Morse code in yo' brain

Denver IS an international airport and the murals appear to be somewhat of a historical international theme. One that goes from militaristic and sword-bearing (the world as it once was) to peace and harmony (the world as we would like to see it), with the soldier laying broken, gray and dead beneath the doves which it appeared that he first tried to slay. It gives the sense that, despite our war-torn history, people from all lands are welcome in Denver.

Did you notice the two red-headed children who shared the carrying of the flag which incorporated the colors of both Britain and Ireland?

The rainbow theme really said it all... No matter what the state of our international society at any given point in history, we all always live under the same rainbow.

By the way, the most beautiful rainbows under the sun develop over the mountains in Colorado. I got a picture of one in various stages of development the last time I was there. Got the full spectrum... 'Twas awesome!
Ok. I think there might be some serious stuff going on around here in Colorado. I want to know how I can go about researching ANY of these events that people say. I'm willing to do any of it as long as it doesn't get too expensive or that needs some sort of special equipment to do. I can basically travel all over Colorado for most of it. Like I said, I'll do anything to figure some of these things out.

So what does me and Colorado have to do with the abductions going on around here? Somehow I feel that I'm connected to a bigger picture.

That's the part you will have to figure out for yourself. I'm more than happy to share what little I know with you (e.g., the weirdness at the DIA), but as to what it means or how to investigate it - I have little idea, and I wouldn't want to suggest anything that might land you in jail (or worse).

The thing you can easily do is visit the DIA, take pictures, write your thoughts and feelings in a journal, talk to others you meet there, etc. You wouldn't be breaking any laws, and you could get a feel for what's happening there yourself.

This may not sound like much, but when you really want to know something, the information you are seeking has a way of finding you - but you have to make the effort. In other words, "seek and ye shall find; knock and it shall be opened unto you".

Allright, that sounds reasonable. I think I'll go and do some things that won't get me into serious trouble. But where to start is the problem. So many areas of Colorado to explore in little time. Like I said, I think I'm apart of a bigger picture secertly somehow. Either that, or I'm real paranoid. What other information can you guys give that might help my situation a little better?
Great read, and Searcher. That site is bookmarked :)

When reading about DIA and W.DC, i have a question.

Could we be living in the New World (order) right now without knowing about it?

New world - America ( Amerigo Vespucci) order= USA basically controlls the world right now in terms of power.

BigC- I started my life among the paranormal by constantly carrying a camera with me. When I saw something strange or unusual, I'd take a picture. If you can get your hands on a digital camera, do it. I don't know what is considered expensive for you, but I think you can get one for about $150.00 (at least you can where I live). Also carry a notebook or a pocket tape recorder. Log in what you see, feel, hear, or sense. It's very important to take note of your emotional state, as this can screw with your perceptions. (Ever notice how time drags when you'd rather not be where you are?) Record everything you possibly can as though you are going to be quizzed on it later, you just don't know which part. Time? Weather? Sounds? After an incident is recorded, step away from it. Put the notes down, don't look at the pictures, mentally detach yourself from it. Your mind can really creep you out when you're still high on the moment. Give it a day or two of rest before you go back to it. After looking at it again, try to see it from a skeptic's viewpoint. Is it a plane coming in at a weird angle? Is it a bird with lights from below reflecting off of it? Exhaust the terrestrial explanations first. The final note is to get someone to go with you. They might not see the same thing, and you can compare notes.

This method has worked for me so far, and I've been chasing the weird for over 20 years. Hope it helps.

[This message has been edited by Oxygen (edited December 08, 1999).]
That's very good Oxygen. I think I'll do that. I've been wondering where this site went to. Been trying to look for it hehe. Anyhow, Ya, indeed I will look into those things.

About the Morse Code thing. I just finished watching Contact. And you know the sounds that I hear are very much alike the ones in the movie, only in my head and not on the radio.
I haven't been to this site in awhile, but I must say this is one of the most interesting
strings I've read yet. My two cents, if I may; have you ruled out hypnogogic trance as an explanation for your "auditory hallucinations?" (I'm sorry, I lack a better term.) I have experienced similar phenomenon, generally before falling asleep, and I attribute it to this very common mental state. Remember, the simplest explanation may very well be the correct one.
Perhaps that's a thought. But I mean its not like I had this for a long time. This has only been within the past two years that I've noticed this behavior of mine. I hardly know what state I'm in before I go to sleep! hehe. Well I won't rule it out but I highly doubt that I was hypnotized in any manner or am hallucinating. Or perhaps I just have very sensative hearing.