

OH JOY!!!!
Valued Senior Member
Terri Schiavo had her feeding tube removed and died a week later. How was this not murder? If you purposely withhold life sustaining food and water, how is it not murder or at the very least a mercy killing?
Did they have anyone's go ahead to do this? Who made the decision and who did it?

I think it's a very inhumane thing to do. Was she mentally conscious?
She was not in a coma and the only life support she needed was a feeding tube. She wasn't aware of much (if anything). But she didn't need to be hooked up to machines or anything. her husband vs her parents in court. After years of fighting (while he met another woman and had a child) the court ruled in her favour. He then got her life insurance policy money and married the other woman. He couldn't get this money if he was no longer married to Terri.

Anyways, I think she was put to death, same as a criminal. A judge said kill her, and it was done.
Would you want to live under the conditions that terry schaivo was living under?
Would you want to live under the conditions that terry schaivo was living under?

Oh hell yeah. My husband, kids, and parents are under strict instructions to help me live.

I understand taking her off machines that help her breath. But her body fought to live. Let her live. They starved her to death. How is that not murder?
Oh hell yeah. My husband, kids, and parents are under strict instructions to help me live.

I understand taking her off machines that help her breath. But her body fought to live. Let her live. They starved her to death. How is that not murder?

Yes but didn't she say to her boyfriend/husband whatever that if she ever ended up like that that he should let her die? If she couldn't even eat on her own than what is the point of living. I thinmk they should have let her die a long time ago.
Do you know how many people there are on feeding tubes right now? There are others that don't have the motor skills to feed themselves.

And the man in charge of getting the insurance policy was the only one she supposedly told this to.

Anyways! How is starving someone to death not murder?
I think "Murder" is a pretty strong word. I could also suggest that terry schaivo commited suicide by not eating... Seems it would make as much sense as suggesting that she was murdered
Oh hell yeah. My husband, kids, and parents are under strict instructions to help me live.

I think that is selfish to put your family through such pain and suffering watching someone they love like that. I would rather have them go on with their lives instead of wasting it that way.

She collapsed in her home on February 25, 1990, and experienced respiratory and cardiac arrest, resulting in extensive brain damage, a diagnosis of persistent vegetative state (PVS) and 15 years of institutionalization.

Diagnosis of persistent Vegetative state. This wasn't something she was going to recover from. There is NO WAY in hell I would want to be in that state for 15 yrs with my family having to deal with that. The husband had the right to move on with his life.

Your making it sound like he wanted her dead so he could move on with his life 1 yr or something after this happened. He waited long enough in my opinion.
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I think "Murder" is a pretty strong word. I could also suggest that terry schaivo commited suicide by not eating... Seems it would make as much sense as suggesting that she was murdered

No it wouldn't make as much sense, because she didn't personally decide to stop eating... she did not physically induce herself to starve.

If she'd much rather be dead, why not euthanise her? Starvation is prolonged and uncomfortable.
Not this shit again.

Terri made it clear to her husband that she would never want to live in a vegetative state.

And she was indeed in a vegetative state. The vast majority of her brain was liquefied.
She was in a state that she would never recover from. Whats the point of living like that? If she had any consciousness left, it was probably sheer panic.
She was in a state that she would never recover from. Whats the point of living like that? If she had any consciousness left, it was probably sheer panic.

for me there doesn't have to be a point to living. I just want to live.
Just to add my best friend who works at the hospital said that there is a man there that has been there for over 20 yrs and NEVER once has left the hospital since he got there, except to go for walks outside. He dived off a cliff when he was a teenager and banged his heads on the rocks. He is basically a vegetable. His kids come to see him every so often she says, not as much as before but they just end up leaving in tears. Why would you want to put your family through that for 20yrs or more. You think laying in a hospital bed for your entire life, drooling and shitting yourself is any kind of life?
To me the debate lies in HOW she died..

starvation! hellooo

I agree. If she was hooked up to a respirator and they turned it off and she died minutes later, I'd understand more.

But it took her a week to die or starvation and dehydration. They didn't give her water either.