Originally Posted by Michael
The story as printed from the News agency ArabNews.com.
Here is the story they printed:
"Abdullah ibn Khatal used to be a Muslim. The Prophet once sent him to collect zakah from people who lived far away. He traveled with another man and a servant of his who was a Muslim. At one stage on the way they stopped. He gave the servant orders to slaughter a big goat and prepare food for him while he himself went to sleep. When he woke up, he discovered that the servant had not done anything. He killed his servant and, fearing the Prophet’s punishment, reverted to idolatry. He also had two slave girls who used to sing for him and for his companions songs full of abuse of the Prophet. The Prophet’s instructions specified that the two slave girls should also be killed. The man was killed as he was actually holding on to the coverings of the Kaaba. Abu Barzah Al-Aslami and Saeed ibn Hurayth Al-Makhzumi killed him along with one of his slave girls. The other managed to flee until someone sought a special pardon for her from the Prophet, which he granted."
OK: to start the discussion the parameter is defined as to determine whether you, the reader, thinks that the protagonist in the story acted morally or immorally.
The question is phrased: Is it moral or is immoral to instruct someone to kill the two slave girls for singing songs that are full of abuse?
There are two choices here
1) moral
2) immoral
why? just answer the questionNow I'm pissed.::bugeye::
believe it? yes, because from the earliest encounters between muslims & others (what you would call infidels), islam always chose the war angle, see examples;Bugger off. Do you believe this story? Why? Because it was given by a Christian missionary? Even there there are no other citations to back it up? If you believe this story, do you believe the more highly cited story about the moon split, if not why not?
settled in Yatrib, started banditry & then war with Mecca
conquered area around Yatrib, then Mecca
then Arabian peninsula, then went after Byzantine, Persian, central Asia, north Africa, Spain
they did this not with holy men, reciting the quran, preaching "salaam, salaam, my brother"
but with arrogant letters demanding conversion, then the sword followed
islam took via the sword, it had no one to condemn its actions, because those that did, lost their heads, now that you have to defend your ancestors previous actions, you must taqiyya, use jihad of the pen, jihad of the propaganda mill, because you received the sugar-coated version of history, wherein never would muslims lie, cheat, steal, kill, rape or pillage, it was always the other guys, those big, bad, evil infidels, by golly, always spreading lies about the good, sweet people, that say to others, "islam means peace".
when in reality, "islam means submission, so you better do it or else"
Read these & decide
In the name of God, the Merciful, the Compassionate
From Muhammad, God's Messenger, to Khusrow, the King of Persia. Greetings to the followers of the right path, to those obedient to God and His Prophet, to those who bear witness to God's Oneness, who worship the One God, and who bear witness to the prophecy of God's servant, Muhammad.
Truly I call upon you to obey God's command and convert to Islam. I am God's Messenger to all the people so that living hearts will be awakened and illuminated and so that infidels will have no excuses. Submit to Islam so you will be safe and immune, and if you disobey me and turn down my invitation, you will be blamed for the sins of the magi.
In the name of God, the Merciful, the Compassionate
...I call upon you to submit to Islam. If you become a Muslim, you will share the Muslims gains and their losses, and if you do not want to become a Muslim yourself, then let your people freely convert to Islam or pay the poll tax, paid in lieu of conversion to Islam, and do not restrict them in choosing their faith.
The letters of the Holy Prophet of Islam were not exclusively written to Kings. Rather, he sent letters to various nations and to the followers of other faiths so all would be informed of the rising of the Sun of Islam.
In the name of God, the Merciful, the Compassionate
This is a letter from God's Messenger, Muhammad to Hawzah. Greetings to the one who follows the path of salvation and the instructions of the divine guides.
You, the ruler of Yamamah, note that my faith will advance to the farthest place where man can go, so submit to Islam to be immune.