Muslim Festival of Animal Sacrifice


Valued Senior Member
There is an interesting news going on in Turkey, about a 15 year old girl who slaughtered a cat in the name of Satanism, and she published the pictures of the process on internet. Links can not be shown here, due to their graphic content.

However, coincidentally, the Muslim festival of Eid al-Adha has just started in the very same country; probably in many other Muslim countries too. And traditionally, this festival brings scenes of slaughtered animals with their internal organs scattered all over the streets; children practically grow up with it.

My question has nothing to do with "Yeah, you don't know but children of the Muslim countries are already grow up with human bloodshed" discussion. Mainly, because this is not a problem unique for Muslim children; there are many kids all around the world who have been experiencing war and violence for many different reasons. Furthermore, my focal point is on the ritual. The subject girl slaughtered the cat in the name of Satan and made a slideshow out of her action. People of Muslim countries are doing the same thing in the name of Allah every year, and in much greater scale.

Yet, some of them like the ones in Turkey, can easily blame a girl who did exactly the same thing (slaughter for your belief and display it) in the name of some other belief.

These are my questions:

Should or Should not Muslims find this girl's display as a familiar practice to their festival of Eid al-Adha? Aren't they similar? If not, what is/are the difference(s)? If they are similar, why is the hypocrisy?
No, not a link to a dead cat, but a link to the news. Its being reported all over Turkey right?

And she could have found the cat dead in the street after it got hit by a car. And she could easily live here in America
You are a JEW . Jews and Muslims kill the animals in the same manner .
So why do you mention Muslims but not Jews ?!!!.
You are a JEW . Jews and Muslims kill the animals in the same manner .
So why do you mention Muslims but not Jews ?!!!.

Why did you make me a Jew; you could try some other things. I don't believe in any religious mumbo jumbo. I gave Muslims (and particularly the ones in this incident) as an example just to show their hypocrisy about other types of slaughter ceremonies in the name of "religion". Jews or Christians are doing the same thing do not justify open slaughter of animals in the name of religion. We all eat animals, but we do not display their internal organs other than purpose of eating. In Muslim countries, this turns into a festival and people are advised to remember their "Allah" throughout this practice. If showing off your animal killing to others is an accepted, a "normal" or "humane" way to satisfy our social relations, these Muslims in the subject geography should not have blamed this 15 year old girl. That's my point.

Christians just slaughtered 35 million turkeys in the USA this past week. What's your point?

Fair enough, but you missed the point. If Americans are doing the same thing (slaughtering their animals while blaming others doing the similar practices for a different belief), I don't see any problem with it.

If you have an argument against hypocrisy, I would like to hear. If you are going to defend the hypocrisy with one another, it doesn't answer the question.
You are a Jew from your previous posts . Jews slaughter animals in the same manner as Muslims . Are YOU a MOSSAD agent spreading propaganda against Islam in every post of yours ?. I just wonder .
You are a Jew from your previous posts . Jews slaughter animals in the same manner as Muslims . Are YOU a MOSSAD agent spreading propaganda against Islam in every post of yours ?. I just wonder .

Have you lost your ever lovin mind?! :bugeye:
...There is an interesting news going on in Turkey, about a 15 year old girl w.this festival brings scenes of slaughtered animals with their internal organs scattered all over the streets; children practically grow up with it....

by the way, I grew up this way as well since my entire family hunted and we slaughtered our own farm animals (cows, pigs, chickens, etc)
You are a Jew from your previous posts .
Show me which of my previous posts gave you this idea. Actually, forget it, because there are people on this planet who see things yet come up with an idea of God, or Allah created everything. If you are one of them, you would probably come up with a stupid and unrelated example and make a fool out of yourself.
Jews slaughter animals in the same manner as Muslims .
I don't care. This is not the topic. Read it again if you didn't get it.
Are YOU a MOSSAD agent spreading propaganda against Islam in every post of yours ?. I just wonder .
What do you want? A copy of Mossad registration number? Be sensible, ask yourself these questions "would a Mossad agent reveal him/herself?" "why do I pretend asking question while I am already and actually making an accusation?", "has anyone realised how clever I am?" or similar types.

About spreading propaganda against Islam:

Well, Islam is doing it much better than me, and you obviously didn't read every post of mine...
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by the way, I grew up this way as well since my entire family hunted and we slaughtered our own farm animals (cows, pigs, chickens, etc)

Did you also display the internal organs of the animals to your friends, neighbours or strangers and felt proud about it while you were blaming the other type of sacrifices as heretic, wrong, or any other names you can remember?
Did you also display the internal organs of the animals to your friends, neighbours or strangers and felt proud about it while you were blaming the other type of sacrifices as heretic, wrong, or any other names you can remember?

no, we didn't do it for religious reasons. I'm just saying we grew up with guts and blood and it didn't affect us so much that we resorted to butchering a cat.

But in my religious upbringing we heard much of sacrificing lambs, Jesus being the main sacrifice.
no, we didn't do it for religious reasons. I'm just saying we grew up with guts and blood and it didn't affect us so much that we resorted to butchering a cat.

But in my religious upbringing we heard much of sacrificing lambs, Jesus being the main sacrifice.

You don't qualify just because you slaughtered animals. I slaughtered animals myself in order to eat them. But this is not the topic.
Should or Should not Muslims find this girl's display as a familiar practice to their festival of Eid al-Adha? Aren't they similar? If not, what is/are the difference(s)? If they are similar, why is the hypocrisy?

I think context matters. For example, we are used to doing this on a regular basis:


But I am pretty sure that if a kid in your neighborhood was doing this to pets and displaying them on his lawn, you would consider it objectionable.

Besides, we eat the meat of the goats we sacrifice [ we make three portions for family friends and the needy]. What did this girl do with the cat?

And btw, Eid Mubarak to you too. ;)
I think context matters.

I think it doesn't matter, as long as you display animal organs in the name of a belief.

But I am pretty sure that if a kid in your neighborhood was doing this to pets and displaying them on his lawn, you would consider it objectionable.

That's what I objected in the first place, this kid probably have a false belief that s/he would impress neighbours by doing this.

Besides, we eat the meat of the goats we sacrifice [ we make three portions for family friends and the needy]. What did this girl do with the cat?

I do not interest in what happens to dead animals. The point is public display of animal sacrifice in order to show off one's belief, efficiency, wealth or power. I don't even want to discuss why a religious ceremony is used to replicate the existing social divisions (those who afford to sacrifice vs. needy?), or what is it to do with displaying the actual slaughter in front of public? In order to satisfy the concept of "justice". This is completely subject to another type of discussion. Same for the cat: It served well for the girl to show off her belief to Satan, the remaining DNA of the cat is not the subject here.

And btw, Eid Mubarak to you too.
Sorry, I don't celebrate these sorts of things as a general principle, neither see the mubarak side of it...
public display of animal sacrifice in order to show off one's belief, efficiency, wealth or power

Is that what Bakr Eid is? A display of efficiency wealth and power?

Akin to the use of animals for experimentation or Satanic rituals where pets are dissected?

Could you link me to a source where the sacrifice of the goat is linked to efficiency, wealth or power?
Could you link me to a source where the sacrifice of the goat is linked to efficiency, wealth or power?

Source is nothing other than the social scenery of these festivals. Who slaughtered what, who is capable of providing meat to community. This is all about wealth, power and efficiency, show off, make people talk about it.
Source is not what is said or recommended in some passage of some hadith; source are annual experiences of people.
Can you link there, I don't know, probably not over internet.