
Photizo said:
Be honest with yourself... What's not acceptable to you is the truth, as revealed in/by the systematic decontruction of the myths you've held to.

Yet when your version of the truth is systematically deconstructed, it's not so convincing, eh?

Photizo said:
On a final note, you can be sure that given time, and diligent perseverence, all biblical assertions will be shown to have been true and accurate. Any indications to the contrary are merely the result of a rush to judgement on the part of those who have a bias against the Bible. This is a fact of history, having repeatedly been shown to be the case in instances where the Bible was claimed to have been wrong, yet in time vindicated by further efforts.

This is the Latter-day Saint view on the Book of Mormon. Given time and diligent perseverence, all Book of Mormon assertions will be shown to have been true and accurate as well. Interesting that you are willing to give so much slack to the Bible and so little to the Book of Mormon. Double standard?
(Q) said:
Which claims have you found to be true?

I find the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints to be overwhelmingly true in all ways. There is no doubt in my mind whatsoever that Mormonism is true.

(Q) said:
Atheism IS NOT a doctrine. Does god talk back to you?

Okay, how about a philosophy, then? Yes, God does talk back to me.

(Q) said:
Hence, you select what you WANT to believe to suit your purposes.

Funny, that's what I would say about atheists.
there was the part of the story how after the guy writing for smith hid the original translation and asked smith to translate it again to see if it matched exactly with the original (or if he was making it up it would be slightly different) but then smith said he had another revelation and would retranslate but from a slightly different story so what do ya know the story was worded slightly differently. i looked for info on this but couldnt find any. so anyone who knows about mormonism, is this true?

It is disappointing to see that there are all these "cute" and "witty" responses to his question, but no one tries to answer it! :shrug:

I don't, myself, know the answer,:confused: but I do know some interesting things about Mormonism.

A distant relative wrote a narrative on his packwagon trip from MO to California some 150 years ago and he describes seeing fortifications against the U.S. Army put up by the Mormons. They had their own little "nation" in Utah and all their multiple wives. They wanted to keep it that way.

In some towns, polygamy continues in the area. The practice is primitive and disruptive. Only the "special" men are allowed the extra women. Other young men are in subtle ways made to leave. They end up kicked out and in other parts of the country. The local sheriff enforces that in many cases.
If the whole country practiced polygamy, where would the "extra" men go? To Mexico? Monogamy is the only practical system that can support civilization.

I find the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints to be overwhelmingly true in all ways. There is no doubt in my mind whatsoever that Mormonism is true.

I'm sure you do, but your response indicates that you yourself don't even know why you believe it true?

Yes, God does talk back to me.


What does he say?
charles brough said:
It is disappointing to see that there are all these "cute" and "witty" responses to his question, but no one tries to answer it!

I don't, myself, know the answer, but I do know some interesting things about Mormonism.

I answered this on page 2 of this thread. See my comment about Martin Harris and the lost 116 pages of the Book of Mormon manuscript.

charles brough said:
A distant relative wrote a narrative on his packwagon trip from MO to California some 150 years ago and he describes seeing fortifications against the U.S. Army put up by the Mormons. They had their own little "nation" in Utah and all their multiple wives. They wanted to keep it that way.

What do you expect they should do after being driven out of their homes, their property destroyed, etc. by their fellow countrymen? I'd be a little bit isolationist too if I'd been a Mormon in those days.

charles brough said:
In some towns, polygamy continues in the area. The practice is primitive and disruptive. Only the "special" men are allowed the extra women. Other young men are in subtle ways made to leave. They end up kicked out and in other parts of the country. The local sheriff enforces that in many cases.
If the whole country practiced polygamy, where would the "extra" men go? To Mexico? Monogamy is the only practical system that can support civilization.


Um, Charles? Polygamy hasn't been practiced by Mormons (that is, mainstream Mormons) since 1890. Today, any Latter-day Saint who practices polygamy gets instantly excommunicated. There are fundamentalists who broke off from the main church who still practice it, however. Perhaps you're thinking of them?
(Q) said:
I'm sure you do, but your response indicates that you yourself don't even know why you believe it true?

I have studied the Bible and other LDS scriptures all my life. I have attended LDS Seminary for four years during my high school years. I was baptized into the Church at age 8. I have held priesthood callings in the Church since age 12. I've attended BYU and taken scripture study courses there. I've read the Book of Mormon at least 4 or 5 times. I live in a community where there is a large LDS population. But most of all, God has whispered in my heart, little by little, line by line, that Mormonism is true.

(Q) said:

What does he say?

Mostly thoughts and impressions, answers to prayers, that sort of thing.
I have studied the Bible and other LDS scriptures all my life. I have attended LDS Seminary for four years during my high school years. I was baptized into the Church at age 8. I have held priesthood callings in the Church since age 12. I've attended BYU and taken scripture study courses there. I've read the Book of Mormon at least 4 or 5 times. I live in a community where there is a large LDS population.

The effects of indoctrination appear to establish and confirm the rationale of your beliefs. Have you ever questioned any of what you've studied? Does it all confirm reality for you?

Mostly thoughts and impressions, answers to prayers, that sort of thing.

Really? Do all your prayers get answered? Are they all in your favor?

Thoughts and impressions are inherent to the brain. They could simply be your own.
(Q) said:
The effects of indoctrination appear to establish and confirm the rationale of your beliefs. Have you ever questioned any of what you've studied? Does it all confirm reality for you?

Of course I have questioned it. Yes, it is real.

(Q) said:
Really? Do all your prayers get answered? Are they all in your favor?

Every prayer gets answered, although not always the way you'd hoped, LOL. God does know very well how to say "No" as well as "Yes."

(Q) said:
Thoughts and impressions are inherent to the brain. They could simply be your own.

God created the brain and knows how to communicate with us using our natural faculties.
I have studied the Bible and other LDS scriptures all my life. I have attended LDS Seminary for four years during my high school years. I was baptized into the Church at age 8. I have held priesthood callings in the Church since age 12. I've attended BYU and taken scripture study courses there. I've read the Book of Mormon at least 4 or 5 times. I live in a community where there is a large LDS population.

All that should have highlighted how absurd it really is. For me, the more I learn about religion confirms any reason to ridicule it.

But most of all, God has whispered in my heart, little by little, line by line, that Mormonism is true.

The language of the credulous always amuses me. He didn't just say something... he whispered it. It's a secret... shhh...

And of all things, he whispered it to your blood pumping muscle.

Mostly thoughts and impressions, answers to prayers, that sort of thing.

Poor answer. Just confirms how all belief in god is self generated just as prophets are self-procalimed.

Polygamy hasn't been practiced by Mormons (that is, mainstream Mormons) since 1890.

Polygamy till 1890 and racist till 1964. Amazing that all this talking to god did not bring it to an end sooner.
KennyJC said:
All that should have highlighted how absurd it really is. For me, the more I learn about religion confirms any reason to ridicule it.

The language of the credulous always amuses me. He didn't just say something... he whispered it. It's a secret... shhh...

And of all things, he whispered it to your blood pumping muscle.

Poor answer. Just confirms how all belief in god is self generated just as prophets are self-procalimed.

Polygamy till 1890 and racist till 1964. Amazing that all this talking to god did not bring it to an end sooner.

Mock me all you want, but I won't be responding to you unless you treat me and my religious beliefs with respect.
Of course I have questioned it. Yes, it is real.

How exactly did you go about confirming Mormonism?

Every prayer gets answered, although not always the way you'd hoped, LOL. God does know very well how to say "No" as well as "Yes."

So, there is no consistency with answered prayers, it's either yay or nay. That's exactly the same as chance, either it did happen or it didn't. In other words, even if you didn't pray, those events would have yielded the same results.

God created the brain and knows how to communicate with us using our natural faculties.

You appear quite certain of that. How exactly does that work and what mechanism in our bodies does god use to communicate? Do you have any evidence?
(Q), I would direct you to contact the LDS missionaries if you want to know more about Mormonism. I personally find the attitudes of most posters who have responded on this thread to be mocking, derisive and insulting, so I am outta here. I will cast my pearls on more fertile ground.
(Q), I would direct you to contact the LDS missionaries if you want to know more about Mormonism. I personally find the attitudes of most posters who have responded on this thread to be mocking, derisive and insulting, so I am outta here. I will cast my pearls on more fertile ground.

Ok, but you have to understand that there are a number of groups, primarily Christians, that seek to promote the refutation of Mormonism more than what you've read here.

Casting your pearls may not land far from shore.