Mormon Teachings

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  • No more and no less than any other church out there

    Votes: 11 20.0%

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Yorda_7 said:
LSD? Why do you believe in that perspective? Because you had mormon parents?

so if God is physical, where is he? Is there a way to see him? Is he here on earth or somewhere in "heaven" on another planet perhaps?

I am LDS because I was born into that faith, but more so because I believe it to be true. God dwells near a star called "Kolob." He has been seen before by the prophets such as Moses and Joseph Smith.
Do mormons believe that Jesus and we are from another planet? I think the giants that are mentioned in the Bible were originally born on earth, on the sunken continent Atlantis. I used to think Jesus was an extraterrestial also, but I don't think so anymore. I also read that mormons think black people are inferior.

I think there's truth in all religions, since the knowledge and stories come from the sons of God, but in most religions, it seems that people have distorted the knowledge to fit their selfish needs.
Yorda_7 said:
Do mormons believe that Jesus and we are from another planet? I think the giants that are mentioned in the Bible were originally born on earth, on the sunken continent Atlantis. I used to think Jesus was an extraterrestial also, but I don't think so anymore.

Mormons do believe there is life on other planets, but we believe that Jesus's mortal life was of course here.

I also read that mormons think black people are inferior.

Some of the Mormon leaders once believed that blacks had been "less valiant" in their trials in the pre-existence, but that view was in error and has been replaced with a view of equality. The prejudicial view was prevalent in society at large, not just in Mormon views, and we have since learned differently than those prejudiced perspectives. It used to be that blacks of African descent were not allowed to hold the Priesthood, but in 1978 that policy was changed, and now every worthy male, black or otherwise, may be a Priesthood holder.

I think there's truth in all religions, since the knowledge and stories come from the sons of God, but in most religions, it seems that people have distorted the knowledge to fit their selfish needs.

Yes, Mormons realize that there is much truth in other religions, but we alone have the Priesthood authority to act in God's name on earth.
Marlin said:
Yes, Mormons realize that there is much truth in other religions, but we alone have the Priesthood authority to act in God's name on earth.
Sounds very selfish to think of oneself as "the best". But this is a common thing in Western religions.
WildBlueYonder said:
me? at 50, I think I done enough, whilst I think you have to outgrow that greek mythology that you practice, or is it hindu-greek?

Yes! With elements of Buddhism. They got the idea of "exaltation" from Buddha who became *enlightened*.
But they couldn't understand enlightenment, so they, charaltans that they are, made up something to fit their understanding.
water said:
Yes! With elements of Buddhism. They got the idea of "exaltation" from Buddha who became *enlightened*.
But they couldn't understand enlightenment, so they, charaltans that they are, made up something to fit their understanding.

Heh. That's funny.
Marlin said:
Yes, Mormons believe that God is an exalted, glorified Man.

God does have sexual characteristics and I can only assume that He has them for a purpose, to beget spirit children.

However, this is speculation on my part, as God hasn't revealed the way that spirits are created yet.
& you accuse me of calling the mormons a cult? everytime you prove your points, you scream
"CULT"!!!!!at us,

if we took a poll among average Americans with the info you have provided, 80% would answer with a "YES" the following statement:

"After reading what LDS beliefs are, do you feel that the LDS church is a cult?"
One man's cult is another man's religion. The term "cult" is subjective and simply means, "A religion I don't like."
Marlin said:
Yes, we already understand that. In fact, Christ is the source of the Melchizedek Priesthood.

Joseph Smith received the Melchizedek Priesthood directly from Peter, James and John by divine visitation and the laying on of hands. The Apostles and Paul held the keys to this Priesthood and it had to be restored, as it had been lost from the earth as the Great Apostasy took place. Joseph Smith wasn't "greater than" the Apostles, but he was one of them in our times.


Only The Christ was part of that Priesthood - His followers can not and never did ever claim to be part of that priesthood - you lie when you say such things.

Surely if there could ever be an ounce of truth to your message, all the evil caused by wicked men on this planet would have been stopped.

The Christ clearly stated that after Him there would be no other. To claim to be a prophet or messenger from The Creator after the Last Great Prophet Jesus Christ, is to blasphemy, is to LIE. Such lies originate from your real father - the devil himself.

You have sinned against the Holy Spirit - you have comitted a sin that cannot be forgiven - enjoy your life!!!!!
oo what a harsh third person insult, becuase he doesn't know how to respond.

*burn on Angelic*

i bet he is wheeping silently to himself as i speak.
there, there, Angelic Being HE DIDNT MEAN IT!
Mr.Jack4WAR said:
oo what a harsh third person insult, becuase he doesn't know how to respond.

*burn on Angelic*

i bet he is wheeping silently to himself as i speak.
there, there, Angelic Being HE DIDNT MEAN IT!

I don't know what you mean.

Speak for your pitiful self,
Thank You.
Matt 7:2 For with what judgment ye judge, ye shall be judged: and with what measure ye mete, it shall be measured to you again.

* Are you both gonna burn?
Marlin said:
One man's cult is another man's religion. The term "cult" is subjective and simply means, "A religion I don't like."
if man is the judge, you're right, but if God is the JUDGE, you be walking to the Lake of Fire
I think I found a way to make one of my questions more clear: Marlin, you believe the priesthoods are instituted by God himself, under His own authority. But whose authority do they rely on?

Do the priesthoods (especially the Melchizedek priesthood) depend on human abilities - human strengths, weaknesses, sins, lifespans, knowledge and insight - to be valid and authoritive?
WildBlueYonder said:
if man is the judge, you're right, but if God is the JUDGE, you be walking to the Lake of Fire

Well, so far God hasn't come down from heaven and declared the Latter-day Saints to be "cultists," so you are being presumptuous to say that He has, WBY. Unless *you* speak for God?
Jenyar said:
I think I found a way to make one of my questions more clear: Marlin, you believe the priesthoods are instituted by God himself, under His own authority. But whose authority do they rely on?

Do the priesthoods (especially the Melchizedek priesthood) depend on human abilities - human strengths, weaknesses, sins, lifespans, knowledge and insight - to be valid and authoritive?

Priesthood authority, although divinely given to man, depends on the personal righteousness of the Priesthood bearer. If he tries to seek the honors of men, to secretly sin, to be lifted up in pride, or to exercise unrighteous dominion over anyone, the scriptures tell us, "amen to the priesthood and authority of that man." Priesthood authority must be exercised in love, patience, kindness, respect for others' free agency, etc. or else it is not efficacious.
Marlin said:
Priesthood authority, although divinely given to man, depends on the personal righteousness of the Priesthood bearer. If he tries to seek the honors of men, to secretly sin, to be lifted up in pride, or to exercise unrighteous dominion over anyone, the scriptures tell us, "amen to the priesthood and authority of that man." Priesthood authority must be exercised in love, patience, kindness, respect for others' free agency, etc. or else it is not efficacious.
Thanks for the clear answer. So, the priesthood authority is crucial for bestowing the gift of eternal life, and it depends entirely on the integrity of the person who holds it (I presume it applies just as much to the Mormon church as it would have to the first Christian churches). Now I would like to know, what were the properties of the old priesthood that made the "former regulations" "weak and useless" (Heb. 7:18)? Did Jesus build his house on sand?
Jenyar said:
Thanks for the clear answer. So, the priesthood authority is crucial for bestowing the gift of eternal life, and it depends entirely on the integrity of the person who holds it (I presume it applies just as much to the Mormon church as it would have to the first Christian churches). Now I would like to know, what were the properties of the old priesthood that made the "former regulations" "weak and useless" (Heb. 7:18)? Did Jesus build his house on sand?

The Law of Moses demanded physical ritual sacrifices, but was "weak and useless" to fully save its practitioners because it didn't require the heart. "To obey is better than to sacrifice," says the scripture. The new covenant required a sacrifice of a broken heart and a contrite spirit, with a full commitment to living the gospel, rather than just killing animals. The Law of Moses was unable to fully save anyone, yet it was given to the Israelites because they couldn't handle the higher law. Thus the "former regulations" (the Law of Moses) weren't enough to bestow eternal life on anyone, but rather they pointed ahead to Christ in anticipation of the higher laws being given.