band that pretty much encompasses the muslim world where female literacy is far below male literacy.

female literacy

That trend goes hand in hand with female fertility which many muslims are so proud is high in the muslim world. Part of the reason islam may be the fastest growing religion (if it is) is because lower female literacy means higher birth rates

female literacy and birth rates
Let us look at how Islam and the Bible view women, and see in real Truth how terrible the women's status would be if they were living under a true Christian state that follows the Bible 100%:

Obviously very few people follow the bible 100%, and very few people follow Islam 100%. It is an error to frame the debate about the role of women in middle eastern culture as a debate between Islam and Christianity, because neither Islam nor Christianity are people, they are abstract ideas. Middle eastern culture is influenced by Islam, but it is not solely Islam. Western culture is influenced by Christianity, but it is not Christianity.
:rolleyes: Sometimes, heavy things float, like icebergs - OR fat Americans .. hehe … Sorry about that!

I think that the Qur’an and the Bible are both classic examples of the way things were back then, especially in that time period in that place. Lets face it, the Qur’an, and various Islamic literature, says such things. And so does the Bible. Go figure that they're both from the same culture, would you expect anything else?

Historically they are significance however, in terms of ethical guidelines they are absolute crap. Not that is matters. These books are not what determine how people behave. People behave the way their societies (and or families) teach them to behave. Weather they know it or not. Many women in the ME are treated poorly and/or have no rights – not because of the Qur’an (that’s just a product of ME culture) but because of ME culture.

For example. Does the Bible say it’s OK to own slaves? Should we own slaves? Does the Qur’an say it’s OK to own slaves? Is it Islamic to own and sell slaves? Probably, today, most people who believe in either religion would say no and quote some crap verse somewhere. However, Muslims and Christians both bought and sold African slaves in the past (and for MUCH much longer then they haven’t). I’m sure the Christian and Islamic people back then knew it was fine and dandy with the Bible/Qur’an to buy and sell people. America and Arabia had a sweet little deal with those East African slaves. Fast forward to today. Slavery is now wrong. Because of the Bible or the Qur’an? No. Society has changed. Particularly European.

So don’t blame the Qur’an for the way women are treated in the ME. Middle Easterners could have a Bible and be Christians and they’d still be treating women as they do. It’s simply IN SOME of the ME culture to honor kill, and treat women second to men, etc. And, if you ask them - they treat women great! And women like it, or they should, and many do! Why? - the culture. Even PM said Saudi Arabia is a great plac - of course he's man, never mind women can't drive.

The sad thing is, really bright people put their brain on hold and - well if its in the Bible/Qur’an it must be Gods own words and if a religious guy tells me its OK then it must be OK!

In that vain, Here’s a quote from Ayatollah Khomeini, I’m sure a insperation was God her self, must have been, why else would Khomeini be an Ayatollah? Probably some of what was quoted at the start of this Post was contemplated over by the Ayatollah prior to writing such shit:

From Ayatollah Khomeini, in his book Tahrirolvasyleh,
A man can have sexual pleasure from a child as young as a baby. However he should not penetrate, sodomising the child is OK. If the man penetrates and damages the child then he should be responsible for her subsistence all her life. This girl, however does not count as one of his four permanent wives.

The man will not be eligible to marry the girls sister. …

It is better for a girl to marry in such a time when she would begin menstruation at her husband's house rather than her father's home. Any father marrying his daughter so young will have a permanent place in heaven.

The quote is From Khomeini's book, "Tahrirolvasyleh", fourth volume, Darol Elm, Gom, Iran, 1990 in case you want to give it a read.

I don’t know about you, but I haven’t seen such a revered Western leader publish anything even close – although I’m sure many would be in agreement - Need I go into the millions of Catholics, Jehovah Witnesses, Baptist, Methodists, etcetera who would be right here with the guy?

Anyway, the treatment of ME women is
1) poorly by our standards and prejudice and
2) the culture of the ME as it has been for 5000 years.
regardless of what book you worship from or which gods you worship.
Michael said:
Historically they are significance however, in terms of ethical guidelines they are absolute crap.

It is true to some extent.

ME culture predates Islam and inevitably Islam (Quran and Haddith) has the influence of that culture. Many verses in Quran seems to be specific to what was prevalent at that time and place. Even after 500 years of its existance Christianity could not make significant in roads inside Arabia. Simply, Christianity was not found to be suitable by the natives. Their Pagan believes got well with their way of life.

In that circumstances Islam was the best thing to happen to them at that time. It was successful in uniting and herding them into a more disciplned life through fear of Allah. Ironically, the word of Allah had to be taken literally, initially ,for consolidation thereby blocking any further evolution of religious thoughts. Adopting Isalm into local cultures, as done in Indonesia, would release Islam from its certain unsuitable arab specific character like violence, keeping down women etc. This requires proper interpretation of Quran in proper context. Fundamental backlash should always be expected in that case. Overcoming that is the key for Islam's future.
spidergoat said:
Let us look at how Islam and the Bible view women, and see in real Truth how terrible the women's status would be if they were living under a true Christian state that follows the Bible 100%: p
Obviously very few people follow the bible 100%, and very few people follow Islam 100%. It is an error to frame the debate about the role of women in middle eastern culture as a debate between Islam and Christianity, because neither Islam nor Christianity are people, they are abstract ideas. Middle eastern culture is influenced by Islam, but it is not solely Islam. Western culture is influenced by Christianity, but it is not Christianity.
And christians could follow the bible 100% in a manner you dont expect. Remember that the bible isnt purely literal.

Some christians sects already do believe they are following the bible 100%, their way. Like the "Ang Dating Daan" sect in the Philippines.
Michael said:
:rolleyes: Sometimes, heavy things float, like icebergs - OR fat Americans .. hehe … Sorry about that!

Sorry to burst your analogy buble but you are confusing water properties with solid properties. Ice is actually lighter than water with a lower density than water. Ice float because it's lighter. Density is mass over volume. Ice have the same mass as water but larger volume, thus it has a lower density and that makes it float and expand. Ancient Egyptians used to trap water between stone and cool it, the larger lighter ice would act as dynamite force in construction demolition
Bells another example of the weakness of women from todays paper here in Norway ;)
Bank robbery in Stavanger

There was a brutal bank robbery last week here (unusual for Norway) As the robbers were breaking in and the other bank employees were fleeing the woman in the pictures went back into the bank grabbed the stacks of money from the desk and hid them so the theives wouldn't get their hands on it :cool:

Feeble my arse.
The man's only advantage over women is BRUTE STRENGTH.

But with some skill and a Hatori Hanzo samurai sword even The Bride was able to kill all the men of the Crazy 88s. Also feeble looking bride was able to Kill Bill.

DoctorNO said:
The man's only advantage over women is BRUTE STRENGTH.

Actually, men have no advantage whatsoever over women. All we need is one good bull around for breeding and after we use the sperm, we should act like the spider females and eat the puney male for added energy.

I'm thinking hard here and I can't think about one single advantage to warrant for keeping men around. Cucumbers and bananas can substitute very nicely.
Flores said:
Sorry to burst your analogy buble but you are confusing water properties with solid properties. Ice is actually lighter than water with a lower density than water. Ice float because it's lighter. Density is mass over volume. Ice have the same mass as water but larger volume, thus it has a lower density and that makes it float and expand...
Flores I was just trying to be funny :) Anyway, that doesn’t explain those 800lb “big boned” Americans I see floating in line at McDonalds!!

Just another joke :)

I'm thinking hard here and I can't think about one single advantage to warrant for keeping men around.
if trained properly we make good house pets :D

Here's something from CNN:
France to expel imam who preached wife-beating

You see I think it's just culture.
Flores said:

I'm thinking hard here and I can't think about one single advantage to warrant for keeping men around. Cucumbers and bananas can substitute very nicely.

Obviously you speak with experience here.... LOL!!!

:D :D :D
spidergoat said:
The bible says to stone adulterers, but how often does that happen now in America? Never. The muslim world has a long way to go still with women's rights, and they have the inertia of history and custom to overcome.

Maybe some muslims actually follow their religion or something. Its a possibility.