Morse code in yo' brain


Could this have happened in the summer of 1952, by any chance? It seems there were a couple of sightings over Chicago in June of 1952, and one over Denver in July of 1952. That's all I found so far - nothing in 1950.

Searcher- I wasn't offended at all. I, in turn, apologize if I sounded like I was. I know the incident bugs him like crazy, but he isn't shy about talking about it or any of the other things that have happened. I almost think he may be a repeat abductee.

I'll check with my father about the year. I know for sure it would have been the early fifties. He married my mother in the mid fifties, and had known her for a couple of years before that. She had never left San Jose, California before that.

Around Little America, Wyoming, my father witnessed a landing. This was before the light incident and after Roswell (he remembers the headlines and some preliminary reports from a buddy of his in the Air Force). He says he had been driving a 1949 or 1950 Ford. It was pretty new, to give an idea about the date. He was headed west for Denver and decided to pull over and catch some shuteye before he got too sleepy to drive. (important: "BEFORE he got too sleepy", he swears he wasn't so sleepy as to hallucinate) He leaned his head back and started counting stars to help him sleep. Suddenly, one star started getting brighter. He then realized that it wasn't getting brighter, but closer. At first, he thought it was a meteorite headed for his car. He grabbed the key and gave it a turn, but it wouldn't start. The car had been running just minutes before. Then a disc-shaped object landed less than 100 yards away, hovering over the highway. It glowed a bright blue and extended legs down to the surface. As one side was over a small rock wall, the legs extended unevenly, but held the disc level. As he watched, a beam of light-blue light came down from the center of the craft, lowering with it three humanoid figures. He describes them as looking robotic, with no legs, but a slightly flared lower half. Up until this point, he had considered getting out of the car. Now, he admits openly, he was scared to breathe lest they see him. Two of the figures did indeed proceed forward, but stopped before leaving the underneath of the disc. The third one went to one of the legs. (He laughs about it, saying "He must have had to piss.") After a few moments, all three simultaneously returned to the light blue beam and went back up into the disc, which then took off at a phenomenal rate for the sky. He lost sight of it within moments.

My father then decided that sleep wasn't so important after all. He started the car (which kicked over on the first spin) and gunned it for the nearest town, determined to find a cop. After miles of seeing nobody, he began to wonder what he was going to tell the cop if he found one. He knew he'd be laughed out of the state. Instead he focused on Denver. He wanted off that highway badly.

That's the Little America story. There have been other stories, one of which my mother (RIP)was witness to. It's a little shorter, but I've gone on long enough for right now. I have my own share of strangeness, and one of my brothers used to be prone to nosebleeds until he sneezed out a piece of metal. Another used to have nightmares of the big-eyed men coming to take him. (I wasn't told of this one until my parents saw me getting serious about UFO study.)

With all I have been told that has happened to my family and with the things I have experienced firsthand, I could fill a website. What frightens me (sort of) is that I am usually not told the family story until I have something happen to me. When I try to see if somebody is just pulling my leg, more distant family members verify facts and now and then produce evidence that the incident, whatever the cause, was real.

Ask any questions you like. I don't even mind being second-guessed. :)
So, I was just curious.... is Denver a really prime target for alien abductions? I mean has there been a lot of activity around here lately? I seem to notice some things... but I have a feeling there is a lot more then what meets the eye.
You know, it sure seems like it. After reading some of the posts here and going over the things my father has relayed to me, Denver sure looks like a hot spot. What military bases are nearby, and about where are they?
I did find one reference to UFO's and a Morse-Code-like signal (that apparently wasn't Morse Code) at the website, copied below for your convenience:

180 km north of Ottawa, Jacques Jacobson and three of his friends saw a bright, yellowish-white sphere hovering over a hilltop about 4 km away. from top to bottom issued light cones that illuminated the countryside and the clouds. Radio reception was blocked throughoput the observation, except for a very powerful signal at one wavelength, modulated, but not in Morse code. The object rose slowly toward the south.

Here's something else I found that's kind of interesting (taken from ):

" 1921 the late Marconi received and recorded definite systematic impulses on a wavelength of 150,000 metres, coming out of space from the direction of Sagittarius; and in 1924 the New York newspapers for August of that year reported the following: MYSTERY DOTS AND DASHES WAS MARS SIGNALLING? WHAT THE PHOTOGRAPHIC FILM REVEALED. "The development of the photographic film of the radio signals for the 29 hour period while Mars was close to Earth, deepens the mystery of the dots and dashes heard by widely separated powerful stations. The film disclosed in black and white a regular arrangement of dots and dashes along one side. On the other, at about evenly spaced intervals, are curiously jumbled groups, each taking the form of a crudely drawn face."

Hey, now that I think of it, is a quite hot spot. We have at least 3 or 4 military bases in the Colorado area itself. We have Norad here in the mountains somewhere and the military bases are all scattered throughout the state. There's one to the very north of where I live, and there's one to the east, south east, west and south west. Or is that 5 military bases? I know we have at least 4 and Norad might be counted as one of them. What would you think the aliens might have an interest here in Denver? I know we also have Rocky Flatts that produced some nuclear triggers for the nuclear missiles. But that is currently shut down. I was wondering if it could also be used as a secret alien base as well. That's pretty darn close to where I live.

Have you had a chance to check out the new Denver airport? The capstone, or dedication stone, sits at the southeastern side of the terminal, which is called "The Great Hall" (which is coincidentally what Masons refer to as their meeting hall). There is a Masonic symbol on the capstone, along with some unusual geometric designs; it also mentions the New World Airport Commission. It depicts an arm rising up out of it that curves at a 45 degree angle. It also has a thing that looks like a keypad on it. The capstone structure is made of carved granite and stainless steel, and is very fancy.

Also, be sure to check out the murals while you're there. One of them has three caskets with dead people in them. The first casket has what appears to be a little Jewish girl, with the "star" on her clothes and a Bible and a locket. In the center casket there is depicted a Native American woman, and the last casket has a black woman in it.

And while you're at it, try not to miss the gargoyles. A lot of strange symbolism for a new airport, don't you think?

Please check it out if you get a chance, and let us know what you think.

I was just curious on what might this have to do with being abducted? I mean this is all weird and stuff but i mean, what to do with aliens? I want to find out if any of these abandoned airports or military bases we have are being used as bases for the aliens. I wonder how you could go about investigating that sorta thing.

Oh, one more thing..... this phenomina of so called ringing in my ears is getting louder and louder... anyone know what could recommend to get rid of it? I mean this is getting out of hand.... I couldn't sleep at all. The noise is starting to get 3 different pitches now... one medium pitch... one very high pitch and one very low pitch that sorta vibrates a little bit.. anyone have any clue?????

According to some, it has everything to do with aliens. I just didn't want to plunge into the bizarre here before you at least went there to check it out for yourself. Some say there is an underground section of the airport where reptilian-type aliens have established a center for world control. I'm not saying I believe it myself, but there is some weird stuff going on there.

One mural I didn't mention has a figure that looks like Darth Vader wearing a gas mask, dressed in a green military uniform with some sort of insignia on his hat. He carries a machine gun in one hand and a sword in another - quite evil looking. Another mural shows a German boy beating swords into plowshares.

Another point I didn't mention is that the runways are laid out in the shape of a swastika.

Now will you go check it out? And tell me if the beeping in your head is better or worse when you are there. I'll be waiting to hear from you.

Big C- On the subject of strange noises that get louder and louder, there was a town that resounded with a mysterious hum. I think it was Taos, New Mexico. Check it out and see if anything sounds familiar. (No pun intended! :))

Have you been to a doctor yet of any sort? This sounds like it could start interfering with your life. If you can't afford a doctor's bill, see if you have a community hospital nearby that has ability-to-pay programs. I got my conjunctivitis taken care of for 20 bucks at ours.

PS: That sounds like one freaky airport!
Oxygen & BigC,

Here's a website that has some pictures of some of the things I mentioned. It is pretty freaky. I also hear that the Atlanta Airport has some of the same stuff - can anyone confirm that?

BigC - how far do you live from the Denver International Airport? From your posts, it sounds like you are pretty close. Just wondering...

IS THAT CRAZY OR WHAT?!!!! I live about say... 10 miles from DIA or 15... somewhere in between that. So it's pretty darn close if you ask me. And come to think of it... I had a hard time paying attention to anything while my last visit was at DIA. I got quite nervous in fact. I felt a very strange sensation when I visited there the last time. (about two months ago). So do you think that DIA might be have an involvement with me???

I'm a little bit confused about what you've been experiencing. In one post you said that you've been hearing "tunes" in your head since August 1999 or earlier. In another post you mentioned hearing "beeps" for a couple of years or more - at least, I think that's what you were saying.

You mentioned that you last visited DIA a couple of months ago (would it have been around August 1999?). Have the sounds become worse or have they changed in any way since you last visited DIA? Or did they only start after your visit to DIA? As for the nervousness you felt when you were there, is there any down-to-earth reason for that nervousness? Were you getting on a plane that day, or meeting someone you were nervous about seeing? What are your own feelings about that experience?

If you have medical insurance, I definitely think you should see a doctor about the sounds you're hearing. But if you're anywhere close to being as curious as I am about the mysterious and the bizarre, you'll also visit that airport again, soon.

Listen I know this may sound wierd but I was abducted by aliens. I was driving one night throught the Rocky Mountians, and an aura of light surrounded by car. The next thing I know, I was floating in space, in my car. I looked thought the windshield and Earth was there, burning. An alien then floated by and spoke to me, giving me what I know is a divine message from God. This really happened, I am now the messiah.

The fact of the matter is that the evil in this world will not be triumphant over my final message from God. When judgement falls on the evil, only the divine prophets of the me, the messiah, will survive the apocolypse to propogate in the New World.
Uhm, oooook. Well anyways.

Lets get a the timeline straight here to not get you guys confused.

Summer 1997: The first of these events began occurring (the first noticeable ones anyway)

Summer 1998: The first noticeable changes in the beeps that were starting to occur nightly.

July 5, 1999: The first actual UFO sighting I saw in my home town at 10:35pm.

August 1999: Went to DIA airport (feeling nervous and tense for no reason) I also believe I posted a subject relating to sand being discovered on my stomach on August 8th.

September 1999: Recounts of sightings seen by only me I presume, with noticeable increased unusual activities.

September to Present: Just been questioning the existance of UFOs and aliens and thinking that I've been abducted.

(all these events of course have been located in Denver, Colorado.) I just was wondering if anyone else that might be close by could relate to such subjects?

You are still ignoring the question that as been ask way to many times. Have you been to the doctor about the sounds you here?!!!!

The Belief that there is only one truth and that oneself is in possession of it
seems to me the depest root of all evil that is in the world
-Max Born
Searcher-They must call you Searcher because you find the coolest links.

As far as all that airport deal goes, where do I begin? I think all that "symbolism" was neat, but I don't believe it's carrying a secret message or warning. The mural, as I see it, depicts a process of saving the world from self-destruction. Granted, the imagery is pretty dark, but war itself isn't pleasant.

The gargoyle is cool, but that's just my opinion. We could use a few more gargoyles. The capstone is covering a time capsule that may have been sponsored by the Masons, which is why they would have their name on it.

The New World Airport Commission, well, which part is "New"? The world? The airport? The commission? Are we to be suspicious of anything bearing the phrase "New World"? What about New World Video?

The links to the IRS HQ were terrible as far as photography. I couldn't read the pyramid to see if it actually did leave out the Bill of Rights. The quote could easily be interpreted as meaning that the Bill of Rights is so fragile that we must defend it passionately. The hands are described as Leninesque. Yet, the Christians use the finger pointed up (as does Microsoft) to signify the One True Way. The open hand is a sign of friendship.

The runway layouts are determined by the ways the wind blows in a particular area, not by political alignment.

I'm going to research that phrase "Dzit Dit Gaii". It was the only piece of the puzzle that I couldn't rationalize. But I didn't find the inlaid butterflies and dinosaurs particularly demonic.

That was a cool link. It gave my brain a workout and it looked pretty cool (and freaky).

Dzit Dit Gaii is a Navajo phrase that means "The Mountain That Is White". Might this have been an ancient name for a feature in the area? Denver IS the Mile High City.

[This message has been edited by Oxygen (edited December 01, 1999).]
Yes I have seen a doctor about this several times to go back and forth to make sure of their opinion on it.

They could not pinpoint the exact cause of the noises that I've been hearing at all. Although they are still trying to use me for more experiments on the noises.