Morse code in yo' brain


Valued Senior Member
From around the age of six, till sometime in my early teens, I was aware of hearing some kind of morse code signal going on in my head. It would happen spontaneously almost every time I went to bed.And at a certain age I began to be able to actually induce the signals conciously, but always just before falling asleep.
In those days I also used to have frequent dreams of, 'being able to float' and then of,'falling from a great distance', but always landing safely somewhere in my body.
I know that those kind of dreams are common,
but has anybody else had the 'morse code experience'? I've met nobody yet, who has.
As a child, I was tormented by the sound of my own heart beating. This only happened when I was lying in bed trying to sleep. I was convinced that the sound was that of a devil pacing outside in the leaves, waiting to come in and kill me. I'm not sure how healthy this is, but my heart beat was sufficiently irregular that the ruse worked, and it took me a few days to realize what was going on. Even afterwards, I was still tormented by the memory.
Well, recently I've been having some interesting little tunes in my head. It's been there for quite a while now, ever since August 1999. Or earlier, I just can't remember since then. I mean, one in my right here, there's a constant tone and then some beeping in the background. In my left here, there's a loud annoying sound with some extra beeping. I mean I hardly THINK that this is Tettinitious or whatever that thing is called. There's got to be some other force of influence involved here. Like a mind game that E.T.'s are playing on me and such.
Tab and BigC- The beeps are most likely tinnitus. An ENT clinic should be able to settle that.

BigC-Better get that annoying noise checked out quick. The human body doesn't just do things. It has a reason. When something is out of the ordinary, it usually means something is wrong. If you could describe the noise, I might be able to give you a direction to try looking. I'm not a doctor, but I have resources.
I've just checked out around six, Tinnitus sites. None of them mention a sound like morse code and none of them mention at which age you can be affected. Ofcourse that alone doesn't prove that it wasn't Tinnitus, but what makes me sceptical is the fact that I never found the sound distressing or disturbing and there is absolutely nothing wrong with my hearing-there never was.Besides I used to quite enjoy 'tuning in' to it and as I said before it affected me till my early teens, when I gradually lost the ability to induce it.
Got any more conclusive info?

Did this, by any chance, follow having a tooth filled or the placement of some sort of orthodontic appliance? I've heard that radio signals can sometimes be picked up in the mouth, so why not a signal that would carry the Morse code? Just an idea...

searcher-Hey, I forgot about that! Did you know Lucille Ball was arrested and charged with espionage during WW2 because her fillings were picking up Japanese signals?
Well what sort of condition would the beeps do? I mean it doesn't sound natural at all. I was just wondering if I could get some opinons on it because it would be pretty expensive for me to get it checked out. I don't have that sort of cash on me. Any who, I mean, like I said, this sort of thing isn't natural whatsoever. I mean comon, two 'different' tones in your head? On my right ear what I described before is just a constant tone like a machine makes sorta.... I can tell what sound a machine makes when it becomes idle a little, like my computer, it makes that sorta sound. On the left here, alls there is are beeps. A couple of nights ago I did notice something strange was going on in my ear, I noticed that there were a 'tune' to the beeps, almost like chimes. Now I hardly think thats a Tinnitus problem!
You'd be surprised at what you're capable of. When I've got something going on that I can't figure out, usually check it out on the search engines at

It's no legal substitute for a good doctor, but it will do for a fairly decent diagnosis when the money's tight. They say that most health-related problems can be taken care of at home, and this site has helped me on countless occassions.

I'm not knocking any extraterrestrial explanations here. I'm just trying to exhaust all of the terrestrial ones first.
Ya, I can understand that. Just want to try everything else to see if its our problem or not. But it's just sooo weird though.
My father had something weird happen to him last year. Of course, this is just one of many throughout his life, but it was the first one I had ever witnessed firsthand.

For years he had been hearing morse code like you have, but without any other sound. It was just a series of beeps that he tried to translate one time, but since he had been a wheelman, not a communications specialist, for the navy, he was not skilled in writing morse code. He disregarded it, wrote it off to tinnitus and got on with life.

Recently, he had been complaining about a small bump on the back of his head. It had started small, but eventually got large enough to become a nusiance when he combed his hair. He asked me to look at it, since he couldn't find it too well with a mirror. I found what appeared to be a wart on the back of his head. It was soft and pliable, so I took a razor to it and cross-cut it to remove it (a sightly painful but inexpensive way to handle them). The "wart" was soft enough that the razor slid right over it without phasing it. Next, I lanced it, thinking it to be some kind of boil. The needle passed right over it as though it wasn't there. Finally I brought out the tweezers and forced part of it to stand up. I ran the needle through it. (My father said he felt nothing from this operation.) I used the needle to pull the whole thing up and sliced it off with the razor. We put the bump on a tisue we had set aside to stem any bleeding that may have occurred. We both studied it for a moment, then it spat out a lot of liquid (more than it looked like the thing could hold) and dried up instantly to the consistency of a crumb of toast. When I tried to roll it over with the side of the tweezers, it disintegrated into dust.

He has not heard the morse code since.

Got any strange bumps lately?

Now, it takes a lot to get my stomach going but that story gave me a bad feeling, for sure. Or, maybe I'm really hungry? Got to go get something to eat now! :)
Well... I thought bumps had nothing to do it... but I guess some things happen that we're not aware of... I do have a scar in the back of my head... but its a scar not a wort, it's been with me ever since I was born. So I'm pretty sure thats not what's been causing the beeps... however I do have a lump on my middle finger. It would be a little hard to remove and painful hehe.
say whaaat? can anybody explain what the hell this lump was? instantly shrivel up and desintergrate? weird man!

Sounds like one for the X-Files, if you ask me! Was it bright green ooze, by any chance? Can we assume you're not pulling our collective leg here? :)

Maybe some people have been implanted with some sort of homing device? (Hey - I'm being serious now! Assuming this isn't just a joke on your part, then the terrestrial explanations just aren't cutting it!) What does your dad think it might be? You said there were many other strange things that have happened to him during his lifetime, although you didn't witness them yourself - could you share some of those experiences with us? Are alien abductions among them, by any chance? You've piqued my curiosity on this one!

A homing device is a certain idea of this sort of problem here. I was thinking the same thing since they seem to 'visit' me often. I see them constantly in the skies around my state. So, maybe my paranoia is getting to me, but, if it's true, I got something to figure out. For now, I was thinking it could be some sort of homing device seeing since they seem to know where I am all the time and all. With the beeps going off in my head and all. This all didn't start happening until a couple years ago.
Alien abductions is one thing I don't make very many jokes about, largely because I have seen the trauma after the incident. You know, you can joke about somebody breaking their leg, but you don't actually laugh AT the person. Likewise, while I may have a few alien jokes somewhere in my files, I can't toy with this sort of thing so triflingly.

What has affected my father most is period of missing time that covered two weeks straight. He was living in Denver, Colorado, somewhere near Laramie Street. He had just gotten paid from his taxi job and was going to catch a nap before blowing his hard earned money on a night out with his buddies. As he flopped down on his bed, he says the light bulb in his lamp got really bright, like it was going to blow out. The room then became filled with a blinding light.

The next thing he knew, he was in a phone booth just south of Chicago. two weeks had passed, and his buddies (one of whom was his boss) just assumed he had gone to Arizona on family business, as he was prone to do. They just figured that it was an emergency of some sort and that he'd call as soon as he could. His car was still parked out in front of his apartment, coated with two weeks' worth of dust.

There are plenty of other incidents, but that's all I have time for at the moment.

For any of you researchers on Denver cases, the year was about 1950.

I'm sorry if I offended you in any way. I hadn't read anything from you before about your father, so I didn't know. Thank you for sharing your story.

In case you are interested, there is a list of questions at the webpage address listed below, which could help determine the likelihood of a person having been abducted. I was even able to answer "yes" to a few of them myself (not that I really believe that I've been abducted - but it's interesting, nonetheless)!

I haven't really found anything regarding UFO's near Denver or Chicago in 1950, but I'll let you know if I come up with anything.
